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Fatal and near-fatal animal bite injuries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fatal and near-fatal maulings of humans by pit bulls have recently become a topic of major public concern, resulting in the passage of laws in some jurisdictions that make the owner of a pit bull criminally liable for manslaughter if his or her pet causes a human death. The authors recently investigated two cases in which children were fatally injured by pet dogs. In the first case, a 17-day-old girl suffered fatal abdominal injuries when attacked by a pregnant Siberian husky. A 2-year-old girl expired from neck wounds inflicted by a pit bull or a rottweiler or both. Because no expert would testify as to which dog caused the fatal injury, the owner of the animals was not charged under a statute which specified criminality only if a pit bull caused the fatal injury. We also examined a 12-year-old boy who attempted to pet a circus tiger; the animal grabbed his arm with its claws and bit off the arm at the shoulder. The arm could not be reattached, but the child survived. These cases and the differentiation of animal bites from other injuries will be presented.  相似文献   

It is estimated that between one and four million persons per year are bitten by dogs in the United States. While most injuries associated with the bites are minor, serious sequelae, and even death, may occur. Most victims of fatal dog attacks are children < 1 year of age or elderly women. The most frequent cause of death is hemorrhage and shock from major vessel damage. A case is reported in which an elderly woman was attacked by her pet Chow dog. The victim received multiple superficial abrasions, contusions, and lacerations from the dog attack. A large perforation of the right external pudendal vein and three perforations of the left superficial femoral vein resulted in exsanguination and death. Fractures of the left 2nd through 4th ribs with underlying pulmonary contusion were also found.  相似文献   

Four cases of fatal dog attacks are reported in 3 children aged 6, 10, and 11 years and in an infant aged 3 weeks. The cases were all characterized by extensive and mutilative stripping of soft tissues from the face and scalp, progressing to decapitation in the infant. The attacks were highly focused, involving 2 dogs in all but 1 case, with the area of trauma localized to the craniofacial region. The injuries resembled those found after postmortem animal depredation. The involvement of more than 1 dog may account for the severity of the injuries due to "pack" behavior. Deaths were due to exsanguination, air embolism, and decapitation. Necropsy examination of the attacking dogs revealed tissues from the victims in 2 of the animals' stomachs. These cases demonstrate the vulnerability of infants and young children to fatal dog attacks, with an unusual concentration of severe injuries to the head regions. Necropsy of the canine assailant, with collaboration between pathologists and veterinarians, is an important part of such investigations as it may provide information helping to establish the identity and ownership of the animal, along with trace evidence confirming that the dog was involved in the attack.  相似文献   

Procedures involved in grooming, bathing, and other pet services can often lead animals to death. Of the necropsies of 1391 animals carried out at a private diagnostic laboratory in Sao Paulo, Brazil from 2004 to 2009, 94 were dogs that died during the above‐mentioned procedures. Young male dogs and small breeds like Poodle Miniature, Yorkshire Terrier, and Lhasa Apso were most frequently observed. Blunt‐force trauma was responsible for the deaths of 31% of the animals, with a higher incidence of trauma to the head, characterized chiefly by fractures and nervous tissue lesions. In the other 69% of cases, the animals showed signs of stress, and died due to pulmonary edema and hemorrhage. As we cannot rule out the intentional character in some situations, this article provides veterinary forensic support for veterinarians and pet owners, especially in lawsuits, helping in finding the cause of animal's death in such pet services.  相似文献   

Injuries produced by animals are capable of leaving severe patterns and in some cases may result in the death of the attacked individual. Law enforcement authorities may come to erroneous conclusions about the source of the bites based on their awareness of animals present and similarities of the injuries to the untrained eye, with dreadful consequences. Expertise of a carnivore biologist and an odontologist that indentifies the particularities of bite marks may be useful for identifying the attacking species. We present the investigation of a fatal dog pack attack involving a 43‐year‐old man in Bell Ville (Argentina) where the evidence provided by a forensic dentist and a biologist was categorical for establishing the animal species involved. Because of the unusual characteristics of the wounds and the initial hypothesis made by local authorities of a cougar attack, habits and specific patterns of both dog pack and cougar predation on humans are discussed.  相似文献   

