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安宁 《江淮法治》2014,(6):62-62
正最笨的那个学生,原来是我,笨到和父亲面对面,看见他温柔地冲喋喋不休的我笑啊笑,都不知道,他心里想着的,只是看看千里之外的我,是不是还好好的,是不是还像他想念着我一样,将他放在心底最温暖的地方。  相似文献   

我的行为是不是正当防卫?来信我是经营个体商店的。有人从店里赊烟,赊酒,到了其许诺付钱的日子仍未还钱给我,我到对方家里讨帐,对方不仅不还钱,先用刀来砍我,后用铁棍砸我的头部,我空手将他打死。请问我的行为是不是正当防?某地肖某复信如果你来信所叙述的属实,...  相似文献   

由于工作的原因,我经常走京通快速路,每当看到高高矗立在快速路沿线定福庄东街地段的隔音屏时,我就会想起那个案件,想起那份让我陷入深深思考和倾注无限情怀的判决。那是我曾经审理的一起环境污染损害赔偿案。原告周某等五人居住在朝阳区定  相似文献   

我的童年是被同伴们“嘲笑”着长大的,母亲用她特有的教育方式给了我“痛苦”的童年。那时的她还算年轻,身子骨还算结实,时常追着我跑遍整个村庄……  相似文献   

“我不同意他的意见,但愿意誓死保卫他提出这个意见的权利。”这是资产阶级民主革命时提出的一句口号。我认为,在社会主义建设期间,这话还可以起有益的作用。既然不同意他的意见,为什么还要同意它发表呢?不但同意他发表,还要誓死保卫他发表的权利呢?是不是太过份了,搬起石头  相似文献   

我现在常常会陷入一种深深的茫然。每每看着菜单,我就想起那句“拔剑四顾心茫然”来。我不敢吃豆芽,不敢吃西红柿,不敢吃黄瓜,不敢吃毛豆,不敢吃豆腐,不敢吃腊肉,害怕炒菜的油不干净,害怕大米是放陈了的。我不敢买荔枝,因为听说小贩在上面洒了稀硫酸;我不敢吃桃子,因为听说那是拿洗衣粉刷出来的。我最后几乎觉得我只能学习某种法术,要么做神仙,要么等着被活活饿死。这种惶恐是如此之深地渗入我的生活,同时也影响了我的朋友们。以至于我们的每次  相似文献   

新的一年即将到来,各类刊物的征订工作已经开始,局长问我最想订什么,我干脆地回答:“《中国监察》。”想起与《中国监察》的结识,还有一段不愉快。那是2002年10月份的一天,县监察局的王干事打电话向我介绍《中国监察》,说她是了解当前纪检监察工作的窗口,对工作很有指导作用,并  相似文献   

自从我的第一部以洪律师为主人公的推理小说问世以来,不断有朋友问我为什么“不务正业”,为什么要赶“反串”的时髦,是不是觉得当法学家没劲便想去当作家。诚然,这都是朋友之间的戏言。但我总是非常认真非常诚恳地回答:缘分。 其实我自幼就喜爱文学。虽然我天分不高,但是在上小学时就曾胡乱地写过诗歌,而且得到了老师的热情鼓励。不过,我那时并未想过要把文学创作作为自己终身的职业。在我那些幼稚得无拘无束的梦境  相似文献   

我在产科工作已经25今年头了,接触的孕产妇不计其数。可是两个月前的那个女孩。让我记忆犹新,每每想起她被送进医院时的情景,我都是心有余悸。  相似文献   

最难忘的是新入警时的那次卧底,至今想起仍回味无穷。那是1998年的冬天,毕业后我分配到了离家较远的内蒙古自治区牙克石市绰源森林公安局刑警大队工作。接到通知后,正当我准备启程去上班时,刑警大队崔队长到我家里找到了我,并在当晚交给我一项任务。  相似文献   

如果说思想者就是能够以其睿智和思想启迪社会人生的人,那么我认为拉德布鲁赫就是离我们最近的思想者之一.当然,如果说不同的人从不同的角度去判断会举出完全不同的、很可能是更多的思想者,那么我就说拉德布鲁赫是离我个人最近的思想者之一.我读拉德布鲁赫的文章著述,每每有接受启蒙、开发心智的感觉.  相似文献   

Legal context: The European Patent Convention inherently allows parallel revocationproceedings to take place in the EPO and the domestic patentcourts. As a result, parties to UK patent proceedings frequentlyapply for a stay pending the outcome of proceedings in the EPO.There is commonly assumed to be a presumption in favour of thisstay, so long as it does not amount to an injustice. Key points: This article reviews the UK case law that has followed the Courtof Appeal decision in Kimberly-Clark, to see if this presumptionin favour of a stay is sustained. These cases show that, whendeciding whether to order a stay, judges perform a balancingexercise of a number of considerations. In practice it appearsthat these considerations easily topple the presumption. Practical significance: By providing a comparison of the considerations put before thecourts in the past, this article seeks to aid practitionersin judging those factors likely to affect the success of a stayapplication. It also highlights the lack of authority at appellatelevel on whether it is lawful for patent courts not to ordera stay.  相似文献   

Loumansky  Amanda 《Law and Critique》2000,11(3):287-300
This article offers a Levinasian reading of the case of Airedale N.H.S. Trust v Bland (1993). My contention is that the judicial reasoning that gave rise to the decision that Anthony Bland should die was driven by an ontological imperative I submit from a Levinasian perspective the decision was ethically indefensible because it failed to recognise Anthony Bland as the other. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

States emerging from conflict increasingly seek ways in which to address the violence and human rights abuses of the past in order to move forward into a more peaceful future. The initial responses to mass atrocities were based in legal processes focused on the punishment of the person responsible for the harm. The inadequacy of such an approach resulted in the introduction of a variety of new goals in the transitional period, including the abstract notion of reconciliation which is increasingly advanced as the central goal in dealing with the legacy of the past. This article argues that the failure to examine the relationship between a discourse originally based on human rights and legal approaches and the introduction of reconciliation has only added new challenges rather than resolved existing ones and therefore must be re‐examined. The article also argues that no single approach should take prominence in addressing mass atrocities. Rather a range of options should be available to victims, in particular given the relative youth and inexperience of approaches to violent conflict.  相似文献   

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