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在这充满竞争异常激烈的经济大潮中.一位年青的企业主帅用自己的聪明才智,丰富的经验惊人的胆识不仅使自己的企业立于不败之地,还得到了快速的发展,他靠看对社会高度负责的态度和对社会奉献的行为.使企业步入了强企的行列,成为了同行业发展的“典范”,得到了市场的认可和社会各界的尊重.  相似文献   

礼尚往来,是中国人悠久的传统习俗,也是中国传统文化的积淀,应该加以宣传和发扬.然而,记者近期走访发现,在农村的个别地区,借各种理由大摆酒席收礼的风气浓厚. 沉重的礼金过度强调了“礼”的价值,却歪曲了“礼”的内涵,本来增进感情、互帮互助的美德,却变了色彩和味道. 无论是辽宁的李明强、江苏的王保山还是山东的孙占发,面对沉重的人情债时都显得有几分不解和无奈.孙占发说:“那又有什么办法呢!在我们农村,名声和面子有时候比性命还重要.”  相似文献   

走到灯火阑珊的十字路口,昏黄的街灯,模糊的双眼,怡又迷路了,每个路口通向的远处似乎都是高高的立交桥,参差不齐的、闪着霓虹灯的楼林,三两对情侣走过后留下的脚印。怡怀念起在上一个路口陪这她的那个曾经说过会一直带着她走的文,文说过他不会让怡一个人的,说过如果怡走丢了,一定会把她找回来。也许说过的太多所以负担太重了,淡忘了,忽然松开的手,让彼此都回不到了原点,这才明白即将失去的东西为什  相似文献   

激情漂流遭遇不测 提起漂流,位于河南省平顶山市鲁山县境内的山水漂流是旅游的热点.这里河水湍急,落差大,惊险刺激,漂流河道时宽时窄,变幻莫测,最宽处达30m,最窄处只有5m,既有急流险滩,又有平湖深潭,堪称夏季漂流的理想河段.许多游客不远千里而来,为的就是体验漂流的刺激和快感.一到夏天,这里就成了人山人海的世界.然而,在这热闹的背后,却有着一些让人意想不到的隐患.  相似文献   

人们说,金钱可以把人带入物质享受的天堂,但这个阶梯必须是靠自己的劳动和对社会的贡献搭起来的;金钱也可以把人带入罪恶的地狱,这个地狱的大门是人自己背弃法律亲手打开的。  相似文献   

新股优先认购权的设计理念徘徊于两极:追求公司融资机动性一防范股东表决权和财产性权益稀释。公司立法者对新股优先认购权的功能负载的定位与取舍,影响并决定着该规则的设计模式。新股优先认购权规则的设计宗旨。面临这样一种选择:是追求公司融资的机动性?抑或力求防范股东表决权与财产性权益的稀释?一国立法者对上述选择的偏爱不同,导致对新股优先认购权规则的设计不同。本文试图从新股优先认购权的涵义解读入手,在对新股优先认购权的功能定位前提下,比较该规则的规制模式类型。进而检讨我国既有的新股优先认购权规则,并提出完善的思路。  相似文献   

少年时的胡传根一直期待通过努力改变贫穷的命运,但他眼中的一切都是灰色的,因为贫困,因为受到敲诈没有人管,他自卑的心里埋下了仇恨的种子。畸形的复仇欲望让他初中辍学认黑道老大为干爹,他为盗抢少年提供保护索取报酬,他充当地下赌场打手。复仇的火焰让他找到了快感,也让他找到了月薪3000元的工作,但报应很快降临到他的身上,他被报复地下赌场的人打断了胳膊和大腿,成为终身残疾。他带着继续报复社会的心理组织一帮少年四处盗窃,两月内作案10多起,涉案金额10多万元......  相似文献   

外出工作的儿子为了让古稀之年的母亲有人照顾,将母亲送至老年公寓.老人在托养期间被寓友杀害,凶手无力负担赔偿款.作为看护老人的老年公寓,对老人的死亡是否应承担责任?该案经历了一审支持原告诉求、二审驳回原告起诉的天壤之别的结果后,被吉林省高级人民法院提审.  相似文献   

有害的“光亮” “几乎每个晴天,都会遭受对面写字楼玻璃幕墙反射光的刺激.”办公室窗户正对广州市天河区某商业大厦的谢女士说,强烈的反射光,经常刺得人睁不开眼睛.但自己也不太清楚投诉渠道和流程,只能拉上窗帘,避免玻璃幕墙反射光的刺激. 谢女士所遭遇的正是传说中的“光污染”.据了解,光污染是继废气、废水、废渣和噪声等污染之后的一种新的环境污染源,主要包括白亮污染、人工白昼污染和彩光污染.在日常生活中,人们常见的光污染的状况多为由镜面建筑反光所导致的行人和司机的眩晕感,以及夜晚不合理灯光给人体造成的不适感.  相似文献   

