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王宏壮 《河北法学》2001,19(1):63-66
我国自1985年颁布<涉外经济合同法>以来,至今已形成了关于涉外合同的法律适用的一般原则及其比较完备的冲突规范.针对<合同法>的实施,导致1985年的<涉外经济合同法>和最高人民法院于1987年发布的<关于适用〈涉外经济合同法〉若干问题的解答>废止的情况,指出我国涉外合同法律适用的原则,及其在司法实践中适用应注意的有关问题.  相似文献   

戚兆岳 《法学杂志》2005,(3):109-111
"买卖不破租赁"原则是租赁权物权化的具体体现,我国<合同法>第229条亦采此原则.但是,对比各国和地区关于这一原则的立法例,我国<合同法>第229条在租赁物的适用范围上、表述上、准用性规定及效力规定上存在诸多的不完整性.本文于比较的角度,对这些方面作一些简要的评析.  相似文献   

论我国《合同法》格式合同规定之不足与完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何瑶 《行政与法》2001,(5):91-92
格式合同在市场经济中利弊兼而有之,我国<合同法>对格式合同作出了规制但尚有诸多不足.文章对完善<合同法>相关规定提出了具体意见,以求最大限度发挥格式合同的优越功能,抑制其负面作用.  相似文献   

郑爱青 《法学家》2006,(2):138-145
竞业限制问题是正在制定中的<劳动合同法>应规范的内容之一.单位对劳动者再就业进行的竞业限制行为和劳动者的忠实义务之间存在何种关系,他们各自和保守商业秘密之间的关系如何看待,以及竞业限制行为的理由、合法性条件如何确定等问题,是<劳动合同法>正确规范竞业限制行为不可回避的考虑因素.本文提出,劳动者的忠实义务和竞业限制条款是两个含义不同的概念,两者来自不同的法律目标前者是劳动法律关系的特征所要求的,而后者则是在保护公共利益、保护劳动自由权和公平竞争原则之间寻求平衡的结果.在区分了相关的基本概念的含义之后,文章结合英法两国劳动法判例的分析,对竞业限制条款的有效条件、履行和相应的违法责任进行了阐述,并对我国<劳动合同法>中的竞业限制立法和相关司法提出建议.  相似文献   

在我国对保赔协会的直接诉讼   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文结合我国<海事诉讼特别程序法>及<合同法>的相关规定,通过对照英国上议院的著名案例、英美法及法国法的相关规定,分析了在我国现有法律环境下能否成就对保赔协会的直接诉讼.  相似文献   

刘萍 《知识产权》2006,16(1):53-55
我国参加了TRIPS协议、<世界版权公约>和<伯尔尼公约>三个涉及到版板保护的条约.但具体到圆谷株式会社诉著作权侵权两案中,TRIPS协议和<世界版权公约>是不应适用的,人民法院在条约的层面上只需适用<伯尔尼公约>.<伯尔尼公约>提供的是最低限度保护标准,我国<著作权法>提供的保护低于<伯尔尼公约>的,应适用<伯尔尼公约>;我国<著作权法>提供的保护高于<伯尔尼公约>的,应适用我国<著作权法>.  相似文献   

我国《海商法》修改的必要性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过分析<海商法>在实施中暴露的不足、<海商法>实施以来我国民商立法和国际海事立法的发展,结合法律修改的法理,探讨<海商法>修改的必要性和应遵循的原则,并在此基础上提出<海商法>修改的要点建议.  相似文献   

如何在我国实施WTO《服务贸易总协定》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国加入世界贸易组织之后,作为<服务贸易总协定>的缔约方,自然要保证该协定各项原则和规则在我国得以实施.为此,需要明确我国实施<服务贸易总协定>的现实条件,制订与<服务贸易总协定>相一致的统一的服务贸易法,并完善与此相适应的配套措施.  相似文献   

构建我国金融机构市场退出的监管法律体系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
市场退出监管是现代金融监管法律体系不可或缺的内容.我国尚无金融机构市场退出的专门法律,现有法律的规定较为原则,且落后于市场退出实践的需要.因此,作者提出构建我国金融机构市场退出监管法律体系的具体建议包括制定<金融机构接管条例>、<金融机构破产条例>、<金融机构并购条例>及建立存款保险制度.  相似文献   

