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陈源静 《法制与社会》2011,(16):194-195
城市化和市场化的社会变迁对农村社会的发展产生了巨大的影响,由于农村男性劳动力外出务工,形成了我国农村独有的"留守生活方式"。留守生活是现代社会发展中,农村人口谋求自身发展的理性行动选择。本文以留守妇女为研究对象分析了留守生活方式的工具有限合理性和价值的不合理性,并就如何更好的解决这一生活范式所带来的问题提出相关的政策和建议。  相似文献   

张云燕 《法制与社会》2011,(10):165-166
新闻媒体作为一种社会角色参与公共决策,是由新闻工作的特殊规律和公共决策的现实环境决定的。随着媒体力量的不断壮大,以及社会生活民主化程度的提升,媒体理应对公共决策发挥积极影响。本文通过分析新闻媒体的功能属性、媒体报道与政策议程设置、公共决策的社会环境、传媒市场化几个方面,从理论与现实的角度论述了新闻媒体参与公共决策是公共决策实现科学化、民主化不容回避的现实。  相似文献   

“留守老人”这个群体是我国社会发展到一定阶段的必然产物,“留守老人”这个现象给我国社会发展提出了新的挑战.当前我国社会老龄化日益严重、城镇化发展速度加快、就业形势日益多样化,如何解决农村留守老人的养老问题成了我国社会保障事业发展的一个重要问题.农村留守老人们经济状况、医疗卫生条件、健康状况,精神状况及生活照料等各方面都比较差劲,这就需要政府要在政策上给予支持,健全法律法规,不断地推进农村经济的发展,采取相关措施提高农村的养老服务设施建设.  相似文献   

目前,我国农村留守儿童已经达到了2200多万。他们能不能顺利地进行社会化,健康地成长,不仅关系到其自身发展,而且对于社会是否能良性运行,是否能早日完成现代化郝有着重要影响。本文从影响留守儿童社会化的因素入手,着重分析了家庭功能的缺位对他们情感形成、行为规范、生活方式以及人生价值观等社会化素质的影响。这种留守状态对儿童的影响是双重的,既有消极的方面,也有积极的方面。  相似文献   

周立舟 《法制与经济》2009,(18):113-114
农村留守儿童作为新的弱势群体,已经成为一个重大的社会问题,引起了全社会的高度关注。留守儿童在学业、心理、人身安全、遵纪守法等方面存在诸多问题。这些问题是由社会、学校、家庭以及留守儿童自身的原因而造成的,因此,必须要深化改革城乡二元结构、大力发展农村经济,并通过学校、家庭和社会等力量共同解决农村留守儿童的问题。  相似文献   

农村留守儿童作为新的弱势群体,已经成为一个重大的社会问题,引起了全社会的高度关注。留守儿童在学业、心理、人身安全、遵纪守法等方面存在诸多问题。这些问题是由社会、学校、家庭以及留守儿童自身的原因而造成的,因此,必须要深化改革城乡二元结构、大力发展农村经济,并通过学校、家庭和社会等力量共同解决农村留守儿童的问题。  相似文献   

关于中国农村留守妇女现状问题的综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
改革开放以来,随着农村劳动力大规模的外移,在我国农村社会出现了一大批的‘留守妇女’群体。"留守妇女",正成为当前新农村建设中一个被遗漏且棘手的现实话题。  相似文献   

新中国成立60多年来,我国农民政治参与在不同时期以不同的参与方式影响着乡镇政府治理模式的形成。当下,浙江台州乡镇治理转型的现代探索——民主协商下善治式乡镇政府的本质特征在于,乡镇政府与农民对农村社会公共生活的共同管理,它既体现了政治国家与公民社会的一种新型关系,同时也使国家与农村社会在乡镇治理中达成全面、积极和有效的合作,进而实现了官治与民治的契合共治。  相似文献   

杨茜 《法制与社会》2012,(23):216-217
随着社会经济的发展,许多年轻人离开农村去大城市务工,然而,他们的孩子却不得不留在农村学习,得不到父母的照顾,且这些留守儿童的权益也无法得到有效的保障,所以.对农村留守儿童权益采取法律保护就显得尤为重要.我们通过对留守儿童的监护,教育,人身安全等方面提出相应法律保护对策,旨在逐步缩小农村和城市之间的差距,使其学习和生活都能够更好地发展.  相似文献   

