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新加坡从利用《内部安全法令》压制言论自由,到逐步放开言论自由的边界限制,再到今天追求言论自由与法治之间的平衡,体现了历史的进步性,但与西方的言论自由标准仍有不小差距。言论自由的边界受制于一个国家的宗教习俗、价值观念、政治形态等多种因素。在全球化语境中,新加坡的言论自由虽未与西方标准完全对接,但呈现出渐趋松动的发展趋向。其背后的动力既有社会化媒体的崛起,也有巩固国家认同的需要,更有执政党自我危机感的驱动。  相似文献   

曾向红 《欧洲研究》2020,(2):34-60,M0002,M0003
作为“规范性力量”的欧盟,一直在中亚地区实施民主推进计划,以扩散西方自由、民主、人权、善治和法治等价值观念。为了评估欧盟在中亚地区推进规范议程的效果,本文构建了一个涵盖欧盟“自我”和中亚地区相关“他者”的分析框架。对于欧盟“自我”,本文着重考察了其规范绩效状况;对于中亚地区的相关“他者”,则着重分析了俄罗斯对欧盟形成的规范竞争,以及中亚国家对欧盟规范议程产生的规范共鸣现象。就欧盟在中亚地区推进自由民主模式产生的规范绩效、规范竞争与规范共鸣而言,其表现均不尽人意,且难以在短期内扭转。面对上述困境,欧盟意识到应着眼于中亚地区更长远的发展态势,以一种潜移默化的方式引导各国通过渐进的方式走上西方式发展道路。2019年6月,欧盟新出台的中亚战略正是反映了这一思路。  相似文献   

在欧洲一体化过程中,法治逐渐成为欧盟的一项重要价值与原则。但是,由于欧盟权能上的授权原则、欧盟法治演进的历史特征等原因导致了欧盟法治在不同领域的不均衡性以及欧盟存在的多元法律秩序,欧盟法治存在着不可避免的局限性。这种局限性是否会导致欧盟出现一种新的法治范式,目前尚不清楚。但只要欧盟多元主义赖以存在的基础不变,欧盟多元主义法律秩序与法治多样性的存在将是一个长期现象。而多元法治意味着法律秩序内必须有某种宽容,不能试图以一种模式来取代其他模式,或以其中一种模式来评判其他模式的优劣,否则有可能会导致欧盟内部新的紧张与矛盾,并进而影响欧洲的一体化。  相似文献   

日本人向来以工作热情高而闻名于世.并以吃苦耐劳、忠于职守、对企业极端忠诚著称.日本人的这种"经济动物"的素质来源于日本古代固有的价值观念和受中国、西方的影响出现的新的伦理道德观念.日本人的劳动观是日本国民素质区别于其他国家国民的重要特征,也是日本经济腾飞的关键.  相似文献   

随着全球化的深入,西方学术界开始进一步反思学术研究方法与理论的去殖民化与去西方中心化.作为西方殖民扩张的产物,越南研究的发展历程与实践为西方研究的学科去殖民化提供了宝贵的经验与思路.本文将批判性地回顾西方越南研究的学术史,分析在东方学、区域研究框架下,国际权力格局、意识形态等因素对越南研究的影响、视角偏差和伦理困境.本文认为,学科去殖民化的进程推动了西方越南研究模式的变革,从国家直接干预的区域研究转向为多元的跨学科交流平台,丰富了西方越南研究的议题、研究过程与研究成果质量.虽然意识形态对立和西方中心的社会理论持续影响西方越南研究,随着学科去殖民化与跨国学术交流的进一步深入,西方越南研究呈现出新的反思与发展趋势.结合西方社会人文学科去殖民化的思潮,西方越南研究个案体现出区域国别研究作为一个学科的优越性与潜力.立足本土视角,区域国别研究可为跨学科、跨区域与跨平台的交流提供空间,挑战西方认识论霸权.  相似文献   

众所周知,日本是一个狭长岛国,多火山地震和资源匮乏的国家,这也许使日本人形成了强烈的危机意识和对外界发展变化敏感关注、敏感反应的性格特征。日本明治维新以前,主要以吸纳中国文化为主,而明治维新以后主要吸收了西方资本主义文明。尽管日本二战战败不到20年的时间里发展成为经济大国,但是日本社会发展到今天,却陷入了东西方价值观念冲突的夹缝中而发生变异,这也铸成了日本社会深层的病理结构,即日本人和睦有序的社会表象背后,却是国民陷入了一种无力.矛盾的社会文化模式使得日本社会深陷在沉重的现实枷锁之中。  相似文献   

