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目的 探讨家庭暴力损伤的特点及其有关的法医学鉴定问题。方法 对1998年4月~1999年12月间来诊的159例家庭暴力损伤鉴定案件进行回顾研究。结果 家庭暴力的受害者绝大多数为妇女(占93.1%),主要发生在配偶间(85.5%),其次为虐儿(5%)。家庭暴力一般发生在家中,以晚上为发生高峰。致伤方式以拳脚为主,其次为随手可得的钝器或锐器。损伤多为软组织损伤;有40%的受害人投诉前未去医院就诊;损伤  相似文献   

在纠纷案件中,大多数案例常常涉及损伤与疾病的关系问题。能否妥善处理,法医起着至关重要的作用。笔者从本县1989年~1997年的尸检案例中选出23例该类案件,就伤与病的法医学鉴定进行浅析,供同行们参考。1一般资料性别与年龄:男19例,女4例;年龄16岁~79岁,平均年龄45.9岁,中老年占67%。纠纷原因、致伤物、死亡时间和死亡原因见表1~4。有疾病可查19例(82.6%),无疾病可查4例(17.4%);有斗殴史22例(95.6%),无斗殴史1例(4.4%);有体表损伤18例(78.3%),无体表…  相似文献   

1资料分析1.1一般资料男性22例,女性14例;年龄从8-80岁,平均27岁;男女比例约为5:3。受伤方式:车祸14例,自行车碰伤4例,木棒6例,砖头砸伤8例,坠落受伤4例。1.2临床表现1.2.1症状伤后立即昏迷,昏迷时间在10分钟内者28例,10...  相似文献   

100例重度颅脑损伤尸检分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文总结分析100例重度颅脑损伤的尸检资料。年龄最小4个月,最长者71岁,男性70例,女性30例。颅脑损伤成因以钝器伤、高坠伤、跌伤及交通事故为多。头皮损伤占83%,头皮无明显损伤但有颅脑损伤者占17%。颅骨骨折占71%,以线状骨折为多(45%),粉碎骨折次之(22.53%),颅骨骨折常合并颅内出血。两者并存者69例,占颅内出血70.41%,有颅内出血无颅骨骨折29例,占29.59%,略高于文献报告。硬膜外出血(EDH)占35%,冲击部占88.57%,对冲部占20%。硬膜下出血(SDH)占40%,冲击部占85%,对冲部占25%。蛛网膜下腔出血占87%。髓内出血86%,合并EDH占33.72%,合并SDH占36.05%,EDH、SDH和髓内出血者同时发生占8.26%。脑室出血占12%。脑挫伤裂伤占64%,有冲击伤和对冲伤占46.88%,有冲击伤无对冲伤占28.12%,无冲击伤有对冲伤占25%。脑疝:小脑扁桃体疝占67%,海马钩回疝占60%,略高于文献报告,结合本文资料,对病理特点及法医鉴定中应注意问题略加讨论。  相似文献   

法医尸体检验经常检见机械性窒息死亡,归纳起来有四类:外力压挤劲部窒息死亡;堵塞呼吸道窒息死亡;重物压迫胸腹窒息死亡;外伤致胸腔环境改变而窒息死亡。其中颈部受伤致血管离断,血液瘀积于颈部压迫气管窒息死亡则很少见,报道一例如下。1案例资料2000年4月9日下午2时15分左右,死者郑某(女,71岁)与本组村民蔡某(男,48岁)为放秧田水发生纠纷,郑某举手打蔡某时,蔡某还手推退郑某,郑某后退倒坐地,郑某随即爬起再打蔡某时,蔡某用力一脚踢伤郑某左侧颈部,于当天18时30分左右郑某在被护送往医院途中死亡。1…  相似文献   

中药“细粉零号”中马钱子中毒引起小儿死亡1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中药“细粉零号”中马钱子中毒引起小儿死亡1例张国华,汪德文,陈怀芳,李如波,闫立志(1.中国医科大学法医学系;辽宁1100012.辽宁省公安厅刑科所;辽宁110032)马钱子系属剧毒中草药,引起中毒死亡已有个案报导[1-4]。本文报告一例34种中药复...  相似文献   

