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寻租约束下的行政效率及其对我国行政改革的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过经济学模型分析考察寻租行为对行政效率的负面影响。研究发现,不论是外部寻租行为还是政府部门的内部寻租行为,均会造成行政效率低下、社会产出效率下降、社会效用总量受损;但是,选择一个较大的政府规模虽然会影响全社会产出效率,却不一定引起社会效用损失,因此,我国的行政改革并不需要从压缩行政规模入手,而应当努力遏制寻租,坚持走渐进的行政改革道路。  相似文献   

Some differences might appear, but the framework of Sino-U.S. relations will not change after President Barack Obama's inauguration  相似文献   

在对两个辣椒品种进行低温处理的基础上,研究了低温结束后生长恢复期辣椒叶片中多胺和内源激素的动态变化情况。结果表明,低温使辣椒叶片中腐胺、精胺和亚精胺的含量有不同程度增加,使GA3和IAA的含量降低和ABA含量增加;随着低温条件的解除,腐胺含量和ABA含量迅速下降至对照水平,表明腐胺和ABA含量的变化是植株自身对低温的一种应激反应,而精胺和IAA含量在低温解除一段时间后不能恢复至对照水平,推测精胺和IAA含量的变化是可能植株对低温的一种适应性反应。  相似文献   

正Remote villages in Tibet grow rapidly thanks to better transport and targeted development policies Renowned Italian Tibetologist and explorer Giuseppe Tucci(1894-1984) might have rescheduled his first journey to Tibet if he had known that then the only road out of Diyag,  相似文献   

三苗南迁与湖南境内虞夏传说的发生   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
先秦、秦汉以来,今湖南境内保存有大量虞、夏之际的传说,舜葬苍梧和大禹在湘治水等传说多与历史事实相抵触,显然其中绝大部分并非信史。以上传说的发生可能与三苗南迁有关,这些被后人指斥为"荒唐谬悠"的"流俗妄语"实际上包含了先秦、秦汉时期今湖南境内民族渗透、混融和演变、分合的若干可信的历史素材。  相似文献   


The main goal of this study was the development of a reliable intervention to overcome general procrastination orientated to college students, designed to be used in practical clinical work. The workshops involved six meetings based on behavioral and cognitive techniques, paradox intervention, and psychoeducation. 175 students participated voluntarily. Their procrastination levels were measured in a pretest, post-test, and a 3-month follow-up. After the first interview, the participants were randomly divided into three groups (Intervention A, Intervention B, and a control group with no intervention). There was a significant improvement after the intervention. After 3 months, the average score was still significantly lower than in the pretest, whereas the score of the control group remained unchanged. The participants in Workshop A scored significantly lower in the post-test than the ones in Workshop B. After 3 months, the participants in Workshop B scored significantly lower in the follow up. So both interventions resulted to be effective in reducing procrastination sustainably.  相似文献   

不同年代出生的员工可能会出现不一致的行为倾向。"80后"在我国是一个特殊的群体,公众和学术界给他们打上了"缺乏责任感"、"自私"、"以自我为中心"、"叛逆"等印记。本文通过35家企业的问卷调查,发现"80后"员工与"80前"员工在组织公民行为和反生产行为的确存在代际差异,但是结果却与常识大相径庭:"80后"员工的组织公民行为显著高于"80前"员工;"80后"员工的反生产行为显著低于"80前"员工,其中人际偏离维度也显著低于"80前"员工。研究结果有助于打破管理者对"80后"员工的刻板印象,更好地调动他们的工作积极性。  相似文献   

When she obtained her master's degree this year, Zhu Yanyan decided to leave Beijing after residing in the capital for six years and go back to her hometown in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, to settle down. "Compared with Beijing or Shanghai, the cost of living in Chengdu is lower, making life less stressful—but no less convenient," Zhu explained.  相似文献   

As the tide of globalization sweeps into every corner of the planet, many worry that Western cultures and values, bolstered by the overwhelming might of Western economies, might wipe out the great diversity of the world that is rooted in and guards the identities of different peoples and nations. To set up a stage for dialogue between the East and West and to air opinions from both perspectives, we launch Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes. In this regular column the chief executive of Cambridge University Press and a vice director-general of the State Council Information Official will comment on topics of concern to both sides, ranging from education and medical care to sciencce and technology.  相似文献   

Most rebels of the Cultural Revolution were rebels, but not revolutionaries. Although they might have long been discontented with the establishment, few ever seriously thought about structural ways to overcome the social maladies that existed in pre‐CR China. They never questioned whether an old power structure with new power holders would be able to make any fundamental changes; and they had no idea about what they would do with their power. Instead, they were interested simply in power as such. The events of 1967 and 1968 clearly demonstrate that the primary concern of most rebel organizations was merely to maximize their own share of power. There were, however, a handful of clairvoyants who were trying not only to reshuffle the bureaucracy but also to create a new society, a society that was modeled after the Paris Commune of 1871. What they represented then was called ‘new trends of thought’ (xinshichao). By tracing the rise and evolution of xinshichao over the 10 years between 1966 and 1976, this essay attempts to identify the main contributions made by xinshichao theorists and to assess their impact on the course of the CR.  相似文献   

