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白雪 《中国律师》2012,(11):68-70
植入广告作为一种新兴的广告传播形式,近年来得到迅速地发展。由于植入广告具有隐形广告的特点,使其规避了对传统广告严格的法律约束,游离于广告的监督审查制度之外,对影视作品以及消费者权益造成侵害。域外关于植入广告的法律监管措施,为我国提供了有益的借鉴。我国政府部门应当积极发挥职能作用,对植入广告进行有效管理,完善相关的法律、法规,将植入广告纳入合理的法律规制体系中,同时注重引导行业自律,维持广告市场正常的经济秩序。  相似文献   

植入式广告法律监管机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植入式广告作为伴随影视作品出现的,以影视作品受众为传播对象的新兴广告形式,在我国的发展势头十分迅速。植入式广告具备传统广告所没有的独特传播优势,但是由于现阶段我国尚未建立起完善的植入式广告监管机制,难以保证其健康发展。本文通过对植入式广告特征进行分析,提出建立植入式广告法律监管机制的一些建议和思考。  相似文献   

司法实践中,审理未经行政审批境外影视作品侵权案件存在两个争议比较大的问题:一是法院是否应当对未经行政审批境外影视作品的内容本身进行合法性审查;二是在未经行政审批境外影视作品的内容本身合法的情况下,如何对其进行司法保护。对此,应当坚持依法保护和适度保护的审判原则,综合运用司法政策、自由裁量权和法律适用技术确立统一的司法裁判标准。  相似文献   

论征收中公共利益的验证标准与司法审查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
公共利益原则是不动产征收中的重要原则,也是规制征收权的基本手段。公共利益具有不确定性,立法上无法对其作出准确界定,因此,应当确立一些具有可操作性的具体验证标准,以考量不动产征收是否符合公共利益原则的要求。同时,为使公共利益的验证标准发挥作用,应当构建一种有效运作的动态机制,即建立公共利益司法审查制度,赋予法院对征收之公益目的性以司法审查权和积极审查职责。  相似文献   

环境质量标准是界定环境是否受到某种污染的各类限值,离开一定的环境质量标准,环境是否受到污染在大多数情况下将难以判断。在存在环境质量标准且其自身的合法性和合理性未受质疑的前提下,应当承认环境质量标准在侵权法上界定是否存在污染的效力,从而承认被告的合规抗辩。如果环境中的特定污染物没有超过环境质量标准规定的限值,无论排污者排放的污染物是否超过了污染物排放标准,排污者都不应承担环境污染侵权责任。如果环境中的特定污染物超过了环境质量标准规定的限值,该污染物系排污者的排放所致,且能够认定污染物与损害结果之间存在因果关系,则排污者应当承担环境污染侵权责任。当不同地方的环境质量标准对同一污染物限值的规定不一致时,应当以更加严格的环境质量标准为进一步判断人身损害因果关系是否存在的"门槛":当污染物超过更加严格的环境质量标准限值时,则进入判断因果关系的程序,否则,排污者不承担环境污染侵权责任。环境质量标准是判断环境侵权因果关系是否具备相当性的合理界限,从而也是利益是否受侵权法保护的边界。  相似文献   

论金融诈骗罪适用中的三个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于没有明确以非法占有为目的的金融诈骗犯罪,控方只须证明行为人实施了法定的客观行为,就可以认定行为人主观上具有非法占有的目的。但是,对于集资诈骗罪和贷款诈骗罪主观上的非法占有目的,控方必须承担全面的举证责任。金融诈骗行为数额没有达到金融诈骗罪定罪数额标准但达到普通诈骗罪定罪数额标准的,应当以普通诈骗罪定罪处罚。连续诈骗行为触犯不同的诈骗犯罪时,原则上应实行数罪并罚。对于金融机构工作人员与他人内外勾结、通过诈骗方法侵吞本单位或客户资金的行为,应当以行为人是否利用职务上的便利为基本标准,分别认定为职务侵占罪(或贪污罪)和金融诈骗罪。  相似文献   

比较广告是企业开展市场竞争的一种有力武器。作为商业广告的特殊形式 ,比较广告除了应当具备商业广告的基本特征外 ,还要符合一些特别规范。我国现行法律还没有关于比较广告的专门规定。为防止比较广告的滥用 ,有必要制定专门的比较广告法律规范 ,对比较广告行为作出明确的规定。  相似文献   

