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作为欧洲国家,波兰法律传统虽传承自罗马法系,但其民事诉讼中的证据制度经过岁月演变,在不断的整合中呈现出自己的特点。本文主要介绍了波兰民事证据程序的特点,体现在证据内容。证明主体,证明责任,推定,证据的提出、接受和评估,以及证明方法,上诉程序中对证据等方面。  相似文献   

在理论上,人们习惯地将证据分为四类,即原始证据与传来证据,有利于被告人的证据与不利于被告人的证据,直接证据与间接证据,言词证据与实物证据.以上证据分类在一定程度上揭示了证据的特点及证明的规律,但是,其中的一些证据分类缺少周延性、缺少全面性,更没有揭示证据发挥证明作用的条件.依据唯物主义运动与静止的理论,根据证据是处于相对静止状态还是运动状态,以及是否对案件具有直接的证明作用为标准,应该将证据分为静态证据与动态证据,找出证据与案件事实的关联性,提高司法人员办案能力.  相似文献   

毒品犯罪案件有着明显区别于其他类型犯罪的规律和特点,因此决定了在毒品案件的诉讼过程中,侦查、检察和审判机关及辩护律师的诉讼活动,都应当围绕对诉讼结果产生重要影响的证据运用问题进行研究。而毒品犯罪证据体系是指由国家法律规定或者确认的关于刑事诉讼中涉及毒品犯罪的证据、证据种类、证明对象、举证责任与证明责任、证明标准与证明要求,以及如何收集、审查判断证据,如何运用证据认定案情的一套规则体系。  相似文献   

五、什么是诉设证据?它有哪些特点? 查明案件事实,分清是非责任,是人民法院审判民事案件首先必须解决的问题。要查明事实,必须靠证据加以证明。证明,就是人民法院和其他诉讼参与人按照法定程序,运用证据来确定案件事实是否真实的一种诉讼活动。不管是当事人提供的,或者是人民法院收集、调查来的,凡能直接或间接地证明案件真实情况的客观事实材料,都是证据。诉讼证据具有以下三个特点: (一)必须是客观存在的事实材料,即证据理论上所称的证据的客观性。每件民事纠纷都产  相似文献   

房屋案件的证据,就是能够证明房屋案件真实情况的客观事实,是法律规定用以查明房屋案件事实的手段。房屋案件证据不但同其他民事证据一样,具有客观性、关联性和合法性的特点,而且,较之其他民事证据,还有其自身的一些特点,主要表现在:第  相似文献   

证明对象是刑事证据理论中一个十分重要的问题.准确地把握证明对象的特点,恰当地限定证明对象的范围,对于司法人员正确、合法、及时处理案件有着非常积极的意义.一、证明对象的概念刑事诉讼中证明对象的定义是什么?在高等学校法学统编教材《证据学》中是这样写的:“证明对象,就是指案件中必须由司法机关依法运用证据予以证明的案件事实”.《刑事证据理论》一书中说:  相似文献   

彭海青 《法学杂志》2018,(12):76-86
证据合法性证明规范的确立在我国非法证据排除规则发展史上具有重要意义,然而司法实践表明检察机关却因此陷入了证据合法性证明的困境。在局部完善难以奏效的情况下,我国应彻底革新证据合法性证明制度。首先,在证明责任方面,确立由检察机关的主要证明责任、公安机关的连带证明责任与有关知情人员的协助证明责任等构成的共同责任模式;其次,在证明方式方面,分别确立记录类证据与当庭说明类证据的证明规则;最后,在证明标准方面,确立"程序规范标准"作为证据合法性的证明标准。我们应以证据合法性证明制度的革新为契机,在已有程序性裁判的证据理论的基础上进一步探索程序性证据法理论的创设。  相似文献   