中国海上保险法律的修改   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邢海宝 《法学家》2004,(3):149-154
本文借鉴国外经验,就我国<海商法>中海上保险法律的修改,结合最高法院司法解释进行了评析,并对<海商法>修订的基本原则及其中一些重要问题提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   

熊琦 《法学研究》2022,44(1):188-204
著作权合同规则和集体协商所需中介组织的双重缺失,导致我国作者在著作权合同领域面临诸多不公平待遇时处于无法可依的境地。比较法上作者权益保护的制度安排,又因不同国家相关产业力量对比差异而有不同路径。在缺乏本土基本规则支撑的情况下,更符合我国产业特点的解决路径,一方面是根据比较法经验来重新校准作者权益的保护范畴,避免以事后规则直接保障作者收益,通过事前规则增助作者的自治能力;另一方面是运用法教义学的方法从著作权法合同章和民法典合同编两个领域完成对作者权益保护的解释学续造。应将著作权法合同章中规定的许可或转让的权利种类作为合同成立的“必要之点”,要求合同条款明确列举每项权利的使用范围、目的、期限和版税标准。应在区分无偿和有偿的著作权专有许可合同的基础上,类推适用民法典合同编中合同终止的一般规则和相关有名合同终止权来完成对作者利益保护规则的续造。  相似文献   

我国现行《劳动合同法》中包含了大量背离普通民事法律规则的劳动关系强行运行规则,但这些规则仍属于私法领域,与公法属性的劳动基准存在本质差别。由公权保障实施,是劳动基准的特征之一。将过多的单位义务纳入劳动监察的保障实施范围,分散了劳动基准的公权保护力度,因此,不宜将现行劳动监察事项作为劳动基准的判断依据。对劳动合同书面形式、二倍工资、经济补偿金、用工档案等具体制度规则的分析表明,我国《劳动合同法》中的大量强行规则并非劳动基准。虽然《劳动合同法》与劳动基准关系密切,但其中真正涉及劳动基准的规定并不多,仅在非典型劳动关系调整中略有提及,因此,制定单独的《劳动基准法》,仍有很大的制度空间。  相似文献   

由于欧盟尚无统一的欧洲合同法,各成员国合同法中的强制性条款的差异成为欧洲共同市场一体化进程的阻碍之一,因此研究欧盟区域内冲突法意义上的强制性规则十分必要。基于现在欧盟无冲突法意义上关于强制性规则的立法,笔者试图依据欧盟成员国缔结并适用的罗马公约从冲突法的角度解释不同类型的强制性规则,分析它们的不同之处,并比较具代表性的欧盟成员国的强制性规则,同时讨论欧盟这一层面的现行规定及发展。  相似文献   

唐勇 《北方法学》2013,(6):36-48
不动产登记缩略的不法性具有公法、私法双重面相。就其公法不法性,可通过行政处罚等公法手段予以规制,并得与其私法效果相区隔。就私法效果而言,登记缩略因违反登记要件主义,使得该三方当事人所期望的物权效果无法实现;并因黑白合同的存在,导致其不法性进一步扩散,使之层叠为税费规避、强制性法律规范违反和虚伪表示的交错。登记缩略在私法解释学上的核心,在于如何焊接因中间登记省略而断裂的物权链,从而阻却其违法性,其方法包括授权理论、期待权理论和我国实务中的黑白合同方式;登记缩略的原因债权行为表现为链式交易合同、债权让与、利益第三人合同或第三人履行合同,其履行则表现为给付连锁、缩短给付或指示给付;因我国物权变动模式之通说尚未形成,仅依据《物权法》第15条,登记缩略情形下物债效力区隔和传递,存在多种解释余地。  相似文献   

熊进光  万晴 《行政与法》2006,20(2):105-107
惩罚性赔偿在合同领域的适用有其正当性,已经为各国立法和司法所肯定,我国现行法律、法规亦有相应规定。惩罚性赔偿作为一种私法性质的法律责任,应当在民法典中予以规定。建议在民法典合同编违约责任中增加惩罚性赔偿的有关规定。  相似文献   