法学意义上的悬赏广告 ,是以广告的形式表明对完成指定行为的相对人给付报酬的法律行为。关注对象是悬赏广告法律效力制度 ,主要探讨下列三个问题 :1 悬赏广告法律效力制度是否有适用范围的限制 ,即是否所有具有悬赏广告形式的行为 ,均被纳入生效制度所调整的视野。 2 判断悬赏广告法律效力的标准是什么 ;3 悬赏广告法律效力的内容是否仅仅限于给付报酬 ,其有无扩展性。  相似文献   

目前,城市公交开始大量出现广告,这种广告基本分为两类,一类是车载卫星电视上的视频广告,另一类则是语音播报系统中的语音广告,多在报站时播放,给市民带来不便。本文分析了公交语音视频广告是否侵害了乘客的正当权益,是否违反了《消费者权益保护法》的相关规定。  相似文献   

王玲 《法制与社会》2014,(14):74+76
作者自作品创作完成之时就自动取得著作权,外国人的作品在法定条件下可以获得我国著作权法的保护。法律并未规定受著作权法保护的涉外影视作品必须以实际履行了进口审批手续为条件。因此,境外影视作品在中国大陆能否受到停止侵权保护的关键不在于其是否履行了进口审批手续,而在于该影视作品的内容是否符合宪法和法律,是否损害公共利益。  相似文献   

衣庆云 《行政与法》2014,(12):69-74
从构成要件的角度定义,电影作品是一种通过连续的活动影像去表达某种思想的作品形式。电影类作品的创造性体现在影像的衔接上,其他视听录制品与电影作品的根本区别在于创造性表现的类型不同。据此,电影类作品的作者就是对影像衔接的创造性作出了实质性贡献的人,而制片者是发起和负责对电影作品进行首次录制的人。电影作品相关立法设计应以上述概念关系为基础进行方案选择。  相似文献   

The public debate over health care reform in 2009 was carried out partly through issue advertisements aired online and on television. Did these advertisements alter the course of the debate over health care reform? While millions of dollars are spent each year on issue ads, little is known about their effects. Results from a naturalistic online experiment on the effects of issue ads suggest that they can influence the perceived importance of an issue and perceptions of politicians associated with the featured policy while influencing policy support only among those low in political awareness.  相似文献   

王倩 《政法学刊》2005,22(2):78-79
悬赏广告的整体运作,从过程上看,不仅与要约、承诺这样一个基本合同行为密切相关,而且广告的发出者发出广告的本意就是希望有人能够做出回应。悬赏广告行为从其存在的实质上说,应定性为一种合同行为更为合乎事理。设置悬赏广告时应对悬赏广告的概念、生效时间、给付、私销等作明确的规定。  相似文献   

Online platforms, which are at the forefront of today's economy, are subject to intensive competition law enforcement. However, the platform business model presents challenges for the application of competition law. Most notably, they appear to offer consumers a great number of their products for free. The explanation for most of these supposedly free products is offered by two-sided market theory: consumers may not be paying, but the ‘other’ side of the market is. This other side of the market often consists of advertisers, which pay the platform for access to the consumers’ information (to target advertisements) and attention (to show the advertisements). As many of these platforms are now potentially dominant, they come within the scope of competition law's abuse of dominance provision, including the doctrines of predatory and excessive pricing. These price-based theories need to adapt to the often price-less platform business model in order to prevent competition authorities from making both type I and type II enforcement errors. At the same time, competition law enforcement needs to consider—and at times give priority to—other branches of law that address abusive behaviour concerning free products. Through the use of case studies, this article therefore suggests ways in which abuse of dominance assessments can take into account the economic reality of free products.  相似文献   

This article examines whether responsive regulation has potential to improve the regulatory framework which controls free-to-air television advertising to children, so that the regulatory scheme can be used more effectively as a tool for obesity prevention. It presents two apparently conflicting arguments, the first being that responsive regulation, particularly monitoring and enforcement measures, can be used to refine the regulation of children's food advertising. The second argument is that there are limits to the improvements that responsive regulation can achieve, since it is trying to achieve the wrong goal, namely placing controls on misleading or deceptive advertising techniques rather than diminishing the sheer volume of advertisements to which children are exposed. These two positions reflect a conflict between public health experts and governments regarding the role of industry in chronic disease prevention, as well as a broader debate about how best to regulate industry.  相似文献   