Some researchers have suggested that values, including religious values and motivations, might facilitate social justice work. Individuals might view social justice work as an expression of religious beliefs, values, and practices, or as an expression of their personal morals and values. The current study examined the role of religious variables and secular values to predict attitudes, intentions to engage in social justice, perceived norms around social justice, and perceived ability to engage in social justice within a culturally and religiously diverse student population. Implications of the study results for social justice education are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

应用于沥青路面的化学抑尘剂效果试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对一种应用于沥青路面的化学抑尘剂,进行了现场抑制排放浓度和排放量的效果试验。抑尘剂应用于郊区沥青道路,对喷洒抑尘剂和未喷洒抑尘剂路段两侧颗粒物浓度进行测量,结果显示抑制PM10排放浓度效率为22%;抑尘剂应用于城区辅路,通过对抑尘剂喷洒前后路面粉土负荷的测量分析,根据AP-42排放因子公式模型计算颗粒物排放量,10%和3%两种浓度抑尘剂,28 d内抑制PM10排放量平均效率分别为49%和30%,35%浓度抑尘剂由于受工地干扰,效率为18%;抑尘剂应用于工地出口破损道路,对抑尘剂喷洒前后路边颗粒物浓度测量分析,结果显示2 d内平均抑制PM10排放浓度效率为82%,与洒水4 h内的效率接近但持续时间比洒水长。  相似文献   

根据史学家的研究及考古发现,苗族的祖源故土就在中国,即苗族为“神州”之土著。神州,即中国。《史记》曰:“中国名曰赤县神州。”苗族这个人们共同体,发祥于中国长江、淮河流域,曾北渡黄河挺进中原腹部,并形成名曰“九黎”的部落联盟。“九黎”集团率先开发了“神州”本部。  相似文献   

This study explored the sense of community among women (n = 21) and women with children (n = 30) living in Oxford Houses, with emphasis on how the presence of children might affect the household. Sense of community did not vary between participants with more or less than three months residence. Residents reported very high levels of satisfaction with the home, possibly because of a ceiling effect of little room for increases in their sense of community over time. Participants reported that they were getting along with the children in the home, that mothers could count on babysitting help, and that the children had a positive effect on the household and their own recovery process. This effect did not differ between mothers and non-mothers, suggesting that non-mothers might view the children in the home with a sense of responsibility and sensitivity comparable to that of the mothers. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

在飞速发展的当代世界,各国的执政党经常会遭遇各种意想不到的危机,对现行政府和执政党会造成巨大的压力,因此增强危机处理能力是新时期提高党的执政能力的迫切需要。本文从六个方面探讨了新时期如何大力增强危机处理能力,从而不断提高党的执政能力。  相似文献   

When a man enters the Hanguang store in Beijing's Xidan shopping district, or many of its equivalents, he might question a man's right to fashion or beauty as he only has the sixth floor to find what he is looking for—compared to the three floors his female counterparts get to enjoy.  相似文献   


While policymakers have granted a substantial commitment of resources in order to reduce fear of crime among U.S. school students, the research literature on fear of crime at school is in its infancy. This study investigates whether school security techniques reduce or exacerbate fear of crime among students, net of community and school disorder and student characteristics. Ferraro's (1995) theory of incivilities suggests that students might perceive highly visible security as an incivility, which might increase their fear of crime. Using a nationally representative sample of American school children from the 1993 National Household Education Survey: School Safety and Discipline Component (NHES-SSD), we found that while school security efforts do not predict student fear as well as school disorder and individual student traits, many types of security correspond with a significantly greater likelihood that a student will be worried about crime while none reduce feelings of worry.  相似文献   

The research results given here show that Taiwanese local elites, in terms of breadth of political participation, support the common people's right of participation more than those in Mainland China. In terms of depth, local elites on neither side support having people with special family backgrounds as leaders, but the Taiwanese do not narrowly define the qualifications of leaders or managers, requiring, for example, a certain degree of capability. Mainland Chinese local elites are more conservative in this respect. On the issue of economic equality, the concept of establishing a limit on income varies greatly on the two sides. The percentage of those in favor of such a limit is lower in Taiwan, yet the Taiwanese endorse more the idea of taking care of the poor and correcting unequal income distribution. The overall perspective on conflict resolution is quite the same for both sides' local elites. That is, they all strive to maintain harmony and avoid conflict, even at a price of sacrificing plans for local development. The most probable factor behind these trends is the great difference between the two sides' politico-economic systems, the process of their development and the status quo. Thus, there are differences between the two sides, either on certain perspectives on the three dimensions of the concept of democracy, or on other possible factors, which affect these perspectives. Elites on both sides are especially similar in their efforts to avoid conflict and their tendency to respect experts, showing the effect of a relatively homogeneous culture as we compare such attitudes internationally, but such cultural tastes might hinder future democratization on both sides. Other possible inferences, including the prospects for the development of democracy on both sides, will be dealt with briefly in this paper.  相似文献   

正Imagine a journalist is followed by strangers and gets denied entrance by security guards as he is trying to gain access-and answers.What message would that convey?Usual answer:There must be a secret hiding behind those closed doors.As for what this secret might be,it doesn't really matter.  相似文献   

The ongoing global financial crisis might give a boost to the relationships between Chinese and Canadian businesses, said Peter Harder, President of the Canada China Business Council (CCBC). In an interview with Beijing Review reporter Yan Wei, Harder underlined the need to explore the potential for strengthening China-Canada trade ties while rejoicing at the development of the two countries' bilateral relations.  相似文献   

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