The Common European Sales Law (CESL) is the European Commission’s most recent policy initiative for European contract law. It aims to address the problem that differences between the national contract laws of the Member States may constitute an obstacle for the European Internal Market. This paper develops a model of the institutional competition in European contract law and uses it to addresses the question as to whether an optional European contract code and the CESL are economically desirable for European contract law. To do so I examine the transaction costs involved in the process of choosing an applicable law that European businesses face when they conduct cross-border transactions in the European Internal Market. I then describe how these transaction costs shape the competitive environment, i.e. what I refer to as the “European market for contract laws” in which the contracting parties choose a law to govern their cross-border contracts. Having identified this environment and the competitive forces operating within it, I propose a model, the “Cycle of European Contract Law”. I use this model to analyze the competitive processes that take place in the European market for contract laws. Based on my results I make recommendations for the optimal implementation of an optional European contract code and the CESL in European contract law.  相似文献   

One of the most interesting recent developments in contract law has been an academic and political effort to integrate private law. The proposed Common European Sales Law was ultimately withdrawn, and a series of setbacks, including the British referendum to exit the EU, has recast the politics of convergence. But it remains an objective for many European scholars. This essay considers the wisdom of convergence on a single law of transactions from the perspective of philosophical contract theory. The essay proceeds by disaggregating the rights at stake in contract law. It characterises the formal right to contract and describes its moral impetus as one that should underwrite contract law in all states, especially liberal states. But the essay argues that the legitimate contours of the formal right are contingent on tenets of political culture that vary across Member States. Similarly, substantive regulation of contract is morally compulsory and serves universal interests; the essay takes regulation of permissible work and remuneration for work as examples. But the rules and standards that best advance those moral interests depend on economic facts specific to individual political communities. The essay concludes by arguing that contract law is a poor tool by which to accelerate political and economic convergence.  相似文献   

中国农村土地流转问题的法律思考   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
近些年土地流转在广大农村悄然兴起 ,它是继安徽凤阳县小岗村土地承包改革之后 ,来自农村的又一创新之举。它是市场经济在农村土地承包制度改革中的进一步深化 ,它不仅抑制了农村土地抛荒 ,而且还解决了农村土地资源的有效配置。但同时又存在着这样那样的问题 ,诸如 ,土地流转无法可依、农民土地承包权得不到有效保障、土地流转形式较乱、造成了一些纠纷等。当务之急是加强农村土地流转的法制建设 ,确认、巩固土地流转改革成果和解决存在的问题。首先是修改现存法律有关内容 ,其次尽快出台《农村土地承包法》 ,再是尽早制定《农村土地流转法》 ,明确土地流转的原则、形式、程序、监管和责任 ,使农村土地流转纳入法制轨道。  相似文献   

The Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and Representations) Act 2012, which abolishes the consumer assured's duty to volunteer information, heralds the first successful outcome of the English and Scottish Law Commissions current insurance contract law reform project. This paper outlines the defects of the common law duty of disclosure which the Law Commissions sought to address. It goes on to consider why previous legislative attempts failed, the self‐regulatory measures introduced by the insurance industry as a means of resisting earlier pressure for statutory intervention, and how that resistance broke down. Finally, it examines the scope of the 2012 reforms and the current consultation being undertaken in respect of the duty of disclosure in relation to business insurance. It concludes by assessing the significance of the statute in providing a necessary impetus for future insurance law reforms.  相似文献   

Good faith is a principle prominent in civil law countries but less so in common law countries, and which allows courts to deviate from black letter law. It provides them with flexibility to change the outcome of a deductive legal decision if they regard it as absurd. The principle of good faith thus empowers the judiciary to deviate. It can be used for an indefinite number of cases and might lead to almost all conceivable legal consequences. For instance, the judge can invalidate the contract, change the price, suspend or change a clause in the contract, or grant injunctive relief, compensation of damages, the disgorgement of profits or a removal claim. We argue that if the principle of good faith is used to develop contract law into an instrument for redistributing wealth in favor of poor parties, this can destroy the concept of contract as a social mechanism for generating mutual gains for parties, which might lead to unwanted economic consequences in terms of efficiency losses. We argue that the principle of good faith must be carefully and reluctantly used to reconstruct the fully specified contract and that well-informed judges, who understand the factual environment of a contract well should ask how fair bur self-interested parties would have allocated the risk in a pre-contractual situation. If the courts restrict the application of the good faith principle to these functions, this provides elasticity that otherwise would not exist if courts would strictly use the rules laid down in black letter law. Moreover, it saves transactions costs and is therefore in line with economic reasoning. We look at the most important Turkish cases and find that the Turkish Supreme Court following Continental European doctrines of good faith actually uses this principle to curb opportunistic behavior of parties and not to achieve redistribution from the rich to the poor by way of interfering into contract law.  相似文献   

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