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引用本文:童之伟. 我国宪制发展中短期态势评估[J]. 现代法学, 2008, 30(3): 140-153
摘    要:我国宪法确立了国家的基础性制度架构,内容包括若干基本宪法原则、公民宪法权利的范围及其保护、国家权力的横向和纵向配置,以及宪法的保障实施。我国宪制发展面对的课题可概括为以下几种:使政治、法律体制改革跟上经济体制改革的步伐;有效保障宪法确认的公民基本权利;实现执政党与国家关系的法治化;形成独立的有权威的司法体系;建立行之有效的违宪审查制度。我国完全可以在今后5-10年内实现一些具体的宪制改革目标,其中包括:初步实现政党以及执政党与国家机关关系的法制化;省、自治区、直辖市人大代表乃至全国人大代表由选民直选产生;修改选举法,容许人大代表选举实行竞选;实现不同职业选民的平等选举权;使司法机关相对于本级地方党委和本级地方其他国家机关有较大独立性;采取立法措施弥补公民基本权利法律保障方面的缺失;消除地方因权力过度集中于执政党的领导机构而形成的党的书记破坏法制、搞个人专制的问题;在全国人大内部设立宪法监督委员会作为设立宪法法院前的过渡措施;逐步终止地方国家机关正职领导人员选举和补选环节普遍违反法律原则的做法。

关 键 词:宪法  宪制  宪法权利  国家权力  法治  改革

Prospects for the Near Future of the Constitutional System in China
TONG Zhi-wei. Prospects for the Near Future of the Constitutional System in China[J]. Modern Law Science, 2008, 30(3): 140-153
Authors:TONG Zhi-wei
Abstract:The basic system of the state is established by the Constitution of the PRC,which provides the fundamental constitutional principles,the purview and protection of citizens' constitutional rights,the arrangement of the power of the state in vertical and horizontal directions,and the implementation of constitutional protections.The main issues we have to tackle with while improving our constitutional system can be outlined as follows:quicken the pace of the political and legal reform so as to keep up with the economic reform;effectively protect the basic civil rights established by the Constitution;regulate the relationship between the party in power and the state agencies under rule of law;establish independent and authoritative judiciary;and set up effective constitutional review system.In 5-10 years,some reform programs are expected to be carried out,among which are preliminarily regulating the relationship between the ruling party and the state agencies under rule of law;direct election of the representatives of the people's congresses in provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government,and even the representatives of the National People's Congress;amendment to the Election Act so as to introduce margin election into the people's congress;ensuring voters from all walks of life having equal voting right;judiciary independent to some extent from local Party committees or other state organs;filling the legal gap in protection of the fundamental rights of citizens;solving the problems arising out of the fact that local ruling party agencies have too much centralized power so that the party secretary may ignore law and exercise dictatorial management;setting up constitutional supervision committee within the National People's Congress as a transitional measure before the establishment of a constitutional court;and gradually terminating law violation in electing the chief leaders of the local state organs and in the supplementary election.
Keywords:constitution  constitutional system  constitutional rights  state power  rule of law  reform
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