郭锐 《当代亚太》2012,(2):43-58
近年来,西方国家主流媒体关于"中国国防透明度"的新闻报道及认可程度并未因为中国国防透明度的显著提升而出现"正向相关"。通过对相关数据的采集和分析可以看出,西方国家主流媒体对中国国防透明度的认可程度与其国家同中国的政治友好程度"正向相关",而与西方国家主流媒体的媒体实力"反向相关"。西方国家主流媒体对中国国防透明度的新闻报道主要受到价值观念、刻板印象和国家利益等因素的影响,使其对中国国防透明度的新闻报道呈现一种层次性,不同类别的国家对中国国防透明度的评判态度明显不一致。因此,中国国防透明度的建构迫切需要与国际传播紧密结合起来,即实现自我塑造与他者建构的契合。  相似文献   

钟连福 《德国研究》2005,20(1):36-39
德国原因自由行为理论历史悠久,本文从原因自由行为理论的历史发展,肯定说与否定说的争论出发,探讨了原因自由行为的可罚性依据、德国原因自由行为的立法模式及对我国立法的借鉴等问题,提出分则式立法模式与总则式立法模式相结合的立法模式.  相似文献   

普京第二任期的俄罗斯外交战略出现了一些新的特征,突出了"主权民主"原则、外交战略中的能源因素得到了加强、地缘政治影响明显回归.在4年里,由于在价值观念、国内政治、地缘政治和能源等问题上存在结构性矛盾,俄罗斯和西方国家的关系明显滑坡.为树立俄罗斯大国形象,发挥俄罗斯大国作用,俄罗斯开始重建其与发展中国家的传统联系.中俄关系在普京总统第二任期内取得了重大成就,其未来的发展同时存在着积极因素和消极因素,两国应该采取有效措施来积极应对以推动双方的战略伙伴关系可持续性地深入发展.  相似文献   

李文 《当代亚太》2001,(1):50-56
新中产阶级成为社会发展的主体,是人类社会进入高新技术与高薪劳动相结合、大量生产与大量消费相结合发展阶段的必要和必然.伴随产业升级和吸引外来投资与技术的多元化,东亚新中产阶级不断获得发展壮大,促进了这一地区现代化模式的转变.推动新中产阶级的成长,有利于我国目前情况下发展开放型市场经济,也是我国在本世纪中叶达到中等发达水平战略目标的客观要求.  相似文献   


President Erdo?an and the AKP government initiated a comprehensive restoration process immediately after the failed coup in mid-July 2016. In fact, the country has been experiencing a very comprehensive and violent regime transformation since this time. I assert that recent political developments paved the way for institutionalization of a ‘plebiscitary presidential regime’ that depends on a particular combination of supreme power of the leader, an extremely weak parliament, and elections of a plebiscitary character. In this context, the paper aims to shed light on the role of the new strategic legalism which allows rule of law to be replaced by a rule by law approach, the executive prerogative principle to be dominant, and the law to be used for demobilization, all playing a highly critical role in the suppression of democratic opposition.  相似文献   

The rule of law is a widely used term in scholarship on Ottoman legal reforms. Nevertheless, the actual meaning of this notion is rarely clarified in the writing on the late Ottoman Empire although theorists of law have discussed the ambiguity of this term. This article aims at examining the value of the rule of law as an analytical category when discussing socio-legal change in the late Ottoman Empire. The article demonstrates that the rule of law can be a meaningful category for historical analysis when conceived through a ‘cultural perspective’ to the law.  相似文献   

Timor-Leste began the democratic transformation process in the beginning of this century with a heavy past legacy of external domination. Since then, it has been experiencing many difficulties in its path towards democracy especially in what concerns one critical issue: the respect for the rule of law. Focusing on two important pillars of the rule of law—justice and security—this paper seeks to understand why has been so difficult to establish the rule of law in Timor-Leste.

The article initially provides a generic picture of the rule of law as an important dimension of the United Nations peacekeeping operations. It also aims to outline the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) capacity in strengthening the processes of peacebuilding and reforms in Timor-Leste, as well as on ensuring the credibility and integrity of institutions, such as the courts and the national police, which are serious challengers to the country's future. It concludes by providing some thoughts that can help to determine whether Timor-Leste is ready to look after its own security after 2013.  相似文献   