目的 分析中毒性死亡案件和与中毒死亡有关的医疗纠纷案件的法医学特点,探讨此类案件的防护重点和鉴定要点。方法 对四川大学法医学院1985~2004年106例中毒死亡尸体剖验病理材料进行回顾性统计分析。结果 性别:男性61例,女性45例。男女比例1.36:1;年龄:以21—40岁年龄组(60.38%)为主;死亡方式:意外死亡最多见(52.83%),其次为自杀(33.02%)和他杀(14.15%);死亡原因:CO中毒、有机磷类中毒、毒鼠强及药物中毒多见(72.64%);医疗纠纷:发生医疗不当12例(11.32%),7例为医源性中毒性医疗纠纷。5例为中毒后在医院抢救中发生的医疗纠纷,主要发生于乡镇医院和县级医院(83.33%)。结论 加强毒物的管理、提高安全意识、加强法制教育、增加生产安全等是减少中毒性死亡的重要手段。提高城乡医疗水平.加强中毒急诊抢救临床技能是防止中毒性医疗纠纷的关键。  相似文献   

目的探讨窒息死亡的法医病理学特点。方法对四川大学华西法医学鉴定中心1982年10月1日-2006年9月30日所作160例窒息死亡尸体剖验病理材料进行统计分析。结果窒息死亡案例占整个法医学检案的9.9%,年龄:30-39岁的死者占整个研究对象的29.4%,平均年龄为31.25岁。性别:男性103例,女性57例。男女比例1.81:1。死亡方式:意外死亡最多(63.1%),其次为自杀(24.4%)和他杀(12.5%)。死亡原因:缢死最多(21.9%),其次为CO中毒(17.5%)、溺死(16.25%)等。医疗纠纷共计39例,均为新生儿窒息,主要发生在乡镇医院和县级医院(76.92%)。结论加强法制教育,提高安全隐患意识等是减少窒息死亡的重要手段。提高城乡医疗水平,加强窒息急诊抢救的临床技能是防止窒息引起医疗纠纷的关键。  相似文献   

汉语儿童语言发展是在与社会环境相互作用中不断学习和获得语言结构能力的过程。在对0—8岁汉语儿童的追踪和横向测查中发现,汉语儿童语言发展可分为四个阶段:(1)前结构阶段(0-2岁);(2)简单结构阶段(2-4岁);(3)合成结构阶段(4-6岁);(4)嵌置结构阶段(6-8岁)。每个阶段内部,汉语儿童语言结构能力又存在着三级规则水平,规则水平的不断提高,意味着儿童逐步获得本阶段语言结构能力,并向下一阶段发展过渡。  相似文献   

不同机械性损伤皮肤创缘EGFR表达的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对51例人体尸检材料及40只SD大白鼠不同损伤时间组标本进行组织内表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)的酶标染色,结果发现:生前不同方式损伤类型,EGFR阳性染色率在不同损伤时间表达不同。刀伤、枪伤EGFR阳性染色率为70.0%-80.0%,而挫伤和索沟皮损的EGFR阳性染色率较低,仅为4.0%-10.0%左右。动物实验结果提示,损伤5分钟至30分钟;EDFR阳性率较低,仅为400%,从0.5小时至2小时、阳性染色率明显提高,为60.0%~100.0%,我们实验还发现,EGFR在人体和动物死后伤均为阴性染色。故此,可用其作为法医生前和死后伤参考指标。  相似文献   

During 2004 and 2005, Florida was struck by 8 hurricanes, resulting in 213 deaths. The Department of Health and Florida medical examiners monitor hurricane mortality surveillance. This study analyzed hurricane-related deaths reported by the Florida Medical Examiners Commission for 2004 to 2005. The objectives of this study were to (1) describe the Florida hurricane-related mortality for 2004 and 2005, (2) accurately characterize the hurricane-related deaths, and (3) identify strategies to prevent or reduce future hurricane deaths. For 2004, there were 144 total hurricane-related deaths. The majority (59%) occurred in the postimpact phase, with accidents accounting for 76% of deaths. Among these, over half were caused by trauma, followed by drowning, other injury, electrocution, and carbon monoxide poisoning. For 2005, there were 69 hurricane-related deaths. Sixty-one percent of deaths occurred in the postimpact phase, with accidents accounting for 86% of all deaths. Among these, over half were due to trauma, with drowning and carbon monoxide poisoning being the other major contributors. Most hurricane-related deaths are due to unintentional injury and therefore, preventable. Seventy-nine percent of deaths are in those aged 40 and older. Prevention messages should target high-risk, postimpact activities, especially in older adults.  相似文献   

