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民营科技型中小企业已成为中国社会经济发展最具活力的主体之一。为切实推动民营科技型中小企业发展,需要对其政策需求予以明晰,据此推动相关政策的研究出台、修订和落实。在对民营科技型中小企业聚集的创业板上市公司问卷调查的基础上,提炼出民营科技型中小企业目前较为关注的五个方面政策需求;从合规律性、合目的性和合规范性三个层面论证了相关政策需求或建议的合理性;最后对推进相关工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

科技型中小企业在国家经济的发展中,常常出现融资难的问题.这个问题在世界各国科技型中小企业中也很常见.由于各国的政治制度和经济制度不同,因此造成科技型中小企业融资的特点也就各不相同,西方发达国家经济发展快速,对该问题的解决经验值得我国借鉴和学习.我国目前应当对科技型中小企业的融资体系进行完善,建设加强各类金融机构的融资基础性条件,对融资路径进行创新,寻求解决出资难的有效途径.  相似文献   

日益重视起中小企业对国民经济的作用,采取各种手段和措施扶持中小企业的发展,是当今全球经济发展出现的一个重要趋势。在经济发达国家和地区中,日本是拥有中小企业数量最多、中小企业应变能力最强的国家之一。日本经济之所以能够迅速的振兴和发展,中小企业起到了至关重要的作用。而中小企业之所以能够不断发展并推动日本经济复兴,离不开日本政府对中小企业的扶持政策和立法支持。本文从二战后日本政府的中小企业政策和立法入手,分析了《中小企业基本法》、《小规模企业共济法》、《防止中小企业倒闭共济法》等具有日本特色的中小企业法律,通过对其立法背景和主要内容的研究,提出借鉴日本中小企业法治建设的先进经验,完善我国中小企业法律体系的建议。  相似文献   

李银霞 《法制与社会》2011,(21):116-116
科技型中小企业对我国国民经济的发展发挥着重要作用,但科技型中小企业有形资产少,普遍存在着融资难的问题。本文通过对我国科技型中小企业知识产权质押融资存在问题的分析,提出完善科技型中小企业知识产权质押融资的发展建议,以促进科技型中小企业的快速发展,推动创新型国家的建设。  相似文献   

刘丽霞 《河北法学》2020,38(4):132-138
智能公交调度系统软件版权保护是大数据时代信息技术和自动化技术与公交系统的需求相结合的必然要求,其对于从事软件开发的科技型中小企业对知识产权进行布局与运用具有促进从事相关业务的科技型中小企业软件开发、完善相关软件开发的科技型中小企业知识产权的布局与运用等价值。然而,当前存在保护对象范围需要扩展、开发和保护力度需要加强、专业机构和人才需要适度增设和有效培养,以及与从事软件开发的科技型中小企业合作不足等问题。因此,公交企业应从通过新功能开发、加大版权保护的总体投入、构建以版权保护部门为中心的版权保护制度体系,以及加强与从事软件开发的科技型中小企业合作等方面实施保护。  相似文献   

促进中小企业发展 缓解我国就业压力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受金融危机影响,我国经济发展速度趋缓,就业压力不断增大,为此,国家出台了多项政策刺激经济发展,缓解就业压力.但作为解决就业压力主战场的中小企业始终没有得到更多的政策扶持.鉴于此,结合我国目前的实际情况,从政策扶持、法律保障、融资环境改善、服务体系优化等方面来积极促进中小企业的发展,对缓解我国就业压力具有重要意义.  相似文献   

中小企业对我国经济有着重要的影响,但是在发展过程中却遇到政策扶持少、融资困难、中小企业社会化及信息服务体系不健全等许多的困难,不利于中小企业健康、持续的发展。本文从我国中小企业的现状谈起,列举了中小企业发展中存在的问题,提出了完善政府职能为中小企业提供良好的制度环境等方面,以破解中小企业在发展中遇到的难题。  相似文献   

