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中日两国由于受社会本位、整体主义以及国家主义的东方伦理的影响,两国都具有爱国心教育的历史和传统。但是两国的爱国主义教育思想还是有其各自民族的特色和差异。例如,两国爱国主义教育的抽象性和具体性的不同;两国爱国主义教育的由远至近与由近至远的不同;更重要的是两国的爱国教育与民族危机的关系的差异,即日本的爱国主义教育的两面性,一方面既与振兴民族、富国强兵思想相关联,另一方面更显示出其强烈的军国主义的侵略性特征。中国的爱国主义教育则往往是与救亡图存、摆脱被侵略奴役的悲惨命运相关联。  相似文献   

俄罗斯与日本两国文化的差异主要表现在政治制度和教育制度两大领域。俄日两国几乎同时于19世纪中叶走上实现现代化之路,但由于两国文化的差距,两国的现代化却是通过不同模式实现的。这种不同发展模式的背后,反映出来的是不同的强国意识和不同的发展战略。  相似文献   

俄国自17世纪以来交替对中日两国进行扩张,但是他对日本的扩张举动总是遭到日本政府的强烈抵制,而在中国的蚕食扩张屡屡得手。中日在国际体系转换中角色定位的不同是出现这种反应差异的根本原因;而中日两国地缘位置不同和对外界信息的了解程度不同深刻影响了两国对俄国东扩的反应;同时,中日两国对国际环境理解和把握的差异也是两国对俄国东扩出现不同反应的重要原因。  相似文献   

汉越动物俗语的文化内涵充分体现了中越两个民族的思维方式、心理特征、价值取向与社会风格的不同,体现了各自民族的文化形态。由于两国受不同的地理环境、文化背景、风俗习惯等因素的影响,对动物赋予了既相似又相异的感受和联想。本文重点探讨了汉越动物俗语反映的社会背景和汉越俗语中动物形象反映出人的情感态度两方面内容。  相似文献   

中日两国的茶文化,既有着悠久的历史文化交流,又有其共同的和不同的文化内涵。两国的饮茶习俗也从不同程度上,反映了各自不同文化的背景。正是这种不同的文化背景,反映了两国人民在个性上、心理趋向上的不同  相似文献   

一个国家民众偏好某个国家与否的选择,反映了一个国家的国民意识和社会意愿,是民族认同的组成部分。民众对其他国家的看法和态度,既是对其他国家看法和态度的社会情绪和社会舆论的晴雨表,也是一个国家现行外交政策和外交活动实际状况的一种反映。对上海和圣彼得堡两市居民的实地调查,客观展示了中俄两国在社会转型时期,从社会禁锢走向社会开放的过程中,两国民众对与不同国家合作的评价和意愿。中俄两国民众对两国之间的相互合作均给予很积极的评价,但在中俄关系积极向上发展的过程中还存在许多不尽如人意之处。中俄两国应不断增进了解,使"睦邻友好"成为两国民众的广泛共识和自觉行为。  相似文献   

中国即将超越日本成为全球第一大奢侈品消费国。通过对中日两国奢侈品消费的心理文化特征差异性研究,解读影响中日两国奢侈品消费行为的心理文化因素,为中国奢侈消费文化的发展提供可借鉴价值的内容,那就是必须扭转对奢侈品的过度追求及畸形消费。只有将中国人的消费文化引导为可持续发展的消费方式时,才会在意识上真正关注消费行为的积极性。这也是一个关系到中国社会可持续发展的消费伦理问题。  相似文献   

任何一种文化形态的生成都与其民族的、历史的发展相联系。企业文化作为民族文化的有机组成部分 ,它的形成和发展必然根植于民族传统文化的基础。就日本和美国而言 ,他们各自的企业文化反映了民族文化传统的不同 ,这种文化传统正是源流于不同民族的生存环境和历史 ,尽管日美两国的企业文化存在着较大的差异 ,代表了东西方两种文化传统 ,但在世界文化相互融合、相互渗透的时代背景中 ,他们企业中所创造的优质文化必将成为各国企业所推崇、所倡导的文化成份。  相似文献   

论中日关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来,中日关系发生了一定程度的恶化.这是日本社会政治右倾化和中日两国实力对比变化的反映.从今后发展趋势看,中日政治关系难以出现根本性变化,经济关系将在复杂的变化中持续发展.从总体看,中日加强睦邻友好和互利合作关系是两国根本利益之所在,双方宜理性思考、慎重处之,以维护中日关系发展大局.  相似文献   

中日两国具有东方传统特征的集团主义理念。两者都具有重视社会本位和集权主义的特征,也都有其利弊的两面性。同时也因两国有着各自的民族性、文化性的不同,在集团主义的理念上也有其差异性。这些都对两国的现代化进程发生过不同的作用。  相似文献   

  I shall describe moral sanctions in countries where Christian values prevail and then give an outline of the moral system in Theravada Buddhist countries. Then I shall point out some of the different orientations of the two systems. Finally I shall draw attention to some practical social consequences of the perceived differences.  相似文献   

Much of the scholarly attention on commitments in international relations (IR) has remained narrowly framed, focusing on how states and other actors make strictly strategic calculations to comply with international norms and/or treaties. The trouble with this rationalist approach is that it oversimplifies the moral basis of commitments. This article offers a deeper analysis of this moral basis as well as the positive ethical values that help to direct and shape the content of the moral commitments of agents in IR. The article argues that the ethical values of sincerity, empathy and sacrifice play a dynamic yet under-studied meta-level role in helping one to interpret and explain the transformative dimensions of moral commitments in IR. The article first develops a meta-level theoretical approach to commitment in international theory and then applies this approach to two particular emergent discourses in international politics: the responsibility to protect and moral criminal accountability.  相似文献   

