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将哈尔滨市建设成中俄全面合作示范城市,是实施对俄经贸科技合作战略升级的集中体现。哈尔滨市已具备成为这种示范城市的基础条件,但也存在一些亟待解决的问题。建议在以下几方面着力打造:对俄出口商品生产基地、对俄科技合作研发基地、对俄旅游集散中心、对俄劳务培训基地和输出平台以及对俄金融合作、信息服务、文化交流合作中心。  相似文献   

中蒙俄三国政治合作、经济发展与人文交流存在不平衡现象。国家行为体之间的主体文化认同差异,以及对其他国家行为体文化认同、接受、理解与阐释的正面与负面评价,是导致国家间国际合作正面与负面走向的深层文化心理原因。建设中蒙俄经济走廊,人文合作及其文化认同是决定三国合作前景的重要因素。中蒙俄三国文化认同既存在差异,又存在共知基础。中蒙俄人文合作应遵循多元文化认同原则,在人才培养、科学研究、国际化平台及智库建设等方面加强交流与合作,为中蒙俄经济走廊建设提供人文基础和智力支持。  相似文献   

新形势下黑龙江省发展对俄服务贸易的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国振兴东北老工业基地战略和俄远东振兴规划的对接推进,中俄服务贸易合作呈现出新的发展前景。黑龙江省作为我国对俄合作的桥头堡和枢纽站,应抢抓对俄服务贸易机遇,积极稳妥、合理、有序地扩大对俄服务贸易规模,不断提升对俄服务贸易的质量和水平。  相似文献   

面对扩大对俄了出口的机遇与挑战,针对俄市场需求、黑龙江省各地区生产实际和对俄出口加工基地、蔬菜出口基地等建立中存在的产业门类单一、地域分布过于集中等问题,合理谋划对俄出口生产体系地域布局对优化出口商品结构、推进对俄经贸科技合作战略升级、促进省内各地区经济协调发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

东宁县作为黑龙江省对俄经贸合作的重要县份,充分发挥各种优势,不论是对俄贸易、对俄经济技术合作,还是对俄人文合作都取得了较好成效,但也存在一些亟待解决的问题.东宁县应抓住黑龙江和内蒙古东北部地区沿边开发开放上升为国家战略的机遇,科学谋划,加快境内外园区和口岸基础设施建设,调整贸易结构,提升对俄经贸合作水平.  相似文献   

黑龙江省对俄经贸合作新形势及对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2014年,黑龙江省抓住中俄两国提升全面战略协作伙伴关系、俄罗斯实施远东开发及黑龙江省和内蒙古东北部地区沿边开发开放上升为国家战略的有利契机,积极构建"东部陆海丝绸之路经济带",现已将"东丝路带"纳入国家规划。尽管仍旧存在着对俄贸易结构不合理,各地、市及口岸发展不均衡,对俄经济技术合作有所下滑等现象,但在全省对外贸易下降的情况下对俄贸易仍保持增长态势,且在跨境基础通道建设、农副产品贸易、电商贸易、对俄境外农业合作等方面取得了可喜成绩。未来,应继续推进对俄大通道建设;抓住俄天然气进口机遇,进一步改善黑龙江省能源消费结构;在继续深化对俄能源合作的基础上,开展更多战略性大项目合作;积极促进对俄农业合作向更深迈进;将中俄电商平台搭建及人文交流推向新阶段。  相似文献   

近年来,俄罗斯与非洲主要国家的联系与合作渐趋紧密,俄非合作机制也在逐步发展。非洲在俄罗斯对外政策中并不处于首要地位,但俄罗斯对非政策定位清晰,对非合作原则明确、重点突出。俄非合作机制涵盖了政治、经济、人文等诸多领域,形成了多层次、多模式、多主体、重视法律基础和司法合作,同时又兼顾优先方向和基础国家的一整套合作机制。  相似文献   

近年来,俄罗斯与非洲主要国家的联系与合作渐趋紧密,俄非合作机制也在逐步发展。非洲在俄罗斯对外政策中并不处于首要地位,但俄罗斯对非政策定位清晰,对非合作原则明确、重点突出。俄非合作机制涵盖了政治、经济、人文等诸多领域,形成了多层次、多模式、多主体、重视法律基础和司法合作,同时又兼顾优先方向和基础国家的一整套合作机制。  相似文献   

