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妇女与财产的关系是很值得学界重新思考的一个话题。美国学者白凯的新著《中国的妇女与财产:960-1949年》以档案和判词集为资料,从法律与社会惯习两个层面,对宋至民国期间的妇女与财产关系进行了再解读。实证性的研究路子,加上新意迭出的理论诠释,使得这本书对学术界具有很大的启发意义。  相似文献   

《溪蛮丛笑》一书为南宋中后期人朱辅所著 ,是书以条目体例形式记述了公元 12世纪沅江流域各民族的风俗习惯、土产方物、文物古迹 ,是研究南宋中后期民族关系和五溪地区少数民族科学技术、风俗习惯、社会组织和历史语言的珍贵资料 ,具有其他典籍不可替代的特殊价值。  相似文献   

王定勇 《青年论坛》2011,(3):123-127
金代寿词的发展演进经历了"借才异代"时期、"国朝文派"时期、金代后期三个阶段。金代寿词意象独特,意境开阔,摆脱了寿词以功名、富贵、长生祝祷的套路,跳出了谀辞谄语的窠臼,迥异于同时的南宋寿词。其原因与北方的苏学流衍、贱老之俗、全真教传播有很大关系。  相似文献   

魏了翁《周易集义》成书于宋末,因其特殊的历史环境而流传甚稀,清整理《四库全书》时未收入。本文从该书的成书、刊刻、历朝的流传以及今存善本现状进行逐一考察,以求恢复该书原貌。  相似文献   

海外研究中国女性史的典范著作《内闱:宋代的婚姻与妇女生活》一书选取最常见的婚姻及家庭中的女性为研究对象,娴熟地运用女性视角,生动客观地重构和展现了宋代女性的生活状态,并通过考察宋代妇女的婚姻与家庭,指出了宋代妇女在历史发展中的重要作用。  相似文献   

黄纯艳 《思想战线》2000,26(2):86-90
北宋中期茶法频繁变动,主要是针对东南荼法而言的.北宋中期的茶法从性质上说只有榷货务山场制、贴射法和嘉祜通商法三种.引起茶法变动的根本原因是茶叶用于沿边折中和沿边折中对茶叶的依重.官商对虚估的争夺也是这一根本原因引起的.由于茶利在宋财政上作用举足轻重,嘉祜法从根本上不符合统治者愿望,最终必被专卖法取代.  相似文献   

Why does the Communist Party of China (CPC) remain popular despite making several serious mistakes? How could the CPC make China the world’s second-largest economy? These are among the 13 questions answered by Xie Chuntao, a professor with the Party School of the Central Committee of the CPC, in his latest national bestseller-Why and How the CPC Works in China. The English edition of the book, published in July by the Beijingbased New World Press, won a larger international audience at the Frankfurt Book Fair in October-not only because it addresses Western curiosity about the "China model" and "China’s road," but also because it puts forward a new way of introducing China and the CPC to the world. For this and the next three issues, Beijing Review will publish several chapters of the book, allowing readers a glimpse into the book. Edited chapter one-Why Was the CPC Capable of Establishing a New China-is as follows:  相似文献   

Best-selling author John Naisbitt and his wife Doris have co-written the upcoming book China's Megatrends:The Eight Pillars of A New Society.The two recently visited China to promote the new book.A U.S.citizen,John Naisbitt has proven himself a guru at predicting social trends in various countries.His series of books,which started with his first Megatrends in 1982,has sold more than 14 million copies around the world.The new book is based on the research of the Naisbitt China Institute in Tianjin Municipali...  相似文献   

十九、二十世纪之交,日本教育家成濑仁藏完成并出版《女子教育论》,掀起了日本女子高等教育的革新运动。不久,该书被中国学人译成中文,推动了中国女子教育近代化的起步。该书的著译、流传,凸显了美国-日本-中国的女子教育传播格局。但是,该书曾形成的中日女学交流起点的作用,竟然在其后的历史进程中被两国学界同时淡忘。文章尝试将历史考证方法和跨国视角相结合,在重新唤醒这段历史记忆的基础上,重建面向未来的两国女学发展脉络。  相似文献   