伴随着市场经济的发展、城镇化进程的加快和农村劳动力的转移,农村留守儿童这一弱势群体的犯罪问题不断引起国家和社会的关注.农村留守儿童犯罪问题已不再是单一的儿童成长和教育问题,其背后往往涉及了学校教育理念的落后、家长关爱的缺失、社会保护的缺乏以及留守儿童自身方面原因等因素.因此,本文通过研究近年来农村儿童犯罪的特点来探究农村儿童犯罪问题背后折射的家庭、社会、学校和留守儿童自身原因,进而提出预防农村留守儿童犯罪的对策.在对农村留守儿童犯罪的预防上,学校应该加强法制教育、家庭教育要突出对儿童的关爱和保护、社会应该健全相应的配套制度,以及农村留守儿童应该提高自身的素质建设.  相似文献   

In this article I focus on women's advancement in the Swedish labour market during more than a century. By applying a long-term perspective I give the historical background to what is commonly seen as a success story. By reassessing census and labour force survey data I show that participation rates may tell a misleading tale not only for the past but also for the present. In a long-term perspective, Sweden does not stand out as a country with high female labour force participation rates. It was not until the mid-1960s that market work came to play a larger part of women's life, since young women worked until they had children and older married women returned to the labour force after having raised a family. During the late 1960s and the 1970s, women with children under the age of seven became an integrated part of the labour force. It seemed as if welfare reforms supported women's market work in an unprecedented way; gender differences in labour force participation decreased and became very small. A reassessment of labour force participation rates together with alternative measures of market work such as at-work and market-hours rates show that similarly to how they underestimate women's market work and contributions to production during the early decades of the twentieth century, they overestimate women's market work at the end of the century, neglecting the extent to which reproductive responsibilities still interfere with women's paid work through absence and part-time work.  相似文献   

The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) and the Women's Legal Defense Fund (WLDF) co-authored an "amicus curiae" brief in "Webster." The brief was written for 77 organizations who believe in equality of women. The brief said that constitutional protection of a woman's right to choose is guaranteed by the right to privacy. The brief said that if abortions were illegal, women would not be able to take place in society equally with men. Liberty would be taken away from women. If the state interferes with abortion, the principle of bodily integrity is violated. In "Winston v. Lee," the Supreme Court found that the state could not compel a criminal to undergo an invasive surgical procedure to retrieve a bullet necessary for the state to prosecute with. 1 in 4 women have a cesarean section, which requires a larger incision in the abdomen, and has many risks. Bearing and raising children often puts a damper on women's employment opportunities. Therefore, if the Supreme Court denied women the right to bear children when and where they wanted, women would not have the right to plan their futures. If the Supreme Court were to agree that "interest in potential life outweighs" a woman's tight to procreate autonomously, states could declare all abortions illegal, investigate them to see if they were induced on purpose, and murder women who induced them. Contraceptive devices could be declared illegal. Laws could be used to force women to submit to cesarean sections and other fetal surgery. Pre-viability abortion restrictions should be rejected because they have old-fashioned notions of women's role in society. They reinforce stereotypes. Missouri's law stresses aiding "potential," rather than actual life.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about rural women's intimate violence experiences in comparison to urban women's experiences, partly because of the difficulty in accessing rural women. This pilot study used a protective order sample of 23 women (15 urban and 8 rural), which provides an access point that is relatively similar for comparisons across rural and urban areas. The number of participants is low and, therefore, results are preliminary. However, several significant findings emerged. Rural women reported significantly less social support, less education, less income, more physical abuse in the preceding year, more childhood physical and sexual abuse, and worse overall health and mental health, as well as encountering abuse earlier in the relationship. Both groups reported higher rates of illegal drug and cigarette use than those among the general population. The findings highlight some overall important themes in examining rural and urban intimate violence victims by suggesting that rural and urban intimate violence victims have different victimization experiences and service needs. Implications for further research and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