目前中俄双方更加注重两国战略协作伙伴关系的务实性和效益性,但黑龙江省对俄贸易合作还存在一些问题,如境内外资源整合能力较弱,缺少有规模、有凝聚力和辐射力的对俄出口合作基地,基础设施不完善,配套水平较低等。因此应在几个方面加以改善,尤其是应进一步打造哈牡绥对俄产业经济带。  相似文献   

近年来,在对俄经贸合作中黑龙江省不断加大文化产业合作的力度,开创了对俄合作新的突破点.2012年8月,俄罗斯正式成为世界贸易组织成员国,黑龙江省对俄经贸合作因此迎来新的机遇与挑战.在此形势下,黑龙江省文化产业出口须及时调整对俄合作的方式、结构,搭建新的互利互惠桥梁,从而推动全省文化产业的整体发展.  相似文献   

Students enrolled in the Negotiation Workshop at Harvard Law School during the past twenty years have participated in an innovative exercise called the Interpersonal Skills Exercise (IPS). Developed through a collaboration of therapists and instructors from Harvard Law School, the exercise uses role plays, videotaping, and certain aspects of psychodrama to help students practice interpersonal skills that they have difficulty performing. The exercise allows students to work in an intensive, safe, and interactive environment with feedback from peers and course instructors. This brief note describes the IPS exercise in more detail, outlining its origins, purposes, and structure.  相似文献   

The Seed Bank of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew contains one of the world's largest collections of seeds of wild plants. The history and physical nature of the Bank are described, together with the principles of seed physiology on which the collection is based. A major policy is the collecting, long-term storage and distribution of seeds from arid and semi-arid areas, particularly in developing countries. Both the conservation and the utilisation of plant resources are cheaply and efficiently achievable by the Seed Bank, but potential end-users of these resources, such as non-governmental organisations, are difficult to contact — a problem which this article aims to redress.  相似文献   

国际战略研究中心(曾译作战略与国际问题研究中心,Center for Strategic and International Studies,CSIS),是美国具有保守色彩的重要战略和政策研究机构,素有“强硬路线者之家”和“冷战思想库”之称,与石油财团关系密切。40多年来,国际战略研究中心网罗了大批国际关系学界大腕和政坛精英,奠定了自身在美国乃至世界战略政策研究机构中的龙头地位。近年来,它加强了对亚太、中国大陆和台湾的研究,在对外政策方面的主张较前温和,是对共和党政府具有重大影响力的思想库之一。  相似文献   

This paper compares the European Union and the People’s Republic of China by viewing them primarily as conglomerates of smaller constituents, each with their own political and economic significance in relations with their respective political centres. While this is a perspective that is more easily applied to the EU given that each of its members enjoys sovereignty and also the Union’s rather short history, Chinese area studies have only recently begun viewing China as a sum of its parts. The present study while conscious of the huge differences in the historical development and present realities of both the EU and China, posits that the similarities in the centre-constituent as well inter-constituent relationships developing in both the EU and China allow for important lessons to be drawn. A key focus is the differentiated set of relationships developing between Brussels and the latest entrants to the EU and between the older and newer members of the EU. In China, too, the nature of relationships between the central government and the better-developed coastal provinces is different from those that Beijing has with the central or western provinces, with implications also for the relationships among these different sets of provinces themselves. The tensions and charges of unfair treatment seen in the accessions of the Central and Eastern European nations to the EU, have an echo in the similar complaints that have been coming from the interior provinces of China since the beginning of economic reforms in that country, and perhaps, provide pointers to the future direction of the development of centre-province and inter-provincial relationships in China.  相似文献   

很高兴有机会参加拉美地区的形势研讨会.去年我也参加了这一研讨会,感觉会议为我们从事对拉美地区工作的同仁们了解拉美、研究拉美提供了一个很好的相互交流与学习的平台.因此,我首先感谢社科院的同志们为此付出的努力,也预祝此次研讨会圆满成功.  相似文献   

L'autonomia della banca centrale : verso una nuova costituzione in Italia e in Europa / a cura di Dario Velo. ‐ Bari, Cacucci Editore, c1995. ‐ 133 p.

Identità, partiti ed elezioni nell'Unione Europea / Fulvio Attinà, Francesca Longo, Stefania Panebianco. ‐ Bari Cacucci Editore, c1995. ‐ 128 p. ‐ (Annali ‘90 / Università degli studi di Catania. Dipartimento di studi politici; 1)

La politica estera dell'Unione Europea tra interdipendenza e Nazionalismo / Francesca Longo. ‐ Bari : Cacucci Editore, c1995. ‐ 173 p.

