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组织化群体:关于群体性事件参与者的基本分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
群体性事件参与者向组织化群体演进是当前群体性事件的重要特征。群体性事件参与者与其他社会结构的相对隔离而形成的共同生活背景是组织化群体形成的基本条件;其共同利益和共同需要是形成组织化群体的决定性动因;聚众状态下的特定心态是其采取激烈对抗行为的心理基础。要根据群体性事件参与者的组织化特点研究公安机关的处置策略。  相似文献   

群体性事件是人们在激烈互动中自发发生的无指导、无明确目的、不受正常社会规范约束的众多人的狂热集群行为。群体性事件中,民众对社会公平的向往和追求,化身英雄,捍卫正义的美好愿景,个人愤懑的肆意宣泄,以及回归群体的心理原型是促成群体性事件的深层心理动因。在此基础上形成了愤懑爆发引发事件,情绪感染产生情绪认同,集体效能权衡群体参与,群体模仿走向行为极化的心理机制。基于群体性事件生发的合理诉求,正义基础,群体性事件的处置应当立足民意,取信于民;群体矛盾应当逐渐消弭,趋同改善;群体信息应当互通有无,沟通分享。  相似文献   

群体性事件的分类及成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
群体性事件应该从公民个人或集体(群体)与政府之间矛盾的角度进行分类。根据群体性事件的最初起因,可分为由间接的公民个人或集体(群体)与政府之间的矛盾激化而引致的群体性事件和由直接的公民个人或集体(群体)与政府之间的矛盾激化而导致的群体性事件。可把这两类性质的群体性事件中主要的、带有典型或普遍意义的事件按发生地归纳为三类:乡村群体性事件、城市群体性事件、城乡结合部群体性事件。  相似文献   

群体性事件的高发态势是当下中国社会发展的阶段性现象,群体性事件认识有逐渐深化和广义与狭义两种理解,群体性事件的发生大多是基于人民内部矛盾的群体利益诉求,群体性事件发展有两极分化态势。公安传播在群体性事件处置中应坚持公安机关政治社会责任与处置群体性事件角色定位的统一;法、理、情的统一;闻警而动与全程舆论引导的统一;通报事态、澄清实事、说明政策与及时处置和问责、有错必纠的统一。  相似文献   

网络群体性事件是影响社会稳定的重要因素之一,对社会的和谐发展和稳定工作提出了新的挑战。通过分析网络群体性事件形成的原因以及心理特征,认为妥善处置网络群体性事件重在预防,建立健全网络群体事件防范措施,主动介入,澄清事实真相,化解矛盾,将网络群体事件控制在萌芽状态,解决在萌芽状态。  相似文献   

徐玉 《人民论坛》2011,(9):174-175
网络群体性事件是影响社会稳定的重要因素之一,对社会的和谐发展和稳定工作提出了新的挑战。通过分析网络群体性事件形成的原因以及心理特征,认为妥善处置网络群体性事件重在预防,建立健全网络群体事件防范措施,主动介入,澄清事实真相,化解矛盾,将网络群体事件控制在萌芽状态,解决在萌芽状态。  相似文献   

群体性事件治理中的社会心理建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
群体性事件中的群体之所以形成,有其客观的事件基础,也有组成群体之个体的心理特性使然.加强和推进社会的心理建设,是预防、抑制以及治理群体性事件的重要社会方略.  相似文献   

近年来,随着经济的发展,各类群体性事件频发,如何预防和处置群体性事件引起了广泛关注。民族地区的群体事件除具有一般地区群体性事件的普遍特征外,还具有盲从性强、政治性强的特点。对于民族地区群体性事件的处理,要充分考虑地区实际,尤其要从法律的角度去预防和处置群体性事件的发生,以保障社会稳定,推动法治化建设。  相似文献   