This article investigates the performance of the new democracies of the third wave by developing a conceptual model of the core elements of liberal democratic government and by constructing a new Database of Liberal Democratic Performance. The performance is shown to be uneven in two main ways. First, the institutional attributes of democratic government advance while individual and minority rights languish. Second, particular institutional attributes coexist uncomfortably, as do particular rights. A comparison of Brazil, Colombia, and Guatemala complements the big picture drawn from the database and focuses on the specific contextual conditions that can create the general political contours of the wave. The uneven democratic performance of these cases is mainly explained by the combination of persistent oligarchic power and a largely unaccountable military. Yet uneven performance, and the imperfect rule of law in particular, does not necessarily prevent democratic survival.  相似文献   

朱学磊 《东南亚研究》2020,(1):89-111,157
作为西方国家法治进步的产物,宪法法院在20世纪后期陆续进入亚洲国家,成为民主转型过程中重要的制度设计,但其实际效果却存在差异。韩国宪法法院在功能上呈现"多点开花"的态势,在民主、法治和人权等领域均表现良好。印尼宪法法院成功解决了总统选举过程中的争议,维护了基本的民主规则。相比之下,泰国宪法法院则经历了"高开低走"的蜕变。它在成立初期相对较好地履行了宪法赋予的职责,2006年之后却越来越深入地卷入到政治斗争之中,丧失了独立品格,做出了一系列明显违反法治精神的判决。对此,既有解释存在"西方中心主义"的弊端,而且难以同时解释宪法法院在建立和运行两个阶段的不同情况。作为一种以民主转型国家实践经验为基础的学说,政治竞争理论因其内生性、系统性的视角而具有更强的解释力。以该理论视角观察宪法法院在韩国、印尼和泰国的不同命运,在验证其科学性的同时,可以发现其中隐含的前提条件及其适用范围的有限性。  相似文献   

新加坡是国际社会公认的成功抑制腐败的国家之一,其严密的刑事法网、强力的反贪机构和严厉的刑事执法,有效地震慑和遏制了贪腐犯罪,也彰显了其反贪刑事法治的特色.  相似文献   

2015年初缅甸政府军以非法伐木为由抓获中国公民150余人并对之处以重刑,随后通过总统令进行赦免。通过对该案所涉实体与程序法律规定和法律适用的分析,本文发现该案审理随意性大,政治因素影响痕迹明显。根据联合国对法治的界定,本文深入研究缅甸法律的透明度、司法独立、程序公正和对基本人权的保护等因素,得出的结论是缅甸远远未达到法治国家的标准。缅甸国内局势异常复杂,边境地区的多个民族地方武装与缅甸政府军长期存在冲突。我国边民如非法跨越边境地区,人身和财产安全可能处于极大的不确定性中,并难以获得法律救济或公正司法,边民应以此案为鉴。  相似文献   


This article investigates the political dynamics shaping the post-2010 ‘de-Europeanisation’ of Turkey’s judicial system, particularly regarding judicial independence and rule of law. The analysis suggests the limits of conventional Europeanisation accounts emphasising causal factors such as European Union (EU) conditionality and the ‘lock-in effects’ of liberal reforms due to the benefits of EU accession. The article argues that the Justice and Development Party’s (AKP’s) bid for political hegemony resulted in the reversal of rule of law reforms. De-Europeanisation is discussed in terms of both legislative changes and the government’s observed discourse shift.  相似文献   

This article asks whether democratization, under certain historical conditions, may relate to the deteriorating rule of law. Focusing on Mexico City, where police corruption is significant, this study argues that the institutionalized legacies of police power inherited from Mexico's one-party system have severely constrained its newly democratic state's efforts to reform the police. Mexico's democratic transition has created an environment of partisan competition that, combined with decentralization of the state and fragmentation of its coercive and administrative apparatus, exacerbates intrastate and bureaucratic conflicts. These factors prevent the government from reforming the police sufficiently to guarantee public security and earn citizen trust, even as the same factors reduce capacity, legitimacy, and citizen confidence in both the police and the democratically elected state. This article suggests that when democracy serves to undermine rather than strengthen the rule of law, more democracy can actually diminish democracy and its quality.  相似文献   

中国共产党是中华民族觉醒、崛起和腾飞的核心领导力量,维护党中央权威是实现中华民族伟大复兴的根本保障。恩格斯《论权威》中包含的权威思想仍然是我们当今时代认识权威,了解权威与服从、权威与自治关系的理论蓝本。当前,中国现代化转型所产生的多元价值的冲突、利益格局分化、党内腐败滋生等问题使政党权威产生了信任危机和认同危机。为消除权威危机的存在因素,我们必须回到马克思主义权威思想,重新审视权威何以重要,正确认识维护新时代党中央权威的核心要义,积极引入法治权威,实现政党与法治的良性互动,夯实维护党中央权威的学理基础和法理基础。  相似文献   

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