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As handwriting is influenced by physiology, training, and other behavioral factors, a study of the handwriting of twins can shed light on the individuality of handwriting. This paper describes the methodology and results of such a study where handwriting samples of twins were compared by an automatic handwriting verification system. The results complement that of a previous study where a diverse population was used. The present study involves samples of 206 pairs of twins, where each sample consisted of a page of handwriting. The verification task was to determine whether two half-page documents (where the original samples were divided into upper and lower halves) were written by the same individual. For twins there were 1236 verification cases -- including 824 tests where the textual content of writing was different, and 412 tests where it was the same. An additional set of 1648 test cases were obtained from handwriting samples of nontwins (general population). To make the handwriting comparison, the system computed macro features (overall pictorial attributes), micro features (characteristics of individual letters), and style features (characteristics of whole-word shapes and letter pairs). Four testing scenarios were evaluated: twins and nontwins writing the same text and writing different texts. Results of the verification tests show that the handwriting of twins is less discriminable than that of nontwins: an overall error rate of 12.91% for twins and 3.7% for nontwins. Error rates with identical twins were higher than with fraternal twins. Error rates in all cases can be arbitrarily reduced by rejecting (not making a decision on) borderline cases. A level of confidence in the results obtained is given by the fact that system error rates are comparable to that of humans (lower than that of lay persons and higher than that of questioned document examiners [QDEs]).  相似文献   

In forensic voice comparison, deep learning has become widely popular recently. It is mainly used to learn speaker representations, called embeddings or embedding vectors. Speaker embeddings are often trained using corpora mostly containing widely spoken languages. Thus, language dependency is an important factor in automatic forensic voice comparison, especially when the target language is linguistically very different from that the model is trained on. In the case of a low-resource language, developing a corpus for forensic purposes containing enough speakers to train deep learning models is costly. This study aims to investigate whether a model pre-trained on multilingual (mostly English) corpus can be used on a target low-resource language (here, Hungarian), not represented by the model. Often multiple samples are not available from the offender (unknown speaker). Samples are therefore compared pairwise with and without speaker enrollment for suspect (known) speakers. Two corpora are used that were developed especially for forensic purposes and a third that is meant for traditional speaker verification. Speaker embedding vectors are extracted by the x-vector and ECAPA-TDNN techniques. Speaker verification was evaluated in the likelihood-ratio framework. A comparison is made between the language combinations (modeling, LR calibration, and evaluation). The results were evaluated by Cllrmin and EER metrics. It was found that the model pre-trained on a different language but on a corpus with a significant number of speakers can be used on samples with language mismatch. Sample duration and speaking style also seem to affect the performance.  相似文献   

本文以语音自动话者识别系统为平台,对实际案件中出现频率较高的10种伪装语音类型进行自动话者识别测试。通过对20位发音人的正常语音和10种类型伪装语音的话者辨认和话者确认测试,分析不同语音伪装类型对自动话者识别的影响。该结果对于深入认识伪装语音的特性及其话者识别研究具有重要意义,也为自动话者识别技术的改进提供了参考。  相似文献   

In this paper a newly developed Forensic Automatic Speaker Recognition System (FASRS) was introduced and the effect of 10 types of voice disguises that are common in forensic casework on the performance of this system was studied. In this study 10 types of disguised voices and normal voices from 20 male college students were used as test samples. Each disguised voice was compared with all normal voices in the database to make speaker identification and speaker verification. The result of speaker recognition is summarized and the influence of voice disguises on the FASRS is evaluated.  相似文献   

王华朋  杨军  许勇 《证据科学》2012,20(1):109-111
本文把成功应用于DNA检验的证据评估方法(似然比)应用于法庭语音证据评估之中,提取语音的LPC作为识别特征,并使用45人电话对话录音中元音/a/作为样本进行了测试。结果表明该方法不仅能正确识别说话人,而且能根据当前嫌疑人样本和问题语音样本的差异,量化该语音样本作为证据的力度,为法庭提供科学合理的证据评估结果和科学解释。同时,自动特征提取的引入比起人工提取共振峰特征,提高了工作效率,识别系统性能也获得大幅提升。  相似文献   

Multiple fatality incidents involving more than one child of statistically same age (including twins) can be challenging from an identification standpoint. This case details an urban fire, in which four children perished. Age assessment on three of the victims utilizing maturity staging described by Moorrees, Fanning, and Hunt yielded insignificant results. However, a plot of the MFH data shows the difference between two identical twins and a third child. The twins share a similar growth pattern, whereas the other was different. Based on this graphical interpretation, the nontwin victim was positively identified through exclusion. These results were verified through statistical testing. This case demonstrates a method to repurpose age assessment data to graphically distinguish between child victims. Further, it is shown that radiographic and clinical presentation in childhood identical twins can elicit genetic versus acquired similarities and differences, which can be used for identification of individuals and exclusion of others.  相似文献   