In this retrospective study, we report the epidemiological characteristics of all poisoning deaths in Epirus, Greece, from 1998 to 2010; we present the toxicological findings and the statistical evaluation of the results. This is the first detailed scientific report on all the officially certified poisoning deaths concerning part of the Greek population. A total of 126 poisoning fatalities were recorded, 67 of them being mono‐intoxications (53.2%). The cause of poisoning was as follows: drugs of abuse (60%); carbon monoxide (19.8%); pesticides (9.5%); corrosives (4.8%); pharmaceuticals (4.8%); and spider bite (0.8%). The most frequently detected poisonous substances were as follows: heroin (65 cases), ethanol (55), benzodiazepines (42), carbon monoxide (25), cocaine (17), cannabinoids (17) and pesticides (12). Increasing tendency in poisoning death rates was recorded, due to an increase in accidental poisoning deaths attributed mainly to drugs of abuse (total, accidental, and drugs‐of‐abuse poisoning death rates per 100,000 inhabitants per year were 1.87, 1.19, and 0.79, respectively, in the period 1998–2002 and 3.97, 3.41, and 2.55, respectively, in the period 2007–2010).  相似文献   

Deaths related to carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning are common. Most represent accidents and suicides, and most result from CO production via the incomplete combustion of carbon-containing substances. Suicide via CO toxicity is not uncommon and typically involves the use of motor-vehicle exhaust as a source of CO. Presented herein is a case of suicidal CO poisoning in which the CO was produced via a chemical reaction between formic acid and sulfuric acid within a homemade device.  相似文献   

To reassess the immunohistochemical distribution of pulmonary surfactant apoprotein A (SP-A) in relation to the causes of death, 282 forensic autopsy cases were reviewed. The most intense and dense granular immunostaining of intra-alveolar SP-A was observed in the hyaline membrane syndrome from various traumas, protracted death from drowning, and perinatal aspiration of amniotic fluid. Similar granular staining pattern was found in fatal poisoning by a muscle relaxant and organophosphate pesticides. An evident increase of intra-alveolar granular staining was noted in most fatalities from mechanical asphyxia and drowning, and some cases of fire death. SP-A staining was usually very weak or sparse in alcohol intoxication, poisoning by hypnotics and also carbon monoxide poisoning. These findings suggest that the amount of intra-alveolar granular SP-A staining may be a possible indicator of severity and duration of respiratory distress (agony) from peripheral (non-central nervous system) origin and alveolar damage.  相似文献   

We analysed deaths certified as due to poisoning in England & Wales, 1968-2000, in children aged <10 years by age, sex, circumstances of death, intent, and agents involved. The number of deaths fell from 165 (20.6 per million children) in 1968 to 30 (4.6 per million) in 2000, a decrease of approximately 80%. The age-specific death rates were similar in boys and girls. The rate was initially much higher, and fell more, in those aged <5 years. Most deaths (n=1923) occurred in fires, and had been attributed to inhaling combustion products. A small number (n=104) occurred in fires resulting from motor vehicle and other transport accidents. From 1979 (use of ICD-9) the coding of some of these deaths changed from poisoning with carbon monoxide to poisoning with 'other gases, fumes or vapours'. These 'fire deaths' do not appear as poisonings in mortality statistics based on a single underlying cause of death, and cannot be tabulated as poisoning in many countries. Fire deaths and deaths coded to accidental, deliberate, or undetermined poisoning (n=702) decreased substantially with time, and by 2000 numbered 14 and 10, respectively. Accidental deaths declined from 151 in 1968 to 23 in 2000, but homicides and open verdicts varied from 5 to 20 per year, with no clear trend. Deaths attributed to carbon monoxide and to 'other gases, fumes or vapours' (mostly fire-related) totalled 2431 (84% of all poisoning deaths). Overall, 10% of these deaths were either certified as homicides or open verdicts. However, homicide or open verdict was recorded in half of the 47 fatal opiate poisonings. Opioids have now superseded antidepressants as the commonest agents encountered in fatal poisoning with drugs in children.  相似文献   

In order to confirm the identity of the deceased, 1.7% of the deaths (162 cases) evaluated at the Harris County Medical Examiner's Office during the time period of this study required a forensic dental evaluation. Data were collected and analyzed. The manner of death was ranked in order as follows: 30% homicide; 20% accident of various types other than motor vehicle accidents; 18% motor vehicle accidents; 16% remain undetermined; 9% natural causes; and 7% suicide. The cause of death was: 24% asphyxia, smoke inhalation, or thermal burn injuries; 23% blunt-force trauma; 18% miscellaneous causes of death; 15% undetermined; 13% gun shot wounds; and 7% asphyxia. The condition of the remains were: 38% charred or incinerated; 31% decomposing; 18% skeletal remains; 6% "fresh" or recently deceased; 4% fragmented; and 3% severely beaten or mangled with displacement of the maxillomandibular region, complicating the dental identification procedure. The gender was: 62% male; 34% female; and 4% undetermined. The race was: 55% Caucasian; 19% Hispanic; 14% black; 1% Asian; and 11% undetermined. The age was: 2% from 0 to 10 years of age; 9% from 11 to 20; 21% from 21 to 30; 18% from 31 to 40; 13% from 41 to 50; 8% from 51 to 60; 5% from 61 to 70; 4% from 71 to 80; 1% from 81 to 90; and 19% undetermined. Further evaluation of these and future dental identification cases will provide valuable data to help prepare the forensic dentist for the wide variety of cases that must be evaluated in the course of their careers.  相似文献   

