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Beyond dealing with wrongdoing and litigation, law has many other functions. It can be designed to make life more predictable, it can facilitate and promote certain actions, it can seek to prevent disputes by laying down rules, and provide routes to solutions other than litigation should disputes arise. All of these can have connections to matters of emotion. Using both lawbooks and records of cases from the Angevin period, the present article begins by looking at issues of land law rather than crime, and at law outside rather than inside court. It then returns to crime and litigation before exploring the significance of the nature of legal records for the relationship between emotion and law. In doing so, it pays attention to emotion in action, to uses of emotionally charged language, to appearances of the vocabulary of emotions, and to the routinized use of words that might at other times or in other contexts have an emotional element. Underlying the analysis is an exploration of the ways in which some aspects of law became more discrete from ordinary social practice and discourse, in this instance through elements of distancing from emotion.  相似文献   

论鉴定人拒绝出庭作证法律后果的立法定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国刑诉法的再修改,明确规定鉴定人拒绝出庭作证,鉴定意见不得作为定案根据的法律后果,约束了鉴定人履行出庭作证义务,有效规范提出鉴定意见的举证责任,从而切实提高程序法的法律及司法权威。明确程序性违法导致诉讼行为或证据无效的法律后果,对提高司法公信力,具有现实意义和诉讼价值。应注重明确程序违法的法律后果,从而保证刑诉法依赖自身能量得到有效实施。  相似文献   

Law and Emotion: A Proposed Taxonomy of an Emerging Field   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Scholars from diverse fields have begun to study the intersection of emotion and law. The notion that reason and emotion are cleanly separable—and that law rightly privileges and admits only of the former—is deeply engrained. Law and emotion scholarship proceeds instead from the belief that the legal relevance of emotion is both significant and deserving of (and amenable to) close scrutiny. It is organized around six approaches, each of which is defined and discussed: emotion-centered, emotional phenomenon, emotion theory, legal doctrine, theory of law; and legal actor.Drawing on the analytic value of the proposed taxonomy, any exploration of law and emotion should strive to identify which emotion(s) it takes as its focus; distinguish implicated emotion-driven phenomena; explore relevant and competing theories of the emotions; limit itself to a particular type of legal doctrine; expose underlying theories of law; and make clear which legal actors are implicated. Directions for future research are discussed and cross-disciplinary collaboration encouraged.
Terry A. MaroneyEmail:

成凡 《华中电力》2020,(1):10-28
情感、效率、公平是人们认知活动中惯常的三个进程。对应这三个进程,人们对法律的认知有一些基本的原则。这些认知互动既可能形成社会自发秩序,也可能为法学提供一个基于认知背景的分析框架,有助于法学应对实践问题。“公平主导”的一个简单回答是,面对不同场合,情感、效率、公平三种进程被激活的程度不同。大体上,家庭场合激活情感,工程场合激活效率,市场和法律则更激活公平。在实践中,公平主导的法律原则由于比较接近主流社会认知,所以法律规范在社会中往往可能“自执行”,无需全靠外界监督或者激励。公平原则也有其自身的局限。虽然规范和原则很重要,是社会秩序的母体。但是,公平原则并不能解决所有问题。缺乏制度上的法治,光靠情理法是不足的。所以现代社会形成了规则化解决纠纷的机制,这就是二阶意义上的法律。  相似文献   

感情法益自19世纪末的谱系演变表明,援用哲学、心理学的既有成果尝试定义感情,或立足于法益论的基本立场预设可被保护的感情类别,并非妥当的方法论路径。基于感情背后是否存有可回溯至宪法的基本权利这一立场转换,"不真正/真正感情保护犯"的二元筛查架构当为可行的思路。据此,"何种感情值得刑法保护"不应是一个预先判断的命题,感情应为个人或社会法益亦非是一个前置性论断。死者虔敬感这一既往被认为具有社会属性的感情法益可被证伪,其实质在于公民生前人格权的辐射保护;英雄烈士所承载的社会集体感情虽为共同价值观之表征,但在我国刑法第299条之一中仅作为依附于逝者人格权的罪责增量。安全感法益本身亦与社会秩序无涉,而是经公民的意思形成自由之受益权功能最终到达国家保护义务。  相似文献   

C. Westaby 《The Law teacher》2013,47(3):248-280
The benefits to students of being given some form of clinical legal education are well documented. Research has been conducted in the area of legal education and emotion, emotional intelligence and clinical legal education. There have also been studies which explore emotional labour in the legal profession. However, there is currently no research into the role of clinical legal education in advancing law students’ understanding of emotional labour expectations in the legal profession. This Legal Education Research Network (LERN) funded project aims to fill that gap by examining the contribution law clinics make to the development of law students’ emotion management skills in preparation for entry into the legal profession. The project seeks to achieve this by considering the changes to law students’ perceptions of emotional labour expectations as a result of undertaking this type of clinical legal education. The paper offers insights into the types of emotional labour as well as the perceived drivers of emotional labour, which are regarded as necessary to fulfil the role of the solicitor. The paper will also analyse the potential consequences of performing emotional labour identified by participants.  相似文献   

