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李卓  程永明 《当代亚太》2006,(12):52-57
日本企业的社是与社训具有久远的历史渊源与深厚的传统文化底蕴,在推动企业经营和进行员工教育等方面发挥了重要作用。制定企业社是、社训是当今日本企业经营管理的重要组成部分,研究日本企业的社是、社训,对于加强企业经营管理、树立企业形象具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

日本近代的“公德”“训言”,是对近代日本国民遵守“公德”规则、规范的行为指导,并且以简单易记、容易理解、便于操作的表达方式体现。日本近代“公德”“训言”,是近代日本政府重视“公德”提升的产物,是落实统治者国民道德教育方针的手段之一。日本近代“公德”“训言”,其主要内容包括“消极公德”的“训言”和“积极公德”的“训言”。“公德”之“训言”以“训言”的方式告诫国民要有所不为、有所为。日本近代“公德”“训言”,是与道德的其他“训言”紧密联系在一起的,因为道德诸要素之间是相互作用、相互影响的,国民整体素质的提高,也是道德诸要素相互作用的结果。日本近代“公德”“训言”以及道德的其他“训言”,对于促进日本国民素质的整体提高,对于提高整个国家的“公德”水平,起到了潜移默化的作用。  相似文献   

武士家训是了解武士道的内含、武士生活及其思想的重要史料。一般认为日本现存最早的武士家训是北条重时所作的《六波罗殿御家训》与《极乐寺殿御消息》,即《北条重时家训》。但是从内容来看,《六波罗殿御家训》的作者很可能并非北条重时,而是北条泰时为长子北条时氏所作。此家训的内容受到佛教三世思想的影响,还体现了儒家的“礼治”思想。《极乐寺殿御消息》的内容可以看作神、佛、儒、道思想的综合体,包含了武士道最初的意义内涵及精神实质,为后世的各种武士道体系提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

正2018年4月17日,由信息工程大学洛阳校区教科处主办,河北大学期刊社、《日本问题研究》编辑部协办的"日本的战略取向与新时代中日关系"学术研讨会在河南省洛阳隆重召开。信息工程大学洛阳校区国际政治专业学科带头人徐万胜教授在开幕式上讲话,并在专题讨论中作了题为"日本的印太战略与新时代中日关系"的发言。河北大学期刊社社长、《日本问题研究》常务副主编宋凤轩教授主持了主旨报告会。全国政协委员、中华日本学会常务副会长、中国社会科学院日本研究所高洪研究员,中国日本史学会  相似文献   

日本传统文化不仅揭示了日本的历史变迁、社会风貌与生活艺术,更渗透着日本人的思想体系与价值观念。"和"是日本社会价值体系中最重要的价值观。它根植于日本传统文化,是贯穿于日本传统文化的主旋律。纵观日本传统文化,追求和谐的理念与境界不断缔造着"和"之韵与美,更构建着日本人的和谐观。  相似文献   

日本人向来以工作热情高而闻名于世.并以吃苦耐劳、忠于职守、对企业极端忠诚著称.日本人的这种"经济动物"的素质来源于日本古代固有的价值观念和受中国、西方的影响出现的新的伦理道德观念.日本人的劳动观是日本国民素质区别于其他国家国民的重要特征,也是日本经济腾飞的关键.  相似文献   

保科孝一是近代日本语言政策的重要制定人与语言同化政策的主要鼓吹者,其语言政策观主要建立在上田万年的"国语"观基础上,以"同化"为核心,可分为两大维度:对内的标准化同化与对外的殖民化同化。通过研究可发现,日本近代语言同化观滥觞于语言纯粹主义,逐渐发展到语言民族主义,最终异化为语言帝国主义。其既是近代日本对东亚传统文明秩序的逆反与对中华文明的反噬,亦是对近代亚洲危机的过度反应。日本语言同化观的形成中还有对欧美列强尤其是德国经验教训等的模仿与借鉴,以及对军国主义政府的主动迎合。通过保科孝一的语言同化观,还可发现近代语言同化政策内部的多重矛盾,这些左右了近代日本语言同化政策的制定与推行,也决定了近代日本语言政策发展的轨迹与命运。  相似文献   

丁杨 《法国研究》2005,(2):101-108
一、历史研究目的论与历史编撰观 伏尔泰继承了西欧古典史学"垂训与求真"的传统,认为研究和撰述历史的目的是教育人们热爱道德,启发人们的良知,教诲人们从以往的历史中吸取有益的启示.他说:"我们所需要的不是任何历史真理,而只是可以教诲和教育我们的真理."  相似文献   

日本是世界公认的长寿国家,凭借着75岁以上高龄老年人的显著增加,进入了史无前例的超老龄社会。一个健康、长寿的社会应该是当老年人在健康、自立的时候,积极参与社会活动,凭借自己的经验、技术、知识为社会做出贡献,当他不能自理、需要照顾和护理的时候,能在社区就近接受护理服务。而这样一个健康长寿的社会是需要建构的。文章从"长寿社区营造"视角,研究了日本在老龄化程度不断加深过程中,摸索应对老年人日常生活和养老护理需求的社区构建的过程。  相似文献   