Two cases of fatal shark attack are reported where the only tissues recovered were fragments of lung. Case 1: An 18-year-old male who was in the sea behind a boat was observed by friends to be taken by a great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias). The shark dragged him under the water and then, with a second shark, dismembered the body. Witnesses noted a large amount of blood and unrecognizable body parts coming to the surface. The only tissues recovered despite an intensive beach and sea search were 2 fragments of lung. Case 2: A 19-year-old male was attacked by a great white shark while diving. A witness saw the shark swim away with the victim's body in its mouth. Again, despite intensive beach and sea searches, the only tissue recovered was a single piece of lung, along with pieces of wetsuit and diving equipment. These cases indicate that the only tissue to escape being consumed or lost in fatal shark attacks, where there is a significant attack with dismemberment and disruption of the integrity of the body, may be lung. The buoyancy of aerated pulmonary tissue ensures that it rises quickly to the surface, where it may be recovered by searchers soon after the attack. Aeration of the lung would be in keeping with death from trauma rather than from drowning and may be a useful marker in unwitnessed deaths to separate ante- from postmortem injury, using only relatively small amounts of tissues. Early organ recovery enhances the identification of human tissues as the extent of morphologic alterations by putrefactive processes and sea scavengers will have been minimized. DNA testing is also possible on such recovered fragments, enabling confirmation of the identity of the victim.  相似文献   

To examine the pattern of injuries in cases of fatal shark attack in South Australian waters, the authors examined the files of their institution for all cases of shark attack in which full autopsies had been performed over the past 25 years, from 1974 to 1998. Of the seven deaths attributed to shark attack during this period, full autopsies were performed in only two cases. In the remaining five cases, bodies either had not been found or were incomplete. Case 1 was a 27-year-old male surfer who had been attacked by a shark. At autopsy, the main areas of injury involved the right thigh, which displayed characteristic teeth marks, extensive soft tissue damage, and incision of the femoral artery. There were also incised wounds of the right wrist. Bony injury was minimal, and no shark teeth were recovered. Case 2 was a 26-year-old male diver who had been attacked by a shark. At autopsy, the main areas of injury involved the left thigh and lower leg, which displayed characteristic teeth marks, extensive soft tissue damage, and incised wounds of the femoral artery and vein. There was also soft tissue trauma to the left wrist, with transection of the radial artery and vein. Bony injury was minimal, and no shark teeth were recovered. In both cases, death resulted from exsanguination following a similar pattern of soft tissue and vascular damage to a leg and arm. This type of injury is in keeping with predator attack from underneath or behind, with the most severe injuries involving one leg. Less severe injuries to the arms may have occurred during the ensuing struggle. Reconstruction of the damaged limb in case 2 by sewing together skin, soft tissue, and muscle bundles not only revealed that no soft tissue was missing but also gave a clearer picture of the pattern of teeth marks, direction of the attack, and species of predator.  相似文献   

Recent UK media reports and government responses evidence a rising concern over irresponsible dog ownership, particularly the use of so-called status or weapon dogs. Youth criminal and antisocial behaviour using these dogs has been widely reported in urban areas and associated with street-based youth groups, in particular, the growing phenomenon of UK youth gangs. This article reports on the findings and implications of a small-scale study, comprising interviews with 25 youths and seven animal welfare and youth practitioners, which aimed to identify the nature of animal use and abuse in youth groups and gangs. It found that over half of the youths belonged to a youth gang and the remainder a youth group, with the majority owning an animal which was most often a ‘status’ dog (e.g., bull breed/type). Analysis revealed that dogs were used mainly for socialising and companionship, protection and enhancing status. More than 20 types of animal abuse were described by youths and practitioners.  相似文献   

Two cases of fatal attacks by large cats are presented. In the first case, a 30-year-old female zoo worker was attacked by a jaguar that had escaped its cage. In the second case, a 2-year-old girl was fatally injured by her father's pet leopard. The pattern of injuries in these cases is nearly identical to those of these cats' prey in the wild.  相似文献   

目的探讨动物致人体损伤的法医临床学特点。方法对1990~2002年间四川大学法医学院法医活体检验动物致人损伤案例进行统计分析。结果男性12例,女性7例,年龄3~65岁,平均25岁;损伤方式:狗咬、抓伤10例,鸡啄伤3例,羊咬伤2例,马蹄伤1例,猫抓伤1例,猴抓伤1例,熊猫抓伤1例;发生地点:仓库5例,路边4例,庭院4例,商店2例,餐馆1例,草场1例,野外1例,熊猫基地1例;损伤部位:小腿4例,眼部4例,大腿3例,臀部2例,面部3例,手指1例,睾丸1例,头、背及肢体复合1例;伤残等级:5级1例,7级3例,9级2例,10级2例,余11例未达伤残程度。结论提出加强对动物管理的规范化及少年儿童防犯意识教育。  相似文献   

