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目的探讨强奸致孕案葡萄胎组织的DNA检验和STR结果分析。方法用DNA Typer TM15试剂盒对犯罪嫌疑人、受害人血样和流产胚胎组织进行荧光复合STR基因座扩增检测。结果检测的一例流产胚胎组织DNA的STR峰谱表现出部分3条带,且3条带中有两个等位基因来源于犯罪嫌疑人,另外一个来源于受害人,推断为单卵双精子受精的部分性葡萄胎。结论应用STR分型技术可以推断葡萄胎的DNA来源和受精类型,为亲缘关系鉴定提供依据。  相似文献   

强奸致葡萄胎亲子鉴定1例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1简要案情2005年某日,吴某(女,14岁)在滑旱冰时认识付某(男,23岁),后被带至一旅店房间内被强行奸污,后发现怀孕,于2006年诊断为葡萄胎,在医院做清宫手术取出葡萄胎组织。吴某指认付某为强奸者,取付某、吴某血样以及葡萄胎泡沫组织进行DNA检验。2检验及结果血样提取采用Chelex-100快速法提取基因组DNA。葡萄胎组织提取取0.5g以上典型葡萄胎组织放入预冷的生理盐水中,冲洗3次以上,彻底去除血液。采用常规酚氯仿法对葡萄胎组织进行基因组DNA抽提,溶于TE(10mmol/L Tris HC l pH8.0,1mmol/L EDTA)之中。采用Identifiler试剂盒(AB I公…  相似文献   

目的探讨一例强奸案中的葡萄胎样本的DNA检验及结果分析。方法用Identifiler试剂盒对葡萄胎样本和受害人血样进行荧光复合STR基因座扩增并分型。结果该例的葡萄胎在15个STR基因座上分型均为纯合子,应属于单精子受精的完全性葡萄胎。结论葡萄胎类型多种,对应着不同的DNA分型,在实际案件的检验中应引起注意。  相似文献   

目的分析脂肪栓塞综合征(fatembolismsyndrome,FES)死亡的一般情况以及法医病理学特点,为此类案件的法医病理学鉴定提供参考。方法选取某大学法医学鉴定中心1999—2012年20例FES死亡案件.对其一般情况及法医病理学特点(包括致伤方式、损伤类型、临床表现、病理学改变等方面)进行总结。结果脂肪栓塞主要见于损伤导致的长骨骨折和全身大面积软组织损伤,主要类型为肺脂肪栓塞,偶见合并脑脂肪栓塞。症状多出现在伤后和术后较短时间内,组织病理学检查可在肺小血管内检见大量脂滴并经特殊染色证实。结论FES死亡案例在损伤类型、脂肪栓塞出现症状时间及组织病理学表现等方面均有一定规律和特点。在鉴定中应注意进行特殊染色(油红0染色)处理,寻找FES的直接证据。  相似文献   

现代企业立法体系目标模式探析吴建斌,李友根科学的企业立法体系离不开对企业类型的正确划分,而企业类型划分方式主要有两种,即企业的经济类型和法律类型。现代西方经济发达国家,几乎都依企业的法律类型建立其立法体系。根据企业的投资来源、组织机构以及责任形式,将...  相似文献   

侵蚀性葡萄胎为葡萄胎组织侵人子宫肌层或转移至子宫以外,可穿破子宫肌壁引起大出血。发生的机率为5%-10%,多数在葡萄胎清除后6个月内发生[’],笔者在尸检中遇见一例,报告如下。l案例某女,25岁,农民,某日上午9时许突感上腹痛,出冷汗,颜面苍白,当时未到医院就诊,3小时后死亡。女方家属怀疑其被打死,要求法医检验。死后72小时尸检。发育正常,营养中等,尸表未见外伤。颜面、口腔、双睑球结膜苍白。剖开腹腔见腹腔内有大量积血及凝血块,量为3000Illl。子宫大/J’7cmx7cmx4cm,宫颈口呈“-”形,有粘液附着,右侧子宫角有…  相似文献   

作者应用酶联免疫吸附分析和免疫组织化学方法,检测大鼠切创创缘C-反应蛋白含量及分布的变化,探讨它们与损伤时间的关系及其来源。结果表明通过检测损伤组织中C-反应蛋白的含量及分布可推断伤后30分钟至5小时内的损伤时间,并证明C-反应蛋白可由肝细胞合成,组织损伤可诱发肝细胞合成C-反应蛋白。  相似文献   