Any one film can sustain a myriad of compelling intepretations. A collection of films, however, sharing formal and substantive qualities, reveals a common effect more than a diversity of meanings. This essay traces the shared formal and substantive qualities of a group of films, as I name them ‘trial films’. It documents this genre of film by identifying the genre’s norms of viewing and identification. It also investigates peculiar hybrid discourse of the trial film genre that combines both filmic and legal discursive practices to show how trial films cultivate support for the American system of law through its constitution of a specific viewing audience. In so doing, I broach the following questions: how do images of law in film help sustain the power and legitimacy of legal institutions? How does the study of film genres, like the courtroom drama, reveal the way law lives beyond its formal processes?  相似文献   

论法的确定性与公正的可检验性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对法的确定性问题素有肯定与怀疑两说。本文从刑法实证研究的角度,基于几千个最高法院示范性案例的分析发现:用法庭认定的规范性事实只能预测大约48.8%的量刑结果;理论归纳后的法律理由与法律结果之间的关系又呈现出某种确定性;不同法律事实对刑罚轻重有程度不同的解释力。在此基础上,本文导出了公正的可检验性命题,并阐述了公正的检验标准以及审判质量管理的实践方案。  相似文献   

民事诉讼法律审的功能及构造   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
张卫平 《法学研究》2005,27(5):41-50
为了满足法律适用的统一性要求,有必要在我国民事诉讼中实行有条件的法律审制度。引起法律审的事由应当是裁判违法,包括违反法院应当适用的法律规范,违反日常经验法则等,裁判违法应当与裁判结果具有因果关系;当事人提起法律审应经由原审法院;法律审仅审理法律适用问题且仅以上诉人主张的范围为限;法律审的裁决对重审法院应当具有约束力。  相似文献   

从部分法院开展民事诉前鉴定的实践来看,谁来主导诉前鉴定、如何选定鉴定机构、诉前鉴定的范围问题一直是拷问民事诉前鉴定程序是否合法、高效的关键。在认识层面上,应肯定民事诉前鉴定属于司法鉴定或证据收集的法律地位,肯定其具有多元化解及提升审判质效的巨大优势。在实践层面上,应结合当前人民法院诉讼服务中心建设以及审判团队建设两个关键,探索运用由法官助理主导、鉴定人员参与的法律及技术双重审查路径,这样既可克服当前司法实践中谁来主导诉前鉴定的问题,又能使得鉴定程序“审鉴分离”,达到民事诉前鉴定充分扩大适用的法律效果。  相似文献   

民法典为民事纠纷的解决提供了更加充实和完善的实体法根据。基于民事审判方式在民事审判程序运行中的特殊地位,民事审判方式也应为民法典的实施作出相应调整。我国传统的民事审判方式是在较长时期实体法缺失或很不完善的法制环境下的产物,由此也就形成了虽追求纠纷解决结果,但却不在意深究请求权基础和法律推理逻辑的"散点式审判方式"。民法典作为体系化的、自洽的实体权利义务根据,为法律审判的"三段论"推理提供了最基本的前提条件。民法典实施的强大社会"气场"也必将有利地驱动民事审判方式再次进行调整,转向以明确原告实体请求权有无为中心的"聚焦式审判方式"。这种转向使得整个民事审判过程将始终围绕着实体请求权基础、请求权要件事实展开审判活动,从而实现了程序法与实体法的有效贯通和对接。使得以实体请求权及要件事实为中心的聚焦式审判能够更精确、细致地进行事实认定和法律适用,并催生更具技术操作规范的"要件审判法",从而能够更有效率地解决纠纷,让人们真切地感知到个案解决的实体正义和程序正义。  相似文献   

This article examines how a politics of speed is manifest in a legal context via a detailed ethnography of the French National Court of Asylum (CNDA). It identifies the temporal, spatial, and organizational ordering techniques that characterize asylum appeals in France and discusses the consequences of these techniques for the way in which the appeal process is experienced by legal decision makers and subjects. It reveals adverse impacts of legal quickening on legal quality, in particular through identifying: ‘cracks’ in the performance of legal roles like lawyer and judge that begin to appear when law is executed rapidly and repetitively; dwindling opportunities to demonstrate and experience respect between parties; and the ‘thinning-out’ of legal process, as heuristics rather than deliberation come to dominate legal reasoning. The article contributes to a burgeoning body of socio-legal literature on law and time by establishing the negative impact of excessive legal quickening on role performance, respect, and legal quality.  相似文献   

亲密关系是一种以生物性情感为核心的社会关系。它有着自然情感性、私密性和自治性的属性。这些属性是亲密关系对国家法消解的原因所在。亲密关系的信任是建立在情感上的信任,其适用的原则是利他原则。这从根本上不同于法律所调整的陌生人群体的制度性信任和自利原则。因此亲密关系的情感可以包容法律,消解国家法的效力。消解的后果就是影响国家法治化的进程。  相似文献   

