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On October 29, the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) released a declassified version of its report on the origins of the novel coronavirus. It continues to imply the Chinese Government or a Wuhan lab is hiding something and not cooperating, while vilifying the World Health Organization (WHO) for telling the truth from the very beginning at that fateful first press conference.  相似文献   

正Biden’s ambitious carbon reduction plan is easier said than done ‘What makes climate change difficult is that it is not an instantaneous catastrophic event," former U.S. President Barack Obama said during an interview in 2016."It’s a slow-moving issue that, on a day-to-day basis, people don’t experience and don’t see." He stressed that the aftermath is "terrifying."  相似文献   

On his first day in office,Antony Blinken,newly appointed U.S.secretary of state,could not wait to claim the return of U.S.leadership on the international stage."America's leadership is needed around the world,and we will provide it,"he said.Over the past four years,Democrats have repeatedly emphasized the word"leadership"as a counterattack against the policy of the Donald Trump administration.President Joe Biden has also said the United States is back and prepared to lead the world.  相似文献   

正The U.S. regards Chinese news media outlets as part of a "propaganda machine" of the government because they are state-owned. On Twitter, almost all Chinese news agencies and journalists are labeled as "China state-affiliated media," implying their reports are neither true nor objective. The United States also argues that since its media is mostly privately held, they are "free" and "independent,"  相似文献   

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks that triggered the American "war on terror," a blanket term for all preemptive military strikes intended to reduce the threat terrorism posed to the U.S. homeland. It was foreshadowed by the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001, which had brought about enormous sorrow, wanton destruction and civilian casualties to the Afghan nation before the American troops finally made their chaotic exit two decades later.  相似文献   

A Mad Mission     
The pandemonium in coronavirus origins-tracing led by the U.S. intelligence community has culminated in a somewhat subdued ending. On October 29, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released "a declassified assessment on the origins of COVID-19," said to be an update of its previous report issued in August. Nevertheless, the content proved basically the same as that of its predecessor, determining that "the inquiry remains inconclusive on the origins of COVID-19," while pointing the finger at China for not "sharing information."  相似文献   

美国国务卿蓬佩奥2019年4月15日在演讲时说:“我们撒谎,我们欺骗,我们偷窃……这才是美国不断探索进取的荣耀。”美国政客的言论彻底暴露了其在人权问题上奉行双重标准、以人权维护霸权的虚伪面目。美国号称人权立国,以世界人权卫士自居,以自身对人权的狭隘理解为框架,以称霸全球的核心利益为标尺,每年根据捕风捉影、道听途说的材料拼凑出年度国别人权报告,对不符合其战略利益的国家和地区的人权状况肆意歪曲贬低,却对自身持续性、系统化、大规模侵犯人权的斑斑劣迹置若罔闻、熟视无睹。  相似文献   

Long proclaiming itself as the architype of "democracy" and "human rights,"the U.S. is used to reprimanding other countries by wielding the baton of said concepts.  相似文献   

正The "lab leak lie" is racist.To be clear,the unscientific surmise that COVID-19 was spread intentionally or unintentionally by a Chinese government laboratory in Wuhan is racist.From the beginning,this lie was an expression of dog-whistle politics,one that has exploited longstanding racial stereotypes,and that has in turn deepened anti-Asian racism in many countries around the world.Stoking the fires The fact that the Donald Trump administration promoted the lab leak lie in 2020 is not surprising.Before the outbreak,  相似文献   

正On the surface, Joe Biden emerged as successful in securing consensus in both the Group of Seven(G7)and NATO on labeling China as a "systemic challenge" during his first tour of Europe.However, hiding beneath such "achievements," the U.S. alienated itself from the majority of countries still fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

The Soft Link     
An NGO's efforts to promote people-to-people diplomacy between Chinaand the United States It was on Harvard's campus that Liu Xi hit upon the idea to set up a program to bring the real China to more Harvard students.Liu attended a master's program at the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) from 2013 to2015.While studying in the U.S.,she realized that many Americans have a biased view of China.  相似文献   

HAVING promised to"build back better,"the Biden administration now faces two chal-lenges as it sets out to revamp the country's battered international image in the wake of its predecessor's blunders.They are:to recalibrate the U.S.'s China policy,and to regain the trust and confidence of its European allies.  相似文献   

石磊 《思想战线》2006,32(3):75-79
大众传媒越来越深度地参与社会生活,我们对客观现实的认识也越来越依赖大众传媒,现实环境逐渐演变为媒介环境。媒介环境呈现出鲜明的影像特征,“我靠虚像生活”已经成为一种生存状态。运用昆德拉的“意象形态”、柏拉图的“洞穴理论”、李普曼的“拟态环境”、藤竹晓的“拟态环境的环境化”、鲍德里亚的“仿真、超真实、内爆”等理论,可以对此进行不同角度的阐述。公众把媒介环境的影像当成客观环境的真实来把握,就会落入“托马斯公理”所预言的圈套之中,可能使错误理解成为现实。  相似文献   

正U.S. President Joe Biden emerged from the election as a redeemer, promising to put Donald Trump's mistakes behind him and lead the country back on track. But after more than four months in office, Biden has not really lived up to his promise, with the domestic and foreign policies of the United States essentially following the path set by his predecessor: "Trumpism," just without Trump. This is particularly evident in China-U.S. relations.  相似文献   

正When my Chinese fiance and I decided to get married, there was no question about it: We would get our wedding portraits taken at one of the Chinese wedding studios that came with quaint names like "Paris," "Rome," "Golden Ladies," or "Mona Lisa. " "Are you going for the typical Chinese look? Vaseline on the lens, the works?" a British friend asked, in, shall we say, "amused" fashion.It was a Chinese tradition I would come to love; in the West, wedding photos are usually taken only during the ceremony and reception.  相似文献   

A Real Ranking     
正America Ranked First!In June,when Bloomberg changed the metrics of its COVID Resilience Ranking to "accommodate the shift in COVID-19 management," this was done to lift the U.S.from May's 13th place to the top spot in the index,a system in place since last November and updated monthly.  相似文献   

The U.S. hosted the virtual "Summit for Democracy" on December 9-10. It is a striking irony that it occurred shortly after the U.S. chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, which it invaded basically to establish "democracy" and eliminate terrorism.  相似文献   

正A global taxation framework is underway and perhaps China should care more China needs to take on a more active role in the application of taxes to the digital economy in order to avoid a potential"new tariff war,"forewarned Zhou Xiaochuan,the nation's former central banker.The remarks,  相似文献   

When the word "battle," or any other war-affiliated term, pops up in a movie title, you're usually in for an action-packed, loud, at times cruel, but ever-grand spectacle: Dunkirk, Pearl Harbor, Hacksaw Ridge, Enemy at the Gates. Yet there's more to it than meets the eye. Three prestigious directors-Chen Kaige, Hark Tsui and Dante Lam-are behind the 176-minute-long war epic The Battle at Lake Changjin, shot with the help of an unprecedented 70,000 extras and China's largest-ever production budget of $200 million, that follows the Chinese People's Volunteers (CPV) who joined the battle at Lake Changjin, or Chosin Reservoir, in the northeast of the Korean Peninsula during the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea (1950-53).  相似文献   

正In U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry's visit to Tianjin, China, in early September and his discussions with China's Special Envoy for Climate Change Xie Zhenhua, we can see a welcome movement toward the better(old) days of cooperation in areas the two countries could agree on. The old official bridges were partially "deconstructed" and that self-inflicted damage was shouldered by the American people. Now, the U.S. can finally see what it produced: precisely nothing of value.  相似文献   

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