宋代富民与灾荒救济   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林文勋 《思想战线》2004,30(6):96-102
宋代是我国古代灾荒救济较多的时代 ,其中富民参与灾荒救济是一个引人注目的新变化。富民在灾荒救济中提供大量物资的同时 ,还在平抑物价、安置灾民、救灾物资管理等方面发挥了作用。尽管富民参与宋代社会的灾荒救济有自愿及非自愿的差别 ,但他们广泛参与宋代灾荒救济这一事实表明 :富民已成为唐宋社会经济关系的中心。作为一个新兴的社会中间层和稳定层 ,富民对唐宋以来中国社会的发展具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

High Land Over China Foreign Affairs is a newly published book written by Wang Yizhou, Deputy Director of the Institute of World Economics and Politics, at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The book focuses on China's progress in pushing forward its diplomatic policies in the past 30 years. It discusses the characteristics of Chinese diplomacy, and the opportunities as well as challenges the country will face as it grows in a changing world. It also provides suggestions on how China can provide more p...  相似文献   

The book Xi Jinping: The Governance of China Volume Ⅲ assembles Chinese President Xi Jinping's 92 speeches and texts between October 18, 2017 and January 13, 2020, preceding the outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19) epidemic. However, the ideas in the book are still relevant.  相似文献   

Chen Youwei 《当代中国》2006,15(49):723-728
This is Chapter 12 of the author's book in Chinese, The Inside Stories of China–US Diplomacy after Tiananmen. As a senior PRC diplomat who experienced the Tiananmen event, Chen makes an insightful background analysis of the process and way of thinking of the Chinese leaders in foreign policy making during that period. The JCC published the first chapter of Chen's book in vol. 11, no. 30, February 2002 and the last chapter of his book in vol. 12, no. 37, November 2003.  相似文献   

正Richard Wolff, an American Marxian economist and professor emeritus of economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, shared his observations on the role of the Communist Party of China(CPC) in China's development and China-U.S. ties in an exclusive interview with Beijing Review reporter Ma Miaomiao.  相似文献   

新时期以来,中央民族歌舞团致力于优秀少数民族歌舞艺术精品的生产,坚持生产经营与市场接轨,不断提升创新水平,大胆探索,科学实践,创作上演了多台综合性晚会、舞蹈晚会和音乐会,如:《多彩的家园》、《天地祥云》、《盛世中华》、《舞在天地间》、  相似文献   

This essay is a response to Alfred L. Chan's critique of my book, Bureaucracy, Economy, and Leadership in China This essay reaffirms the arguments of my book by examining the nature of politics in China in the mid 1950s through a variety of methods and some sources available after my book was published. It shows that bureaucratic politics was very common during the mid 1950s, that the Chinese political system was institutionalized, and that there were significant disagreements between top financial officials (Chen Yun and Li Xiannian) and top planners (Li Fuchun and Bo Yibo). It also argues in passing that Chen Yun was no ordinary planner; he was the most economically reform minded leader in the Soviet bloc in 1956–1957. In conclusion, I suggest some major questions for which conventional accounts cannot fully account.  相似文献   

60年来,中央民族歌舞团始终扎根民族歌舞艺术丰饶的土壤,培养和造就了一大批蜚声海内外的歌唱家、舞蹈家、器乐演奏家、编导、作曲家和渊作家等文艺工作者,创作了大量为人所喜爱的经典作品……  相似文献   

张健 《桂海论丛》2011,27(5):44-48
《中国共产党历史》第二卷用马克思主义哲学思维方法,分析了党29年前进中的失误曲折及发展过程,形成了党的失误观。它主要论述了这些失误形成的国际国内客观原因、党的主体原因、深层次的本质原因,阐明了人民群众在党的失误曲折中推动历史前进的伟大作用、党主要依靠自己的力量不断纠正自身发展中的失误并理智地把教训变为财富、开辟新的未来等重大问题,对于人们客观科学地认识这些失误与曲折,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

60年来,中央民族歌舞团的足迹遍布世界各地.把绚丽多彩的民族歌舞艺术奉献给各国人民.受到各国观众的高度赞扬和普遍喜爱,为促进中外文化交流,弘扬中国少数民族文化艺术作出了不可磨灭的贡献。  相似文献   

《贵州佛教史》是一部具有垦荒性质的学术新著。它不仅以广阔精深的题域考察了自西晋末年三民国时期一方佛教源流演变、兴衰起伏的发展大势,而且还从不同的层面周延邃密地论证了佛教传统过程中所呈现出的奇异地缘文化特征和区域人文样态。特别是对临济宗巨擘禅学思想的个靠性分析,更使该书具有义理诠释的现代性哲学特点。  相似文献   

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