预防式环境群体性事件是指公众为谋求生存权与环境风险预防需求而发起的预防式群体抗争。当前我国预防式环境群体性事件呈多发趋势,其外因主要包括:政府以GDP至上,引进大项目;公众参与环境评估制度缺失;环保法规不完善导致“先上车后补票”。其内因主要包括:“法不责众”心理效应;“搭便车”心理效应;“去个体化”心理效应;“风险预防”心理效应。深入探究预防式环境群体性事件发生的外因和内因,有助于优化预防式环境群体性事件处理对策,减少群体性事件发生。  相似文献   

戴冕 《人民论坛》2013,(11):152-153
近年来,我国大陆群体性事件的发生率呈现逐年增长的态势,群体性事件已成为舆论关注的焦点和学术界研究的难点.了解群体的心理是正确解决群体性事件的前提,文章以城管暴力执法事件为例,试图从心理学角度分析此类事件,以期为更妥善地处理群体性事件提供可行办法.  相似文献   


When children are moved into a new group home, best practices would suggest that collaboration is required between public child welfare workers, group home staff, and school staff to ensure an appropriate educational setting for the child with minimal delay. The purpose of this research was to examine the amount of time between placement in a new group home and enrollment and attendance in a new school. The study also sought to better understand the reasons for delays when they occur. The study included data on 45 newly placed group home youth served in 26 randomly selected group homes in 3 counties in California. Data were obtained through case record reviews and interviews conducted with social workers, group home personnel, and school staff. The data suggest that the tools and legal codes designed to facilitate the process of enrolling group home youth in school frequently are not complied with or used. Delays in enrollment and attendance were common, particularly for youth requiring special educational services; inter-agency communication among responsible parties was infrequent; and all parties too often erroneously relied on others to carry out fundamental tasks associated with school placement. Suggested procedures are offered for public child welfare workers and other parties to improve coordination and educational outcomes for youth.  相似文献   


Academic procrastination is considered to be a result of self-regulation failure having detrimental effects on students’ well-being and academic performance. In the present study, we developed and evaluated a group training that aimed to reduce academic procrastination. We based the training on a cyclical process model of self-regulated learning, thus, focusing on improving deficient processes of self-regulated learning among academic procrastinators (e.g., time management, dealing with distractions). The training comprised five sessions and took place once a week for 90?min in groups of no more than 10 students. Overall, 106 students completed the training. We evaluated the training using a comprehensive control group design with repeated measures (three points of measurement); the control group was trained after the intervention group’s training. The results showed that our training was successful. The trained intervention group significantly reduced academic procrastination and improved specific processes of self-regulated learning (e.g., time management, concentration), whereas the untrained control group showed no change regarding these variables. After the control group had also been trained, the control group also showed the expected favorable changes. The students rated the training overall as good and found it recommendable for procrastinating friends. Hence, fostering self-regulatory processes in our intervention was a successful attempt to support students in reducing academic procrastination. The evaluation of the training encourages us to adapt the training for different groups of procrastinators.  相似文献   


An experimental design was attempted to test the effectiveness of self-help group participation among people with severe and long-standing mental illnesses. A sample of 90 individuals was randomized to either experimental or control groups with experimentals invited to join self-help groups and given outreach to encourage participation. Control subjects were not invited to join self-help groups. Results showed low rates of 17% participation in the self-help groups for both experimental and control subjects. The small number of experimental subjects participating and the presence of cross-overs from the control group yielded a sample too small for statistical analyses and the experiment was ended. Post hoc analyses comparing subjects who participated in self-help (15), non-participating subjects (75) and a comparison group of existing self-help group members (90) showed participants to have more severe psychiatric symptoms than either non-participants or members. Participating subjects were more likely to be female, though the self-help groups had more male members. Results indicate the need for multi-site studies in self-help group research.  相似文献   


To examine how various social climate characteristics predict group effectiveness (i.e., overall strength, and benefits and satisfaction members experience) in Alliance for the Mentally Ill (AMI) mutual help groups, information on the group climate and effectiveness of all 22 AMI affiliates in Indiana was gathered using two independent procedures: (1) rank-and-file members from each affiliate (N = 221) provided demographic information and completed Maton's (1988) 43-item measure of social climate (including perceived benefits and satisfaction), and (2) affiliate leaders supplied information on the human and material resources available to their groups plus an overall assessment of the group's current strength. From both member and leader perspectives, social climate experiences of members were strong predictors of AMI group effectiveness, while material resources and member demographics were not. Support Received, Leadership, and Order/organization were especially important, while extramural contact among members was consistently unrelated to group effectiveness. Efforts to initiate and/or increase the effectiveness of AMI groups should focus on the leadership, internal structure, support activities, and role opportunities provided to members.  相似文献   


