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一、修订后的《刑法》第九章将渎职犯罪主体限定为国家机关工作人员,范围过窄。具体而言,其弊端体现在以下几个方面: 1、修后的《刑法》第九章将渎职犯罪主体限定为国家机关工作人员,使得非国家机关工作人员以外的国家工作人员的渎职犯罪行为无法被追究。修订后的《刑法》第九章以外的一些章节,即第二章危害公共安  相似文献   

钟莉  范冬明 《政法学刊》2007,24(5):20-23
渎职罪主体是国家机关工作人员,把握其本质特征的关键是界定行为人所从事的公务。渎职罪主体可分为纯正国家机关工作人员和非纯正国家机关工作人员两类。行为人所从事公务的性质是认定渎职罪主体的核心要素,履行职责不因个人身份和单位性质的不同而改变主体的性质。  相似文献   

渎职罪主体是国家机关工作人员,把握其本质特征的关键是界定行为人所从事的公务。以此为切入点。渎职罪主体分为纯正国家机关工作人员和非纯正国家机关工作人员两类。行为人所从事公务的性质是认定渎职罪主体的核心要素,履行职责不因个人身份和单位性质的不同而改变主体的性质。  相似文献   

共同渎职犯罪主体身份与职务不同,非国家机关工作人员能否成为国家机关工作人员犯罪的实行犯、教唆犯、组织犯、帮助犯,国家机关工作人员能否成为非国家工作人员的教唆犯,一直是理论界和司法实践争论不休的问题,本文就主体中共同犯罪的理论进行深入分析,并回答了如何认定渎职共犯的定罪问题.  相似文献   

根据我国刑法规定,渎职犯罪的主体是国家机关工作人员。司法实践中,一般认为国家机关工作人员即刑法第九十三条第一款所指的“国家机关中从事公务的人员”。这一概念涵盖了不可或缺的两个层面:首先,“国家机关中”,即在行使国家权力,从事国家管理职能的中央和地方各级组织中的人员;其次,“从事公务”,即参与国家公共事务的管理、组织、领导、监督等活动的人员。笔者认为,依法行使行政职责的事业编制人员,虽非国家机关工作人员,但应以国家机关工作人员论,也应成为渎职犯罪主体。   现实中,除国家机关工作人员依法行使行政职…  相似文献   

一、当前查办渎职罪案件遇到的主要问题(一)《刑法》关于渎职犯罪的主体限定,使非国家机关工作人员实施的类似行为无法被追究现行《刑法》关于渎职犯罪规定的具体化,较多地照顾到了渎职罪的细化,应该说是有实际意义的。但是.南于缩小了渎职罪的主体范围,将渎职犯罪的主体严格限定为困家机关工作人员,  相似文献   

本文对当前查处渎职犯罪案件中的主体认定和案件管辖两个问题进行了探讨。认为受国家机关委派、委托、聘用等从事公务的人员 ,应视为国家机关工作人员 ,以解决《刑法》第九章渎职罪中犯罪主体的规定与司法实践相脱节的问题 ;国家机关工作人员以外的其他国家工作人员渎职犯罪案件应由检察机关受理管辖。  相似文献   

渎职罪的犯罪主体是国家机关工作人员,以职责为主要标准判断国家机关工作人员在司法实践中已逐渐取得共识。结合有些具体司法工作人员渎职犯罪,主体认定问题尚须进一步加以分析研究。  相似文献   

新刑法中渎职犯罪是指刑法第九章规定的职务犯罪。一般认为,渎职犯罪是国家机关工作人员利用职务上的便利或者不尽职责侵害国家机关正常活动,致使公共财产、国家和人民利益遭受重大损失的一类犯罪。刑法将渎职犯罪主体规定为国家机关工作人  相似文献   

一、扩大读职犯罪主体范围是当前反腐败斗争形势的客观需要原《刑法》把国家工作人员的读职行为构成犯罪的都规定为读职犯罪、而修订后《刑法》考虑到反腐败斗争的实际需要.把打击国家机关工作人员的渎职犯罪作为打击重点。因此只把渎职犯罪的主体界定在国家机关工作人员的范围内。这种指导思想固然尤可厚非.但从当前渎职犯罪的特点来看,这种界定存在着较大的缺陷。渎职犯罪作为一种职务犯罪,不仅仅局限在国家机关的范围内,事业单位、国有公司、企业中的工作人员往往是严重渎职行为的直接责任人员,给国家和人民的生命财产造成重大损失…  相似文献   

本文简述了近年来出现的我国第二次党政干部辞职经商办企业的类型、特点及对廉政建设的冲击,阐述了在职党政干部不得经商办企业的廉政义务,论证了离职党政干部在离职后的一定期限内仍然负有这一义务,分析了这一义务的例外情形,主张对离职党政干部到企业任职作更完善的制度建设和更有效的监控.  相似文献   


Although the past decade has witnessed the rise of studies on Chinese evaluations of the police, rural villagers’ assessments of the police remain under-researched. Drawing upon performance theory and survey data from China’s countryside, this study tested whether variations in satisfaction with government performance and life are linked to villagers’ and officials’ trust in county and local/town police. We found that villagers displayed lower levels of trust in the police than local officials. Higher satisfaction with government performance and integrity were associated with greater trust in county police among both villagers and officials. Villagers’ greater satisfaction with crime control and safety led to their stronger trust in both county and town police, but such satisfaction was not significantly related to officials’ trust in both levels of police forces. Rural residents’ generalized trust and particularized trust were associated with a greater likelihood of viewing the police as trustworthy. Meanwhile, female respondents, both villagers and officials, and higher-income officials were more likely to view the police as trustworthy. Directions for future research and policy are discussed.