李威娜 《政法论丛》2011,(3):125-129
植入式广告受到国内传媒界的热捧,但过多过滥的现状令人堪忧。广告监管部门因担忧无法可依而尚未对植入式广告实施任何监管措施,然其理由值得商榷。植入式广告本质上难脱商业广告性,是我国《广告法》第二条第二款"广告"的组成部分,应当适用《广告法》。不仅如此,对植入式广告进行规范也是我国《广告法》立法之应有之意,也即,运用《广告法》对植入式广告进行规范有其价值衡量角度的依据。但是,《广告法》也应同时注意植入式广告所异于传统广告的特殊之处,做进一步的修订或完善。  相似文献   

This article examines the impact on jurors of exposure to media coverage of legal issues. Jurors' decisions may be influenced by a broad range of legally relevant information gleaned from media sources, including newspaper reports, radio and television news, advertising, movies, and televised crime shows and courtroom scenes. The article gives examples of these influences from real-world cases and from simulated research studies. It focuses on the impact of trial-relevant publicity on jurors in cases unrelated to the one being publicized; the ways that media representations of the justice system may influence jurors' expectations and decisions; the influence of insurance company advertisements on jurors' damage awards; and the impact of viewing pornography on jurors' decision making. The paper also explores the psychological processes by which each of these effects may occur and evaluates proposed remedies.I thank Alan Siegel for his comments on an earlier draft.  相似文献   

随着互联网的发展和观众需求的日益多样化,全球范围内的电视节目模式许可交易日益增长,同时也产生了诸多法律纠纷,而电视节目模式的法律保护仍然存在立法空白。结合欧美法院判例和学术界的观点,本文对中美电视节目模式的法律保护现状、电视节目模式的侵权认定以及在现阶段如何对电视节目模式进行法律保护作出了初步探讨,得出结论是未来趋势应将电视节目模式作为汇编作品予以著作权法的保护,这也是建设社会主义文化强国,增强国家文化软实力的必要举措。  相似文献   

Legal context: Recent years have seen a resurgence in the practice of cybersquatting,and in particular cybersquatting that monetizes domain namesthrough pay-per-click advertisements. Existing statutory andadministrative anti-cybersquatting tools were not designed tocope with the advertising-based model of cybersquatting. Asa result, brand owners lack effective tools to combat moderncybersquatting. Key points: (1) Where cybersquatters originally monetized their domain nameportfolios by ransoming small numbers of domain names to brandowners, they now use pay-per-click advertisements spread overmassive portfolios. Technological advances in the domain namesystem will continue to increase the opportunities for cybersquattersto expand these portfolios. (2) Existing statutory and administrativeanti-cybersquatting tools are out-dated and ineffective. TheUniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Process is procedurallyincapable of coping with large portfolios of infringing domainnames and substantively out of sync with national IP laws. Traditionallitigation is too expensive and inefficient to offer a workablesolution for brand owners. (3) Both administrative and legalremedies for cybersquatting have inherent flaws that cannotpractically be remedied. A new anti-cybersquatting regime musttherefore allow them to work together. The UDRP should be procedurallyupdated to allow limited discovery and facilitate large-scalecases, and an optional choice of law clause should be introducedto bring UDRP panel decisions more in line with national IPlaws. Likewise, those laws should be revised to give explicitdeference to UDRP decisions in litigation arising from the samefacts as the UDRP action. Practical significance: Cybersquatting can injure a mark's distinctiveness and onlinerecognition, and contextual advertisements can divert customersfrom the targeted brand's website. If anti-cybersquatting toolsdo not keep pace with cybersquatters' strategies, these problemswill make it increasingly difficult for brand owners and customersto connect in the domain name system. The proposed revisionsto the anti-cybersquatting regime will enable brand owners toprotect their domain names more efficiently and to deter cybersquatters.  相似文献   

叶林 《中国法学》2012,(4):88-98
目前,有些国家和地区已废弃了传统商法典,转而制定了企业法典,降低乃至废弃了"商人"和"商行为"在传统商法中的支配地位。新型商法体系冲击了传统商法的理论基础。在我国,部分商法学者注意到"商法企业法化"的现象,主张应在"企业"的基础上整合现有的商法规范和体系。然而,对于境外商法上的"企业",多数国内学者存在误解,主要是忽视了主体性企业和客体性企业之间的差异,从而未能准确把握"商法企业法化"的本质。我国现有商法未采用"商人"和"商行为"的概念,商法学术界却坚持将"商人"和"商行为"做为商法基础概念,这使得我国商法理论基础和发展方向不很明确。应该在厘清相关法律术语含义的前提下,采用"企业"或"主体性企业"以及对应的其他范畴,这样可以发展出适合我国国情的新型商法模式。  相似文献   

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