In recent years the study of emotions in the past has received considerable attention. At the same time, many historians of law have shown reluctance to acknowledge and systematically explore emotions in legal sources and legal contexts. This issue of the Journal of Legal History addresses this imbalance and demonstrates how emotions have played important roles in legal reasoning, legal doctrine, the behaviour of legal actors, and the development of law over time. This article investigates recent developments in the study of the history of emotions and of emotions in contemporary law, before assessing the challenges of writing law and emotions histories. It argues for the importance of utilizing both legal and extra-legal source material to uncover the relationship between legal rationality and emotion; to gain insights into the emotional worlds of those participating in legal systems; and to provide a deeper understanding of the workings of the law.  相似文献   

The article surveys action taken by the European Community to combat fraud affecting its financial interests, focusing on the development of investigative authority granted to OLAF, the European‘Office Pour La Lutte Anti Fraude’ and its impact on the procedural rights of the alleged defrauder. It shows that the involvement of OLAF can be crucial for a national fraud investigation and subsequent criminal prosecution and that it meets the criteria set out by the Strasbourg organs for the applicability of Article 6 ECH. The article explores whether the legal sources governing the activities of OLAF or national—or rather, Community—law guarantee sufficient protection for the alleged defrauder and thus pay respect to principles arising from the rule of law in law enforcement. It is shown that general principles of Community law, which were mostly established in antitrust law, may provide a certain protection for the suspect, but may not protect him in all regards. It is thus argued that, in the long run, it will be necessary to provide special fair‐trial rights which offer protection to alleged defrauders from those infringements arising out of the specific features of a Community investigation.  相似文献   

简爱 《法学家》2020,(1):116-129,194,195
鉴于刑民实体关系的处理对司法实践中刑民交叉案件审理顺序的直接影响,刑民交叉案件应当坚持实体法和程序法的双重视角考察。在交叉案件的实体判断中,法秩序的统一不在于保持违法概念、违法判断的一致,而在于维护"合法"判断一致。强行将民事违法性作为刑事违法的判断前提,极有可能想当然地以合同无效、过错等充实尚无定论的民事违法性,反而导致了刑事违法判断的"失真"。在交叉案件的审理中,裁判的统一是客观事实的最大限度统一而非客观事实和法律评价的完全一致。贯彻了违法判断(相对)独立性的"刑民并行"模式既尊重了审判的独立性,也有助于避免因案件受理顺序的不同而导致裁判结果不同,是更为合理、高效的诉讼处理机制。但是,当刑民审判存在先决关系时,作为交叉案件审理例外模式的"先刑后民"和"先民后刑"具有一定妥当性。  相似文献   

The International Crimes Tribunal in Bangladesh was re-established in 2010 in order to hold the perpetrators of the 1971 War accountable for international crimes; namely, war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. The Trial has already begum to operate and has been dealing with various challenges. The basis of the trial proceedings is the International Crimes (Tribunal) Act 1973. The Parliament of Bangladesh enacted the Act in accordance with international law shortly after the War. This paper assesses the key legal issues that arise from the context of the 1973 Act, and will provide a reflection on trial proceedings in light of international law. It concludes that any initiatives to address the impunity of perpetrators and offer redress to the victims of gross human rights violations should be applauded, while any trial proceedings that do not follow appropriate standards for a fair trial and offer the right of due process should be deprecated.  相似文献   

胡铭 《法学研究》2011,(2):52-69
我国社会正处于转型期,各种社会矛盾凸显,刑事司法面临着新的挑战。西方的法律现实主义能为我国转型期刑事司法提供可资借鉴的方法论和改革思路。法律现实主义运动在批评形式主义与三段论式审判的基础上,把法律看作具有多重目标的社会引擎,关注司法行为、纠纷解决与社会问题。在中国语境下,引入法律现实主义,不是要简单地否定形式主义,而是应理性对待形式主义并在其中融入客观主义;应在刑事司法裁判中适用利益权衡,重视经验归纳而不拘泥于简单的演绎推理;应以实现社会正义为核心,构建合理衔接的多元纠纷解决机制。  相似文献   

与强调“依法裁判”的严格适法模式不同的是,英美法学理论推崇一种强调“后果考量”的实用主义审判哲学,即法官以判决可能导致的结果为依据而非绝时按照制定法规则决定裁判的内容。这种司法哲学由于违背了立法和司法的分权关系等理论而引起了很多严厉的理论批判。但是不容否认的是,实用主义审判哲学在各国司法实践中都实际地存在着,对于过于压制法官裁量权限的大陆法系国家而言,如果控制得当,实用主义司法甚至能起到诸多有益的功能,并可以借其消解严格适法模式带来的某些僵化之处。  相似文献   

哈特以社会规则理论为核心阐释法律的概念,使规则区别于习惯,并将法律视为初级规则与次级规则的结合。同时,社会规则理论也具有一定的限度,这集中表现在,根据哈特的理论,在法体系之下,作为法律规则的初级规则的成立并不以其具有社会规则这一身份为必要条件。被制定出来的法律规则能够经由通过法体系效力判准的检验而在其被真正实践之前就成立,因此,有些法律规则不是社会规则,社会规则理论不能适用于所有的法律规则。  相似文献   

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