在知识经济时代,企业尤其是科技型企业对知识产权的保护和管理意识不断增强.但从实际情况来看,许多科技型企业知识产权管理还存在一定问题,尤其对于科技型中小企业来说,受限于企业规模和技术实力,其知识产权管理水平较低.知识产权管理信息化对于解决科技型中小企业知识产权管理问题有着重要的作用.本文从科技型中小企业知识产权管理现状着手,针对性构建了其知识产权信息管理平台,探讨了各个功能模块的实现过程,旨在为相关研究与实践提供参考.  相似文献   

关于科技型中小企业技术创新基金的暂行规定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了扶持、促进科技型中小企业技术创新,经国务院批准,设立用于支持科技型中小企业(以下简称“中小企业”)技术创新项目的政府专项基金(以下简称“创新基金”)。为了加强创新基金管理,提高创新基金使用效益,特作如下规定:一、创新基金是一种引导性资金,通过吸引地方、企业、科技创业投资机构和金融机构对中小企业技术创新的投资,逐步建立起符合社会主义市场经济客观规律。支持中小企业技术创新的新型投资机制。二、创新基金不以营利为目的,通过对中小企业技术创新项目的支持,增强其创新能力。王、创新基金的使用和管理必须遵守…  相似文献   

近年来,随着全球经济规模的不断扩大,能源使用带来的环境问题受到社会各界的广泛关注,其中最主要的问题就是由于二氧化碳浓度升高带来的全球气候变暖问题,并在此背景下产生了"低碳经济"的概念。本文从低碳经济的时代背景出发,研究我国中小企业发展低碳经济的路径选择与我国有关中小企业的低碳经济政策与立法的完善问题。探讨了我国中小企业面临的低碳经济法律制度环境和低碳经济时代我国中小企业扶持的法律保障制度的不足与完善。提出对我国与中小企业低碳经济制度在立法、管理机构设置、法制宣传等方面给予完善的主张。强调我国发展低碳经济不仅要充分发挥市场机制的基础性作用,也要政府行政手段、法律手段、经济手段的适度干预与协调,加之公民的广泛参与,搭建一个政府扶持与引导、企业主导、公民参与的三方协作发展平台。  相似文献   

This paper reviews US statistics on international transactions in royalties and license fees to provide insights into the inward international licensing of technology by US-based firms. The data and their limitations are described. Trends in the data suggest that a change is occurring in the balance between outward and inward licensing of technology by US-based firms. The statistics are consistent with the idea that such firms have a diminishing technological lead and that technology importing, in addition to technology exporting, is becoming important to them. The new situation raises issues for corporate strategy and technology management, as well as for government policy. Mary Ellen Mogee is president of Mogee Research & Analysis Associates, a consulting firm in Great Falls, VA. She established the firm in 1985, after 15 years in policy-analysis positions at the National Science Foundation, the Congressional Research Service, the National Bureau of Standards, and the Patent and Trademark Office. She also teaches in the Management of Science, Technology, and Innovation program in the School of Business and Public Management at the George Washington University. Mogee received her Ph.D. in political science and an MA in science, technology, and public policy from George Washington University.  相似文献   

政府在农业结构调整中的经济职责   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨德敏 《行政与法》2005,(8):57-58,61
农业生产规模小、利润少;市场调节具有一定的盲目性;农业结构调整需要信息服务和生产技术指导;进一步推进农业结构调整难等原因制约了农业产业结构的调整。因此,为确保农业产业结构调整的顺利进行,在农业结构调整中,政府必须履行宏观调控、规划指导、政策扶持、信息引导、科技提供、法制保障等经济职责。政府在履行上述经济职责时,要以全新的理念作指导;以农民增收为目标;以市场为导向;着力提高我国农业和农产品的市场竞争力。  相似文献   

Research collaboration between government, universities, and industry, as well as among member nations, has been a prominent strategy in the European Community's science and technology policy through the 1980s and into the 1990s. In the perspective of the Single European Act and 1992 Plan, this paper outlines the lessons from European research collaboration for the United States. The structure of the European Community's cooperative R&D programs are reviewed and support for the development of advanced materials is highlighted. In the context of the benefits from the European Community's programs, five policy implications can be discerned for the US: establishment of forums for industry and government to dialogue about research priorities, institution of programs to promote strategic industrial R&D through cost-sharing, encouragement of small and medium-size firms to cooperate in R&D in high-technology sectors, monitoring of European research and development programs, and development of reciprocity policies for foreign-company membership in national collaborative R&D programs. Mary T. Tyszkiewicz is senior research associate in the Technology and Information Policy Program at Syracuse University. She has an MS in inorganic chemistry from Iowa State University and MSc. in Science, Technology, and Industrialization from the Science Policy Research Unit at University of Sussex in Brighton, England.  相似文献   

