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战略问题是一个政党、一个国家的根本性问题。战略上判断得准确,战略上谋划得科学,战略上赢得主动,党和人民事业就大有希望。因此,战略思维是领导者必须具备的思维能力。作为一种科学的思维方式,战略思维以长远性、全局性、系统性为基本特征。要提高战略思维能力,就要设法延伸思维长度、拓展思维广度、提升思维高度。  相似文献   

现代领导者具有战略思维是做好工作必备的素质和能力。战略思维具有全局性、预见性、系统性、创新性、多赢性等特征。  相似文献   

战略思维是每个领导干部都必须具备的一种素质和能力。去年 ,江泽民同志在全国党校工作会议上强调指出 ,我们要加强对战略问题的研究 ,要大力培养中青年干部战略思维的能力 ,使他们善于从实际出发不断研究解决改革、发展和稳定中的重大问题。江泽民同志的指示 ,对中青年干部提出了一个新的要求。如何搞好战略思维教育 ,下功夫提高中青年领导干部的战略思维能力 ,增长其研究解决重大现实问题的才干 ,这是摆在我们面前亟待认真探讨的重大课题。一战略思维即全局性思维 ,主要是指对国际国内有着重大以至决定意义的现实问题 ,运用马克思主义的立…  相似文献   

江泽民同志指出 ,我们要加强对战略问题的研究 ,要大力培养中青年领导干部的战略思维能力 ,使他们善于从实际出发不断研究解决改革、发展和稳定中的重大问题。在新的历史时期 ,下功夫提高中青年领导干部的战略思维能力 ,增长其研究解决重大现实问题的才干 ,是建设一支高素质干部队伍的一个重大理论和实践课题。一战略思维即全局性思维 ,主要指对国际国内有着重大以至决定意义的现实问题 ,运用马克思主义的立场、观点、方法 ,提到全局的高度进行观察和思考、研究和讨论。战略思维的能力 ,就是洞察全局、思考全局、谋划全局、指导全局、配合全…  相似文献   

蒋光贵 《党政论坛》2013,(15):10-12
一、理论思维特色:战略思维、创新思维、辩证思维有机统一 所滑战略思维,在这里,就是要在马克思主义指导下,立足现实,着眼未来,从政治上、全局上、长远上思考和认识重大问题,确立科学的政策和策略。只有这样,我们才能在国内外发展大背景、大趋势下,高起点、高水平地把握全局,谋划未来,开拓前进。  相似文献   

推动经济社会高质量发展是实现人民美好生活的需要,是"十四五"时期经济社会发展的主题,是适应我国社会主要矛盾变化和全面建设社会主义现代化国家的必然要求,也是遵循经济社会发展规律的必然要求。高质量发展需要强化战略思维、历史思维、辩证思维、创新思维、法治思维、底线思维等科学思维。  相似文献   

刘澄 《党政论坛》2006,(11):29-31
战略思维是对全局性、长远性、根本性的重大问题的分析、思考、判断、总结、预见的理性思维过程,是领导干部必备的一种素质和能力。战略思维是决定领导干部能否顺应时代潮流,提高执政能力,驾驭复杂形势,抓住机遇,从而获得发展主动权的关键。古今中外,无数正反两方面的事例都深刻地表明,领导者有没有战略意识,是否善于进行战略思维并在此基础上做出正确的战略决策,对领导活动的得失成败有极大的影响。国内外正反两方面的经验充分证明,战略决策是否正确,关系到一个政党和一个国家事业的兴衰成败;而正确的战略决策又有赖于领导者战略思维的训练…  相似文献   

本文通过对思维要素的分析,从思维目的、思维观念、思维方式和知识结构等方面论述了领导干部战略思维能力的培养.  相似文献   

当前金融改革进入新阶段,"头痛医头、脚痛医脚"的改革安排,已经不能解决全局性的问题, 需要在新的市场经济和对外开放形势下,全面提升金融改革的战略思维,明确战略取向和定位。  相似文献   

领导干部的思维能力事关工作的水平和质量。提高执政能力,关键是要提高辩证思维、战略思维、复合思维等能力。复合思维是一种跨领域、跨系统、跨时空的独特的思考模式,是人们认识事物和分析问题的科学的思维方式。它区别于单向思维、局部思维,强调思维的复合性、整体性,注重各方面因素的协调和整体的放大效应,提供的是系统地、全局地、战略地思考解决问题之道。  相似文献   

论战略思维   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
战略思维是各级领导干部都必须具备的思维素质.然而,长期以来因关于战略思维的定义存在缺陷,使部分领导干部特别是一些基层领导干部把是否具有战略思维看成是无关紧要的;从培训轮训干部的主渠道即党校和行政学院的教学实践看,抓好战略思维的训练被认为就是抓好"国际国内若干重大现实和战略问题的研究和讨论",这在一定程度上削弱了党校和行政学院在培养领导干部战略思维能力方面的功能.实际上,研究和讨论重大现实和战略问题需要战略思维而不等于战略思维本身.针对上述情况,本文从分析战略思维的深刻内涵入手,阐述了各级领导干部提高战略思维能力的必要性、重要性和现实途径.  相似文献   

