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1案例 1.1案例1 许某,男,12岁,2年前因交通事故致左侧胫腓骨骨折,伤后行"左侧胫腓骨切开复位+钢板、克氏针内固定术"及石膏托外固定等治疗,术后6个月行"左侧胫腓骨骨折内固定取出术"。  相似文献   

Gu XF 《法医学杂志》2011,27(4):279-81, 285
目的 探讨无骨折脱位型颈脊髓损伤案例中外伤与损害后果因果关系法医学鉴定的要点.方法 收集25例无骨折脱位型颈脊髓损伤的法医学鉴定案例资料,总结被鉴定人的年龄、致伤方式、影像学检查结果、自身颈椎退变情况、临床表现、主要诊疗情况、预后情况等,按照损伤与损害后果相关程度分为直接原因、主要原因、同等原因、次要原因、无原因进行伤...  相似文献   

1例股骨颈骨折手术引发的医疗纠纷处理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1例普通股骨颈骨折术后出现骨不连、股骨头缺血改变而引发的医疗纠纷,因术中未拍摄侧位片,医院不能就出现上述情况是由于手术原因还是患者自身原因所致而举证,导致医院蒙受较大经济损失。但最终医院运用法律武器,依靠公安、政府部门妥善解决了此纠纷。案情介绍患者王某,女,27岁。因“左股骨颈骨折(头下型GardenⅣ型)”于2000年9月3日急诊入某院。医院于9月11日给患者行“经皮三根鳞纹钉固定术”,正位片显示术中骨折固定对位对线尚好(未拍摄侧位片)。术后第5天病人要求出院返家。2001年6月5日来医院复诊,X线侧位片示:股骨头向后倾斜,骨折对…  相似文献   

骨折并发血管损伤可以是原发外伤或是手法复位中引起骨折断端刺破邻近血管.切开复位内固定手术损伤血管,鲜有产生严重不良后果的报道.其原因是骨折手术中损伤常被归为骨折本身的并发症,或术中致血管损伤大多可在手术当时发现,并且及时采取补救措施,即或遗留后遗症,亦被开脱为骨折本身所致.本文报道一例手术损伤血管引起患者死亡的病例,复习有关文献,对内固定术致血管损伤的特点进行阐述.  相似文献   

Zhang XA  Liu JH  Li YF  Tang P  Cui Y  Zhang XY  Liu XB  Zheng CF  Xu XM 《法医学杂志》2007,23(5):358-359
目的分析外伤后流产案例法医学临床鉴定的特点,探究外伤与流产之间的因果关系。方法收集近年中国医科大学法医学院临床法医学教研室外伤后流产法医学鉴定共23例,总结和分析外伤后流产案例的特点。结果23例外伤后流产法医学鉴定例均为早期流产,体表损伤轻微,伤后短时间内出现阴道流血,并在较短时间内流产。高龄孕妇、农村人口和无业人员所占比例大。结论流产原因较多,对于外伤后流产的法医学鉴定案例,只有排除非外伤性因素后,才能认定为外伤性流产;对于不能排除非外伤性流产因素的案例,可根据具体情况分析损伤为流产的主要原因、次要原因或诱因。  相似文献   

目的研究颅脑外伤所致精神障碍的损伤程度评定标准.方法通过对204例由司法部门委托进行法医学精神损伤程度鉴定实践,重点对颅脑外伤所致神经症的损伤程度评定标准及其他相关问题进行了讨论.结果 204例中,男、女比例无差异.年龄组以21~30岁(63例)、31~40岁(53例)居多.表明上述年龄组的社会活动多,受到伤害的可能性大;职业以工人、农民为多,文化程度相对较低.损伤原因以伤害(107例)、交通事故(49例)为多.损伤与精神障碍间隔时间,半年以内152例,半年至1年为23例,表明鉴定时间选择在1年内为佳.精神障碍的种类与性质:器质性精神障碍108例,占52.8%;功能性精神障碍84例,占41.4%,其中外伤后神经症(含癔症35例)66例,占32.3%.社会功能评定:无社会功能受损77例,轻度受损41例,明显受损86例.神经系统检查:204例中有一过性神经体征38例,有明显阳性体征62例.损伤与精神障碍的关系:直接因果关系104例、间接因果关系61例;条件相关34例、无相关5例.损伤程度评定结果:重伤85例,轻伤67例,伤病关系评定47例.结论通过对204例头部外伤后精神损伤鉴定实践,对当前法医学精神损伤鉴定的疑难问题,如颅脑外伤所致神经症的损伤程度评定标准,提出了具体的可操作性的意见,以期在实践中进一步深入研究.  相似文献   

