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In this article we explore the increasing complexity of plagiarism litigation in the USA and Australia. Plagiarism has always been a serious academic issue and academic staff and students have wrestled with its definition and appropriate penalties for some time. However, the advent of the Internet and more freely accessible information resources, along with busy lives and pressures to succeed, may be leading to more frequent incidents of plagiarism. Alternatively, the same information resources and software packages may mean that we are now more able to identify when plagiarism occurs. The following discussion explores not just the traditional issues that have arisen with respect to plagiarism, but also the extended contexts in which plagiarism discussion is taking place in courtrooms, not university staffrooms. We consider issues in common in the two nations, as well as the wider academic community, and distinctive areas of litigation that have arisen in the USA and Australia.  相似文献   


Plagiarism is one of the most serious offences in the academic world. It has occurred as long as there have been teachers and students, but the recent growth of the Internet has made the problem much worse. Recent studies indicate that approximately 30% of all students may be plagiarising on every written assignment they complete. The “information technology revolution” is almost always presented as having cataclysmic consequences for education. In post‐secondary circles, perhaps the most commonly apprehended cataclysm is “Internet plagiarism”. Academics at all British universities and colleges can now test students’ work for cheating using the anti‐plagiarism program Turnitin. The program, run by the Joint Information Systems Committee and thought to be the first national system of its kind, offers free advice and a plagiarism detection service to all further education institutions in the UK. This article will try to: first, define exactly what plagiarism is; second, give examples and reports on samples of the new plagiarism detection software; and finally suggest strategies that lecturers can use before turning to the new software.  相似文献   

学术剽窃和法律内外的对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
方流芳 《中国法学》2006,(5):155-169
尽管剽窃与学术诚信相对立,但是,两者又从不同的方向折射出学者个人、学术群体和制度之间的紧张关系。在一定程度,遏制剽窃的力量的来自我们对问题本身的认识和言说,诸如:什么是剽窃?作者为什么要归认来源?版权法、侵权法和学术纪律在遏制剽窃过程中分别和共同担当什么样的角色?本文试图在国内外现有的研究的基础上,以中国实情为主要关注,探讨上述问题。  相似文献   

The relationship between parliament and new information and communications technologies (ICTs), in particular the Internet, is becoming ever more complicated. By means of conclusion, we highlight the key findings from our comparative study of four parliaments, the British, European, Portuguese and Swedish Parliaments, which have all adopted the Internet as an essential element of their parliamentary communication strategy. It is clear from our research that the Internet is already having a significant impact upon the operation of parliamentary institutions. Parliamentary and parliamentarians' use of the Internet has also raised important issues that ought to be considered cautiously by policy makers, and further academic study is important to the search for solutions.  相似文献   

As a microcosm of society, the Internet attracts some of the same undesirable elements that inhabit the offline world. Unfortunately "cyberstalkers" are among them. A proliferation of stories posted on the Internet and reported in the news, as well as an increase in cases handled by police computer crime units, indicate the problem is on the rise. This article explores current state and federal stalking laws in the United States, their application to cyberspace and First Amendment concerns related to cyberstalking legislation. The article suggests that the current federal stalking law is inadequate to deal with the growing problem of interstate cyberstalking, reviews two bills in Congress that would make interstate cyberstalking a crime and concludes that both bills would benefit from slight changes in wording to help them deflect constitutional challenges for vagueness and overbreadth and make them more effective.  相似文献   

E‐governance is more than just a government website on the Internet. The strategic objective of e‐governance is to support and simplify governance for all parties; government, citizens and businesses. The use of ICTs can connect all three parties and support processes and activities. In other words, in e‐governance electronic means support and stimulate good governance. Therefore, the objectives of e‐governance are similar to the objectives of good governance. Good governance can be seen as an exercise of economic, political, and administrative authority to better manage affairs of a country at all levels. It is not difficult for people in developed countries to imagine a situation in which all interaction with government can be done through one counter 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without waiting in lines. However to achieve this same level of efficiency and flexibility for developing countries is going to be difficult. The experience in developed countries shows that this is possible if governments are willing to decentralize responsibilities and processes, and if they start to use electronic means. This paper is going to examine the legal and infrastructure issues related to e‐governance from the perspective of developing countries. Particularly it will examine how far the developing countries have been successful in providing a legal framework.  相似文献   