Strategic planning is a widely adopted management approach in contemporary organizations. Underlying its popularity is the assumption that it is a successful practice in public and private organizations that has positive consequences for organizational performance. Nonetheless, strategic planning has been criticized for being overly rational and for inhibiting strategic thinking. This article undertakes a meta‐analysis of 87 correlations from 31 empirical studies and asks, Does strategic planning improve organizational performance? A random‐effects meta‐analysis reveals that strategic planning has a positive, moderate, and significant impact on organizational performance. Meta‐regression analysis suggests that the positive impact of strategic planning on organizational performance is strongest when performance is measured as effectiveness and when strategic planning is measured as formal strategic planning. This impact holds across sectors (private and public) and countries (U.S. and non‐U.S. contexts). Implications for public administration theory, research, and practice are discussed in the conclusion.  相似文献   

Børre Nylehn's article "Strategy in Local Government" is an exciting and thought provoking discussion of strategic management in local government. However, his observations can be discussed, both theoretically and empirically. It has been documented that politicians resist attempts to introduce strategic management systems in the form of Management by Objective, especially in small municipalities, but Nylehn's conclusion that strategic management is not used in local government organizations, that it is inappropriate, inadequate and even harmful is too hasty. I will argue that there may be good reasons to use strategic thinking in local government, but more research is needed to document the costs and benefits.  相似文献   

Grand strategy or overall strategy is essential to successful strategic communication planning as are the tactics of any campaign to accomplish that longer‐term strategy. That is what is meant in thinking of big strategy to little strategy in the title of this study. The terms play off the phrase, the big idea, generally credited to David Ogilvy who some call the father of advertising but also used by Edward Bernays, who some call the father of public relations, in his 1936 work, Biography of an Idea: The Founding Principles of Public Relations. The purpose of the present study was to meld the big and little concepts of strategy in public relations through analyzing strategic communication plans for Multi‐National Forces‐Iraq, a United Nations military force of 40 countries led by the United States. It encompassed multiple case studies that included interviews, documents, participant observation, and direct observation in strategic communication planning. It also confirmed the usage of research and overarching goals as big strategy, and the operational and tactical parts of public relations planning as little strategy although big strategy can be elevated to the highest corporate levels as well.  相似文献   

Whether a function should be performed within or outside government is a very broad issue that relates to personal values and views concerning the relationship between individual and state, as well as a complex set of management issues. Without trying to answer those questions here, this article begins from the premise that a particular function has been judged by the political process to be the responsibility of government. The article seeks to develop an approach for government managers to use when deciding whether to perform the function directly in-house or to perform the function indirectly through the use of a non-governmental organization. The first part of this article begins by delineating distinguishing characteristics of government, nonprofit, and private organizations, and then assesses the degree to which those characteristics impede or facilitate the performance of public functions. The article then develops a framework and a method for making privatization decisions. The decision to privatize requires strategic thinking; this article provides an example of how a strategic framework might be applied by analyzing the issues that would be faced in privatizing a key element of New York City's homeless program.  相似文献   

Policymakers are stuck in time. Political short-termism, policy myopia, policy short-sightedness, and similar words have been coined to emphasize the present-centric policy thinking. Politics tends to produce short time horizons, and as a result, policymakers often fail to use present opportunities to mitigate future harms. Focusing on fiscal and monetary strategic interactions, given different separate decision makers, our paper aims to explore the effects of policymakers’ time horizons on debt stabilization. To formalize our ideas, we use the novel concept of Nonlinear-model-predictive-control Feedback Nash Equilibrium (NFNE) and find that present-centric policy thinking and decision horizons matters under several dimensions.  相似文献   

The article discusses the U. S. role in cross-strait relations before and after the political power transition in Taiwan during 2008. It explores the question of whether a new dynamic is shaping the Beijing-Taipei-Washington trilateral relations with the significant relaxation of cross-strait relations, and how that affects Washington’s ability to influence the direction of cross-strait relations in the future. More specifically the paper analyzes the role the United States played in shaping the new reality in the Taiwan Straits, and the evolving thinking on Taiwan in American strategic and political circles. It will also discuss how Washington has managed the cross-strait relations so far as well as how Beijing and Taipei have handled the American factor on some sensitive issues. Finally it will look at the potential benefits and limitations that the United States could contribute to achieving a higher level of reconciliation and integration between the two sides across the Taiwan Straits.  相似文献   

Whereas the classic literature on strategic voting has focused on the dilemma faced by voters who prefer a candidate for whom they expect has little chance of winning a seat, we consider the dilemma faced by voters in PR systems who do not expect their preferred party to be in government. We develop hypotheses relating to strategic voting over multi-party governments that we test using the New Zealand Election Study (NZES) campaign study of 2002. We find evidence that expectations play a role in structuring vote choice. While there is clear evidence of wishful thinking there is also evidence that voters respond to expectations about government formation. These expectations may mobilize voters and lead them to defect from their first preference.  相似文献   

Over the last decade a spate of new works has appeared that attempt to re-evaluate early American Cold War objectives. Intelligence scholars have been on the forefront of this race to rename US strategy. In this article the author examines the recent arguments put forward and argues that despite all of these efforts we have still failed to offer a viable framework for understanding American strategic thinking in the post-war world.  相似文献   

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