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本文基于"变革中的学术职业"调查数据,对我国高校男性与女性青年教师收入差异问题进行实证分析。"邓肯隔离指数"计算结果表明,这种收入差异并非源于入职前的职业隔离;多元线性回归分析进一步指出,在控制个人背景、工作努力程度等变量后,女性青年教师收入水平依旧明显低于男性,这说明我国学术职业领域确实存在"工作内收入歧视"。这些结论反映出的学术职业领域性别歧视问题应该在今后高校行政体制改革中予以高度重视。  相似文献   

传统观点认为廉政风险存在于公权力运行体系之中,但却忽视了个体社会化进程中自我控制能力的养成、社会观念的隐性储备与准"腐败"行为首次生成等变量对最终腐败行为的作用机制。完整的廉政风险应由前端风险与本体风险构成。公务人员入职之前的个体社会化失范所引发的对个体犯罪性的高度盖然性是廉政前端风险的风险源。因此,有必要从家庭、教育、文化、准入四个层面进行廉政风险干预,防止个体犯罪的盖然性转化为廉政前端风险。  相似文献   

最近,来自有关部门的一项对2000多名国有大中型企业职工的问卷调查表明,43%的职工对自己目前的职业明确表示不满意和很不满意,如果提供条件和机会让职工自己选择职业的话,只有22.4%的职工心甘情愿地选择自己目前的职业,73.54%的职工对做一名产业工人没有或很少有光荣感和自豪感。 企业出现了敬业危机,敬业危机给企业亮出了“黄牌”。  相似文献   

基于1988年、2002年、2013年三次"中国居民收入调查"的数据,分析市场转型背景下性别收入差距的变迁。研究表明,在改革开放初期,低学历劳动者当中和私有部门内的性别收入差距更大;随着改革开放的深入,高学历劳动者当中和国有部门内的性别收入差距增幅更大,最终与低学历劳动者当中和私有部门内的性别收入差距趋于一致;这些研究结果也适用于青年群体。这表明,随着代际更替,不同群体内性别收入差距的趋同趋势将会进一步延续。  相似文献   

当利益领域出现"社会失灵",人们求助于国家时,"政府失灵"与"诺斯悖论"出现了,现代国家的存在既成为经济增长的关键,也成为人为经济衰退的根源。在风险领域出现"社会失灵"时,人们求助于现代国家,同样也出现了"政府失灵"与"风险治理悖论",现代国家不仅是风险的消解者,也是风险的制造者。于是在风险治理中要给予"国家依赖"以必要的警惕。同时,在认识到"风险治理悖论"背后隐藏的内在矛盾和决定性规律之后,适时对风险治理方式进行调整,实现风险治理的专业性方式向综合性方式转型,代理性方式向自主性方式转型,集中性方式向分散性方式转型,是我们在高风险时代进行风险治理的可能选择。  相似文献   

公共安全风险生成规律和外显形态的复杂性决定了风险治理绩效的提升,必须强化基于绩效提升的系统整合与有效耦合。新发展时期风险治理绩效的提升有赖于人们通过对可控因素的整合去应对潜在的风险和不确定性,而风险治理主体、风险治理过程、风险治理平台、社会个体行为表达以及风险治理工具等关键成功要素则构成我国公共安全风险治理的重要载体和绩效贡献源。风险治理过程的重塑、部门协调机制的协同、信息与数据的集成以及治理工具(手段)的整合、社会公众行为的自觉调适就成为风险治理绩效提升和改进的关键控制点,也是新发展时期我国公共安全风险治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要"抓手"。  相似文献   

信贷业务产生的利息收入及其衍生的中间业务收入仍是商业银行的主要利润来源,控制信贷业务法律风险在大力发展小企业金融业务的今天尤为迫切.针对小企业信贷业务存在的主要法律风险,应采取贷前调查与贷后管理并举、审慎选择贷款抵押物、正确行使合同解除权以及加强银行从业人员职业道德教育和法制教育等防范措施.  相似文献   

