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专利行政案件的种类及诉讼管辖是当事人及代理人十分关注的问题。《专利法》修改之后 ,最高人民法院对此做了专门的规定 ,本文结合相关法律及规定对此问题作一阐述。   一、专利行政案件的种类专利行政案件是人民法院审理的一类新型案件。由于作出行政决定的机关不同、决定的内容不同 ,专利行政案件可以分为以下三类 :(一 )以专利复审委员会作为被告的专利行政案件1 不服专利复审委员会维持驳回申请复审决定的案件。根据《专利法》第 4 1条的规定 :专利申请人对国务院专利行政部门驳回申请的决定不服的 ,可以自收到通知之日起 3个月内 ,向…  相似文献   

胡炜 《电子知识产权》2002,(12):49-49,48
专利合作条约大会(PCT Assembly)2002年度会议通过了简化国际专利申请制度的多项措施.这些措施包括加强国际检索和初步审查制度、引进一种新的确定专利指定国的制度以及削减以电子形式提出国际申请的费用.专利合作条约大会是专利合作条约(the Patent Cooperation Treaty,简称PCT)的管理机构.  相似文献   

国务院决定对2001年6月15日公布的《中华人民共和国专利法实施细则》作如下修改: 一、第一百零一条修改为:“国际申请的申请人应当在专利合作条约第二条所称的优先权日(本章简称“优先权日”)起30个月内,向国务院专利行政部门办理国际申请进入中国国家阶段的下列手续:  相似文献   

动态《2013年世界五大知识产权局年度统计报告》出炉日前,中美欧日韩五大知识产权局在五局合作网站上联合公布了《2013年世界五大知识产权局年度统计报告》。报告显示,2013年中国国家知识产权局共受理发明专利申请82.5136万件,同比增长26%,远超其他四局。此外,中国国家知识产权局PCT国际专利受理量以15%的年增速位居五局之首。报告统计,2013年五局发明专利申请量大幅增加,共受理发明专利申请220万件,较2012年增长10.6%。在PCT国际专利申请方面,2013年全球PCT国际专利申请量为20.5055万件,其中82%的PCT国际专利申请通过  相似文献   

国际申请程序是由《专利合作条约》规定的一种申请专利的途径。《专利合作条约》(下称条约)是《保护工业产权巴黎公约》(下称巴黎公约)下属的专门性国际条约,于1970年6月19日由35个国家在华盛顿签订,由总部设在日内瓦的世界知识产权组织管辖,现有缔约国50个,美、日、英、法、德、俄等所有工业发达国家都在其中。专利权作为财产权的主要特点之一是其地域性。就是说,一个国家授予的专利权只在该国  相似文献   

法国专利有三种申请途径:国际申请(PCT)、指定法国的欧洲专利申请和法国国内申请.PCT申请和欧洲专利申请中,欧洲专利局对申请进行严格的实质审查,而国内申请中,法国国家工业产权局仅对申请进行很有限的实质审查.因此,经由国内申请程序更容易获得法国专利.尽管不经严格的实质审查,但和专利申请一起公开的专利检索评价报告是对专利有效性和价值进行评价的重要依据.法国的专利检索报告是法国政府委托欧洲专利局做出的,质量很高而且可以用于后续的欧洲及国际专利申请.法国政府对于专利申请还提供相应的费用免除和补贴.除发明专利外,法国还存在"实用证书"和药物"补充保护证书"两个他种专利权.  相似文献   

曹玲玲 《知识产权》1995,5(4):19-20,13
1994年1月1日,我国正式成为《专利合作条约》(PCT)成员国,中国专利局成为PCT的受理局、指定局和选定局,并同时成为PCT联盟指定的第八个国际检索单位和国际初审单位。自此,不仅标志着我国专利制度向国际化方向迈出了重要的一步,而且亦标志着我局专利文献工作迈上了一个新的台阶,成为国际上专利文献工作能够支持PCT申请案审查检索的少数国家之  相似文献   

2021年6月1日起施行的《专利法》第76条设置了药品专利链接制度.而为实施药品专利链接制度,2021年7月4日,国家药监局与国家知识产权局,最高人民法院分别发布了《药品专利纠纷早期解决机制实施办法(试行)》《关于审理申请注册的药品相关的专利权纠纷民事案件适用法律若干问题的规定》.可是,在实践中,药品专利反向支付和解协议将维持原研药企业的市场垄断地位,不利于药品专利链接制度的实施及其目标的实现.故,我国应确立药品专利反向支付和解协议违法性的认定标准.欧盟和美国均已确立药品专利反向支付和解协议违法性的认定标准.本文结合典型案件,并在比较分析的基础上,提出了我国应采取的认定反向支付和解协议违法的标准.  相似文献   