根据《行政处罚法》的规定,行政处罚的实施机关除具有行政处罚权的行政机关外,还有法律法规授权的组织(下称受权组织)和行政机关委托的组织(下称受托组织)两类非行政机关,从处罚权力来源角度观之,受权组织实施行政处罚,可谓之为受权处罚;受托组织实施行政处罚。可谓之为受托处罚。本文对受权处罚和受托处罚的立法缺陷及其改进发表一已之见,就教于同仁。  相似文献   

法医病理学大体标本主要用于教学、科研,由于尸体和标本来源日益减少,尤其是具有典型病变及典型损伤的标本越来越珍贵。为了保护这些有限的教学资源的充分利用,提高法医病理学教学质量,笔者对多年来我系法医病理检验的案例检材进行了选择、整理,制作法医病理学大体标本310余个,取得了良好的效果。1大体标本的制作1.1搜集与选择大体标本选自我系法医病理学尸检或送检的案例,所有脏器均采用新鲜无沉淀的10%福尔马林溶液固定。首先对照案例档案对所有标本进行分类整理,并由经验丰富的法医病理学教师进行选择,确定该标本是否可用于教学,且分清病…  相似文献   

常规组织切片染色制作中常见问题及其解决方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石蜡切片及HE染色一直是组织学、病理组织学和法医病理学等生物医学的最基本和最普遍形态学检验技术,人们早已习惯地称之为常规组织切片染色。其制作质量的优劣,直接影响组织学观察、检验和诊断结果。特别是对于临床病理学诊断和法医病理学鉴定至关重要。  相似文献   

Sudden death caused by embolization of trophoblast from hydatidiform mole   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 16-year-old pregnant female presented to a hospital emergency room with vaginal bleeding and uterine cramping. She underwent a hysterotomy and curettage and, during the procedure, her pulse dropped from 130 to 30 beats/minute, her pO2 fell to 10 mm of mercury, and she could not be resuscitated. At autopsy, she was found to have massive pulmonary embolization of syncytiotrophoblast from a hydatidiform mole of the uterus. This is the sixth reported case of trophoblastic embolization from a hydatidiform mole ending in death. This fatal termination may occur after a period of respiratory symptoms and may occur regardless of the mode of treatment.  相似文献   

We were presented with the STR (short tandem repeat) profiles from two separate paternity trios. Each trio consisted of a mother, an alleged father, and products of conception (POC) that contained a hydatidiform mole but no visible fetus. In both cases , antecedent pregnancies had followed alleged sexual assaults. Mole classification and pathogenesis are described in order to explain the analyses and statistical reasoning used in each case. One mole exhibited several loci with two different paternal alleles, indicating it was a dispermic (heterozygous) mole. Maternal decidua contaminated the POC, preventing the identification of paternal obligate alleles (POAs) at some loci. The other mole exhibited only one paternal allele/locus at all loci and no maternal alleles, indicating it was a diandric and diploid (homozygous) mole. In each case, traditional calculations were used to determine paternity indices (PIs) at loci that exhibited one paternal allele/locus. PIs at mole loci with two different paternal alleles/locus were calculated from formulas first used for child chimeras that are always dispermic. Combined paternity indices in both mole cases strongly supported the paternity of each suspect.  相似文献   

Pregnancies, including ones that follow sexual assaults, occasionally produce hydatidiform moles. The alleged fathers (AFs) of moles have been tested for paternity by identifying the mole's locus phenotype—the one or two visible paternal obligate alleles (POAs) per locus. The probability that the mole inherited the POAs from the AF was divided by the probability that the mole inherited the POAs from a random man. This likelihood ratio (LR) would increase if the mole's specific genotype was known. Moles are generated in five different ways that produce five distinct genotypes. Examining a mole's multilocus STR profile reveals a mole's pathogenesis, determines locus genotypes, and increases paternity LRs.  相似文献   

