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吕美丽 《法制与社会》2011,(23):117-119
公正与效率是人民法院在二十一世纪的工作主题。如何提高司法效率,树立司法权威更是法院当前工作的重点。本文通过对我国现行的民事诉讼解决纠纷机制的不足、审前程序的缺陷、隐性超审限现象的普遍存在等问题进行分析,从而提出了简化诉讼机制、多元化解决纠纷,完善民事诉讼审前程序,严格执行审限制度等措施,以期对我国民事诉讼程序的完善以及法院在民事诉讼中提高司法效率有所帮助。  相似文献   

我国社会主义市场经济体制的发展要求建立与之相适应的民事诉讼法律制度。民事诉讼法学研究的当务之急,是从比较民事诉讼法学的角度,借鉴西方发达市场经济国家民事诉讼的立法经验、理论成果和司法实践,探讨市场经济条件下民事诉讼的共同规律,以指导我国民事诉讼的立法和司法实践。这种借鉴对于我国民事诉讼法律制度的发展与完善也是十分必要的。  相似文献   

梁絮雪 《河北法学》2004,22(4):144-148
民事诉讼法律关系在我国的民事诉讼理论体系中占有相当重要的地位。从本质上看,民事诉讼法律关系所研究解决的是诉讼权利的分配问题,即在民事诉讼法律关系主体之间合理地配置诉讼的权利。在当前司法改革时期,民事诉讼法律关系作为司法改革的理论基础研究是非常必要的。因此,笔者在解构我国当前民事诉讼法律关系的基础上,深入分析了法院、当事人、其他诉讼参与人、检察院之间的诉讼法律关系,对现行民事诉讼法律关系存在的缺陷作了总结。最后重新构筑民事诉讼法律关系体系,以寻找实现审判权与诉权达到最优化配置的突破口,指导司法改革向正义、公平、效率完美结合的方向发展。  相似文献   

我国民事诉讼主管范围之问题评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖永安 《现代法学》2005,27(1):132-138
民事诉讼主管作为民事诉讼中的一项极为重要的制度,从立法和司法两个层面对我国现行民事诉讼主管范围所存在的问题进行深入剖析,有利于我国民事诉讼主管范围的科学构建。  相似文献   

民事诉讼中的公证书证据效力   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
周凡 《中国公证》2005,(10):45-47
一、公证书在民事诉讼中具有特殊证据效力的法律依据 我国民事诉讼法律规定,公证书是司法认知的对象,这是公证书在民事诉讼中具有特殊证据效力的体现. 司法认知的对象,受证明标准以及诉讼模式的影响,各国在认识上各有不同.由于司法认知有利于发挥法官的主观能动性,提高诉讼效率,在英美法系国家,学者和司法实践都存在着扩大司法认知范围的倾向.与英美法系相比,大陆法系的国家和地区对司法认知的解释和规定更为概括、谨慎.  相似文献   

论集中审理原则及其制度构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨军 《中国司法》2006,(2):95-97
集中审理原则在我国现行民事诉讼立法、司法实践及理论研究中,受到了不正常的漠视与冷置。在我国当前司法改革旗帜鲜明地追求“公正与效率”两大价值的背景下,忽视集中审理原则对我国民事诉讼制度构想与司法实务中的重要意义,实属偏误。所谓集中审理原则,又称不间断审理原则,是  相似文献   

潘强 《法制与社会》2011,(27):36-37
民事诉讼调解是我国司法制度独有的特色,并且也在构建和谐社会中起着不容忽视的作用。然而,就目前的民事诉讼调解制度而言,却存在着一些不足之处,为了发挥其在司法实践中的重要作用,必须对我国的民事诉讼调解制度进行完善。本文就我国的民事诉讼调解制度展开探讨,仅供参考。  相似文献   

论废除我国刑事附带民事诉讼制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国刑事附带民事诉讼制度在设计上存在很多缺陷,司法实践上缺乏合理性及可操作性,想要根除刑民责任不分的弊病就必须废除刑事附带民事诉讼,建立刑事诉讼与民事诉讼分离的诉讼制度。本文探讨我国刑事附带民事诉讼制度的弊端,从而说明刑民分离的合理性。  相似文献   

六是区际民事诉讼程序。我国《民事诉讼法》对区际民事诉讼程序没有规定。在司法实践中,一般参照涉外民事诉讼程序的有关规定处理。在香港、澳门回归祖国之后,有很多问题是涉外民事诉讼程序无法处理的,特别是司法协助问题。只有规定相应的区际民事诉讼程序才能解决。 二、关于民事诉讼法的基本原则 (一)民事诉讼法是否应规定基本原则: 有的代表认为,我国现行《民事诉讼法》规定了十几项基本原则,在理论上和实践中都容易造成混乱,所以最好不  相似文献   

司法认知是民事诉讼中一个重要的制度,而我国法律及司法解释对司法认知的规定则十分粗糙,我国民事诉讼法应在对司法认知相关理论问题研究的基础上结合我国司法实践,完善这一证据制度。  相似文献   

论身份权请求权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
身份权应当包括配偶权、亲权、亲属权和监护权四个方面的内容。法律对身份权的保护历史悠久,对身份权的民法保护包括赋予身份权人请求权、确认诉权和形成诉权三种方式。身份权并非典型的绝对权,其在对外的关系上具有绝对权的性质,在对内的关系上具有相对权的性质,故身份权人的请求权只能向身份义务人主张。因此身份权请求权应当分为两种,一种是针对身份义务人的请求权,一种是针对身份关系之外的第三人的请求权。  相似文献   