在本职工作岗位之外,还有第二,甚至第三……职业,这行吗? 有调查表明,在不同年龄群体中,年龄越小对职工从事第二职业越宽容。下面是中华全国总工会组织的一次全国职工状况调查的数据:  相似文献   

建构统一风险行政程序法的时代背景在于:回应风险行政所带来的挑战;碎片化的风险行政程序法难以克服风险行政实践的合法性困境;当前缺乏统一行政程序法典,也不能简单借鉴西方经验来规范风险行政;涉及风险行政程序的单行法无法代替统一风险行政程序法。风险行政程序法是以结构化方式规范风险治理主体行为的行政法规范,其功能是克服风险治理主体的"知识贫乏"和"价值冲突"问题。它将保障个人权利、维护公益、确保行政科学性和民主性作为价值取向,并呈现为一种网络状态;所对应的行政模式是"新治理行政",并将治理风险的公共政策作为调整对象。它是实现风险行政过程合法性的一种技术,基本结构由风险议题之形成、风险评估、风险管理和风险交流所构成,主要制度包括协商制度、陈述理由制度、暂时性制度、信息制度和遴选风险治理参与者制度。  相似文献   

体育系统围绕廉政风险防控机制建设进行了积极探索,但是仍存在诸多突出问题:风险重点模糊化,风险查找不准确;参与主体边缘化,利益相关者参与度不高;防控措施同质化,工具方法针对性不强;防控效果低端化,难以适应严峻的腐败形势等。因此,必须系统探索体育系统廉政风险防控机制建设的推进思路,扎实做好廉政风险防控机制建设的准备动员工作,结合部门职能与岗位职责找准风险点,灵活选择廉政风险的防范与控制措施,科学开展廉政风险防控机制的效率评价。  相似文献   

We characterize and study the relationship between income redistributions that are just and stable. We assume that for a given economy there exists a set of possible income redistributions, the constitution of the economy. The choice of redistribution is in the hands of the agents, who decide by majority vote. A stable redistribution is one that majority vote cannot alter when each agent tries to maximize his income. A just redistribution is defined thus: in the set of all possible redistributions it is the one that leads to an income distribution which, when viewed as a lottery, optimizes the expected von Neumann-Morgenstern utility function of the agents of the economy. We assume that all agents have the same utility function, that is, the same attitude toward risk. We postulate a trade-off between efficiency and egalitarianism and derive and analyze conditions for just and stable redistributions. We look for the characteristics of initial income distributions that make just and stable redistributions identical. In an example we show how a certain tax schedule on productive work implies certain income redistributions. This work was completed when I, as a research fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, was a guest of the Fakultät für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Statistik, Universität Mannheim. I would like to thank the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the Fakultät, and the Sonderforschungsbereich 5, Universität Mannheim, for their support.  相似文献   

Richard Wallick 《Public Choice》2012,152(1-2):223-244
The future of modeling in public choice may be glimpsed by examining its evolution in economics. For problems that are influenced by heterogeneity of actors, social networks, or emergence—the arising of a complex system from simple phenomena, such as Adam Smith’s “invisible hand”—economists increasingly are turning to agent-based modeling. Agent-based modeling is a form of computational analysis that focuses on agents rather than on aggregates. In his long career as a founding scholar of public choice, Gordon Tullock repeatedly followed the agent-oriented approach of methodological individualism. Many of Tullock’s models are thus highly amenable to further exploration using that method. As agent-based modeling becomes more and more popular, the importance of Tullock’s work will continue to grow.  相似文献   

