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<正>习近平总书记指出,“青少年思想政治教育是一个接续的过程,要针对青少年成长的不同阶段,有针对性地开展思想政治教育”。同时强调,“‘大思政课’我们要善用之。思政课不仅应该在课堂上讲,也应该在社会生活中来讲”。这一论述深刻阐明了思政教育的内在规律,从时间、空间和场域强调了思政教育的整体性和系统性,对思政教育作出了新的要求、提出了新课题。落实这个要求,重点在遵循人的成长规律和教育规律,进一步拓宽思政教育的视域。  相似文献   

<正>革命文物是红色文化的重要载体,承载着革命先烈的信念,凝聚着跨越时空的精神力量。让革命文物走出“玻璃柜”,走进学校思政课堂,请学生们与文物“零距离接触”,能够使革命文物入眼、先辈故事入心,在青少年记忆中留下更为深刻的印象。习近平总书记指出:“思政课的本质是讲道理,要注重方式方法,把道理讲深、讲透、讲活,老师要用心教,学生要用心悟,达到沟通心灵、启智润心、激扬斗志。  相似文献   

高等数学课的教育对象是低年级的大学生,这些学生由于受"应试教育"的影响,部分学生习惯了传统的传授知识为主的"填鸭式满堂灌"的教学方法,适应了机械的分类式的题海战术训练,依赖性强,缺乏自学能力,不适应大学的学习方法,导致学习兴趣下降,学习积极性不高,因而学习效果差。面对这种状况,当务之急是搞好高等数学课的素质教育。本文从几方面就此问题谈几点看法。  相似文献   

高校课堂教学存在着教学方式单一、缺乏有效的评价体系、科研成果难以运用到课堂上等问题,微课、慕课、翻转课堂等对传统的教学方式、教学理念和学习方式带来冲击,为高校课堂教学带来新气象。  相似文献   

课堂导入是课堂教学过程中不可缺少、不可忽视的一个环节.一个成功的导入环节,能迅速集中学生的注意力,激发学生的求知欲,激发学生的学习热情.同时还可起着新旧课之间的承上启下的作用,所以讲好每节课的开场白是十分重要的.  相似文献   

英语文学课通常为高校翻译专业必修环节中的考查课。由于专业和课程特点所限,翻译专业英语文学课堂的活跃性一直不尽人意。文章结合高校翻译专业教学实践,借鉴翻转式学习的具体策略,比如以学生为主导的学习方式,对大学本科教育的趣味性、学生的学习积极性和创造性的重视以及素质教育等,尝试在教材选择、考核方式和课堂互动方面为翻译专业英语文学课堂活跃性缺失的现状提供一些应对措施和建议,并希冀以此改善翻译专业英语文学课堂的活跃性。  相似文献   

随着科技的飞速发展,信息技术在学习工作中的应用越来越广泛,信息技术学科也已逐渐成为一门基础学科。作为一门实践性和操作性极强的课程,信息技术课堂上经常采用的任务驱动、小组合作、问题探究等教学模式,和现在的学讲方式有点相似,只是学讲方式上升到了更高的高度。信息技术课堂中学讲方式的应用策略是:自主先学,建构学习环境;小组讨论,合作解决问题;交流展示,固化学习成果;质疑拓展,完成深化学习;小节反思,验证教学效果。  相似文献   

正王铁仙先生的散文集《平静》即将出版,铁仙先生希望我为他的新书写一篇序,心里既高兴,也有点惶恐。王铁仙先生是我的老师,在华东师范大学中文系上学时,他的现代文学作品欣赏课,是学生喜欢的课。他讲鲁迅的散文、讲徐志摩和李金发的诗、讲郁达夫的小说,都不是简单的介绍,而是独具个性的解读。记得他讲解郁达夫的短篇小说《春风沉醉的晚上》和《迟桂花》,柔石的《为奴隶的母亲》,把作品分析得丝丝入扣,讲得引人入胜,课堂  相似文献   

袁恒雷 《侨园》2012,(5):23
2002年,以色列人泰勒·本·沙哈尔在哈佛大学开设了一门课程——《积极心理学》.这门课程每周两次,他在课上并没有大讲特讲怎么成功,而是深入浅出地教他的学生如何更快乐、更充实、更幸福. 泰勒自称是一个害羞内向的人.他最初开设这门课时只有8人报名,其中两人中途退课,第二次有近四百人报名,到了第三次,学生达到850人,他开始感觉到紧张和不安,因为学生的父母、爷爷奶奶、媒体朋友都出现在他的课堂上了.  相似文献   

“思政课的本质是讲道理”。以毛泽东的生动授课实践为视角探析思政课讲授之道,对于新时代思政课教师把道理讲深、讲透、讲活具有重要启示。把道理讲深就要讲出马克思主义理论的“彻底性”、讲出学生成长成才道理的“学理性”、讲出历史的“厚重感”;把道理讲透就要做到理论联系实际、注重启发式教学、凸显批判性与针对性;把道理讲活就要讲究语言艺术、善于讲好故事、创新教学方法。  相似文献   

In general, the analysis of classes in the literature on South Africa beginsfrom the political and ideological levels and not from the concept of the mode of production. The effect of this is to obscure the nature of the class structure and changes in it and leads to a neglect of shifts in class alliances in the class struggle. In this paper, concepts of the ‘white working class’ commonly found in the literature are critically analysed and an alternative conceptualization which begins from the mode of production is outlined. The paper ends with a brief analysis of changes in the relationship between the white working class and the state.  相似文献   

