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多道心理生理测谎的心理测量学要素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多道心理生理测谎测试是运用多道生理记录仪有结构地对被测人进行提问,并记录其生理反应,根据对该被测人生理反应的分析给出其在所调查的问题上是否说谎的意见。虽然世界多个国家在运用多道心理生理测谎技术,但对测谎结论的证据效力一直存有争议。作者结合研究现状,从行为样本、标准化、难度的客观测量、信度、效度这五个心理测验要素出发,探讨该技术的科学性。通过分析,作者认为多道心理生理测谎指标选择具有代表性、可测性;具有可接受的信度和效度。  相似文献   

事件相关电位测谎是在对信息加工脑活动的电生理显示的基础上,通过直接读取案件相关的脑电位变化,来判别被测人是否与案件有关的心理测试方式.文章从心理测量学的角度分析此种测试方式的科学性、客观性并认为该测试方式的指标选择具有代表性.可测性和可接受的信度和效度.  相似文献   

Wang L  Yang L  Ge Y  Cai JF  Chang YF  Lan LM 《法医学杂志》2008,24(5):365-368
测谎技术越来越多地运用于协助侦查破案,成为打击和预防犯罪的重要手段之一。本文简述了它在古代的最初尝试以及近代心理-生理参数指标在测谎技术中的应用。尤其是现代多道生理记录仪的出现,使心理-生理参数指标更趋完善。随着人们对认知领域的深入探索,事件相关电位、脑功能核磁成像技术和事件相关-脑功能核磁成像技术在测谎领域的应用,使现代测谎技术的重心转移到对大脑活动的侦测方面,检测结果更为客观,更接近说谎的源头。本文介绍了从简单到复杂不同的测谎形式和各自的原理及目前发展最新动态,并分析了它在法医学应用的前景。  相似文献   

多道心理生理测谎结论的证据之路   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
作为传统、经典的测谎技术,多道心理生理测谎是指测谎员有结构地对被测人进行提问,并运用多道生理记录仪记录其生理反应;根据对被测人生理反应的分析给出其在所调查的问题上是否说谎的意见。虽然世界许多国家,包括中国,都在运用多道心理生理测谎技术,但在司法实践中其结论能否作为证据一直存有争议。本文首先介绍美国、日本及中国多道心理生理测谎结论的证据立法状况,然后提出在当前中国应该如何看待多道心理生理测谎结论的证据地位,最后提出应如何推进其证据发展之路。一、多道心理生理测谎结论在美国的证据之路美国法院对待多道心理生理测…  相似文献   

陈兴乐 《政法学刊》2006,23(3):101-104
原理是测试方法的理论基础和科学依据。心理测试(测谎)技术是通过测量人体生理变化参数来确定人对相关问题回答是否诚实进而判断他与所调查案件是否相关的一门技术。其基本原理是:心理刺激触发生理反应,生理反应反映心理变化;刺激强度与反应大小正相关;相同问题刺激不同反应。  相似文献   

测谎技术是借助于生理、医疗仪器,动用生理学、电学、现代医学等相关知识,刺激被测者的心理及思维,根据所获得的图表数据,评断被测对象的陈述是否诚实的一门科学技术。测谎技术在一些发达国家很早就投入使用。我国于1992年研制成功了第一台测谎仪-PG-I型心理测试仪。在案件侦破中取得较好效果。测谎是测试嫌疑人说谎时紧张心理状态下的压力反应。即通过事先编制的问题,对嫌疑人提问,触发其心理反应,引起心理上的差异。具体方法是通过测量人体中最敏感、不易受大脑皮层控制而反映人的本能条件,反映心理矛盾和心理压力的指标——皮肤电阻、呼吸和脉搏。以这三项生理图谱对应率的高低所到达的标准来判别被测人与案件的关系。一、测谎技术在侦察破案中主要有以下几方面作用□甄别无辜、确定嫌疑使用仪器本身就给被测人心理造  相似文献   

张钦廷  黄富银 《证据科学》2004,11(4):305-307,304
作为传统、经典的测谎技术.多道心理生理测谎是指测谎员有结构地对被测人进行提问.并运用多道生理记录仪记录其生理反应:根据对被测人生理反应的分析给出其在所调查的问题上是否说谎的意见。虽然世界许多国家,包括中国.都在运用多道心理生理测谎技术,但在司法实践中其结论能否作为证据一直存有争议。本文首先介绍美国、日本及中国多道心理生理测谎结论的证据立法状况.然后提出在当前中国应该如何看待多道心理生理测谎结论的证据地位.最后提出应如何推进其证据发展之路。  相似文献   