DAVID C. ROWE 《犯罪学》1985,23(2):223-240
The relationship between the quality of twins’mutual attachment and delinquency is examined in a study of 265 twin pairs. It is predicted that twins with stronger mutual attachments will have lower rates of delinquent behavior. Contrary to this prediction, twins’mutual attachment (that is, the frequency with which the twins saw each other in teenage activities) is found to be unrelated to delinquent behavior. The twins often cooperated, however, in their delinquent acts: 61 % of the girls and 79% of the boys reported committing one or more delinquent acts with their twins. In accord with social control theory, social bonds (normlessness, perceived parental acceptance-rejection, and value placed on academic achievement) are strongly associated with delinquent behavior. Except for male DZ twins, however, these same variables are only weakly associated with twins’mutual attachments. A behavioral genetic analysis of the social bonds indicate both genetic and specific environmental components to their variation but fail to show evidence of a shared environmental component. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The noncontemporariness of speech is important to both of the two general approaches to speaker identification. Ear-witness identification is one of them; in that instance, the time at which the identification is made is noncontemporary. A substantial amount of research has been carried out on this relationship and it now is well established that an auditor's memory for a voice decays sharply over time. It is the second approach to speaker identification which is of present interest. In this case, samples of a speaker's utterances are obtained at different points in time. For example, a threat call will be recorded and then sometime later (often very much later), a suspect' s exemplar recording will be obtained. In this instance, it is the speech samples that are noncontemporary and they are the materials that are subjected to some form of speaker identification. Prevailing opinion is that noncontemporary speech itself poses just as difficult a challenge to the identification process as does the listener's memory decay in earwitness identification. Accordingly, series of aural-perceptual speaker identification projects were carried out on noncontemporary speech: first, two with latencies of 4 and 8 weeks followed by 4 and 32 weeks plus two more with the pairs separated by 6 and 20 years. Mean correct noncontemporary identification initially dropped to 75-80% at week 4 and this general level was sustained for up to six years. It was only after 20 years had elapsed that a significant drop (to 33%) was noted. It can be concluded that a listener's competency in identifying noncontemporary speech samples will show only modest decay over rather substantial periods of time and, hence, this factor should have only a minimal negative effect on the speaker identification process.  相似文献   

The fingernail ridge patterns of a pair of identical twins were compared to each other, their parents, and an unrelated subject. The patterns of the twins' nails showed regions of strong similarity but were distinguishable from one another. Fewer similarities were found when comparing the nails to those of the parents and the unrelated control. The twins were shown to be monozygotic by means of DNA profiling. This therefore represents the first demonstration of unique fingernail ridge patterns in subjects shown conclusively to be identical twins. When the fingernail ridge patterns were examined with a scanning electron microscope, the backscattered electron (BEI) images were found to have superior contrast when compared to the secondary electron (SEI) images.  相似文献   

目的探讨日本人所说汉语普通话的口音特点。方法从二语习得及与汉语方言比较等角度,对日本人所说汉语普通话的语音、词汇、语法等方面表现出的口音特点进行探讨。结果分别从声母、韵母、声调特点;书写相同但意义完全不同词的误用,单个汉字写法相同而字序相反的双音节词的误用,近义词、量词、副词、介词、关联词、虚词、动宾搭配等使用不当;句子残缺与累赘、语序偏误等方面分析日本人所说汉语普通话口音特点时。结论此分析方法可以为司法实践中分析语音资料的说话人是否为日本人提供参考。  相似文献   

目的明确山西汾城方言紧喉音节与对应普通话音节在司法话者识别时的可比性及该紧喉音的声学特性。方法利用VS-99语音工作站对山西汾城方言紧喉音节及对应普通话音节的韵律特性、音质特性等声学特性进行定性与定量分析。结果得出了汾城方言紧喉音的发声态主要为嘎裂声,汾城方言紧喉音对声母没有明显影响,紧喉音韵母与普通话韵母在共振峰频率上的一致性要远高于共振峰相对强度上的一致性等认识。结论为在汾城方言与普通话之间进行司法话者识别以及田野调查提供了依据。  相似文献   

Speech variation of speakers is a crucial issue for speaker recognition and identification, especially for forensic practice. Greater intra-speaker variation is one main reason for incorrect speaker identification in real forensic situations. Understanding the stability of acoustic parameters and their variation in speech is therefore significant for the evaluation of effective parameters for speaker identification. In this paper, all vowels in Standard Chinese including five monophthongs, eight diphthongs and four triphthongs were combined with lateral /l/. Finally, 15 lateral syllables with different tones for 10 speakers were selected and acoustically analyzed. Central frequencies of the first four formants for each syllable were measured for quantitative comparison of intra- and inter-speaker variation in order to provide a general idea of speaker variation in Standard Chinese, and finally serving for forensic application. Results show that the overall intra-speaker variation is less than the inter-speaker variation in great extent under laboratory condition though occasionally they are contrary. This supports the basis for forensic speaker identification, that is, intra-speaker variation should be less than inter-speaker variation in many acoustic features, and further validates the probability and reliability of forensic speaker identification.  相似文献   