胡波 《河北法学》2004,22(7):132-136
以物权与债权二元结构为基础的德国民法典体系已无法包容一些重要的基本民事权利类型和民事法律规范,制定中国民法典时有必要加以改良。提出以绝对权与相对权的二元结构为中心确定中国民法典编纂体例的新思路,既承袭了我国业已形成的德国民法思维传统,又是对物权与债权二元结构的发展。  相似文献   

Many political essayists and judges writing in the early republic sought to circumscribe actions deemed oppressive and otherwise interfering with civil liberty. Associations seeking to advance a set of narrow interests at the expense of the public posed a threat to civil liberty. The way that threat was interpreted in the specific case of labor associations is the subject of this article. It was not the economic power of such entities that gave rise to indictments. Rather the political significance of "private confederacies" acting as an "imperium in imperio" was cited as the key threat to the new political order. Thus, Judge Levy in granting legitimacy to the American labor conspiracy laws did not cite common law precedent but his concern that "a new legislature consisting of journeymen shoemakers" would usurp the legitimate power "of our state legislatures."  相似文献   

司法实践中,客运途中因交通事故导致乘客伤亡,当事人以违约责任为诉由还是以侵权责任为诉由因适用标准不同导致赔偿数额相差悬殊常成为争议的焦点。乘客伤亡之损害赔偿责任原则上应按照《道路交通安全法》及《民法通则》等有关规定,由导致损害事由发生的责任者承担,在加害人不明的情况下由承运人先行承担补充赔偿责任。一方面,因为对绝对权的保护原则上系基于法律的规定而非当事人的选定或约定,责任竞合也不能在普通规范与特别规范之间产生;另一方面,《合同法》第113条第2款明确规定"经营者对消费者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,依照《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》的规定承担损害赔偿责任。"因为,消费者要求适用《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》给予惩罚性赔偿的前提是经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈之故意,显然,乘客交通事故伤亡损害事件中不存在这种欺诈的故意罪。  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between theories of regulation and governmentality, showing how a synthesis of the two approaches may be used in the analysis of central-local relations. The basis of the current trend towards greater partnership and cooperation in the regulation of local by central government is argued to lie in the linking of increasingly selective imperium and dominium controls with 'responsibilization' strategies involving techniques of accounting, audit, and contracting. Following Nonet and Selznick, the substantive and purposive nature of state action is placed at the centre of the analysis. In this perspective, the ideal of responsive regulation implies not just technical effectiveness, but the harnessing of regulatory forces and 'governmental' resources in endeavours to achieve legitimate regulatory objectives. While New Labour's regulatory style is more likely to prove effective than that of the Conservatives, it may be criticized for a similar failure to implement fundamental values of openness and participation in the determination of regulatory purposes.  相似文献   

我国在加入WTO的环境下,形成了新的市场经济环境。而我国反垄断法的立法始终处于缺位,在新的经济环境的压力下,我国制定《反垄断法》是十分必要的。反垄断法是现代国家调节社会经济的基本法律之一,是经济法体系一个重要组成部分,并将长期居于经济法体系的核心地位。我国实行社会主义市场经济,不能不制定这种法律。对于市场经济来讲,反垄断法的积极作用是空前的。  相似文献   

This article presents a novel way to explain managerial collapse in criminal justice agencies by analyzing traditional organizational perspectives. While recognizing the advances of human relations and contingency management theories, most criminal justice agencies in the twenty-first century remain hierarchical Weberian organizations characterized by mechanistic and formalistic operations, with specialized tasks and division of labor that create a narrow range of duties. Along with Weber, Fayol, and more recently, DiIulio and Wilson have argued that managerial quality determines organizational performance. This article extends that focus by using the theoretical perspective called managerial disorganization and administrative breakdown, hypothesizing that management is responsible for well-functioning and/or dysfunctional organizations. Through a series of examples from case studies where criminal justice agencies have failed, the article concludes that agencies experiencing administrative breakdown and managerial disorganization are not implementing their basic mission and inappropriately utilizing the organizational principles of division of labor, unity of command, span of control, accountability, hierarchy of authority, and communication.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an action research project which sought to evaluate and guide ongoing teaching and learning development in Principles of Corporations Law, a semester-long unit of study. Typically, enrolments in this subject area include students from a range of cultural contexts for whom the legislative and administrative concepts of the unit are unfamiliar and who also experience significant difficulties with cultural conventions of communication and business practice. At our university, unit enrolments include a high proportion of distance education as well as non-English speaking background (NESB) students, predominantly from China, who have not studied units formerly considered as prerequisite, and many of whom experience difficulties with basic academic skills. As the development team planned and created teaching features to ensure better learning outcomes for these students, it was clear that some truly contextual thinking as well as some practicable solutions would be required. While we had determined in the redesign planning that scenario- or problem-based learning (PBL) with its emphasis on finding, understanding and using information in context, was best suited to help students acquire the skills that underpin success in the unit, our experience in the project indicated students had a broader range of more basic needs. It emerged that students were struggling with fundamental issues that would need to be addressed before real change could occur.  相似文献   

对我国民事审判监督程序启动机制的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国民事审判监督程序是以司法监督权作为权力基础,由此导致三重并列的再审启动机制。因此,很有必要分析我国多重再审启动机制的产生根源,并试图建立一个与现代民事诉讼理念相适应的再审启动机制:取消人民法院依职权启动再审;严格限制人民检察院的法律监督权的行使范围;充分尊重当事人的诉权,建立以当事人诉权为基础的再审之诉。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1983,48(161):37526-37528
In accordance with the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a(e)(11)), we are issuing public notice of our intent to establish a new routine use of information we maintain in the majority of our systems of records. The proposed routine use will enable us to disclose information, as necessary, when utilizing a contractor or other Federal agency to assist in the efficient administration of our programs.  相似文献   

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