No single entity-academic, corporate, governmental or non-profit-administers the Internet. (American Civil Liberties Union v Reno \[E.D. Pa. 1996] 929 F. Supp. 824, 832) The problems of regulation on the Internet are simply stated. First, it allows novel activities: e-mail, electronic discussion groups, simple transfer or viewing of text, images, sound and video. These activities may fall foul of laws of obscenity or defamation in some or all of the jurisdictions in which it is available. Second, the Internet is a distributed system that straddles geographical and jurisdictional boundaries; the regulation of such activities is likely to fall within two or more national 'legal' jurisdictions. It may therefore be difficult to choose an appropriate jurisdiction. Third, the inevitable need to choose a jurisdiction will mean that the values to be imposed upon the dispute will be the values of that jurisdiction, values that may be different from the values of those involved in the dispute. Much has been written on the first two problems and significant developments have been made in the formulation of principles to be applied to the problem of choosing a jurisdiction. In this paper, I will begin to focus on the third problem, the problem of inappropriate values being imposed upon Internet behaviour. The paper will develop the theme that the need for a single jurisdiction and, in consequence, the need for a single set of values to be imposed upon Internet activities is a fiction born out of centralist systems of western jurisprudence. The paper will review how courts have turned against pluralistic approaches in the past when dealing with clashes in cultural and religious values, particularly the clash in the English courts in the case of Salman Rushdie's 'The Satanic Verses'. Western courts have been dismissive of cultural and religious claims either treating them as 'repugnant' or contrary to public policy, or else questioning the validity of the motives of the applicants. It is evident from recent cases in the US, that judges will use similar techniques to impose their own value values upon Internet activity. The concept of legal pluralism is not recognised within westernised systems of law. The paper will then consider whether a more pluralistic strategy would provide a more satisfactory approach to dealing with such disputes on the Internet: an approach that would enable the resolution of the conflict between different cultural and religious values.  相似文献   

Cheating and plagiarism can involve the transgression of intellectual property rights across many areas of life. When a direct financial benefit from such practices is identifiable, the opportunity to seek legal redress is available via civil court action. When it is undertaken by a public official it may constitute malfeasance. Yet in the case of breaches of university regulations (from the growing number of student cheating and plagiarism incidents) subsequent legal intervention may be characterised by situations where the university is the defendant and the alleged plagiarist is the plaintiff (seeking compensation for interrupted study and/or tarnished reputation). University defences can flounder around the issue of proving intent to deceive. What can they do to try to prevent such occurrences? This paper uses economic analysis to examine such issues. Economic models of plagiarism motivated primarily by (i) time-saving and (ii) dishonesty are developed to help frame the discussion. Both model approaches overlap in their implications, namely, ensuring that sufficient resources are devoted to monitoring coursework (to increase the probability that cheating and plagiarism are detected) and of providing sufficiently clear and severe institutional penalties (to counter-balance any expected benefits that the student may perceive to be available from cheating and plagiarism). Policy proposals are raised for further debate and consideration.  相似文献   

Standard treatments of responsibility have been preoccupied with issues of blame and punishment, and concerns about free will. In contrast, Raz is concerned with problems about responsibility that arise from the “puzzle of moral luck,” puzzles that lead to misguided skepticism about negligence. We are responsible not only for conduct that is successfully guided by what we take to be our reasons for action, but also for misexercises of our rational capacities that escape our rational control. To deny this is to lose sight of the ways “moral luck” is an inescapable feature of our agential engagement in the world. The present essay attempts to set out Raz’s argument as sympathetically as possible. Raz’s shift of focus is a powerful counter to current tendencies and points us in new and promising directions. Nonetheless, as it stands, it may just relocate skepticism about negligence to a different place.  相似文献   