监察制度是一个比较有中国特色的制度,在我国政治民主生活中占有比较重要的地位。南京国民政府以孙中山先生五权宪政理论为基础建立了较为完备的监察制度,并积极付诸实施,在一定程度上遏制了政府官员的违法失职行为。但是,在国民党一党专政体制下,立法的设计与司法的现实相去甚远,监察制度不可能彻底遏制政府官员的腐败。但其所设立的监察制度的独立性、广泛性、权威性等特点,于今天还是具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

【问题】官员晋升激励对经济发展的影响已得到充分讨论。那么,官员晋升激励是否也会影响政府回应性呢?【方法】基于2018年北京市172.5万余条12345市民来电大数据和28.1万余条政府回访大数据,从回应时长、联系率、解决率和满意率四个维度对基层政府回应市民诉求的模式进行多维测量,进而结合街乡镇和区两级主政官员的晋升履历编码数据,进行多组OLS回归分析。【发现】(1)政府回应性包括程序性回应和实质性回应两种不同的理想类型。(2)主政官员的晋升激励,譬如年龄、特殊工作经历和晋升路径,均对政府回应性产生显著影响。(3)不同层级主政官员晋升激励影响程序性回应和实质性回应性的面向和机理存在差异,街乡镇政府更倾向程序性回应而区政府更倾向实质性回应。【贡献】本文拓展了既有研究对政府回应性的“社会中心论”解释,发现主政官员晋升激励在科层制内部同样为政府回应性提供动力,且形成了“上级政府—基层政府—社会”的特殊性三元作用机制。  相似文献   

崔胜实 《行政与法》2004,(12):109-110
本文以犯罪过失分类方法为基础,突出渎职犯罪型过失的特点,将渎职犯罪型过失划分为职务上的疏忽大意过失与职务上的过于自信过失,职务事实过失与职务法律过失,职务纯正过失与职务非纯正过失。  相似文献   

Much of India’s corruption involves middlemen: go-betweens who bring citizens’ cases to the attention of state officials, producing results – for a price. Citizens pay bribes, often for benefits for which they already qualify, and much (but not all) of that money is passed on to officials by the middleman. On its face such arrangements would seem to benefit no one but the middleman himself, but closer examination shows that middleman corruption involves much more than a discrete material transaction. There are important intangible dimensions: officials’ status is reaffirmed, while for citizens government takes on a comprehensible human face. These dimensions of corruption become all the more important over time, for both reputational capital and expectations are built up that shape future transactions. Most important, middlemen reduce transaction costs for citizens and officials alike. Thus, while middleman corruption falls far short of the ideal sorts of market, government and personal systems of “micro-coordination” assumed in many accounts of the effects of corruption, it may well be a better way of getting things done than most of the alternatives actually available. The analysis yields a more subtle but precise view of how cultural factors – especially mediating social institutions – figure into the study of corruption, and may suggest reasons why extensive corruption and solid economic growth have coexisted in India for decades.  相似文献   

我国官员问责制的建构及完善   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
官员问责制在启动不到两年的时间里,就取得了引人注目的成就。在实践操作层面,惩治了一批不作为和滥作为的官员,给各级各类官员极大的震撼,对传统的“无过便是功”的为官之道以巨大冲击;在制度层面,从中央到地方,出台了一系列针对官员的问责制度,使官员问责走上规范化、制度化和民主化的轨道。由于问责制度尚处在草创阶段,权责不清,问责标准不明,问责主要局限于同体问责,异体问责力度不够,在问责过程中缺乏相应的救济制度,这些问题有待进一步建设和完善。  相似文献   

Thanks to the civil rights movement, women and racial and ethnic minorities increasingly hold positions of public authority—but they experience and exercise this authority differently from white men. Based on 162 narratives collected from 49 US local government officials (city administrators and police), I find that women, minorities, and younger officials in positions of authority face a paradox of rules. Because they have lower social status with the public and within their organizations, they must rely on formal and explicit rules as a key basis for their authority, but such reliance causes their very authority to be questioned. Social status based on implicit assumptions about social identities, including race or ethnicity, sex, and age, originates outside of organizations and has effects society wide. This study shows that social status continues to permeate US local government organizations in both subtle and explicit ways, even in bureaucratic settings that are formally committed to merit and professional norms.  相似文献   

In 1976, Lockheed Corporation was charged with making secret payments of at least $25 million to Japanese officials during the early 1970s. It was alleged that these payments were made in order to secure aircraft sales contracts with several Japanese airlines. At that time, Lockheed executives claimed that Japanese officials insisted that consideration of Lockheed as a contractor would require advance payments to several government officials. In spite of this claim, Congress passed the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in 1977 which treats these payments as bribery, rather than extortion, and prohibits them with the threat of criminal penalties. During the last 10 years, Japan has tried and convicted 15 former government officials of bribery and other crimes in the Lockheed affair. This paper assesses the effects of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in regulating business conduct, and the validity of the claims by Lockheed and the Japanese officials 10 years later, now that the trials are over.  相似文献   

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