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李传松 《法学杂志》2003,24(4):78-79
三个湖北农民合谋到南京抢劫出租车,途经武汉时购买对折刀两把、安眠药30粒。到南京后又购买了尼龙绳、毛巾等物,并将安眠药碾碎。三人携带上述物品,在南京火车站附近搭乘一辆出租车,要求出城前往安徽某地。因为三人形迹可疑,且目的地不甚明确,驾驶员在车行至公安道路检查站时,打开应急灯,并停车报警,三人遂被抓获。本案被告人的行为已构成抢劫罪,但属于预备犯还是未遂犯,存在争议。区别预备犯与未遂犯的关键在于被告人的行为是否能够认定为已经着手实行犯罪。所谓着手是指已经开始实施可能直接导致行为人所追求的、行为性质所决定的犯罪结…  相似文献   

张艳 《天津检察》2007,(2):34-35
犯罪嫌疑人王某某因涉嫌参与抢劫武清区王庆坨镇金店一案被抓获后,不仅供认了抢劫金店的犯罪事实,同时还揭发检举了本案外的关某、张某,以及本案中的犯罪嫌疑人李某某在河北省霸州等地区多次抢劫的犯罪事实。武清区公安机关根据王某某提供的情况,与河北省霸州公安机关联系。发现关某、张某、李某某等人多次参与抢劫犯罪,已被河北省霸州人民法院作出有罪判决。关某、张某正在服刑,李某某一直在逃。据此,本市第一中级人民法院一审判决认为,被告人王某某到案后主动揭发他人犯罪,虽然所揭发的罪行已被生效判决书确认.但本案的侦查机关并不掌握李某某在河北省霸洲等地抢劫的犯罪情况,故仍应认定其立功。那么,犯罪嫌疑人揭发、检举本地侦查机关不掌握、而被外地法院已判决的犯罪是否构成立功,就此问题,笔者结合立功的条件、本质,谈点体会。  相似文献   

<正> 1简要案情 2000年6月7日23时许,济源市玉川公安分局辖区,发生一起抢劫出租车杀人案,出租车司机王某受伤,同在车内王某的朋友李某当场死亡,2名罪犯逃走。次日犯罪嫌疑人之一张某被抓获,另一犯罪嫌疑人刘某潜逃。在张某处搜出单双刃匕首各1把,但张某称在抢劫搏斗时自己的右腿被同伙误伤,未能伤及他人,不承认李某是被他刺死。  相似文献   

1基本案情 关某通过电话与C市贩毒人员李某联系购买毒品海洛因.李某同蒋某、晏某携带890克海洛因乘坐火车到达T市,入住江山宾馆.随后,李某与关某电话联系交易毒品.关某给石某打电话(石某与关某系朋友关系,知道关某吸食毒品),要石某次日中午驾驶车辆到关某住处.次日,石某开车抵达关某住处.关某给石某现金3千元让其开车陪同他接两个送"货"的人.石某将车开至江山宾馆门口,关某将蒋某、晏某叫上车,其中蒋某手里拿着一个黑色书包.  相似文献   

女子在雨夜被抢劫强奸租住在海南省海口大英村某出租屋的30多岁妇女阿玲(化名),1月27日凌晨3时遭一男子入室抢劫、强奸。警方在接报后3小时,便将22岁的犯罪嫌疑人许某抓获,同时打掉一个盗抢团伙,抓获犯罪嫌疑人7名。近日,记者从海口美兰公安分局获悉,许某及其盗抢团伙另外6名成员,已被刑  相似文献   

今年1月26日凌晨1时,在上海金山区一出租屋内发生一起入室抢劫、杀人案,受害人是金山区某夜总会一坐台小姐。犯罪嫌疑人江盼在案发当日中午12点被警方抓获。近期,上海金山区人民检察院以涉嫌抢劫罪、故意杀人罪(未遂)批准逮捕了犯罪嫌疑人江盼。  相似文献   

犯罪嫌疑人李某,男,1988年4月16日出生:犯罪嫌疑人郭某,男,1988年5月7日出生。犯罪嫌疑人李某、郭某伙同王某(现在逃)经预谋后,于2007年9月26日凌晨2时许,在本市某一足疗店内,持刀对店主夫妇进行威胁,欲抢劫财物,遭到店主夫妇的反抗。期间犯罪嫌疑人李某持刀将男店主脖子划伤,后李某被店主夫妇当场抓获,郭某被接警赶到的公安干警在案发地附近抓获归案。  相似文献   

犯罪嫌疑人张某于某日凌晨,以盗窃为目的,携带万能钥匙、壁纸刀等作案工具,步行至李某住处,翻墙入院,用万能钥匙将门锁打开后进入室内,在行窃过程中被事主李某发现并被抓获。民警接报出警赶到,当场在张某上衣口袋内翻出李某的MP3、彩金饰品等物。后经鉴定上述物品价值人民币八百余元。  相似文献   

