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随着当今社会风险的不断加剧、不可逆转损害后果的频繁出现,生物多样性保护不应局限于事后的补救性救济,而应当积极拓展其预防功能,将隐患消弭于尚未发生之际是生物多样性预防公益诉讼的应有之义。就现行司法救济体系而言,尚存在法源理论上的不相妥协、立法维度上的事后救济为主、司法实践中的固守谨慎等鲜明特征。因此,应当在风险预防原则与比例原则的引导下,加快推进生物多样性专门立法、明确“重大风险”判断基准、完善生物多样性多元保障体系、打造查、审、执相互贯通的全链条式体系。  相似文献   
历史上盛行国家无不法行为能力理论,据此国家不对其公务员履行职务时的侵权行为承担责任,公务员要自己承担赔偿责任。随着法治国家观念的确立,国家开始代替其公务员向受害人承担赔偿责任,即所谓的代位责任。也有国家确立了国家的直接赔偿责任,即自己责任。但无一例外,国家的赔偿义务均建立在民法基础上,以全额赔偿为原则。我国国家赔偿制度确立了独一无二的"个人不赔,国家不全赔"的赔偿模式,偏离了赔偿法所固有的民法属性,无法良好保护受害人。而其根源则在于欠缺对国家赔偿责任的历史与本质的全面理解。有鉴于此,应尽快修订《国家赔偿法》,确立国家的全额赔偿责任,更好地服务法治国家的建设。  相似文献   
张圆 《法学杂志》2020,(1):132-140
针对地方事务的初次分配(设定),长期由国务院等中央行政机关负责的实践传统不能取代有限制性规定的现行法律。按照这些合法性要件,在设定主体上,全国人大及其常委会和经授权的国务院有权设定地方事务。同时,为适应综合治理的需求,1985年关于经济体制改革的授权决定应及时增补其他领域。在规范形式上,只有宪法、法律与依行政法规程序制定的暂行规定或条例可以胜任;并且要以宪法为依据,以法律为主体,提高人大立法的比重,控制授权立法。在制修程序上,代表团得充分行使提案权,为地方事务的设定发声;“中央和地方协商办事”的治理原则须转化为法定程序,以便地方意见的收集。  相似文献   
Plugged In     
When people fabricate stories about a person,especially a popular star,and then spread them online,they cannot hide behind screens.They can easily be traced and taken to court.A report released on December 19,2019by the Beijing Internet Court showed that about 28 percent or 41,948,of Internetrelated cases filed from January to November of the same year were related to reputation infringement.  相似文献   
工业化后期经济发展可持续的源泉,在于服务业结构升级和消费结构升级所提供的效率补偿效应,高质量发展的关键是人力资本积累和要素质量升级。经济发展服务于社会发展,是工业型社会转变为知识型、福利型社会的动力,相应地围绕社会发展目标制定实施经济政策,成为新常态下效率/福利目标动态平衡的重要取向。  相似文献   
正After over 20 days of zero domestic COVID-19 cases,a newly emerging cluster is sounding the alarm across China.Locally transmitted cases had been reported in 17provincial regions in the country as of August 4,according to the National Health Commission (NHC).  相似文献   
Taijiquan, an ancient Chinese martial art recently listed as a world intangible cultural heritage, builds both physical and mental strength Upon receiving the news that Taijiquan was decorated with a world intangible cultural heritage accolade on December 17, 2020, Chen Ziqiang was teaching a Taijiquan class in his hometown.  相似文献   
Happy Bubbles     
Changsha,capital city of Hunan Province in central China,has received a new tagline in recent years-a must-go place for milk tea lovers.Tu Liyuan,a 26-year-old employee of a public relations company in Beijing,made two journeys to Changsha,about six hours one-way by express train,in 2020.The purpose of the travels was to sip local milk tea.Modern China Tea Shop,the locally developed milk tea shop in Changsha,has over 300 branches in the city but had never expanded beyond it before December 2020.Those living outside Changsha had to travel there to taste it.  相似文献   
正Sci-fi industry expected to blast off in China Early this year, one Beijing drama troupe had plans to adapt a story from an ancient Chinese novel into a modern play. While racking their brains trying to figure out how to embed modern elements into an ancient story, a consultant suggested they take the concept one step further: Why not set the play in the future?  相似文献   
正Private rocket developers in China have taken off, embarking on a long marchChinese private rocket developer, i-Space has successfully completed a test run on a new engine it hopes will power its next test rocket later this year. The breakthrough was made on April 26, just three days before China's launch of Tianhe, the core module for its first permanent space station Tiangong.While visually less spectacular than the launch of Tianhe, the iSpace test run was important for the company as it prepares for its next attempt to send a rocket into orbit.  相似文献   
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