日本文化资源来源复杂,但经选择性汲取、相互融合、嫁接后发展为具有特色的日本文化,日本文化的表现形式"仪式化"且仪式"精神化"、重视内心的直接体验以及注重结果的"唯美化"是日本文化的三个共性特征,而这也正是日本文化易于被民众接受并被持续传承的主要原因。只有在实现了内部的文化传承、积淀了丰富的文化资源后,才有可能进行文化的外部传播,日本文化资源在海外传播过程中,表现为"传播→反馈→再审视→提升→再传播"的路径,呈现出一种"螺旋式"的海外传播模式。  相似文献   

The latter half of the twentieth century saw the notion of “heritage” become one of the critical global tropes, through which many have voiced their preoccupations and aspirations. At the heart of heritage politics are three questions: what heritage is, who decides what it is, and for whom is the decision made. Researchers on heritage language education have rarely asked these questions. Determining what constitutes one's “heritage language” is a complex effort; for migrants, claiming which language is their heritage language can also be a political statement. Based on ethnographic research in Bolivia, Peru, the United States, and Japan, the articles in this two-part series, “Heritage, Nationhood, and Language,” investigate diverse subjectivities of migrants with connections to Japan and analyze the processes by which they negotiate, contest, support, and rupture the notion of heritage. The articles examine the disjunctures between the notion of social justice and the experiences of empowerment and marginalization among these migrants. This series sheds light on the conditions, processes, and effects of a particular language becoming one's “heritage.” Intersecting factors that influence the ways a language becomes one's “heritage” include a desire for belonging, a drive for social status, aspirations for economic gain, fear and guilt about discrimination, and an obligation and hope for social justice.This introduction outlines the historical and theoretical backgrounds to the subject and introduces the main arguments of the articles in the two-part series.  相似文献   

当今日本社会离婚现象透视   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
日本作为一个东方国家,深受儒家思想影响,有着一套传统的家族制度体系。但是自20世纪90年代以来,日本社会的离婚率持续攀高,甚至超过某些发达的资本主义国家,成为离婚大国。当今日本社会的离婚,呈现出数量多、年龄段偏高、女性占主导地位等一些新的特点。离婚热的出现,不再只是一个孤立的社会现象,它对个人、家庭乃至整个社会都有着直接的影响,由此引发出一系列的家庭和社会问题。针对这一现象,日本政府和民间组织纷纷行动起来,期望人们能够慎重对待婚姻,降低离婚率,从而稳定家庭与社会。  相似文献   


Japan and Korea as neighboring countries share some basic similarities in their cultural heritage. Their languages, which belong to the Altaic family, exhibit a striking resemblance in grammatical structure. Yet their writing systems, the kana syllabaries and the han'gul alphabets, are distinct. Both societies have been influenced by Confucianism and Buddhism, but the place of Buddhism in contemporary Japan and Korea is quite different, and the Confucian legacy is believed to be much stronger in Korea than in Japan. The traditional family systems of Japan and Korea were both patrilineally organized, but the details of the descent rules differ markedly. In short, Japan and Korea share the general traits of East Asian civilization, but diverge in the details of their cultural traditions.  相似文献   

This article explores the processes of definition, construction and social management of collective identity in situations of social catastrophe such as that defined in the Southern Cone of Latin America following the grave human rights violations that occurred in the 1970s, especially those deriving from the forced disappearance of persons. This form of repression creates deep wounds in the social fabric affected and, besides this, produces what could be called a ‘catastrophe’, that is, a permanent confusion of the mechanisms of social construction of meaning and subjectivity within which one lives. In this case, the catastrophe affects several collective goods and, principally, the social bases of modern identity construction. In order to manage these catastrophes, the subjects that inhabit the social spaces formed around them – in this case those who live in the field of the detained–disappeared – develop very different strategies, with the most widespread in the Argentinean case being what I will call the ‘narrative of meaning’. This is a hard and conservative strategy that confronts the catastrophe of identity by employing identity constructions supported on old narratives of the family and biological heritage. This article is dedicated to an analysis of this socially successfully strategy and studies the form it adopts in the work of constructing identity of the Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo.  相似文献   

Dr Yuko Kawanishi is a sociologist specializing in social psychology and mental health. She has written academic articles and columns in newspapers on cross‐cultural mental health, family, education and various social issues in Japan. She is currently an Associate Professor at the International Student Center of Tokyo Gakugei University.  相似文献   