1案例 1.1案情摘要 杨某,男,51岁,于2008年9月6日上午因交通事故受伤,致左胫腓骨骨折,当天入住某乡卫生院,于当日下午行左胫骨骨折切开复位并内固定术。术后局部感染,并致骨髓炎、骨坏死,经久不愈。  相似文献   

目的 利用放射性核素骨显像检查鉴别鼻部骨折的新旧程度.方法 对48例疑似陈旧性鼻部骨折伤者放射性核素全身骨显像、局部断层骨显像及CT融合图像在鼻部骨折处放射性分布、浓聚情况的分析,鉴别鼻部骨折的新旧程度.结果 48例中8例放射性核素全身骨显像、局部断层骨显像及CT融合图像在鼻部骨折处显示放射性分布增高、浓聚区,诊为新鲜骨折,评定为轻伤;40例在鼻部骨折处未见明显异常放射性分布增高、浓聚区,诊为陈旧骨折,与本次外伤无因果关系.结论 放射性核素骨显像检查在鉴别鼻部骨折新旧程度方面可得到满意结果.  相似文献   

骨折并发血管损伤可以是原发外伤或是手法复位中引起骨折断端刺破邻近血管。切开复位内固定手术损伤血管 ,鲜有产生严重不良后果的报道。其原因是骨折手术中损伤常被归为骨折本身的并发症 ,或术中致血管损伤大多可在手术当时发现 ,并且及时采取补救措施 ,即或遗留后遗症 ,亦被开脱为骨折本身所致。本文报道一例手术损伤血管引起患者死亡的病例 ,复习有关文献 ,对内固定术致血管损伤的特点进行阐述。案例资料患者 ,男 ,3 5岁。车祸伤后 5 + 小时入院。查体 :T 3 6.6℃ ,P 88次 /分 ,R 2 0次 /分 ,BP 12 0 /70mmHg ,神清合作。右下肢肿胀明…  相似文献   

<正>1案例资料赵某,男,39岁。2009年9月21日,因交通事故被叉车前轮碾压导致右下肢损伤,伤后到某医院治疗。查体:右小腿中下段内侧有约5cm×5cm开放伤口,骨折端外露,污染严重。诊断:右胫骨开放骨折,右跟骨开放骨折。行右胫骨、右跟骨开放骨折清创缝合术。同日,因伤者感觉恶心请内科会诊,诊断为胃肠道应激反应。术后继发感染,小腿大部分皮肤坏死,菌培养示铜绿假单胞菌。伤者既往无外伤、手术  相似文献   

目的 研究颅脑外伤所致精神障碍的损伤程度评定标准。方法 通过对204 例由司法部门委托进行法医学精神损伤程度鉴定实践,重点对颅脑外伤所致神经症的损伤程度评定标准及其他相关问题进行了讨论。结果 204 例中,男、女比例无差异。年龄组以21 ~30 岁(63 例) 、31~40 岁(53 例) 居多。表明上述年龄组的社会活动多,受到伤害的可能性大;职业以工人、农民为多,文化程度相对较低。损伤原因以伤害(107 例) 、交通事故(49 例) 为多。损伤与精神障碍间隔时间,半年以内152 例,半年至1 年为23 例,表明鉴定时间选择在1 年内为佳。精神障碍的种类与性质:器质性精神障碍108 例,占52-8% ;功能性精神障碍84 例,占41-4% ,其中外伤后神经症( 含癔症35 例)66 例,占32-3 % 。社会功能评定:无社会功能受损77 例,轻度受损41 例,明显受损86 例。神经系统检查:204 例中有一过性神经体征38 例,有明显阳性体征62 例。损伤与精神障碍的关系:直接因果关系104 例、间接因果关系61 例;条件相关34 例、无相关5 例。损伤程度评定结果:重伤85 例,轻伤67 例,伤病关系评定47 例。结论 通过对204 例头部外伤  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to define the criteria for the differential diagnosis of trauma following resuscitation and road accidents. To this end, 311 cases of thoracic and epigastric trauma were selected from the 2893 medico-legal autopsies carried out between 1979 and 1982 at the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the University of Heidelberg. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation had to be considered as the cause of trauma in 140 of these, but 45 of this group were excluded from further evaluation as they had been the victims of blunt trauma and no clear-cut distinction was possible between trauma resulting from an accident and trauma resulting from resuscitation. Thus, we were left with 95 cases of internal injury that presented as emergencies and in whom death followed resuscitation, as a group for comparison with 171 road accident victims who had not received cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Rib fractures, predominantly on the left side, were established in half the cases resuscitated, sternal fractures also being found in one-third of these victims. Bleeding at various sites, including hemato-thorax, was rare, with an incidence of 15%, thus making it highly unlikely that serious traumas caused by resuscitation were a major factor in the cause of death. This paper encompasses an extensive discussion on serious injuries, such as aortic and gastric ruptures, in this connection.  相似文献   