This article seeks to contribute to the existing debate(s) over the governance of cyberspace by focusing not upon legal frameworks, which have been already been the subject of much good work, but upon the enforcement of law. What is missing from much of the recent debate has been a substantive discussion of some of the practical problems of policing the Internet, such as by whom and how it should be (is being) policed. Such considerations are becoming increasingly important as the inhabitants of cyberspace multiply in number. It is argued that much of the debate over the policing of the Internet has tended to be driven by moral panics. As these panics subside it is becoming clear that there is clearly a confusion in the literature between the potential and actual harms that can be inflicted by cybercrimes. Consequently, we must be wary of reports which exaggerate the extent to which cybercrimes have proliferated, especially when those reports appear to originate from bodies who are currently engaged in the growing cybercrime industry. Furthermore, the legal problems appear to be less considerable as previously thought, especially with regard to the conflict of laws. This is not to say that there is not a problem, for there clearly is, but the article suggests that some of the undesirable behaviours will work themselves out, some will be eradicated by technology, whilst the remainder will continue to challenge our traditional understandings of crimes and deviant behaviours and the way that we police them. The first part of this article will look briefly at the growth of cybercrime: at what it is, who are the offenders and who are their victims. The second part will look at current models of policing the Internet and the third part will explore the appropriateness of the terrestrial policing model to the treatment of cybercrimes.  相似文献   

微博侵权行为的法律分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
微博作为一种新兴的交流工具,走进普通民众的生活,使得公民的言论自由权利得到了更加极致的发挥。与博客相比,微博的即时通讯功能更显强大,有网络的时候可以直接书写,在没有网络的地方,只要有手机就可以随时更新内容,用户可以即时迅速地表达自己的想法、心愿。在生活节奏变的愈来愈快的今天,微博使朋友之间的沟通与交流更加方便,也为人们提供了一个自由的精神家园。但是,由于微博的操作简单性、开放性、匿名性等特点,再加上我国目前互联网方面的法律体系比较薄弱,微博用户利用微博侵害他人权益的现象不断发生,为了保护公民的合法权益不受侵犯,本文针对微博中出现的侵权行为所涉及的法律问题进行了分析,并提出一些的建议。  相似文献   

There is always a temptation to suppose that one's own problems (whether personal or national) are unique. They rarely are. The "problem" of the elderly is no exception and so there is no particular point in looking to the specific characteristics of one's own health, social service, and social security systems for causes. There is, however, every reason to be looking at them for the consequences. They can also exacerbate the causes. In this paper we sketch the principal features (economic, social, and demographic) that have contributed to the "problem" of the elderly in Europe and then outline the main intellectual issues that need to be explored and resolved. That sounds a bit pompous but, if one is to avoid an intellectual morass consisting of the various assertions about needs, obligations, and so on that emanate from rival concerned parties and various professional interests on the one hand, and simplistic political slogans whose only virtue is that they cut the Gordian Knot (but provide no real enlightenment) on the other, then we need to be doing just this. We shall take a few things for granted: that cost-containment is not the be-all-and-end-all of policy; that value for money depends equally on what you get as on what you spend; that overall expenditure per head is mainly determined by income per head (though some countries have managed to get and stay below the regression line); and that it "ain't so" that all one needs to do is to "leave it to the market." To have justified each of these would have taken too much space so we can only assert them and trust that, in swallowing these camels, you won't strain at the gnats to come.  相似文献   

李士林 《北方法学》2017,11(3):65-74
电视节目之间的抄袭已成为一种社会现象,需要法律在其保护方式上予以回应。如果将电视节目模板视为作品,由模板到节目既不是著作权法上的复制,又不符合演绎忠于原作的义理,所以保护模板并非保护电视节目的有效方式。如果将电视节目视为试听作品,由于节目使用不同主题人物和主持人即可呈现不同的试听效果,所以依据著作权侵权三步法和第三方测试都很难阻碍电视节目之间的抄袭和题材雷同。即使寻求反不正当竞争保护,其为电视节目提供的庇护也非常有限。新鲜性和即时性是电视节目的灵魂,除雷同和剽窃者外,应允许电视节目之间相互学习和模仿。  相似文献   