This article assesses the performance of a technology business incubator program, established by the French government to support innovative new science and technology-based firms (NSTBF) that seek to commercialize laboratory research results. With a resource-based view and an institutional approach, this study predicts why some incubators may be more successful than others in supporting the development of NSTBF. An original longitudinal data set represents the results of a public incubator program, funded following the passage of a 1999 French law on innovation and research. The findings refer to a sample of 25 operationally active incubators and their 1200 graduated new ventures. This study contributes to the literature on business incubation by showing the importance of various incubator resource inputs for aiding NSTBF projects. It thus provides useful and timely feedback for researchers and policy makers.  相似文献   

The research-and-development consortium is a promising means for pursuing development projects that are difficult to justify by the classical criterion of return on investment to the individual firm. New consortia are being formed in many generic and industrial technologies often with the encouragement and support of government. This paper outlines a seven-stage process by which new consortia are being formed and the six strategies that motivate firms to join consortia (pooling, acceleration, sharing, blocking, linking, and multi-path). Differences in the focus, means, and policy concerns of technology transfer are outlined for each stage and strategy.  相似文献   

High-temperature superconductivity has been used as a probe for evaluating science and technology policy-making in various countries. Differences in response time and behavior have been detected among the three main actors: The US, Japan, and EEC. While the US had by far the highest response rate, national research laboratories and the universities with extensive government grants responded significantly slower than did corporate research laboratories and universities with less government support. The study suggests that dependency on large governement contracts dampen the ability to make quick decisions and change policy direction mid-stream. In Europe, the response process has been slow and indicates a need to re-evaluate science policy to increase responsiveness to major events.  相似文献   

Technology policies and their effect on technology transfer from defense to civilian industries in Israel from 1967 to 1995 are explored. Defense technology policy is found to drive the growth of the defense industry and to limit defense conversion to commercialization initiatives developed primarily through intra-organizational technology transfer. The case of the Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) is presented. Also the development of national technology policy in Israel is traced and found wanting. Civilian and defense technology policies are found to be uncoordinated with each other and together are incapable of producing interorganizational technology transfer so as to significantly effect defense conversion on a wide number of economic actors particularly small firms. To achieve a socially effective defense conversion process (in which technologies are transferred from defense firms to many economic actors), the analysis suggests that a national technology policy should be designed and implemented under Prime Minister's leadership.  相似文献   

The Journal of Technology Transfer - Over the past decades, public policy has promoted the establishment of science parks to support the development and growth of technology-based firms and, as...  相似文献   

The United States is increasingly looking at ways to link public-sector investments in science and technology with national economic-development goals. The federal laboratories are a reflection of this trend and much has been done to make them a more attractive source for innovative ideas in the private sector. One significant change that has resulted in making the laboratories more interactive with US industry has been the easing of government patent policy for both government-and contractor-operated national laboratories. However, there still are intellectual-property constraints, especially in the areas of technical data and software, that need immediate attention if the full intent of technology-transfer legislation is to be met. Previously he was a science policy analyst in the US General Accounting Office's Resource, Community and Economic Development Division.  相似文献   

Recent interest on the part of criminologists in the “faith factor” has made possible a contemporary argument for faith‐based interventions in crime prevention: if faith “works,” then government should support faith‐based initiatives because in doing so, government is not endorsing religion, but science. Drawing on the ideas of Karl Popper, Michael Polanyi, and others, this essay reviews this argument within the framework of the philosophy of social science. The discussion reviews such concepts of falsification, structural causality, objectivity, and evidence‐based policy making to affirm the place of both faith and science in public life.  相似文献   

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