一、我国《刑法》第十九条第一款明确规定:“为了犯罪,准备工具、制造条件的,是犯罪预备。”范凤楼等三人,为了使用暴力进行抢劫,事前有预谋,有计划,并把准备在抢劫时使用的凶器,随身携带到作案地段,只是由于客观条件的变化,抢劫犯罪才未再继续,按照故意犯罪发展的几个阶段,这个期间的行为应是犯罪的预备。由于范凤楼等人的预备行为已经超出了思想范围,把犯罪意图变成了具体的犯罪行为,虽然还没有达到抢劫的目的,但已经完成了为犯罪准备工具、制造条件的阶段,本身就具备了较大的社会危害性,而且情节严重,因此应负预备犯罪的刑事责任。二、范凤楼等人的犯罪行为,本来是在故意抢劫的心理状态下进行的。但后来在实施犯罪的过程中,范意外地发现了商场自行车和缝纫机组的售货员正在柜台内清点钱款,在这种条件的感应下,使得他  相似文献   

关某通过电话与某市贩毒人员李某联系购买毒品海洛因,李某同蒋某、晏某携带890克海洛因乘坐火车到达本市,入住江山宾馆。随后,李某与关某电话联系交易毒品。关某给石某打电话(石某与关某系朋友关系,知道关某吸食毒品),要石某次日中午驾驶车辆到关某住处。次日,石某开车抵达关某住处,关某给石某现金3000元让其开车陪同他接两个送“货”的人,石某将车开至江山宾馆门口,关某将蒋某、晏某叫上车,其中蒋某手里拿着一个黑色书包。关某让石某将车开回其住处.石某看见关某、蒋某、晏某三人蹲在地上.  相似文献   

This essay argues for a renewed form of critique based upon a non-deflationary realist and materialist understanding of the nature of objects. Such an understanding is set against the deflationary conception of materiality common nowadays, one that sees ‘signs’ in the place of powerful objects (exemplars, charms, fetishes), adjudicates against the latter as mere relics of the past and can only conceive of material relations and causality in representational terms, as co-relative to our self-positing powers. Such a conception is responsible for our present inability to think the role of radical claims, thick attachments and religious objects in modern secular societies. The argument is developed from within a phenomenological tradition that includes Hegelo-Marxian themes and connects them with more and less recent insights from anthropology and elsewhere concerning value and objectification in modern times.
Oscar Guardiola-RiveraEmail:

A wide range of actions imperil the planet and threaten the future of humanity and other species. This essay notes some examples of crimes and harms damaging to the environment and human and non-human species as well as various forms of response that have called for more effective and appropriate models of justice and law than currently prevail. This leads to a discussion of several suggestions regarding the development and expression of an earth jurisprudence and to the history of a proposal that “ecocide” be recognised internationally as a crime. Analysis of documentary sources traces this idea from debates about the concept of genocide to consideration by United Nations officials as to how crimes against the environment might be defined, and shows how near such a proposal has previously come to acceptance and enactment. The article concludes with an argument for supporting a law of ecocide as the 5th Crime against Peace.  相似文献   

This article critically analyses the recent proposal to introduce a Mediation (Scotland) Bill. The proposed Bill aims to introduce a novel process of court-initiated mediation that will oblige litigating parties to attend a mandatory Mediation Information Session. Adopting a comparative approach with the English and Irish civil justice systems, this article analyses the key elements of the proposed Bill and makes proposals to improve it.  相似文献   

The paper concentrates on the issue of currency convertibility in the context of Chinese strategy of the RMB internationalization. It argues that the motive for that strategy was ignited by China’s dissatisfaction with the long lasting unstable international monetary system. Recent global financial crisis intensified China’s urge to get rid of “dollar trap” and look for a diversified international reserve currency system where the Chinese yuan could take a place. The paper investigates the step-by-step approach from the trade settlement to more comprehensive policy measures. It also emphasizes the importance of domestic financial reforms for the RMB full convertibility, including flexible exchange rate, market determined interest rate and deepened domestic financial market.  相似文献   

1. The need for a "systems approach" to study of the machinery of state administration. It is no longer news to anyone that study and discovery of optimal variants for the organization and functioning of the system of agencies of state administration in the USSR are a pressing, paramount task of the science of administration.  相似文献   

“沉默权”缺乏根据,因为它否定了侦查机关的讯问权,且自身具有不正义性。西方国家“反对强迫自证其罪的权利”与“沉默权”的主旨大相径庭;“根本权利说”不能成立。“如实回答”是理所当然,它符合客观规律,且与刑讯逼供之间没有必然的联系。它建立在“两点论”和“两允许”的基础之上,又受到拒绝回答权的制约,比之西方国家沉默权的规定前进了一大步。协调机制是历史的必然,如果在确立这一机制的同时,建立非法讯问预防规则、协调机制实施规则,并设立根除刑讯逼供的宪法特别修正案,那么,我国将成为拥有最先进讯问制度的国家。  相似文献   

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