丁铁珍 《证据科学》2023,(4):417-431
刑事证据辩护属于刑事辩护的独立基础性类型,目前我国证据辩护在理论研究与司法实践方面均处于起步阶段。证据资格辩护属于证据辩护的基础形态,证明力与证明标准辩护则属于高阶证据辩护形态。不同种类证据相关的普遍知识是证据证明力辩护的信息条件。在厘清证据辩护概念与证据有效辩护评价标准的基础上,以辩护人证据知识库构建以及对证据与待证要件事实的推理能力为支撑,充分考虑不同类型证据的特点,构建以证据资格辩护为基础,以证明力辩护与证明标准辩护为核心的充分有效的刑事证据辩护体系。实现准确事实认定与人权保障的双重诉讼目标。  相似文献   

司法实践中,运用间接证据证明案件主要事实,要比运用直接证据复杂得多。这是由间接证据本身的特点决定的。为了保证运用间接证据在证明过程中不出差错,并能得出正确的结论,在运用中应结合实践,遵守如下规则: ①用于定案的每一个间接证据,都必须是客观真实的。如提取的物证、痕迹是不是犯罪分子遗留下来的、鉴定  相似文献   

自由证明并非是完全自由的证明方式。虽然自由证明可以免除严格证明的一部分或全部要件,但在证据采纳方面和证据调查方面依然存在一些限制。在证据采纳方面,自由证明要求证据至少要具备相当的关联性;可以采纳传闻证据,但必须保障来源可靠;相对于严格证明,自由证明对于非法证据的排除应较为宽松;在自由证明中并不要求最佳证据,但在证明力层次上要对非最佳证据进行限制。在证据调查方面,自由证明过程中必须保障当事人的知情权和异议权,并且裁判者必须遵守心证公开制度,防止其心证过程不遵循经验法则和逻辑法则。  相似文献   

Certain works in the most recent Polish constitutional law literature suggest that there is acceptance of the principle or the concept of autonomous interpretation of a constitution (autonomy of interpretation of constitutional terms). The Constitutional Tribunal also makes reference to this in numerous rulings. Paradoxically, however, that concept is not very popular in legal theory. It might seem that Polish legal theoreticians and philosophers do not appreciate the concept of interpretation of a constitution devised through practice with the support of constitutional law doctrine. It might, however, mean that opinions on autonomous interpretation of Polish Constitution are nothing more than rhetorical arguments formulated ad hoc not a coherent concept or a theory. This text is an attempt to analyse this concept and its potential in discussions surrounding application of the Polish Constitution.  相似文献   


The subject of this study are the argumentation strategies applied by the Polish and German apex courts competent in criminal matters, namely the Supreme Court and the Federal Court of Justice, respectively. The investigation encompasses a total of 200 rulings issued by the criminal panels of these bodies. Particular focus was put on examining which arguments both courts apply to solve interpretation problems, and secondly, how these courts systematize the interpretation process. Methodologically, the examination utilizes, inter alia, the principles of qualitative research, without neglecting the legal dogmatic perspective. A crucial theoretical foundation underlying this study is the distinction between formalistic and substantive legal cultures. The examination reveals that neither the Polish nor the German legal culture is purely formalistic or value-oriented. Nevertheless, the Supreme Court of Poland shows greater affinity for formalistic arguments, whereas the substantive interpretation methods are more widespread in the judicature of the German Federal Court of Justice. In particular, the Polish Court prefers the linguistic interpretation, whereas the German Court favours the purposive approach.


Throughout its modern history, Poland has not escaped controversies surrounding the use of the death penalty. Tracing the historical development of laws dealing with the issue demonstrates an evolution influenced by various legal, political, social, philosophical, and international factors, leading up to the current absence of the penalty from the Polish legal system. The debate in society revolves around some stereotypical views held by different social groups. One of the biggest challenges is how to reconcile those views with empirical evidence, especially on issues like the deterrent effect of capital punishment. The authors describe the death penalty debate in Poland from these perspectives and take a retentionist position with regard to some selected crimes. As long as there are individuals willing to take other people's lives in a premeditated and deliberate manner demonstrating callous contempt for another person's existence, death remains the only punishment satisfying a sense of social justice and upholding the value of human life.  相似文献   