专利先用权是在单一性原则和先申请原则的情况下,为弥补先申请制的不足,权衡多方利益而产生的.它是与专利权并存的一种独立权利,在对专利权限制同时,平衡了先用权人、专利权人、公共利益三者之间的利益关系.在全面阐述我国专利先用权制度现状的情况下,试图提出完善构想,也为我国《专利法》和《专利法实施细则》的修改提出一些意见.  相似文献   

根据1953年11月1日生效的印度尼西亚《临时专利规则》,申请人可以为获得专利而提出临时申请,这些临时专利申请将获得一个临时号码,即被存放在印度尼西亚专利局中。印度尼西亚专利局对这些申请不进行审查,也不进行公布,只有在印度尼西亚专利法生效后才将申请予以公布。但在此之后的30多年里,印度尼西亚一直没有颁布专利法。到了1989年10月13日,印度尼西亚议会终于通过了人们盼望已久的印度尼  相似文献   


EU update     
This is the latest edition of Baker & McKenzie's column on developments in EU law relating to IP, IT and telecommunications. This article summarises recent developments that are considered important for practitioners, students and academics in a wide range of information technology, e-commerce, telecommunications and intellectual property areas. It cannot be exhaustive but intends to address the important points. This is a hard copy reference guide, but links to outside web sites are included where possible. No responsibility is assumed for the accuracy of information contained in these links.  相似文献   

EU update     
This is the latest edition of Baker & McKenzie's column on developments in EU law relating to IP, IT and telecommunications. This article summarises recent developments that are considered important for practitioners, students and academics in a wide range of information technology, e-commerce, telecommunications and intellectual property areas. It cannot be exhaustive but intends to address the important points. This is a hard copy reference guide, but links to outside websites are included where possible. No responsibility is assumed for the accuracy of information contained in these links  相似文献   

EU update     
This is the latest edition of the DLA Piper column on developments in EU law relating to IP, IT and telecommunications. This news article summarises recent developments that are considered important for practitioners, students and academics in a wide range of information technology, e-commerce, telecommunications and intellectual property areas. It cannot be exhaustive but intends to address the important points. This is a hard copy reference guide, but links to outside websites are included where possible. No responsibility is assumed for the accuracy of information contained in these links.  相似文献   

EU update     
This is the latest edition of the DLA Piper column on developments in EU law relating to IP, IT and telecommunications. This news article summarises recent developments that are considered important for practitioners, students and academics in a wide range of information technology, e-commerce, telecommunications and intellectual property areas. It cannot be exhaustive but intends to address the important points. This is a hard copy reference guide, but links to outside web sites are included where possible. No responsibility is assumed for the accuracy of information contained in these links.  相似文献   

EU update     
This is the first edition of the Bristows column on developments in EU law relating to IP, IT and telecommunications. This news article summarises recent developments that are considered important for practitioners, students and academics in a wide range of information technology, e-commerce, telecommunications and intellectual property areas. It cannot be exhaustive but intends to address the important points. This is a hard copy reference guide, but links to outside websites are included where possible. No responsibility is assumed for the accuracy of information contained in these links.  相似文献   

EU update     
This is the latest edition of Baker & McKenzie’s column on developments in EU law relating to IP, IT and telecommunications. This article summarises recent developments that are considered important for practitioners, students and academics in a wide range of information technology, e-commerce, telecommunications and intellectual property areas. It cannot be exhaustive but intends to address the important points. This is a hard copy reference guide, but links to outside websites are included where possible. No responsibility is assumed for the accuracy of information contained in these links.  相似文献   

EU update     
This is the latest edition of the Bristows column on developments in EU law relating to IP, IT and telecommunications. This news article summarises recent developments that are considered important for practitioners, students and academics in a wide range of information technology, e-commerce, telecommunications and intellectual property areas. It cannot be exhaustive but intends to address the important points. This is a hard copy reference guide, but links to outside web sites are included where possible. No responsibility is assumed for the accuracy of information contained in these links.  相似文献   

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