本文对法庭语音学进行了研究综述,主要介绍了该学科的核心内容:说话人鉴定。在实际办案中,当未找到嫌疑人,只有犯罪分子的检材语音时,可以使用说话人画像/说话人分类技术。若没有犯罪分子的录音证据时,可以让受害人和证人进行说话人的听觉辨认。具体的辨认形式有两种:对熟人辨认和对陌生人辨认,在对陌生人辨认时可以采用语音辨认的方法进行。当检材语音和样本语音都齐备的时候,法庭语音分析专家就可以对二者进行比对检验了。目前语音比对分析涉及到的问题和领域有:基于贝叶斯方法的法庭推理和似然比计算、共振峰频率的测量应用、非解析感知与样例理论、法庭说话人自动识别以及不同方法的综合应用等。  相似文献   

同卵双生子具有相同的基因组DNA序列,因而无法使用常规的DNA分型方法如短串联重复序列即STR分析对其作鉴别区分。故破获涉及同卵双生子的案件有非常大的挑战性,因此在法医物证学领域迫切需要新的技术方法来应对并解决这一难题。随着表观遗传学的发展,转录组学成为法医学研究的新切入点。MicroRNA(miRNA)作为一类内源性的非编码小RNA分子,在机体中参与调节多种生理学过程,是转录组学研究的重要对象。研究表明,miRNA具有高保守性、分子量小、表达时序性及组织特异性强等特点,表现出法医物证应用方面的巨大潜力。本文综合分析了miRNA检测技术在同卵双生子甄别中的应用可行性,并综述了近年来miRNA在同卵双生子甄别上的研究进展。  相似文献   

为了警示近年来我国司法话者识别领域中出现的一些崇外、盲目追求快速与省事的苗头,结合话者自动识别系统的研究、应用状况,从语音的共性与个性、话者识别结果的相对性与绝对性出发,通过分析比对话者自动识别与语音识别所用的特征参数及实现过程,辨证分析了制约话者自动识别系统准确率的根本原因。指出了话者自动识别系统尚无法达到人们对其的期望,以及适合于司法诉讼领域的话者自动识别系统的发展方向。  相似文献   

通过介绍两起利用非语音信息最终辅助确认了说话人的司法话者识别检验案件,发现在说话人识别中,当待检语音无法满足语图比对条件时,充分利用非语音信息所揭示出的个体特性将有助于解决话者识别问题。得出了当待检语音条件不充分时,依靠非语音信息来辅助进行话者识别的方法。  相似文献   

The present paper proposes and demonstrates a method for assessing strength of evidence when an earwitness claims to recognize the voice of a speaker who is familiar to them. The method calculates a Bayes factor that answers the question: What is the probability that the earwitness would claim to recognize the offender as the suspect if the offender was the suspect versus what is the probability that the earwitness would claim to recognize the offender as the suspect if the offender was not the suspect but some other speaker from the relevant population? By “claim” we mean a claim made by a cooperative earwitness not a claim made by an earwitness who is intentionally deceptive. Relevant data are derived from naïve listeners' responses to recordings of familiar speakers presented in a speaker lineup. The method is demonstrated under recording conditions that broadly reflect those of a real case.  相似文献   

《Digital Investigation》2007,4(3-4):129-137
In this paper we discuss how operating system design and implementation influence the methodology for computer forensics investigations, with the focus on forensic acquisition of memory. In theory the operating system could support such investigations both in terms of tools for analysis of data and by making the system data readily accessible for analysis. Conventional operating systems such as Windows and UNIX derivatives offer some memory-related tools that are geared towards the analysis of system crashes, rather than forensic investigations. In this paper we demonstrate how techniques developed for persistent operating systems, where lifetime of data is independent of the method of its creation and storage, could support computer forensics investigations delivering higher efficiency and accuracy. It is proposed that some of the features offered by persistent systems could be built into conventional operating systems to make illicit activities easier to identify and analyse. We further propose a new technique for forensically sound acquisition of memory based on the persistence paradigm.  相似文献   

In order to test the practical applicability of oligonucleotide fingerprinting in China we have investigated unrelated individuals, family members and a pair of twins from the Beijing area using the probe (CAC)5/(GTG)5. Except for the monozygotic twins highly variable banding patterns were demonstrated as expected for the randomly selected individuals but also for the relatives. On the basis of an initial survey of 50 unrelated individuals the calculated probability for obtaining by chance two identical multilocus patterns is very small (less than 1.93 x 10(-13). Therefore it seems reasonable to conclude that like in caucasians, (CAC)5/(GTG)5 fingerprints are completely individual-specific also in this population. Therefore they have already been used successfully for identification purposes and paternity tests in many actual cases.  相似文献   

表观遗传学在法医学应用探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
表观遗传学指没有DNA序列变化的、可遗传的基因表达改变。主要包括DNA甲基化、X染色体剂量补偿、组蛋白修饰、基因组印记、表观基因组学和人类表观基因组计划等方面的内容。在法医实际检案中常遇到一些特殊问题,如妊娠期胎儿父权的认定,单亲鉴定中亲代必需等位基因的确定,同卵双生子的区分,微量组织来源的鉴定等。本文对表观遗传学的基本内容和在法医学中的应用进行综述,以期为相关研究及实践提供参考。  相似文献   

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