The central questions in the present study are (i) when comparing themselves with the partner, to what extent do women feel more deprived than men in their relationship with regard to relational inputs and life outcomes; (ii) do these perceptions affect relationship satisfaction among men and women in similar ways; (iii) have these patterns changed in the period 1977–1987; (iv) to what degree do comparisons with the same-sex others affect relationship satisfaction? Three studies were conducted in samples that were all heterogeneous with regard to age, length of the relationship, and educational level. Study 1, conducted in 1977, indicated that, compared to their partner, women felt more deprived and men more advantaged with respect to relational inputs and life outcomes. Further, being deprived and advantaged compared to the partner was accompanied with less satisfaction than being equal, whereas being advantaged was more satisfying than being deprived. However, being advantaged with regard to life outcomes was less rewarding for women than for men. Study 2, a replication of Study 1, 10 years later, indicated that this pattern had not changed over the years. In Study 3 it appeared that comparisons with same-sex others have a strong influence on relationship satisfaction. In general, most people consider themselves as better off than others, and the better off they feel in comparison to others, the more satisfied they are with their relationship. This seems to apply more to men than to women.  相似文献   

随着工业化和城镇化的快速发展,越来越多的农村青壮年劳动力离开农村进城务工,大部分妇女、儿童和老人成为农村留守人员。本文在对湖南省双峰县梅龙村进行调研的基础上,分析了目前农村留守人员存在的问题,提出了做好农村留守人员工作的对策。  相似文献   

在中国传统的乡土社会里,法律渊源呈现出多元化的特征,除朝廷律令之外,传统习惯曾经是调整人们日常生活和民事行为的重要渊源。近几十年来,随着社会结构和社会性质的根本性转变,中国社会的法律与秩序也发生了深刻的变革。传统习惯在当代中国农村是否还存在?习惯是否与现代国家制定法相冲突?其在农村法治建设中的地位和作用怎样?这些问题都应引起我们法学研究的重视。通过对徽州农村民事习惯调查中的个案分析发现,在当今徽州农村仍然存留着大量的传统习惯,有些习惯甚至发挥着重要的法律效力。在当代中国农村的法治建设中,我们应当承认和重视发挥习惯的法律效力,探究那些“被冷落的真实”,为农村法治建设的发展寻找传统的动力。  相似文献   


Following the law of 1884 that re-authorised divorce in France, divorce was more frequent in the large cities before spreading to other urban areas and then to rural ones. Divorce rates were especially high in the Seine département from 1884 to the eve of the First World War. In this region, divorced people lived more frequently in Paris than in the suburbs. More precisely, they resided more often on the Right Bank of the Seine in Paris proper (intra-muros) and, as an extension of this area, in the suburban cities to the west and, to the east, around the Bois de Vincennes. A comparison of the share of divorced men and women to the economic, demographic and cultural characteristics of the 20 Paris arrondissements and 74 suburban municipalities in the Seine département shows that a portion of the spatial distribution can be explained by the occupational structures of the area. Divorced people seldom lived in the most rural areas. This urban/rural divide can be explained by two main factors that can be complementary: the economic possibility to divorce – and here we will add the economic possibility for women to leave live alone after a divorce – and the social and cultural acceptance of divorce.  相似文献   

This article explores how migration to rural areas might be a life phase strategy, especially when families are in the expanding phase. Rural life may be experienced as qualitatively better that urban living, as safer and more relaxing. At the same time, rural life is not as exclusive choice but a part of the individual complementarity in rural–urban orientation throughout the life course. The study is based on 48 life story interviews with men and women in rural communities of central Norway. Because informants represent various age groups, the article also examines changes in rural living during the last several decades.  相似文献   

This study examines the acceptance of spousal abuse among women living in Iraq and tests whether attitudes condoning abuse are associated with low female empowerment. Of 15,875 married women surveyed, 63?% agreed that a husband is justified in beating his wife. Women lacking education were 2.3 times more likely to justify this violence than those with secondary education. Women outside the labor force were 1.4 times more likely than working women to condone this abuse. Attitudes on spousal violence varied by region and rural/urban status. Female empowerment efforts may help combat spousal violence and change social norms condoning this behavior.  相似文献   

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