This article examines the role and effects of the state on the operation of social capital through a case study of Islamic holding companies in Turkey and their social networks within transnational space. In the last two decades, there has been a proliferation of Islamic enterprises, banks and holding companies which formed their own business organization in 1990. The capital outlay of these holding companies was created, without any legal basis, through mobilizing the savings of hundreds of thousands of pious small savers in Turkey and across Europe. While the state actors initially overlooked, at times encouraged, this mobilization of savings, the development of political Islam in the 1990s raised a concern that political Islam along with its economic base and power posed a significant threat to the secularist political regime. Consequently, the secularist state elites actively intervened in both domestic and transnational spheres to disrupt and undermine these networks which provided monetary inflows into these companies. The intervention and campaigns of the state in Turkey and Europe led to bankruptcy of several Islamic holding companies, exposed the mismanagement of fund by some companies and resulted in widespread distrust toward Islamic holding companies among small local and migrant investors.  相似文献   

It is often said that the Japanese happiness is lower than that of Europeans. However, sufficient discussion has yet to take place with consideration of differences in social forms as a background factor. In this study, therefore, by leveraging comparative international surveys, we empirically study and compare the factors that affect happiness in Japan and in the Netherlands, a country which has a higher happiness level than other European countries, from both macro (country level) and micro (individual level) perspectives.

This paper focuses on life evaluation as happiness. It was confirmed through the results of our macro analysis that social support (i.e., having relatives or friends you can count on to help you when you are in trouble) is the factor that significantly improves the level of life evaluation both in Japan and the Netherlands compared to other countries. In addition, change of the logarithmic value of GDP per capita in Japan is negative and statistically significant, which coincides with the Easterlin Paradox claim that more income does not bring greater happiness. On the other hand, we were unable to confirm the Easterlin Paradox in the Netherlands, in which change of the logarithmic value of GDP per capita is positive, though not statistically significant. Furthermore, our longitudinal data analysis in this paper also revealed that healthy life expectancy and generosity are insignificant, although their significance has been claimed in earlier studies (e.g. Helliwell et al, 2017).

Although our macro analysis found social support is important both for Japanese and Dutch happiness on average, the results of our micro analysis have revealed different views and structure of society; the Netherlands is a welfare society in which the public sector and the citizens support each other, and Japan is a welfare society which is based on support provided by community including families and the local area. In other words, the Netherlands showed greater trust on others in general (general trust) than Japan, and Japan showed greater trust on families (family trust) than the Netherlands, a factor that had an influence on happiness levels of individuals in the respective countries. That is, while the Netherlands’ vision of a welfare society is based on “individuals and the public,” under which the independent citizens take the initiative in supporting each other, Japan’s vision of welfare society is based on “community,” under which families have a duty to support each other. In Japan, where freedom of choice is more limited than in the Netherlands, people who have more freedom of choice were found to be happier.

In order to improve happiness in both countries, we need to strengthen social support based on their respectively unique visions of welfare society rather than resorting to income-boosting economic policies. In doing so, the key for Japan would be whether or not the system can be reformed in such a way as to allow freedom of choice to individuals.  相似文献   

Heritage planning in Ghana is mainly governed by the idea of sustainable pro-poor tourism, but is only marginally integrated with general planning programmes and fragmentally addressed by policy-makers. Motivated by the general lack of research on heritage policy in Ghana, this paper examines the role of heritage planning in national socio-economic, cultural and tourism policy and highlights various ambiguities in terms of concepts, objectives and approaches. The major findings show gaps between rational and communicative planning ideals, between informal management systems and wider democratic concerns, and between delimited and comprehensive planning perspectives. The central argument is that the lack of coherence among different development planning perspectives is an issue that future heritage policy-making needs to consider in order to balance tourism development with concerns such as social stability, community development and local pride of place.  相似文献   

Scholars of regions where multiple languages are spoken have much to gain by considering heritage language education, individual identity, and state power through these ethnographic and historical cases that focus on Japan and the Japanese diaspora. The articles in this two-part collection offer insights into the interrelationships of linguistic hierarchies and political economy, the navigation of ethnic and racial subjectivities, and the ways children and adolescents claim belonging to various communities through their linguistic practices. The articles interrogate not only heritage but remembrance and the ways individuals may produce identity through language in everyday interactions and institutional settings.  相似文献   

While the corporate social responsibility literature tends to argue that companies should behave socially responsibly, it neglects the empirical question under which conditions they do so. This article fills this research gap by showing under which conditions moral arguments influence companies. The paper uses a representative company survey to show that companies name moral arguments as a strong deterrent to the offshoring of production to low cost countries. In addition, companies are less likely to offshore production when they mention moral scruples against doing so. The article uses a case study to process-trace the mechanisms, by which moral arguments exert this influence. First, it shows how moral arguments influence what is defined as economically rational under uncertainty, thereby influencing economic strategies. Secondly, the article shows how moral arguments influence companies by destroying their social capital, and thirdly, it shows how moral arguments can destroy public legitimacy, again influencing economic behavior. The article proposes these three mechanisms as a general framework through which one can understand the influence of moral arguments on companies.  相似文献   

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