论国际组织对国际法的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际组织自诞生以来,无论在国际政治关系中还是在国际经济领域内,都是一个极为重要的参与者,极大地丰富了国际法的实践.国际组织的数量、规模、类型在二战后都大量增加,并且在国际社会中具有越来越重要的地位和作用.国际组织的发展使国际法的主体范围扩大,对国际法的编纂、发展和实施等产生了重要的影响.随着国际组织的发展壮大,国际组织的决议对国际法的影响,国际组织能否成为国际法院的诉讼当事方以及国际组织对解决国际争端的影响等问题都是值得研究的.  相似文献   

Allele frequencies for seventeen STRs included in the AmpF/STR Identifiler (CSF1PO, D2S1338, D3S1358, D5S818, D7S820, D8S1179, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51, D19S433, D21S11, FGA, TH01, TPOX, and VWA) and Powerplex 16 System (CSF1PO, D3S1358, D5S818, D7S820, D8S1179, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51, D21S11, FGA, Penta D, Penta E, TH01, TPOX, and VWA) were estimated from a sample of 110 unrelated individuals from Cabinda, Angola. Comparative analyses between our population data and other African databases, namely Promega's African-Americans, AB Applied Biosystems African-Americans and five other population samples gathered from the literature are also presented.  相似文献   

The recent studies on the genes, the neurons and the information, are influencing the form to know us and to know the reality. The opportunity is had, for this reason, to improve the formation of the professor and the students of the Right, to happen of an education of repetitions to one of new features, discovery, diversion, that is to say, investigation. One is to avoid “to transmit” information, but to explore it, to construct it, only to invent it, working in equipment, professor and students, inside and outside the hall classes. The contents to investigate can be placed in the past, the present or in the future, like the human rights. Thus, it is tried that the well-known or effective human rights, the products of the legal rationalism, are extended to protect the emotional human dignity: the respect, the confidence, the tolerance, the responsibility, the happiness, desire, the pleasure. Human intelligence is multiple, for that reason the human rights must be intelligent, that protect and develop the intellect, the affectivity, the corporal one, the energy, the environment and its cosmovisión.  相似文献   

盐酸曲马多在大鼠体内的分布特点   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
目的观察盐酸曲马多在大鼠体内的分布及其特点。方法大鼠以3倍和6倍LD50228mg/kg剂量盐酸曲马多灌胃染毒致死,取材,薄层色谱法检测其心、肺、肝、脾、肾、大脑和血内盐酸曲马多的浓度。结果3倍LD50剂量组大鼠肾、肺、血、肝、大脑、脾和心组织盐酸曲马多的浓度分别为112±15、59±17、53±31、32±19.7、22±11.5、20±20、16.7±8.3μg/g或μg/ml;6倍LD50剂量组大鼠血、肺、肝、心、肾、大脑和脾中盐酸曲马多的浓度分别为107.6±7.2、26.3±20、11.7±6.6、11.2±7.2、10.3±3.6、6.38±0.2、6.1±0.3μg/g或μg/ml。结论3倍LD50剂量组大鼠,肾、肺、血内盐酸曲马多浓度最高;6倍LD50剂量组大鼠血、肺、肝中盐酸曲马多的浓度最高。盐酸曲马多中毒时,血、肝、肺和肾可以作为法医毒物分析的检材。  相似文献   

目的研究溴敌隆及其代谢物-苄叉丙酮在中毒致死犬体内死后分布规律,为溴敌隆中毒检材的采取提供实验依据。方法分别经口给予犬2倍和4倍LD_(50)溴敌隆,待其死亡后迅速解剖取材,气相色谱-质谱联用法测定心血、外周血、尿、胆汁、心、肝、脾、肺、肾、脑、左下肢肌、膀胱、胃、胃内容、胰等脏器和体液中溴敌隆和代谢物-苄叉丙酮的含量。结果犬经2倍和4倍LD_(50)溴敌隆灌胃染毒后3d开始出现出血症状,(178.40±20.94)h后死亡。溴敌隆和代谢物-苄叉丙酮在各组织脏器及体液中的死后分布为:溴敌隆2LD_(50)组溴敌隆:胆汁尿、肝、心、肾心血、外周血、脾、肺等;苄叉丙酮:胆汁、尿、心血、外周血、肺、胃内容中含量高于其他脏器。溴敌隆4LD_(50)组溴敌隆:胆汁、尿肝、外周血心血、胃内容物等脏器。苄叉丙酮:胆汁、尿、肺浓度高于其他脏器。结论溴敌隆及其代谢物-苄叉丙酮在中毒致死犬体内死后分布不均匀,溴敌隆在胆汁、尿、肝脏、心血和外周血含量较高,代谢物-苄叉丙酮在胆汁、尿、肺较高。胆汁、尿、肝脏、心血、外周血可作为疑似溴敌隆中毒毒物分析的检材。  相似文献   