Incubators are heterogeneous but there is a lack of understanding of the variety of innovation involved. We use four archetypes of incubator discussed in the literature (basic research, university, economic development and private incubator) and analyze their generation of different types of innovation (product, technological process and organizational innovation) during a 4 years period (2005–2008). In a sample of 80 incubators, we find that incubatees in some types of incubators are more prone to generate product and technological process innovations than those hosted in other types.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose that universities engaged in technology transfer activities can be viewed as the University Technology Commercialization (UTC) industry. We use an organizational population ecology perspective to outline an economic model for the analysis of the UTC industry. We introduce cohort analysis and time-lagged comparisons of multiple stages in the commercialization process to examine the efficiency and productivity of the industry. Our main source of data is the Association of University Technology Managers licensing surveys from 1991 through 2004. Results indicate that industry growth is slowing, and that the technology transfer process is becoming less efficient; opportunities for individual and/or collective action are noted.  相似文献   

MS Office documents could be illegally copied by offenders, and forensic investigators still face great difficulty in investigating and tracking the source of these illegal copies. This paper mainly proposes a forensic method based on the unique value of the revision identifier (RI) to determine the source of suspicious electronic documents. This method applies to electronic documents which use Office Open XML (OOXML) format, such as MS Office 2007, Mac Office 2008 and MS Office 2010. According to the uniqueness of the RI extracted from documents, forensic investigators can determine whether the suspicious document and another document are from the same source. Experiments demonstrate that, for a copy of an electronic document, even if all the original characters are deleted or formatted by attackers, forensic examiners can determine that the copy and the original document are from the same source through detecting the RI values. Additionally, the same holds true if attackers just copy some characters from the original document to a newly created document. As long as there is one character left whose original format has not been cleared, forensic examiners can determine that the two documents are from the same source using the same method. This paper also presents methods for OOXML format files to detect the time information and creator information, which can be used to determine who the real copyright holder is when a copyright dispute occurs.  相似文献   

What organizational and community conditions influence legal officials to treat rape victims “unresponsively”? Our analysis is guided by Goffman's theory of organizational frameworks and frames of activity and March and Olsen's institutional theory of organizations. Using data from 130 m-organizations in Florida that process rape cases, we compare six types of organizations (including hospital emergency rooms and rape crisis centers) on eight criteria and review their frameworks and frames of activity relative to unresponsiveness. We use the issue of victim legitimacy to illustrate the utility of our model. Our results show that well-meaning staff in legal organizations are oriented to routinely treat victims unresponsively. Their organizations routinely orient them to be concerned with, for example, public approval, the avoidance of losing, and expediency more than with victims' needs. In our conclusion, we identify ways legal officials and rape crisis centers can promote responsive treatment of victims. We also call for research on legal organizations that are responsive to victims and for a nationwide discourse on the “politics of rape victims' needs” as a means of addressing the gender inequality issues that underlie rape crimes and laws and orient legal officials to treat victims unresponsively .  相似文献   

While high technological distance to project partners outside of the established value chain can positively influence innovation performance, project goals can only be achieved if the social integration of project members is improved in terms of coordination and communication. This paper draws on embeddedness and absorptive capacity literature to explore how social integration mechanisms translate into different learning outcomes in distant collaborations within and across organizational boundaries. Drawing upon expert interviews with project members as our primary source of data, we conducted an in-depth multiple case study analysis of a number of inter-organizational projects. Our findings indicate that the effect of different types of social integration mechanisms on learning outcomes also affect the ability to bridge distances in process and product technology. Moreover, they suggest that it is not just the extent, but also the interplay of social integration mechanisms surrounding internal and external absorptive capacity routines that enable project members to engage in the exploration, transformation and exploitation of distant knowledge. In examining how social integration mechanisms foster learning outcome in distant collaborations, our study contributes to the literature on absorptive capacity.  相似文献   

Starting a decade ago, property crimes by Eastern European crime gangs have gained attention of Belgian law enforcement agencies. Due to the mobile nature of these groups, the term ‘itinerant crime groups’ has been used. The aim of this article is to explore what is incorporated in this term. By analyzing 27 case files, a large degree of variation is revealed. Groups differ in size, organizational structure, offender characteristics, the crimes in which they are involved and the methods they use. Following these features, two main types of itinerant crime groups can be distinguished, each with their own diversity. As such, the observed heterogeneity is larger than we might suspect by looking at the policy definition of the phenomenon.  相似文献   

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