The paper contains some thoughts on the issue of the legal aspects of Poland's integration into the European Community (EC) against the background of Polish efforts to adapt its legal system to European Community requirements. The discussion is divided into three substantive parts: The first part deals with the issue of various legal traditions constituting the general phenomenon of EC law, with the second part spelling out legal aspects of the process of European integration, and finally the paper will be presented by way of a more concrete discussion — e.g., human rights, criminal law in general, and computer crime specifically.  相似文献   

This article discusses a rare instance of the highest national courts explicitly addressing traffic signs in their judgments or decisions. It critically examines the standpoint expressed by the Polish Constitutional Tribunal and the Supreme Court, according to which the basic traffic sign categories in Poland—obligatory, prohibitory, informative and warning—are not separable (not disjunctive) [e.g. prima facie non-normative signs (informative or warning) can also be normative (obligatory or prohibitory)]. These courts formulated this idea when addressing the legal question concerning the applicability of legal provision penalizing failure to comply with a traffic sign to parking a car without paying a fee in an area marked by an informative sign that indicates the need to charge a fee for parking. The article analyses and criticizes the relevant standpoint of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal and the Supreme Court. It shows how many negative consequences can result from frivolous treatment and neglect of traffic signs. It also reconstructs some possible practical recommendations concerning not only traffic signs but also visualizations of legal rules in general.  相似文献   

Globalization changed the Polish criminal law. During the last 15 years the Polish criminal law has been transformed under the influence of globalization. The purpose of this study is to assess the extent and character of this process. The change was mainly a result of the implementation of legal instruments adopted by international organizations, to which Poland already belonged or aspired (European Union, Council of Europe, OECD, UN). This is what we can call the internationalisation of the Polish criminal law. Modifications affected many areas, in particular criminalisation. Definitions of certain existing offences were extended to cover interests which were not protected before (i.e. corruption offences). Also, new definitions were introduced (i.e. act of terrorist character). Additionally, other elements were changed. However, the impact of globalization on Polish criminal law goes beyond internationalisation. Certain criminalisations were introduced under the influence of foreign laws as a tool of fight against new types of crime, characteristic for the era of unification of cultural and social behaviours (e.g. stalking).  相似文献   


Since 2015 the populist government of the Law and Justice Party in Poland has spearheaded a highly effective campaign against the country’s lawyers, encountering relatively muted social opposition. Using Bourdieuan lenses, the article traces the roots of that remarkable institutional weakness of the Polish legal profession to the highly formalist approach to law and legal thinking that Poland’s lawyers espoused. Prior to the fall of communism, and in democratic Poland, the role of lawyers in society was to act as guardians of “neatness” of the legal system – or that system’s internal clarity, cohesion, and completeness. Such a sterile approach to legal practice was initially attractive, among other reasons, because it protected the legal profession from difficult legitimacy challenges stemming from that profession’s pre-1989 coexistence with the communist regime. With time, however, the refuge that formalism offered became a trap that undermined lawyers’ political and economic power.  相似文献   

Application of subpopulation theory to evaluation of DNA evidence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The strength of any evidence can be assessed using a likelihood ratio (from Bayes' point of view). This is the ratio of the probabilities that the evidence would have been obtained given that the suspect is guilty and innocent, respectively. This, in turn, depends upon the probability that a match will be produced if the suspect is innocent. An essential population genetics parameter is the 'coancestry coefficient', or θ, or F(ST), which is the correlation between two genes sampled from distinct individuals within a subpopulation. In this paper, θ coefficients for the southern Polish population were calculated for three loci of forensic interest: TH01, TPOX and CSF1PO. Three small southern Polish subpopulations of different ethnic origin were analysed. The results suggest that values of θ appropriate to forensic applications are quite small in the southern Polish population (they vary in the range of 0.002 to 0.013), and the value of θ=0.03 suggested by the National Research Council is too conservative for the defendant.  相似文献   

This paper reports an analysis of the determinants of the level and changes in Polish industrial concentration in the early post-transition era. In particular, the relative effects of foreign and state ownership are examined. The empirical evidence is based on a panel of 144 Polish manufacturing industries over the period 1989–1993. The results suggest that both state and foreign ownership have a significant impact on industry concentration and this relationship is U-shaped. Minimum efficient scale is found to be the only other factor to impact on industry concentration.  相似文献   

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