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我国洗钱犯罪的特点与防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙平  姚秀萍 《政法学刊》2006,23(6):68-71
目前,我国的洗钱现象明显增多,洗钱或者明显带有洗钱性质的案件发案率正在迅速上升。我国洗钱犯罪体现了以下的特点:利用金融机构进行洗钱活动、利用公司进行洗钱活动、国际犯罪集团入境洗钱活动频繁以及国内腐败犯罪分子通过洗钱手段大肆转移赃款。要有效防治我国的洗钱犯罪,必须采取加强洗钱犯罪立法及制度建设完善等一系列对策。  相似文献   

腐败犯罪是洗钱犯罪的上游犯罪,从洗钱活动的发展过程来看,腐败犯罪与洗钱紧密相连,对腐败活动进行控制可以更有效的打击洗钱活动。本文从腐败犯罪与洗钱犯罪的关系中找出它们的联系,从而得出启示提出建议。  相似文献   

打击洗钱犯罪在网络时代背景下,面临重大挑战.传统洗钱方式如走私货币等逐渐淡出,网上银行、电子货币、网上赌场和网络第三方支付平台等的兴起为洗钱提供了更加隐秘、更加便捷的途径.针对高科技洗钱犯罪活动,我们必须持续关注高科技为洗钱提供的各种平台与机会,完善法律制度,加强监管力度,有效预防和打击各类高科技洗钱犯罪活动.  相似文献   

近年来,洗钱犯罪越来越受到人们的关注。尤其重庆发生一系列洗钱案等,引发人们深入思考。各方面数据显示,洗钱犯罪案件呈现出逐步上升的趋势,案发量及涉案金额令人触目惊心;洗钱犯罪往往与职务犯罪、黑社会性质犯罪、金融犯罪等紧密相关,且呈现出互生的态势。随着经济一体化、金融全球化的发展,洗钱犯罪呈现出国际化的态势。可以想象,随着社会经济的发展,预防、治理洗钱犯罪必定成为各级司法机关的重要任务之一。本期热案聚焦关注洗钱行为,以期引起社会各界对其危害性的认识,并期望能为预防、惩治洗钱行为有所裨益。  相似文献   

腐败与洗钱是国际社会的两大公害。以往,洗钱多与贩毒、走私、黑社会相关联,但近年来,腐败犯罪与洗钱犯罪日益紧密结合在一起,形成了一种颇具特色又极具危害的新型犯罪,我们称之为"腐败洗钱"。以"加强对腐败洗钱的防控作为我国反腐败制度建设的突破口"为切入点,确立一条"把腐败与洗钱结合起来研究,通过控制腐败洗钱来预防和打击腐败犯罪"作为一种新思路,将会对我国的反洗钱斗争和反腐败制度建设有所启迪。  相似文献   

洗钱犯罪的严重危害与严峻形势已经发展到了不容忽视的程度,本文在对洗钱犯罪的概念和特征进行简要介绍的基础上,重点分析了洗钱犯罪的成因,并针对这些原因提出了防治洗钱犯罪的几点对策。  相似文献   

金融机构在反洗钱中的核心地位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘飞 《行政与法》2004,(9):116-117
洗钱犯罪有多种渠道,但大多数洗钱犯罪是通过金融机构进行的,金融机构是洗钱犯罪活动的重要场所。洗钱犯罪不仅动摇金融机构的信用基础,危及金融安全,而且还影响金融市场的稳定。充分发挥金融机构在反洗钱活动中的重要作用,建立起金融机构反洗钱犯罪的第一道屏障,对遏止洗钱犯罪起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

王新 《中国检察官》2021,(14):15-18
随着信息网络技术的快速发展,洗钱犯罪行为人依托于金融科技的发展和新出现的金融产品,衍生出翻新变化和日趋复杂化的洗钱犯罪手段,这不仅对传统的反洗钱法律机制带来挑战,而且导致在办理洗钱刑事案件司法实践中出现许多新问题.对此,我们应在司法观念上进一步提升打击洗钱犯罪重要性的认识,在抓住洗钱本质特征的基础上,辩证地确立打击网络洗钱犯罪的司法理念,透过网络外在的表象来进行穿透式的审定,并且结合网络洗钱的特性来予以刑事规制.  相似文献   

论英国对跨国洗钱的法律控制   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
论英国对跨国洗钱的法律控制邵沙平由于特定的环境及其在世界金融业的特殊地位,英国曾成为洗钱者纷至沓来的洗钱中心,也成为采取法律手段对洗钱进行控制的国家。在洗钱已成为国际社会所面临的重大挑战的今天,探讨英国控制洗钱的法律机制,对于构建有效遏制跨国洗钱的国...  相似文献   

洗钱的法律控制与反腐败的若干思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文揭示了洗钱与腐败之间的内在联系,剖析了国际社会通过控制洗钱来控制犯罪的立法和实践,提出了应将控制洗钱作为我国反腐败的新措施和手段以及只有反腐败才能有效发挥控制洗钱在控制犯罪中的独特作用的观点,并就如何建立和完善控制洗钱和反腐败的法律机制提出了若干建议  相似文献   

Crime, Law and Social Change - To launder money is, by definition, to obfuscate and to hide, which makes it a notoriously difficult topic to study. Data access is another challenge contributing to...  相似文献   