P300用于31例刑事在押人员的检测准确性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的验证事件相关电位测谎方法对刑事在押人员进行检测时的准确性,从而推动该项测谎技术从实验室走向实践。方法以31例涉案的犯罪嫌疑人为研究对象,以P300为评价指标进行事件相关电位测谎。结果事件相关电位测谎方法的准确判别率为96.8%,而测谎结论的准确率为80.6%。结论事件相关电位测谎结果没有假阳性,有利于认定犯罪事实,可以用于刑事案件测谎当中。  相似文献   

犯罪心理测试技术,即通常人们所称的“测谎技术”(POLIGRAPHY),就是专业测试人员根据案件情况,用事先编制好的与心理测试相关的题目,向被测试人提问,以形成对被测试人的心理刺激,再用计算机化心理测试系统记录其情绪的生理反应,以此分析判断被测试人与案件的关系,帮助侦查人员甑别犯罪嫌疑人、知情人和无辜者的一种高科技心理鉴定技术。犯罪心理测试技术目前在我国方兴未艾。作为一种高科技手段,西方国家一直对我国进行技术封锁,加之由于认识的原  相似文献   

"测谎"是一种通俗的说法,其学术名称为"多参量心理测试技术(仪)",指的是根据测试需要,用事先编好的题目向被测试人提问,使其形成心理刺激,再由仪器记录被测试人的有关生理反应,通过对其生理反应记录的分析,了解被测试人对所提问题"是与否"的对应关系。  相似文献   

付翠 《政法学刊》2012,(4):72-78
测谎技术作为一项查明案件事实真相,揭露谎言的重要刑事技术在案件的侦查过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用,但国内外理论界对测谎技术的应用和测谎结论的法律地位却莫衷一是,争议颇多。因此文章在分析测谎结论证据资格以及目前法律地位的基础上,对测谎结论作为证据使用的可能性和未来发展趋势进行了诠释,以期进一步明晰测谎结论在证据网络中的价值。  相似文献   

近年来,测谎被广泛应用于我国刑事司法领域,并在侦查破案和审判中发挥了不可替代的重要作用。由于测谎目前在理论和实践中均未统一,加之我国对于测谎结论的适用尚无明确的法律规定,已有的司法解释也没有解决实质问题,加深了人们对测谎结论的质疑,即测谎结论的证据资格问题。因此,明晰测谎结论的证据资格和应有的法律地位,是我国刑事诉讼法学理论亟需研究的一个问题。  相似文献   

Post-conviction polygraph testing of sexual offenders is controversial and the use of the polygraph as a means of supporting supervision of sexual offenders has only recently been explored. This study quantitatively examined qualitatively offender managers’ and sexual offenders’ views on the mandatory use of the polygraph in a community-based supervision. Fifteen polygraphed offenders and their 10 offender managers (polygraph group), and 10 non-polygraphed offenders and their ten offender managers (comparison group) were asked about their experiences and perceptions of a mandatory polygraph use. Using thematic analysis, the results provided four main themes: (1) truth detection, (2) perceptions of behaviour change, (3) perceptions of polygraph as part of supervision, and (4) national implementation of polygraph testing. Results suggest several benefits to mandatory polygraph testing as a support for supervision, including offenders making more high-risk disclosures, motivating offender honesty, and aiding offenders’ compliance with licence conditions.  相似文献   

The authors provide a polygraph primer for police psychologists involved in law enforcement personnel selection. Law-enforcement pre-employment polygraph examinations are a decision-support tool intended to add incremental validity to the personnel selection process. Problems stemming from the use of the polygraph may be related to misunderstanding of the polygraph test and to field practices surrounding the use of polygraphy in the police selection process. Potential problems can result from ineffective selection of test issues, poorly constructed test questions and misguided policies surrounding the use of the polygraph. The authors review the history of polygraph screening, research, and field practices, and suggest that using polygraph results alone to disqualify a candidate from employment is a misguided field practice. Suggestions are offered for maximizing the decision-support value of the polygraph. Polygraph examination targets are discussed, with emphasis on selecting actuarially derived predictors associated with increased success in law enforcement training and job performance. The authors provide recommendations for field practice, and propose that police psychologists may be most suited to effectively integrate the polygraph results and information into the hiring recommendation process.  相似文献   