Existing scholarship on the voting behavior of U.S. Courts of Appeals judges finds that their decisions are best understood as a function of law, policy preferences, and factors relating to the institutional context of the circuit court. What previous studies have failed to consider, however, is that the ability to predict circuit judge decisions can vary in substantively important ways and that judges, in different stages of their careers, may behave distinctively. This article develops a theoretical framework which conceptualizes career stage to account for variability in voting by circuit judges and tests hypotheses by modeling the error variance in a vote choice model. The findings indicate that judges are more predictable in their voting during their early and late career stages. Case characteristics and institutional features of the circuit also affect voting consistency.  相似文献   

Palda  Filip 《Public Choice》1999,101(1-2):129-145
Recent empirical and theoretical research suggests that egalitarian income distribution may spur economic growth. Another different strand of research suggests that property rights are important. These two results are not at odds. A model of switching between a career of rent-seeking and wealth producing shows that for redistribution to boost national income, property rights need to be secure. A more equal distribution of earned income can induce rent-seekers to switch to wealth making, but only if they can be assured that their earned income will be protected from other rent-seekers. The model suggests new directions for empirical testing.  相似文献   

软实力:北京发展经济比较优势研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“软实力”是在上世纪80年代国际上出现的新概念。借鉴软实力这一形象、清晰、富有时代色彩的概念将北京的资源特点加以浓缩、概括,能够较准确地反映北京资源优势的本质特征。北京软实力优势主要有科技实力、人才实力、教育实力、文化实力和首都优势。与软实力相契合的北京优势产业是现代服务业、文化创意产业和以研发为主导的高新技术产业。  相似文献   

灾害社会科学的不断发展将灾害、危机、风险研究推向全景视阈,而组织视角的灾害风险分析则从中观层面为风险研究提供新的学术增量。随着现实社会中的风险规制体系复杂性程度剧增,风险组织中运作过程常常呈现衰减现象,组织困境已成为风险治理的模式与政策选择的重要因素。通过聚焦风险的体制性衰减问题的成因及过程,并就风险的体制性衰减的测度量纲进行尝试性探讨,借由所提出的概念性框架对转型期风险规制体制设计提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

Peter Boettke 《Public Choice》2017,171(1-2):17-22
In this tribute to Robert Tollison, I will outline his contributions to the development of public choice. I focus on Tollison’s work on rent-seeking, the political economy of reform, and the rules level of analysis in sports economics. Throughout his career, Tollison brilliantly figured out ways to take insights from price theory and public choice theory and operationalize them using multiple methods of empirical analysis, including historical interpretation and statistical testing.  相似文献   

2001年北京提出率先在全国基本实现现代化.北京作为我国的首都和经济社会发达地区,提出在全国率先基本实现现代化的奋斗目标,既体现了中央对北京的期望和要求,也是北京发展跨入新阶段的必然选择.  相似文献   

This article explores how work motivations differ between administrative and political elites, based on 94 qualitative interviews conducted in the Netherlands, European Union, and United States. Both elite groups are primarily motivated in their initial choice of public service by wanting to contribute to, serve, or improve society; job content, career opportunities, political ideals, and personal background are also important motivators. Once in public service, serving society remains important, but politicians differ from public managers in that they want to have a big impact and bring about actual societal change, and they consider themselves best equipped to do so, whereas the latter value intellectually stimulating work more than anything else. Motivational categories for both groups are relatively stable across institutional settings. Theorizing on the results, the author offers seven propositions for future research. This article contributes to the research on motivation in the public domain by using qualitative methodology and including politicians.  相似文献   

Michael Dorsch 《Public Choice》2010,142(1-2):25-39
The collective choice of public consumption expenditure is reconsidered when voters are socially mobile. In accordance with previous work on social mobility and political economics, the analysis concerns a class of mobility processes that induce mappings from initial income to expected future income that are monotonically increasing and concave. The paper abstracts from the explicitly redistributive role of government and concentrates on public consumption which is modeled as a classical public good. In equilibrium, provision is sensitive to the degree of social mobility, theoretically linking social mobility to public consumption. Further, empirical puzzles about the impact of voting franchise extensions on the growth of government spending are addressed within the context of social mobility.  相似文献   

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