Advances in information and communication technologies (ICT) have had, and will continue to have, wide-ranging influences on how the banking and finance industry operates. Making payments and transmitting money electronically or online are increasingly popular. An increased dependence on global electronic payment systems and the ability to move large amounts of money expeditiously across different jurisdiction, however, expose both payment processing companies and consumers to an evolving spectrum of threats such as fraud and money laundering. This article considers ways in which prepaid cards can be exploited by organised criminals and terrorists to launder their illicit proceeds of crime, and to transfer money anonymously and instantaneously over the globe for use by terrorist organisations. Risks identified in this article include recruiting card mules (e.g. international students) to purchase prepaid cards, and the mailing or shipping of prepaid cards out of the country without regulators being aware. To minimise risks of abuse by organised criminals and terrorists, legislation will need to adapt to deal with threats that organised criminals and terrorists seek to exploit. Future directions for research in relation to prepaid cards are also identified.
Kim-Kwang Raymond ChooEmail:

魏秀玲 《政法学刊》2001,18(5):18-20
随着房地产市场的发展,定金在房产交易中所起作用日显突出,定全的表现形式也呈多样化,传统意义上违约定金的性质已难以体现房产交易中不同形式定金的内容。在房地产交易中,定金的性质依其表现形式而体现为订约定金和违约定金。  相似文献   

Money laundering was stipulated as an offense by Chinese criminal law more than 10 years ago. However, the judicial situation is such that no one has yet been prosecuted for it. This article describes the phenomena that are closely related to money laundering, namely the current situation of the predicate offences and other factors conducive to money laundering such as corruption, underground bank shops, and shell companies. Based on these facts, the article infers that money laundering is a real problem in China. Then it explores the reasons why case examples of money laundering are not available. Finally, this article presents some of the factors necessary in the investigation of money laundering.  相似文献   

林安民 《北方法学》2011,5(1):52-59
联合国《禁毒公约》最先在国际公约中对洗钱作出了惩治性规定,其后的《制止向恐怖主义提供资助的国际公约》进一步将反恐融资与洗钱犯罪联系起来,之后的《巴勒莫公约》则明确地提出了独立的"洗钱罪"概念,2003年《反腐败公约》开始通过专门条文的形式对洗钱行为的预防与定罪作出了更详细的规定。这些联合国公约对反洗钱所作规定的变化,体现了国际反洗钱立法的发展过程,也对我国不同时期的反洗钱立法产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

陈兴良 《北方法学》2009,3(4):35-44
洗钱罪是一种破坏金融管理秩序的犯罪,随着经济的快速发展,此类性质的案件逐渐增多,加大对该罪的规制日益重要。我国对洗钱罪的立法规定经历了一个从无到有、从简单到严密的过程。洗钱罪在行为、客体和罪责方面有一系列特征,在司法实践中对该罪的处理也面临很多困难。通过汪照洗钱案的审理可以发现,目前洗钱罪的明知问题、与上游犯罪的关系问题以及该罪与赃物犯罪的区分问题还存在争议,从理论上进一步明晰十分必要。  相似文献   

郑新建 《河北法学》2006,24(7):49-52
近年来,商誉损害赔偿纠纷越来越多.商誉损害不适用精神损害赔偿制度.关于商誉损害赔偿的数额,尚无具有可操作性的计算标准,法院在处理此类案件时较难把握.司法实践中商誉损害赔偿额一是在综合考虑基础上酌情确定,二是以商誉权人消除影响所需费用作为赔偿额的确定依据.应根据商誉损害的不同情况具体分析,然后确定应适用的计算标准.同时,确定商誉赔偿数额的其他方式如法定赔偿额制度等.  相似文献   

Money laundering regulations have become stricter over time and involve more and more actors. This means that the accountability of laundering regulation will become more important; theoretically, money laundering should have decreased with the implementation of new regulations. However, as this paper shows, it is difficult to estimate even the sign of the trend in the proceeds of crime and of laundering over time with particular reference to the drug trade. There seems to be a substitution from hard to softer drugs, and no substantial decline in the proceeds of crime and likewise no substantial decline in money laundering. Criminals seem to switch from the more controlled banking sector into still less controlled parts of financial markets, and from financial markets to other sectors. These new sectors include electronic payments, trade and real estate. The paper shows how one can empirically approach the latter two by using economic information of unusual prices and other characteristics in order to identify the amount of laundering in these sectors. Combining economic information with criminological data facilitates the development of a new tool for identifying money laundering in some important sectors.  相似文献   

刘颖 《中国法学》2002,13(1):81-92
以计算机技术为标志的新技术革命正深刻影响着人类生活的各个方面,改变了人们的生活方式,也使货币的形态与银行的业务运作发生了革命性的变化。正如纸币取代黄金,票据取代纸币一样,电子货币正取代纸币和票据而成为未来货币。本文从分析货币的法律概念入手,以此为基础,在回顾货币演变与发展过程中的不同形态并进行法律分析后,对现在日常生活中使用的各种“电子货币”及类似术语进行了辨析,指出只有数字现金型“电子货币”符合货币的法律概念,是新的货币形态,因而是真正的电子货币。文章还就电子货币对现存法律制度的影响从货币法律关系与交易法律关系两个方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

This study describes some of the campaign fundraising abuses perpetuated by Republican and Democratic operatives in connection with recent U.S. elections. Efforts to conceal the source of campaign contributions or to evade contribution and spending limits involved a variety of money laundering techniques including the use of shell companies, straw donors, and the funnelling of money through political action committees and non profit tax-exempt organizations. In addition to the brazen sale of political access, some of the more serious infractions involved the infusion of foreign money into the Republican and Democratic National Committees as well as the Clinton-Gore reelection campaign. The author concludes the crimes that were committed are explained best as organized criminality manifested as complex networks of patron-client relationships.  相似文献   

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