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马顺利 《人大建设》2002,(12):35-35
最近,在一次人大常委会会议上,常委会组成人员在讨论拟通过的决议草案时,与会人员对决议中该用“批准”、“同意”、“原则同意”哪个词,发生了争议。此事引起笔者的思考。  相似文献   

据《人民日报》4月11日10版报道 :河南省灵宝市豫灵镇在20世纪90年代中期大举借债办企业、搞开发 ,欠下1亿多元“政绩债”。据镇政府测算 ,豫灵镇目前每年只能挤出近百万元还债 ,还清债务得要100年。当地的干部群众形象地称之为“一届的政绩 ,几届的包袱”。现实生活中类似豫灵镇欠下巨额“政绩债”而让继任者和当地群众背上沉重债务包袱的县和乡镇有一定的比例。图虚名必然要遭灾祸。凡是欠“政绩债”严重的地方 ,往往是长期拖欠教师工资 ;老干部医药费无法报销 ;国家给的调工资政策不得到位而成为“空调” (进档案不增资 ) ;…  相似文献   

“原则”与“数量”本是风马牛不相及的两个词汇。“原则”,是指说话或行事所依据的法则或标准;“数量”,则是指通过计量单位表现出来的事物的多少。然  相似文献   

在2009年的全省经济工作会议上,省委书记卫留成在提到2010年省与市县安排使用新增财力时强调:先拿出55%用  相似文献   

学术界存在的"议行合一"两种不同的理解,认为我国"议行合一"的提法并不能恰当地反映我国政体的组织形式,相反,对于"议行合一"的争论,我们既要回归历史,在马克思经典著作中还原其本真含义,同时,又要立足我国现实,进行有意义的对话,要准确理解我国政体形式的建立是历史的产物,更要在客观认识权力运行规律的基础上破解我国政治体制运行中的权力有效制约难题.  相似文献   

中国传统文化中喜欢把官员称作父母官,但是新中国强调人民翻身作主,于是将父母官的称谓改为公仆,把官员定义为人民的仆人。这种变化一直被视为社会的巨大进步。不过,联系现实,有人提出质疑,说  相似文献   

陈友放 《前沿》2005,(2):86-88
中国共产党第十六次全国代表大会将“与时俱进”与“解放思想、实事求是”一起确立为党的思想路线。高校的“两课”(政治理论课、思想品德课) 教学应该而且必须体现时代性、把握规律性、赋予创造性, 将“与时俱进”的思想渗透到整个教学的全过程。  相似文献   

当上公务员并不等于进了"保险箱"。今年以来,多个省市纷纷推出公务员改革新政,逐步建立健全录用、考核、退出机制,昔日的"金饭碗"变成了"瓷饭碗"。  相似文献   

以人为本是科学发展观的本质和内涵,部队是一个担负特殊使命的集体.新形势下,针对官兵的时代特点和我军的使命要求,在管理中准确把握严与爱的尺度,使以人为本的管理方式与从严治军的要求紧密结合,相得益彰,协调发展,用实际行动落实科学发展观的基本要求.  相似文献   

This article answers the following question: ‘What is the organizational medium that has allowed a few Chinese businesspeople in East and Southeast Asia to accumulate considerable wealth and economic power?’ In the course of giving an answer, we show the organizational differences between traditional business networks in the late Qing and early Republican periods and the Chinese business networks in modern capitalist Asia. We argue that, throughout the twentieth century, Chinese business people outside of China proper began to adapt Western corporate structures for their own purposes and that this organizational innovation allowed Chinese to develop and sustain personal networks through which wealth and power could be concentrated.  相似文献   

Getting Oriented     
正My Hong Kong-born daughters have had a slow start in learning Chinese.It's something I deeply regret.But I couldn't help it,having emigrated from Canada and being of Bessarabian heritage.Over the years,my girls have picked up a smattering of languages:They can sing Happy Birthday in Cantonese;they can count  相似文献   

<正>China and Japan seek to foster mutual understanding to improve a sometimes difficult relationship At a time when China and Japan are about to celebrate their four- decade-long diplomatic  相似文献   

Getting Gas     
My Chinese driver's license hasput me at the wheel of rental carsacross this giant country.I've beenseeing bigger,better  相似文献   

<正>Islam’s presence in China still manifests itself today the Tongxin Great Mosque in Wuzhong—about two hours’drive south of yinchuan,the capital of northwest China’s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region—is a pearl of wellpreserved Islamic culture in China.Built in the 14th century,the mosque is one of the oldest Muslim places of worship  相似文献   

Getting a Lift     
THE balding man on the bike was in for Viagra. The visiting foreign couple wanted skimpy underwear. A young Jiangsu-native accoun- tant wanted fruity condoms. The orders were all in a day's work at the G Spot, a cramped but colorful shop on busy Dongdaqiao Road in Beijing's Chao- yang District. Run by the affable Emily Meng, the shop sells lingerie and some relatively tame bondage items as well as a range of potions and Viagra tablets. Many of her wares are imported, says Meng, some of …  相似文献   

<正>Baidu comes under fire for online piracy accusations The latest work of 15 writers in Chinais a claim of copyright infringement against Baidu Inc.,operator of the world’s most-used Chinese language search engine.The anti-piracy campaign was initiated  相似文献   

Recently,Zhao Zhixin,a Beijing-based instructor on scientific bodybuilding and public sport,was interviewed by China Youth Daily,sharing his views on how to get healthy scientifically.Edited excerpts follow:  相似文献   

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