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Abstract:Book reviewed in this article:
P arliamentary S crutiny of G overnment B ills . By J. A. G. G riffith .
P ower and A uthority in B ritish U niversities . By G raeme C. M oodie and R owland E ustace .
I ndependence and D eterrence , B ritain and A tomic E nergy , 1945–1952. By M argaret G owing .
P ollution , S ocial I nterest and the law . By N eil G unnincham .
C hile 'S R oad to S ocialism . By S alvador A llende .
C hile 'S M arxist E xperiment . By R obert M oss .
R evolution and C ounter -R evolution in C hile . By M ichael R aptis (translated by J ohn S immonds ).
M odern T urkey . By G eoffrey L ewis .
E dwardian R adicalism , 1900–1914: S ome A spects of B ritish R adicalism . Edited by A. J. A. M orris .
T he S ocial P roblem in the P hilosophy of R ousseau . By J ohn C harvet .
R ousseau : S toic and R omantic . By K ennedy F. R oche .
G reedy I nstitutions . By L ewis A. C oser .
T he C onservative N ation . By A ndrew G amble .
T raditionalism , C onservatism and B ritish P olitical C ulture . By B ob J essop .
S ocial P olicy . By R ichard T itmuss . Edited by B rian A bel -S mith and K ay T itmuss .
U ncertain P assage : C hina 'S T ransition to the P ost -M ao E ra . By A. D oak B arnett .
T he C ollected W orks of W alter B agehot . T he P olitical W orks . Volumes V (449 pp.), VI (407 pp.), VII (455 pp.) and VIII (455 pp.). Edited by N orman S t . J ohn -S tevas .
D emocratic T heory and L ocal G overnment . By D ilys M. H ill .
THE E vangelistic B ureacrat . By J on G ower D avies .
T he H ouse of C ommons : S ervices and F acilities . Edited by M ichael R ush and M alcolm S haw .
B ritish C abinet M inisters : the R oles of P oliticians in E xecutive O ffice . By B ruce H eadey .
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