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东南亚的中医文化源远流长,影响深远。早期中外文献有不少关于南洋群岛中医的记载。在印尼,中医经历了漫长的发展与演变,并逐渐被当地民众吸收,融入当地的医疗体制。中医在印尼的发展得益于印尼华侨华人的积极推动,尤其是全国性与地方性的中医机构的建立与合法化是其在印尼发展的重要因素,东盟中医机构之间的相互交流也促进了印尼中医的发展。中印尼关系正常化以来,中医成为两国经贸交流与文化交流的重要领域。  相似文献   

该文基于实地调研对北京和安徽两地的中医药发展情况和存在问题做了分析,指出发展中医药是减轻群众看病就医负担、控制医药费用过快上涨、提高基层医疗卫生服务可及性的必然要求,对于放大医改惠民效果、提高人民群众健康水平,弘扬中华传统文化,促进经济发展和社会和谐,都具有十分重要的意义。为此建议从加快中医药的立法进程等方面来更好地推动中医药事业健康发展。  相似文献   

I N his capacity as practitioner of tra-ditional Chinese medicine (TCM),Zhang Boli,73,has made a long career out of saving lives.The most recent advocacy of Zhang's chosen field of medicine was heard in the speech he made at an industry development conference on Chinese medicinal herbs produced in Zhejiang,held in the prov-ince's Wuyi County.In his speech he said,"In developing TCM,we need to stick to its theoretical essences as well as absorb advanced technologies and methods from other disciplines."  相似文献   

解放前,芜湖中医业主要体现于名老中医及其思想,当时在芜湖地界行医的名老中医主要有顾世澄、李少白等人。解放后,政府将分散行医的名老中医资源加以整合,组建芜湖市中医联合诊所、芜湖市中医师公会、芜湖市中医学会,以发挥他们的整体效益优势。进入21世纪,芜湖市政府加大对中医业现代化体系的整体培育,安徽中医药高等专科学校附属医院芜湖市中医医院、安徽中医药高等专科学校第二附属医院、皖南医学院弋矶山医院中医科、芜湖新安中医医院等目前正呈现出蒸蒸日上的势头,为芜湖中医事业的兴盛作出了重大贡献。  相似文献   

IT is clear that in order for TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) production to meet world standards and enter the international market, herb plantation in China must be standardized. In late September 2003, the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) held a seminar on the standardization of TCM development and qual-  相似文献   

Diarra Boubacar is the first non-Chinese postdoctoral fellow in traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).The Malian was bom into a family of doctors in 1964.With his passion for the complex and intriguing field of traditional medicine,Boubacar pursued his master's degree at Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,in Guangdong Province,south China,and doctoral degree in Chengdu University of TCM in Sichuan Province in southwest China,where he learned from masters.  相似文献   

TO anyone in the know,Tong Ren Tang is a brand name synonymous with TCM (traditional Chinese medicine).  相似文献   

奢者夫人对边疆稳定、开发西部和祖国统一有过重大历史贡献,她在以影视剧为代表的艺术作品中的形象逐渐向"高、大、全"发展;而通过对彝文、汉文史志留下的资料碎片的分析,我们可以还原一个更加复杂、真实、伟大的少数民族女政治家的形象。  相似文献   

Jan Carol Berris has witnessed a series of events that made history for China-U.S. relations, including ping-pong diplomacy, the exchange of ping-pong players in the 1970s that eased the way for higher-level contact. She has overseen hundreds of American delegations to China and met many from China. She has traveled to China about 100 times with groups and individuals as diverse as a tennis team and a Supreme Court Justice. She is popular among different groups of people in China, who better recognize her C...  相似文献   

试论西王母与道教、彝族的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡华 《贵州民族研究》2002,22(4):106-110
本篇文章在广泛收集道教和彝族文化资料基础上 ,论证了西王母作为彝族先民古羌人的始祖母 ,与彝族文化的渊源关系 ,同时论证了西王母在历史发展过程中 ,其逐渐为中原文化所吸收 ,特别是为道教吸收后 ,道教赋予了西王母新的形象和内容 ,并成为道教女仙之首。文章认为作为彝族先民古羌人的西王母不仅丰富了道教的内容 ,同时道教作为一种精神纽带 ,也促进了中华民族多元一体格局的形成  相似文献   

1939年《陕甘宁边区婚姻条例》颁布后,边区法院做出了系列司法修改和调整。丛小平的近期研究《革命中国的婚姻、法律与性别,1940-1960》详细考察了这一过程及其背景和影响。她指出,边区政府在施行婚姻法改革的过程中积极考量、吸纳了地方风俗和司法实践经验,出现了从婚姻"自由"到"自主"的核心法制理念的变化。这一立法司法建制过程体现了中共革命"从群众中来、到群众中去"的根本路线,激发并肯定了农村妇女的"自主"能动性,并没有背弃其妇女解放的承诺。这一研究回应和修正了20世纪80年代英文学界关于社会主义革命和妇女解放的主流观点,体现了新世纪以来中外学界关于社会主义革命和妇女解放问题研究的新趋势,具有鲜明的方法论意义。  相似文献   

People-to-people exchanges during Beijing 2022 illuminate the Olympic spirit‘to China!"Back in her hotel room after attending the opening ceremony of the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022,18-year-old American snowboarder Tessa Maud couldn't stop watching a particular video she'd taken during the event.  相似文献   

China’s first Tibetan Olympian looks to the future When China’s snowboard cross athlete Yongchin Lhamo secured a ticket to the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 in mid-January, two firsts occurred: She became the first Winter Olympian from Tibet Autonomous Region as well as the first Chinese athlete to take part in the most electrifying event the Games have to offer.  相似文献   

论萧红小说的修辞特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
申倩 《思想战线》2001,27(4):57-60
萧红是20世纪30年代一位独具风格的作家.在语言方面,她的小说很好地体现了"语言表达应配合一定的语境与情境",在不经意间展现出过人的叙事才能.她的语言存在是现代汉语语言运用的一个个案.她不期然达到的语言高度,是值得探究和借鉴的.  相似文献   

正A school that hopes to see fewer students With her short hair dyed bright purple,15-year old Du Fangmei is easy to spot in her class.She practiced giving a haircut to a mannequin head as she talked to Beijing Review in her classroom."My hair was dyed by the hairdressing teacher last month," she said in standard Chinese."I like it a lot."  相似文献   

正Mainland universities see a growing number of Hong Kong SAR applicants Amid the gloomy global outlook and much uncertainty in recent years, students in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(SAR) wanting to pursue further studies outside of the SAR have pinned down China's mainland as their primary destination of choice.  相似文献   

正U.S.electric car maker Tesla faces blowback against its market expansion While it tops the list of global electric car brands in terms of sales,U.S.electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer Tesla recently triggered quality concerns among consumers in China.  相似文献   

清代畲汉交错杂居,接触频繁。因民族文化中心主义的作祟,基于不同因子的畲汉传统文化于交流中产生冲撞在所难免。但两者间总体上维持着稳定的、不均衡的共生互动关系。  相似文献   

On the evening of May 20, 2020, I went down into my residential compound to get the COVID-19 testing authorities had decided to roll out for all residents of Wuhan, capital of Hubei Province. One of the medical workers con-ducting the tests asked me, "Where are you from?" I replied, "Lebanon." She said she didn't know the Chinese Government was also examining and taking care of foreigners. I interrupted her by saying, "Yes, and it's for free, too."  相似文献   

大连在制定“十五”经济发展规划时,应该认真总结经验教训,正确处理好城市功能与产业发展的关系,确定产业结构调整与经济发展的新思路,实现经济发展的新突破。  相似文献   

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