Breve storia del Consiglio dei Comuni e delle Regioni d'Europa, nel quadro di due secoli di lotta federalista / AICCRE. ‐ Roma : Salemi Pro. Edit., 1995. ‐ 203 p.

La cooperazione allo sviluppo / Pierangelo Isernia. ‐ Bologna : il Mulino, c1995. ‐ 420 p. ‐ (Organizzazione e funzionamento della pubblica amministrazione ; 71). ‐ ISBN 88–15–05175–9

Europa unita e didattica integrata : storiografie e bibliografie a confronto = A united Europe and integrated didactics : historiographies and bibliographies compared = Europe unie et didactique intégrée : historiograpbies et bibliographies comparées / edited by Ariane Landuyt. ‐ Siena : Protagon Editori Toscani, 1995. ‐ 284 p.

Geoeconomia : il dominio dello spazio economico / a cura di Paolo Savona e Carlo Jean. ‐ Milano : Franco Angeli, c1995. ‐ 192 p. ‐ ISBN 88–204–9512–0

Letteratura pro e contro Maastricht in vari paesi europei, con particolare riferi‐mento a Francia e Germania / Andrea Chiti‐Batelli. ‐ Roma : Dimensione europea, 1995. ‐L, 270 p. ‐ (Quaderni, ISSN 1121–3760 ; 3)

La nuova geoeconomia mondiale : alla ricerca di una risposta italiana / a cura della Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli. ‐ Torino : Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, c1995. ‐ VI, 97 p.

Le organizzazioni economiche regionali africane : commenti, documenti, bibliografía, 1 : le organizzazioni dell'Africa australe (SACU e SADC) / a cura di Piero Pennetta e Angela di Stasi. ‐ Napoli : Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, c1995. ‐ 328 p. ‐ (Pubblicazioni dell'Università degli studi di Salerno. Sezione studi giuridici ; 18). ‐ ISBN 88–8114–121–3

Rapporto Cina : il successo del “socialismo di mercato” e il futuro di Hong Kong / Maria Weber; collaborazione di Sergio A. Sarica; contributi di Francesca Ag‐nello, Marco Fiorese e Giorgio Starace. ‐ Torino : Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, C1995. ‐ X, 135 p. ‐ ISBN 88–7860–113–6

Rapporto Vietnam : quali forze emergenti? / Giovanni Capannelli. ‐ Torino : Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, c1995. ‐ VIII, 83 p. ‐ ISBN 88–7860–114–4

Rapporto India : le riforme economiche e il difficile rapporto fra centro e periferia / Luigi Marcuccio; collaborazione di Maria Weber e Daniele Finocchiaro. ‐ Torino : Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, c1995. ‐XII, 124 p. ‐ ISBN 88–7860–115–2

Rapporto Corea del Sud : un modello di industrializzazione tardiva / Roberta Rabellotti. ‐ Torino : Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, c1995. ‐ X, 71 p. ‐ ISBN 88–7860–116–0

Regionalism and the global economy : the case of Latin America and the Caribbean / edited by Jan Joost Teunissen. ‐ The Hague : FONDAD, c1995. ‐ 163 p. ‐ ISBN 90–74208–06–1

Syria and Israel : from war to peacemaking / Moshe Ma'oz. ‐ Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1995. ‐ xii, 280 p. ‐ ISBN 0–19–828018–1  相似文献   

The national debate about the decisions to intervene in Afghanistan and Iraq suggests that policymakers and scholars need more precise language and concepts to define victory in war. Without clear language for victory it is difficult for policymakers to describe what they seek to achieve from military intervention. This article discusses a framework for understanding victory and evaluates its implications for policymakers who decisions about whether to intervene with military force.  相似文献   

10月9日,在澳大利亚举行的全国大选中,霍华德领导的自由-国家党联盟在众议院150个席位中获83个席位,在参议院76个席位中自由-国家党获39个席位。霍华德政府成为自70年代以来佛雷泽政府在参院失去多数议席后,第一次拥有两院多数议席的政府;①而霍华德第四次蝉联执政则成为澳洲政坛上自罗伯特·孟席斯之后第二位任期最长的总理。  相似文献   

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