The authors report on 4 deaths. 3 of the victims had been bitten by dogs shortly before death; in one case the victim had close contacts with a dog. In 3 of the cases death was caused by septicemia; microorganisms occurring in the saliva of dogs, but rarely causing infection could be determined in 2 of the cases. While in case 1 there was no bite injury so that transmission must have occurred by droplet infection (without trauma) or via a discrete skin lesion, case 2 showed a penetrating dog-bite injury; in both cases the spleen had been surgically removed some years before. In case 3 a causal relationship had to be assumed between a dog bite and death, although no pathogen could be identified in microbiological tests. In case 4 death was not attributable to the dog-bite injury suffered, but was due to an internal pathological cause.  相似文献   

The jurisdiction of the Hannover Institute of Legal Medicine recently experienced an unusually high incidence of lethal child neglect, with three cases in a 5-month period in 1999. Case 1: A girl received an inappropriate and inadequate diet of tea and oatmeal. The child was never breastfed, nor did it ever receive any other formula. The parents report the infant to have been healthy until she suddenly began projectile vomiting at the age of 13 weeks. For the next 3 days the infant was not able to maintain an adequate intake. The mother reports finding the child dead in its bed on the morning of the fourth day. Attempts by medical personnel to revive the child were unsuccessful. Case 2: A mother began spoon-feeding the infant puree on the fourth day of life, which according to the manufacturer's specifications is suitable for children between 4 and 8 months of age. At the age of 5 weeks, the infant was reported to have vomited half the just previously ingested meal, after which she took a nap. Some time later the parents observed the infant to be quite pale, however, assumed this was a result of sleep. When the mother finally did pick her up, the child was lifeless, and the parents brought her to the hospital. Medical personnel could however, only declare the infant dead, documenting a rectal temperature of 30 degrees C. Case 3: A 3.5-year-old girl died after her mother left the locked apartment and did not return for several weeks. The body of the child was found lying dressed on the floor in a state of advanced decay and mummification. Common findings in all three cases include lack of prenatal care, home birth without the help of a midwife, low socioeconomic status or maternal alcohol abuse, body weights below the 3rd percentile, extreme dehydration, fatty hepatic degeneration, thymic atrophy and signs of aspiration.  相似文献   

Fatal bear attacks on humans are uncommon with only one reported case in Sweden since 1902. The bear population is, however, growing and the frequency of confrontations is likely to increase. Case I-A 40-year-old hunter and his dog were found dead near a bear's den. Autopsy showed that a large portion of the face, facial skeleton, and anterior portion of the brain was missing. Autopsy of the bear showed two nonfatal gunshot wounds. Case II-A 61-year-old man and his dog were found dead outside a hunting lodge. Autopsy revealed numerous wounds, including partial evisceration of the intestines. The victim's blood ethanol concentration was 0.27%. These cases confirm the presence of risk factors identified by the Scandinavian Brown Bear Research Project, that is, provocation by a dog, encountering an injured bear, and appearing close to its den. An additional possible factor in case II was ethanol intoxication.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Each year, 4.7 million people are bitten by dogs. Of those bitten each year, 386,000 are seriously injured and some killed. Consequently, many insurance companies refuse to issue homeowners insurance to owners of specific breeds of dogs considered "vicious" or high risk of causing injury. This study examined whether vicious dog owners were different on antisocial behaviors and personality dimensions. A total of 869 college students completed an anonymous online questionnaire assessing type of dog owned, criminal behaviors, attitudes towards animal abuse, psychopathy, and personality. The sample was divided into four groups: vicious dog owners, large dog owners, small dog owners, and controls. Findings revealed vicious dog owners reported significantly more criminal behaviors than other dog owners. Vicious dog owners were higher in sensation seeking and primary psychopathy. Study results suggest that vicious dog ownership may be a simple marker of broader social deviance.  相似文献   