The extraction of drugs from small blood samples (1 ml or less) for subsequent quantitative determination is described. Isolation was carried out by adsorption of the drugs to Amberlite XAD-2 resin utilizing a batch procedure that enabled the simultaneous extraction of up to 200 samples in approx. 5 hours. A new desorption technique yielded extracts of high purity that could be used directly for gas chromatographic or radioimmunological determinations, even if hemolyzed or putrid blood was to be examined. The following 26 substances were quantitated after addition to postmortem blood speciments at concentrations of 1-10 microgram/ml: tilidine, diphenhydramine, dibenzepine, imipramine, chlorpromazine, amphetamine, pentazocine, phenacetin, methaqualone, meprobamate, parathion, diazepam, digoxin, beta-methyldigoxin, carbromal, glutethimide, amobarbital, pentobarbital, cyclobarbital, phenobarbital, diphenylhydantoin, carbutamide, tolbutamide, glycodiazin, tolazamide and chlorpropamide. Thereby recoveries of 60-100% could be achieved. The reproducibility of the procedure was satisfactory as demonstrated by coefficients of variation of 3.7-8%.  相似文献   

In the debate between positivism and non‐positivism the argument from relativism plays a pivotal role. The argument from relativism, as put forward, for instance, by Hans Kelsen, says, first, that a necessary connection between law and morality presupposes the existence of absolute, objective, or necessary moral elements, and, second, that no such absolute, objective, or necessary moral elements exist. My reply to this is that absolute, objective, or necessary moral elements do exist, for human rights exist, and human rights exist because they are justifiable.  相似文献   

Methods of extraction and detection of ascorbic acid, ergot alkaloids, cotarnine, microfollin, tinctures of marigold, peony, sage-brush, iodine, benzestrol, pachycarpine, hexestrol, folliculin, quinine, ethoxydiaminoacridine lactate were developed. Detection limits are 0.1-1 mg/100 g of object. Methods of manganese, iodine and soap detection are developed. Detection limits are 0.05-2 mg/100 g of object.  相似文献   

This study examined the trends, patterns, and socio-spatial conditions and factors that foster assaultive incidents and behaviors in Accra, Ghana. Specifically, the study examined how much assaults occurred over time, background characteristics of the victims and offenders, victim-offender relationships, and the housing units that recorded the most assaults. Among the triggers of assaults were females in familial settings and neighborhood propinquity, that is, disputants related through kinship, residential proximity, and contractual obligations. Arguments, drunkenness name-calling, jokes, funerals, inheritance, property, festivals, chieftaincy, communal living and sharing, such spatial factors as transient populations and routine activities were among the remote and immediate causes of the assaultive incidents. Among the housing units, the compound houses recorded the highest assaults. The majority of the victims and suspects were young males, between eighteen and thirty-four years, unemployed or in low paying blue-collar jobs. The majority of the assaults occurred in Accra Central, the precinct with the most compound homes and lower-class neighborhoods, followed by Nima, Kaneshie, and Kpeshie. Most assault incidents occurred in the morning, between 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and in the afternoon, between 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  相似文献   

Allele frequencies, together with some parameters of forensic interest, for 17 STRs included in the AmpF/STR Identifiler (CSF1PO, D2S1338, D3S1358, D5S818, D7S820, D8S1179, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51, D19S433, D21S11, FGA, TH01, TPO and VWA) and Powerplex 16 System (CSF1PO, D3S1358, D5S818, D7S820, D8S1179, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51, D21S11, FGA, Penta D, Penta E, TH01, TPO and VWA) were estimated from a sample of 135-144 unrelated individuals from Mozambique. No deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were observed with the exception of the FGA locus (using the Bonferroni correction for the number of loci analysed, the departure observed at this locus was not significant). Comparative analyses between our population data and other African databases, namely Promega's African-Americans, AB Applied Biosystems African-Americans and two other population samples from Mozambique and Guiné Bissau, are presented and discussed. Genotype inconsistencies between both commercial kits (for D16S539 and D8S1179) and other genotypic variations (three-banded allele patterns for TPO) are also reported.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
The Law of Energy for Sustainable Development , edited by Adrian J. Bradbrook, Rosemary Lyster, Richard Ottinger and Wang Xi , published by Cambridge University Press, 2005, 630pp, £75.00, hardback.
Fresh Water and International Economic Law , edited by Edith Brown Weiss, Laurence Boisson de Chazournes and Nathalie Bernasconi-Osterwalder , published by Oxford University Press, 2005, 506pp, £70.00, hardback.
Handbook of Global Environmental Politics , edited by Peter Dauvergne , published by Edward Elgar, 2005, 560pp, £125.00, hardback.
Emerging Forces in Environmental Governance , edited by Norichika Kanie and Peter M. Haas , published by United Nations University Press, 2004, 320pp, US$36.00, paperback.
Economic Globalization and Compliance with International Environmental Agreements edited by Alexandre Kiss, Dinah Shelton and Kanami Ishibashi , published by Kluwer Law International, 2003, 352pp, £85.00, hardback.
German Environmental Law for Practitioners , edited by Horst Schlemminger and Claus-Peter Martens , 2nd edition, published by Kluwer Law International, 2004, 833pp, £119.25, hardback.
The International Climate Change Regime: A Guide to Rules, Institutions and Procedures , Farhana Yamin and Joanna Depledge , published by Cambridge University Press, 2004, 730pp, £40.00, paperback.  相似文献   

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