This study investigated the gender-specific effects of social achievement goals – i.e., social development goals, social demonstration approach goals, and social demonstration avoid goals – on bullying perpetration in a sample of 788 adolescents (53.3% girls), taking into account the mediating role of sense of belonging and non-inclusive group norms. Two-group structural equation modeling results indicated that social demonstration approach goals positively predicted bullying perpetration for both genders. For girls, higher social development goals and for boys, higher social avoidance goals decreased bullying perpetration. Gender-specific effects of belonging and non-inclusive group norms on bullying perpetration occurred. For boys, non-inclusive group norms mediated the relation between all social achievement goals and bullying perpetration. Implications for future research and (gender-sensitive) bullying interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

Members of 18 self-help groups in Canada were surveyed as to the benefits of participation in mutual help groups and the roles for professionals in such groups. Three distinctions are made among mutual help groups: (1) those dealing with loss-transition (L-T), (2) those with members one step removed (OSR) from the problem, and (3) groups for stress, coping and support (SC&S). Members in OSR groups feel they benefit significantly more from participation than SC&S group members, while many L-T members feel they could get along well without the group if they had to. Members of SC&S groups tend to favor indirect involvement of professionals and see professional help and mutual help as complementary, more than do members of L-T and OSR groups. The traditional health care system is found to ignore the needs of L-T and OSR group members; mutual help thus provides a critical source of support and education for these people.  相似文献   

大学生非正式群体的特点:群体形成具有自发性;群体结构具有不稳定性;群体成员信息交流多元化;群体成员凝聚力强;群体种类具有多样性;核心人物作用大等。对大学生非正式群体必须加以正确地引导和控制:要正确认识大学生非正式群体存在的合理性;要根据非正式群体的不同情况区别对待;要认真做好群体中核心人物的工作;要营造健康向上的校园文化氛围;要培养学生健康的群体心理;要注意调整和改变非正式群体规范中的与社会要求不一致的东西;要建立及时有效的沟通渠道。  相似文献   

群体性事件是一种复杂的社会现象,其发生、发展有个从量变到质量的过程。其演化机制必然经过这样四个阶段:从引发的原因看,利益冲突、具体的权益受损都是群体性事件爆发的内在原因,而一些突发性的事件导致民众长期积聚的怨恨心理、不满情绪爆发出来则是引发群体性事件的导火索;从参与的主体来看,分散的个体经过组织动员,形成具备共同行动基础的群体;从行动的过程看,分散的个体行动向集体行动演化,使集体行动成为可能;从行动手段选择来看,参与者或多或少都会首先运用国家制度空间提供的合法性手段,最后才会选取暴力手段。  相似文献   

Dong Wang 《当代中国》2011,20(72):723-733
Serving as a de facto introduction to the group of articles in this issue, this essay discusses four varied approaches to state and society, followed by an empirical evaluation of urban China in the realm of heritage governance. Through examining the nomination and preservation of the Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang as required by UNESCO's World Heritage status, I argue that the operation of the local political system was a dynamic, interactive, and resourceful process that drew its legitimacy from multiple sources without systematic bias against any particular social group.  相似文献   

做好自由择业党外知识分子的工作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自由择业的党外知识分子 ,是随着改革开放和发展社会主义市场经济成长起来的一个新的群体。深入认识这一群体的地位和作用并认真做好对他们的统战工作 ,充分调动他们的积极性、主动性和创造精神 ,把他们的力量凝聚到建设中国特色社会主义和实现中华民族伟大复兴的事业上来 ,是新形势下统一战线的重要任务。  相似文献   

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