朱子学在日本江户时期急速兴起的原因及其特色   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
日本朱子学从原来的一种文化修养转而作为一种伦理道德和思想文化在江户幕府时期急速兴起有其深刻的社会背景。而且日本与中国和朝鲜高度集权的中央官僚统治不同,具有容纳了相对独立的子系统和严格的职业等级分工的结构特色。这种结构特色要求朱子学解决具体的“问题”而不是钟情于抽象的“主义”。因此,日本朱子学被具体诠释成日本社会各个层次乃至庶民的不同伦理文化,而呈现出多样性和庶民化的特点。  相似文献   

The United States’ intervention, diplomatically and militarily, in former Yugoslavia demonstrates the complexities of social justice in post‐Cold War Europe. Nominally an action to support ‘vital’ American interests, intervention equally involved a moral and ethical choice to leverage military technology and to prevent the spread of Balkan violence. Ethical politics, as Reinhold Niebuhr defines it, is an area where conscience and power meet, where ethical and coercive factors ‘interpenetrate’ in an uneasy compromise. Whether or not the will to a political ethic is sufficient to bring social justice to the former Yugoslavia remains unclear.  相似文献   

Empirical research into the negotiation practices of lawyers shows that “hard bargaining,” including at least some unethical conduct, is an inescapable fact of a lawyer's life. To prepare students for legal practice, negotiation instructors must expose them to hard bargaining in the classroom. In doing so, however, instructors should be sensitive to the moral and ethical values of their students, so that the classroom experience does not unduly pressure students to compromise their values. The simulation is the primary tool of negotiation instruction. By selecting and manipulating simulations, a negotiation instructor can expose students to a wide range of negotiating behaviors, from distributive negotiations marked by the use of power tactics to value‐creating negotiations in which participants must consider many interests and collaborative strategies predominate. With that flexibility, however, comes the potential for classroom exercises to pressure students, in ways both subtle and overt, to adopt behaviors that feel uncomfortable. In this article, I examine the use of simulations to teach different types of negotiating behavior, including hard bargaining. Referring to a number of widely available simulations, I suggest ways to focus student attention on three dimensions of negotiation behavior — the issues over which the parties are bargaining, the objectives the parties seek, and the tactics the parties use to achieve their objectives — in order to push students to reflect on their own negotiation behaviors and to prepare for the tactics of others. I assess the potential for simulations to pressure students to compromise their values, and I conclude with my own thoughts on the goals of a negotiation course.  相似文献   

In this paper the authors draw upon the tradition of Power Structure Research to analyse the increased interpenetration of the military and the social sciences, particularly the recruitment of anthropologists and the adoption and adaptation of counterinsurgency strategies. It is argued that such actors should be understood not as disinterested ‘experts’ but as being organically embedded in a military–industrial–academic complex. The paper considers a number of contemporary examples as well as considering the historical roots of these trends. It is argued that this interpenetration violates the ethical norms of the academy and the moral and social responsibilities of intellectuals.  相似文献   

Our research suggests that a true norm of ethical negotiation behavior exists within the legal profession. This conclusion is tempered, however, with the knowledge that a large minority of our research respondents — at times approaching one‐third of them — engaged in unethical and even fraudulent behavior. Additionally, the survey respondents were not saddled with the pressures that practicing attorneys typically confront (pressures likely to make people behave less, rather than more, ethically). In an attempt to understand the reasons for such a high frequency of unethical negotiation, we have identified three major contributing factors: too many lawyers have only a superficial understanding of rules that are more complicated than they appear; lawyers frequently take their “zealous advocate” role too far, thereby placing client loyalty above other important values such as respect for truth and justice; and the practice of law and the people who are drawn to it are highly competitive. To address these factors, we suggest approaching the problem from several different angles. In the classroom, we suggest a focus on the relevant legal standards, including a focus on the often misunderstood law of fraudulent misrepresentations. Because many students fail to appreciate the differences between “ethical” behavior, the floor of socially acceptable conduct, and the expectations that others have for how they will be treated, we also suggest that lawyer training programs focus on the important role that personal relationships and one's reputation play in the legal profession, and how falling short in these areas can decrease one's negotiation effectiveness. For the profession itself, we also suggest clarifying the attorney rules of conduct and provide a number of tactics and strategies to defend against lying and deception during negotiation. Finally, we recognize there are certain psychological factors at play that can cause people to engage in behavior inconsistent with their personal sense of ethics. We believe the only way to avoid these lapses is to integrate conscious and reflective practices that can bring ethical concerns to the forefront of lawyers' decision‐making and thought processes.  相似文献   

义家族是企业组织内靠哥们儿义气联系在一起并按照家族方式行为组成的人际网络。通过义家族网络可以在某些情况下提高办事效率、降低企业治理中的道德风险、快速形成企业的统一价值观和增进人际关系的融洽程度,还能够快速地形成核心和骨干员工的网络,在义家族内部能够更有效地激励其成员,对义家族成员的选择提供了一种前馈控制的机制,等等,这些都是企业管理的有利因素。同时,义家族成员奉行的义气至上行为准则,会导致企业组织目标迷失,破坏企业秩序,还会产生排外意识,导致组织内政治行为泛滥,扭曲员工的价值观,这些是义家族对企业管理的消极影响。改善老工业基地企业的管理,需要对义家族实施扬长避短、惩恶扬善的对策。  相似文献   

民族文化对该民族成员行为模式产生影响。本文通过对中韩合资企业员工民族文化的调查,发现其民族文化不尽相同,从而使两国员工表现出不同的行为模式,这对中韩合资企业生产经营活动产生某些影响。本文基于两国员工民族文化及受其影响的行为模式,探讨中韩合资企业管理方法选择问题。  相似文献   

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