The homicidal asphyxiation of a 10 1/2-month-old male infant and the attempted asphyxiation of his 4-month-old sibling, documented by parental confession, is presented as evidence that murder may sometimes be mistaken as sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). A review of the literature of the relationship between murder and SIDS deaths reveals the suspicions of some physicians but few published cases; this reflects not only the difficulties of making a determination of murder by suffocation, since no injuries may be present, but also a lack of awareness among physicians who must evaluate infant deaths. It is recommended that murder should be considered in the differential diagnosis of sudden, unexpected death in infants and that the autopsy should include full-body x-rays and at least an initial look at the social history of the child.  相似文献   

Two cases of accidental deaths caused by the sharp ends of fence or gate posts are reported. Case 1: A 47‐year‐old man was found hanging by his ankle in an inverted position on fencing. He had attempted a shortcut to a railway platform by climbing over a metal rail fence. He had slipped and been impaled through his ankle by the sharp end of the fence post, resulting in death from positional asphyxia. Case 2: An 18‐year‐old male slipped while climbing over a gate and died after being impaled on a spear tip finial, which had lacerated his external iliac vein. Death was due to exsanguination. These cases demonstrate two rare examples of accidental deaths from impalement by the ends of sharp fence posts. Mechanisms of death in such circumstances involve suspension with positional asphyxia and vascular injury with exsanguination.  相似文献   

目的对犬毛发mtDNA高变区Ⅰ多态性进行检测,并探讨其在法医学中的应用价值。方法 54只家犬(拉布拉多犬7只、史宾格犬7只、德国牧羊犬6只、罗威纳犬4只、藏獒4只、昆明犬4只、杜伯文犬3只、金毛寻猎犬1只、昆明本地犬18只)。采用复合巢式PCR对54只家犬mtDAN HVRⅠ15803~16114区域进行测序分析。结果 54只家犬在mtDNA HVRⅠ15458~16100区域共检测到643个碱基对信息,共检出分属3大单倍群26个多态点;15个单倍型,频率在1.9%~20.4%之间,其中单倍型A11频率最高;个体识别概率为0.898,平均核苷酸差异和平均核苷酸多样度为7.62±3.61和0.011 9±0.006 3。结论采用本文方法,可检测犬mtDNA HVR-Ⅰ多态性,并可利用其较高的个体识别概率为相关案件侦察提供线索或依据。  相似文献   

We have analysed the genetic information to be obtained from analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in domestic dogs studying the exclusion capacity in different populations and the correlation between mtDNA types and breeds or types of dogs. The exclusion capacities for a 573 bp sequence of the mitochondrial control region was between 0.86 and 0.95 for dogs in Sweden, the UK, Germany, Japan and China. The direct correlation between mtDNA type and breed, type of dog, and geographical origin of breed was generally low, but in some cases certain mtDNA types were overrepresented in one breed, and for wider groupings such as morphologically similar breeds, some mtDNA types were in many cases found in a distinct group of breeds, often originating from the same geographic region. This type of information may be used as an indication of the breed and, with some degree of probability, to include or exclude certain breeds from being the source of evidence materials.  相似文献   

A 60 bp sequence variation hotspot in the canine mitochondrial DNA hypervariable region 1 was evaluated for its use in forensic investigations. Nineteen haplotypes containing 18 single nucleotide polymorphisms were observed among laboratory-generated and GenBank-derived domestic dog sequences representing five regional localities in the U.S. Samples from the different localities were highly variable with the levels of intra-population variability being similar among the populations studied. AMOVA further confirmed that there was no significant genetic structuring of the populations. Assays using these haplotypes were robust, canid specific and portend a rapid method for correctly excluding individual dogs as noncontributors of forensic evidence. Species-specificity of the primers was confirmed by means of in-tube polymerase chain reaction of human and cat DNA and in-silico assessment of the genomes of several animal species. Breed-specific fragments were not detected among the common haplotypes but there is evidence that this assay may be capable of differentiating domestic dog, wolf, and coyote sequences.  相似文献   

Autopsy of a 3-month-old girl, an apparent case of sudden infant death syndrome, revealed anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the right aortic sinus. Acute angulation of the left coronary artery along the aortic root, as well as a focal intramyocardial course within the ventricular septum, may have contributed to episodic luminal narrowing. Anomalous coronary origins of similar type have been associated with sudden death in children, teenagers, and young adults, but have not necessarily been associated with sudden death in older adults. Somewhat similar malformations have been reported in sudden infant death; two cases involved the left coronary artery and six involved the right.  相似文献   

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