Electronic legal education involves the use of information, communication and instructional technologies to enhance students’ learning of the law and to provide law teachers with environments and tools for teaching the law. With the fast growth of the Internet many Law schools and Law faculties are moving their education and training into web environments. This may open new ways of teaching and learning the law by providing students with an environment in which they can manage legal information and legal knowledge for their personal professional use. However, it is clear that throughout Europe there are divergent as well as convergent uses of the web and IT This article explores some of the issues inherent in this, and suggests a number of projects that would enable ICT in legal education to facilitate the aims of the Sorbonne‐Bologna process.  相似文献   

Plagiarism in the context of the law is a highly nuanced and complex concept, involving consideration of academic integrity and disciplinary rules and assessments of intent, which colour the responses of both universities and courts when confronted by the misuse of others’ words and ideas without appropriate referencing. Within academia, plagiarism is treated as ‘a capital offence’. In the context of admission as a lawyer, professional admissions boards in Australia use findings of major plagiarism at university as a reason for denying or delaying admission to practice on two grounds: firstly, if it amounts to cheating per se, as being indicative of a character flaw inconsistent with the character requirements of officers of the court; and secondly on the related basis that it is (or is assumed to be) a reliable predictor of future professional misconduct. Given this, Australian universities must educate students about academic integrity and referencing (particularly in the digital age, where sources and opportunities for misconduct are escalating), provide law students with training and practice in appropriate use of others’ material, and provide relevant information to students about the implications of findings of misconduct being made against them. This is important because, while there is a widespread perception that plagiarism ceases to be a consideration after admission as a lawyer, this is not supported by the decided cases.  相似文献   

The ease with which business can be transacted over the Internet raises various issues, not least among which are writing and signature requirements. While it has been established that an electronic record is a functional equivalent of writing, the position appears to be less clear with regard to electronic signatures. This paper examines the signature requirement as it applies to electronic contracts, in particular the form of electronic signature that can serve the functional equivalent of a handwritten signature for the purpose of the English Statute of Frauds 1677 and its various re-enactments. Reference will be made to legislation, the relevant UNCITRAL Model Laws and UN Conventions as well as to the substantial body of case law on paper contracts for analytical and comparative purposes.  相似文献   

Recently, “Speed” is one of the hot issues in digital forensics. Thanks to a recent advanced technology, today we can get bigger hard drive disks at a lower price than previously. But unfortunately, it means for forensic investigators that they need tremendous time and effort in the sequence of process of creating forensic images, searching into them and analyzing them. In order to solve this problem, some methods have been proposed to improve performance of forensic tools. One of them getting attention is a hardware-based approach. However, such a way is limited in the field of evidence cloning or password cracking while it is rarely used in searching and analysis of the digital evidence. In this paper, we design and implement a high-speed search engine using a Tarari content processor. Furthermore, we show feasibility of our approach by comparing its performance and features to those of a popular forensic tool currently on the market.  相似文献   

Issues of Internet jurisdiction remain a key challenge for the application of law to the online environment. Despite of a large volume of academic writings on the topic, these issues continue to be perceived as complex and inaccessible. This article aims to provide an accessible introduction to private international law as it applies to the Internet. As such, it is hoped that it may be a useful resource for courses in IT law, Internet law, e-commerce law or the like, as well as for anyone looking to refresh their understanding of exactly what it is that people are struggling with in the field we may call Internet jurisdiction.  相似文献   

Recently, “Speed” is one of the hot issues in digital forensics. Thanks to a recent advanced technology, today we can get bigger hard drive disks at a lower price than previously. But unfortunately, it means for forensic investigators that they need tremendous time and effort in the sequence of process of creating forensic images, searching into them and analyzing them. In order to solve this problem, some methods have been proposed to improve performance of forensic tools. One of them getting attention is a hardware-based approach. However, such a way is limited in the field of evidence cloning or password cracking while it is rarely used in searching and analysis of the digital evidence. In this paper, we design and implement a high-speed search engine using a Tarari content processor. Furthermore, we show feasibility of our approach by comparing its performance and features to those of a popular forensic tool currently on the market.  相似文献   

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