Abstract. This article examines the effects of different definitions of the working class on the measurement of class voting and left voting in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. First, the similarities and differences in how the working class has been operationalized in the three countries are summarized. To determine the effects of different operationalizations, Swedish election survey data are recoded to conform more closely to the classification procedures used in Danish and Norwegian studies. The analysis shows that if a similar operationalization is used, the level of left voting in both the Swedish working and middle classes increases and the Alford index of class voting declines. Class voting and left voting in the younger and older generations and among women and men are also discussed. Dissimilar patterns of class voting and left voting among women in the three countries are largely a product of different classification schemes. The concluding discussion points to a number of problems in using the Alford index as a summary statistic in cross-national comparisons.  相似文献   

"In this article, an analysis is made of evidence regarding the metropolitan area of Monterrey, [Mexico]....[A] study carried out in 1965 is used as a point of reference, and information is analyzed for 1980 and 1983. In the first section of this article, a brief summary is provided of some of the recent contributions that have been made to the study of the profitability of internal migration. The second part is devoted to an analysis of the 1980 and 1983 surveys, focussing on the features distinguishing recent migratory workers and the rest of the work force...and on the factors determining income, with special interest in the category of migrants....Lastly, a summary of the main findings is presented." (SUMMARY IN ENG)  相似文献   

This article offers a brief summary of the workers' compensation and Social Security Disability Insurance programs. Information highlighted includes the differences between the two programs' types and terms of coverage. It compares the differing patterns in workers' compensation and Social Security disability benefits as a percentage of wages over the past few decades and considers the potential causes for such trends. The article also explains the offset provision included in the 1965 Social Security Amendments, the intention behind the offset, and how and when offsets are applied.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代后的西方新马克思主义的多元社会结构理论继承了70年代末以来新马克思主义的发展线索,否认阶级政治成为其理论时尚。它们聚焦全球化背景下传统工人阶级的衰落,突出以白领知识劳动者为主体的新中间阶级研究,分析资产阶级的内部分化,关注90年代全球化进程中产生的各种受排斥人群。尽管这些理论形式多样,但均以弱化资本主义社会的阶级和阶级冲突为共同特征,主张以个体的文化权力抗争取代阶级斗争。新马克思主义以社会多元主义话语全面取代马克思主义的阶级话语,充分体现了后现代主义哲学思潮和后马克思主义政治思潮对西方发达国家左翼的广泛渗透,性质上属于一种异质于马克思主义的社会结构理论。  相似文献   

In this introduction, we first give a brief overview of the debate over multiculturalism in political theory. We then situate Alan Patten’s Equal Recognition in that context by highlighting his major normative thesis, according to which there are reasons of principle, in a liberal democracy, to grant special forms of public recognition and accommodation to cultural minorities. Finally, we present a succinct summary of the nine articles that follow this introduction and that critically engage with Patten’s arguments.  相似文献   

The Potential of Path Dependence in Political Studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ian Greener 《政治学》2005,25(1):62-72
This article explores the difficulties with both the theoretical content and application of the concept of 'path dependence' in political studies, but suggests that, by combining it with insights from morphogenetic social theory, we can provide a coherent framework for its use. After providing a brief survey of the literature on path dependence, it presents a summary of the most significant criticisms made of the approach. The article then moves on to examine morphogenetic social theory and its potential to meet these criticisms before concluding by characterising the elements of a path-dependent system incorporating insights from both new institutionalism and morphogenetic social theory.  相似文献   

The development of leadership courses aimed at usefulness in practice requires new theory and pedagogy, as well as a hard look at assessing course effectiveness: How useful do students find the course materials for analyzing their past professional experience? How relevant and effective do students find the courses for understanding and intervening into politics and organizations after rejoining professional life? A summary is provided of the setting, theory, and methods for these courses, as well as the results of a survey of students after they had resumed their careers. The authors conclude with a brief discussion of the risks involved in teaching leadership.  相似文献   

By the end of 1980, the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program was making monthly cash assistance payments, averaging $170, to almost 4.2 million aged, blind, and disabled persons. When SSI payments began in January 1974, the number of recipients was 3.2 million and the average payment was $117. Since 1975, both SSI payments and Social Security benefits have been automatically adjusted each year to correspond with increases in the Consumer Price Index. A number of other trends in addition to growth can be discerned in the size of the population served, as well as in their categorical, geographic, and age distributions. This article discusses some of these trends and changes, using program data for the end of each calendar year through 1980. It also presents a brief summary of the program at the end of that period.  相似文献   

This article examines interpretations regarding the relationship between means of support and fertility, taking into account views on social reproduction among peasants, with emphasis on the way they are expressed in terms of indicators. The author begins with a brief summary of theories put forth by Malthus, and then examines Neo-Malthusian models which use as an independent variable, the amount of land and as a dependent variable, the number of children. He notes the existence of a positive ratio between these variables, and then demonstrates that in Chayanov's model, the number of children is used as an independent variable, while the idea of a positive ratio with the amount of land is still maintained. He compares these assumptions with those of Palerm, who suggests the existence of an inverse ratio between the amount of land available and fertility; this leads to policy implications contrary to those arising from neo-Malthusian models. The paper ends with a discussion of assumptions about the rationality, motivations, and guiding values the different approaches attribute to economic and demographic behavior among peasants.  相似文献   

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