The authors report on 4 deaths. 3 of the victims had been bitten by dogs shortly before death; in one case the victim had close contacts with a dog. In 3 of the cases death was caused by septicemia; microorganisms occurring in the saliva of dogs, but rarely causing infection could be determined in 2 of the cases. While in case 1 there was no bite injury so that transmission must have occurred by droplet infection (without trauma) or via a discrete skin lesion, case 2 showed a penetrating dog-bite injury; in both cases the spleen had been surgically removed some years before. In case 3 a causal relationship had to be assumed between a dog bite and death, although no pathogen could be identified in microbiological tests. In case 4 death was not attributable to the dog-bite injury suffered, but was due to an internal pathological cause.  相似文献   

Blunt abdominal trauma can cause sudden, unexpected death due to injuries to internal organs. Rupture of a hepatic subcapsular hematoma is a relatively rare cause of sudden death following minor blunt abdominal trauma. Death may be delayed several days to weeks. The autopsy is an invaluable diagnostic tool that can be utilized to uncover sudden deaths due to abdominal trauma. The case of an alcoholic who died of a ruptured hepatic subcapsular hematoma is presented. The death investigation revealed that the victim had sustained blunt abdominal trauma during a fall a few days prior to death.  相似文献   

One of the dangers of a rapidly growing technology industry is the risk involved in being intimately close to lithium-ion batteries. When exposed to improper conditions, lithium-ion batteries in a variety of devices have been reported to ignite and, in some cases, explode. With the rise of electronic cigarette use and modifications, the lithium-ion batteries in these devices are subject to a higher risk of malfunction. This is a retrograde analysis of a 38-year-old man who experienced fatal penetrating head trauma while using a modified electronic cigarette device. The findings suggest that the trauma from the explosion was caused by the thermal runaway of the lithium-ion battery in the modified e-cigarette.  相似文献   

Basal subarachnoid hemorrhage due to rupture of normal extra- and intracranial arteries, in association with minor trauma to the face and neck and alcohol intoxication, has been well described but often goes unrecognized at autopsy. This results in the incorrect classification of the manner of death as natural. Six cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage due to mild-to-moderate blows to the head or neck are presented. All were men in the age range 28-61 years (mean, 38.8 years). Four had blood alcohol levels of 0.09-0.28 g % at autopsy, and five of six were comatose or dead within 30 min of the initiating trauma. Traumatic ruptures of otherwise normal extra- and intracranial arteries were identified in four cases. The site of rupture was not found in one case, and the final case had rupture of a fibrotic intracranial vertebral artery. Multiple sites of incomplete and complete rupture were found in four cases. Postmortem angiography was used in one case to demonstrate the site of rupture prior to removal of the brain. Postmortem angiography and careful gross and histologic examination of extra- and intracranial cerebral arteries is recommended in all cases of basal subarachnoid hemorrhage where minor trauma to the head or neck has occurred prior to collapse or death, especially if the decedent was intoxicated at the time of the trauma.  相似文献   

Objective: To explore the difference of eye movement characteristics between uncooperative and cooperative subjects with mental disorder after cerebral trauma. Methods: Thirty-nine subjects which needed psychiatric impairment assessment were selected. According to the binomial forced-choice digit memory test (BFDMT), all subjects were divided into cooperative and uncooperative groups. The subjects were asked to take the image completion test from Wechsler adult intelligence scale. Meanwhile, the data of eye movement track, fixation, saccade, pupil and blink were recorded by the track system of eye movement. Results: There were significantly differences (P<0.05) in the data of saccade between cooperative (10 cases) and uncooperative groups (29 cases). The frequency, time, amplitude, acceleration of saccadic in uncooperative group were significantly higher than cooperation group. The saccade latencies of cooperation group increased more than uncooperative group. There was a significant difference (P<0.05) in total discrete distance, average distance and total time of fixation between two groups, while the average duration time, number and frequency of fixation had no significantly difference (P>0.05) between two groups. And the blink frequency of cooperation group was higher than uncooperative group. Conclusion: Eye movement can be an objective index for the primary judgment of cooperation level. © 2017 by the Editorial Department of Journal of Forensic Medicine.  相似文献   