The polygraph is a machine which invades previously private regions in the human being. Its operation is often viewed simplistically and lacking in danger. Such naivete is the subject of this comment. The paper considers the mechanics of polygraph operation, and its theoretical basis; the legal admissibility of the polygraph in a variety of settings, and lastly the impact the polygraph has upon our private lives.Clearly, the polygraph intrudes on the private regions of each individual, and this frightening fact is cause enough to consider the human, social and constitutional implications of its use. The project considers the reliability factor of the polygraph and its questionable use in personnel and business settings; its use in disciplinary procedures and labor arbitration, as well as reviews its place in judicial process and criminal review.Most critically the paper attempts to arrive at a constitutional basis for restrictions on its use in the private sector. Ingenious arguments have been made by opponents of the polygraph, and this paper reviews the substance and content of these constitutional arguments.  相似文献   

陈学权 《证据科学》2012,20(1):40-45
山木集团前总裁宋山木强奸案向我们提出了被追诉人有无权利要求测谎的问题。只要在刑事诉讼中允许使用测谎技术,无论是允许其作为证据使用还是仅仅将其作为审查判断证据的手段,被追诉人单方面向法院申请测谎,实质上均是一种试图向法院澄清事实真相的诉讼证明行为。被追诉人的测谎权是一种相对权,而非绝对权。鉴于我国目前的现实情况,测谎只能作为审查判断言词证据的方法,尚不能作为独立的证据适用,因此法院是否批准被追诉人的测谎申请,应以有测谎之必要为前提。  相似文献   

近年来,测谎被广泛应用于我国刑事司法领域,并在侦查破案和审判中发挥了不可替代的重要作用。由于测谎目前在理论和实践中均未统一,加之我国对于测谎结论的适用尚无明确的法律规定,已有的司法解释也没有解决实质问题,加深了人们对测谎结论的质疑,即测谎结论的证据资格问题。因此,明晰测谎结论的证据资格和应有的法律地位,是我国刑事诉讼法学理论亟需研究的一个问题。  相似文献   

We sampled a total of 411 participants and randomly assigned them one of three brief trial vignettes that contained either no-polygraph evidence, evidence of a passed polygraph test, or evidence of a failed polygraph test. Participants rendered guilt judgments and answered a series of questions concerning the trial in particular, and polygraph tests in general. Similar to previous studies on the impact of polygraph evidence on jurors' guilt judgments, this sample of jury-eligible adults indicated that they did not find polygraph test evidence to be persuasive. Moreover, it mattered little to participants whether the results indicated the defendant passed a polygraph test, or that he failed a polygraph test. However, when our findings are compared to those of previous surveys involving experts in the field of psychophysiology, they differ in a number of important respects. The implications for decisions regarding admissibility (e.g., U.S. v. Alexander, 1975 and U.S. v. Scheffer, 1998) are discussed.  相似文献   


A unique method for estimating field accuracy of the Comparison Question Test (CQT) – a polygraph technique – is presented, based on a combined probabilistic and algebraic model. It is built on paired examinations in criminal cases in which two opposing versions per case have been subjected to polygraph tests. The developed model is ground-truth free, thus there was no need to rely on external criteria of deception (e.g., confessions or physical evidence) in estimating the accuracy of the CQT. Results indicate an accuracy rate of 0.94 in detecting guilty examinees (Sensitivity) with a 0.06 False Negative rate and an accuracy rate of 0.835 (Specificity) with False Positive of 0.165 for the innocents. These figures excluded 20% of the cases that were ruled inconclusive. When no inconclusive calls were allowed, the accuracy rate dropped down to 0.8 with 0.2 error rates for both the guilty and the innocent examinees. The importance of this research stems from its being a field study that due to the unique methodology was not subjected to weaknesses usually found in polygraph field validity studies. This method is applicable to other techniques of deception detection and with some necessary adaptations may be also to eyewitness situations.  相似文献   

Reducing recidivism is a central goal in the treatment of sex offenders. In Europe, there is an increased interest in using the polygraph ("lie detector") as a tool in the treatment and risk assessment of convicted sex offenders. This interest originated from optimistic reports by American clinicians who argued that polygraph testing in the treatment of sex offenders is akin to urine analysis in the treatment of drug addiction. In this article, we critically examine the validity and utility of post-conviction sex offender polygraph testing. Our review shows that the available evidence for the claims about the clinical potential of polygraph tests is weak, if not absent. We conclude that portraying post-conviction polygraph testing as analogous to urine analysis is inaccurate, misleading, and ultimately, risky.  相似文献   

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