A 25-year retrospective study of cases of crush/traumatic asphyxia autopsied at Forensic Science SA, Adelaide, Australia from 1980 to 2004 was undertaken. A total of 79 cases of crush asphyxia was found consisting of 63 males (80%) and 16 females (20%). The age range of the males was 19-86 years (mean=41.8 years) and of the females was 19-75 years (mean=38.6 years). In 18 cases the exact circumstances of death were unclear, leaving 61 cases in which details of the fatal episode were available. Major categories included vehicle crashes (N=37), industrial accidents (N=9), farm accidents (N=6) and entrapment beneath vehicles (N=5). Forty of the 79 victims (51%) had only very minor bruises and abrasions; 28 (35%) had evidence of chest compression with rib and sternal fractures and large areas of soft tissue bruising of the chest; 7 cases (9%) had other significant injuries or findings that had contributed to death. All of these victims had signs of crush asphyxia in the form of intense purple congestion and swelling of the face and neck, and/or petechial hemorrhages of the skin of the face and/or conjunctivae. The pattern of pathological findings of crush asphyxia was not influenced by the presence or absence of concomitant serious or lethal injuries. In 4 cases (5%) where the circumstances of the lethal episode were those of crush asphyxia there were no characteristic pathological findings. This study has shown that a high percentage of crush asphyxias may be caused by vehicle accidents. It has also demonstrated that on occasion fatal crush asphyxia may have to be a diagnosis of exclusion, made only when there are characteristic death scene findings, and no evidence of lethal natural diseases or injuries at autopsy, with negative toxicological screening.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of autopsy cases was conducted at the Department of Forensic Medicine, Tongji Medical College (DFM-TMC), in Hubei, China to describe the characteristics of poisoning deaths from 1999 to 2008. A total of 212 poisoning deaths were investigated by DFM-TMC during the 10-year period. The poisoning deaths ranged from 17 cases in 1999 to 27 cases in 2008. Of the 212 cases, 82 deaths (38.7%) were from pesticides, 36 deaths (17.0%) from carbon monoxide, 34 deaths (16.0%) from drugs, 22 deaths (10.4%) from alcohol, 17 deaths (8.0%) from other chemicals, 15 deaths (7.1%) from poisonous plants and animals, and six deaths (2.8%) from heavy metals. Of the 82 pesticide poisoning deaths, 43 (52.4%) cases were caused by rodenticides, mainly tetramine (N = 39). The majority of poisoning deaths were accidents (63.7%), followed by suicides (25.9%) and homicides (3.8%). The manner of death could not be determined in 14 cases (6.6%).  相似文献   

Bilateral globus pallidus necrosis is said to be characteristic of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. However, there has been no scientific test of this hypothesis. To examine the assertion that globus pallidus necrosis is typical of CO poisoning, this study examined autopsy cases from the King County Medical Examiner's Office (KCMEO) between 1994 and 2013. Twenty-seven cases with bilateral basal ganglia lesions were identified and examined for associated or causative disease or injury with the following results: 10 cases of drug overdose, seven heart disease, three asphyxia, two chronic ethanolism, two Huntington-like disorder, and one case each of remote trauma, rheumatic heart disease, and cerebral artery gas embolism. Additionally, review of all known cases at KCMEO of CO poisoning found no evidence of globus pallidus or basal ganglia necrosis. Thus, this study provides no support for the assertion that globus pallidus necrosis is characteristic of CO poisoning.  相似文献   

An increasing death rate as a result of violence constitutes a large group in medicolegal autopsies. Specially, deaths due to asphyxia are one of the most important causes in violence deaths.During the 21-year period from January 1984 to October 2004, there were 134 asphyxial deaths autopsied by the Department of Forensic Medicine, Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey. Asphyxial deaths comprise 15.7% of all forensic autopsies; 20.8% of the cases are aged between 30 and 39 years, and the average age was 41.9 years. Males constitute 79.8% of all the cases.The most frequent method of asphyxiation death is hanging (56 cases, 41.8%), followed by drowning (30.5%) and carbon monoxide poisoning (8.2%). More violent methods, such as ligature or manual strangulations, constitute 2.9% and 2.3% of all asphyxial deaths, respectively. Although it was varying according to the methods of asphyxiation, suicide was found to be the manner of death in the majority of the cases.  相似文献   

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