Mast cell tryptase and hemolysis after trauma   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND: We have previously found increased mast cell tryptase in accidental deaths due to trauma, indicating that mast cell degranulation had occurred. The present study was designed to confirm the previous observation and to determine if tryptase release after trauma is acute or delayed. Furthermore, the importance of hemolysis and direct trauma to the mast cells was investigated. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Mast cell tryptase was measured in post-mortem blood from the femoral vein in 27 cases of death from trauma and in 27 control cases by means of a commercially available immunoassay. The trauma cases were further classified into groups with single versus multiple trauma, and groups with short survival time (i.e. death at the scene of the accident) versus longer survival time (death in hospital). In five multi-trauma deaths, blood was sampled locally from the sites of crush injury. RESULTS: The mean value of tryptase in femoral vein blood was 35.6+/-34.6 microg/l in the entire trauma group and 14.7+/-6.5 microg/l in the controls (P<0.005). In bloody liquid sampled from crush injuries, tryptase was substantially elevated in all cases, with a mean of 227+/-146 microg/l. In cases with short survival time, tryptase was significantly higher than in those who died after several hours or days in hospital (P<0.001). No statistically significant difference was seen between multi- and single-trauma cases. A correlation between hemolysis in the samples and elevated tryptase was found only in the trauma cases (P<0.05), but experimentally induced hemolysis in vitro was not found to influence the measurements. CONCLUSION: Mast cell tryptase becomes elevated in trauma deaths and this seems to be ascribable either to direct mechanical injury to tissue mast cells and/or to cell lysis. In patients initially surviving severe injuries, the effects of massive release of histamine and other mast cell mediators might be of importance for treatment strategies and prognosis.  相似文献   

The authors present three cases of death in children aged 4, 9, and 10 years, respectively, that were first thought to be caused by herbal or other poisonings but at autopsy were found to be caused by airway obstruction from aspiration of ballpoint pen parts. Aspiration of a foreign body is a leading cause of accidental death in children, but the circumstances in these cases were unique. In the first case, a 4-year-old child died shortly after a visit to a traditional healer. The child's mother blamed him for the death and fatally assaulted him. The second case was a 9-year-old who died at school. Case 3 was a 10-year-old who collapsed while playing with a ballpoint pen in her mouth. In the latter two cases, the relatives alleged poisoning. At autopsy, there was no evidence of trauma, disease, or poisoning in all three cases. Ballpoint pen parts were present in the larynx, carina, and left main bronchus, respectively. Features of "asphyxial" death were present, and included subconjunctival hemorrhages, subendocardial hemorrhages, and congestion of the face and internal organs. These deaths are preventable by education of children, parents, and teachers. Ballpoint pen manufacturers should also modify the design of these pens to improve their safety.  相似文献   

孕产妇死亡医疗纠纷案法医病理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨孕产妇死亡医疗纠纷案的特点、主要死因及其防范对策。方法采用回顾性研究的方法,对我室1985年至2003年12月的法医尸体解剖案例资料进行统计,并对其中存在医疗纠纷的孕产妇死亡案例进行分析。结果31例存在医疗纠纷的死亡孕产妇法医尸检案例中:(1)围产期死亡26例(83.9%),妊娠早期人工流产后死亡5例(16.1%);(2)产科出血引起的失血性休克死亡22例(71.0%),羊水栓塞死亡5例(16.1%),其它原因死亡4例(12.9%);(3)乡镇医疗机构17例(54.8%),地县级医院占7例(23.6%),市级医院占4例(12.9%),其他占3例(9.7%);(4)纠纷产生的原因中疑为误治14例(45.2%),误诊的9例(29.0%),抢救不及时的7例(22.6%),其他1例(3.2%)。结论孕产妇死亡医疗纠纷案主要发生在围产期,其次是妊娠早期;产科出血是导致孕产妇死亡的最主要因素之一;乡镇及县级医疗机构易引起纠纷;引起纠纷的主要原因是误诊、误治和抢救不及时。  相似文献   

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