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论我国金融混业经营的可能性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章简介了我国金融业分业经营的相关法律规定及现实情况,认为我国分业经营的法律制度存在不完全性,而且现今混业经营已渐露端倪,并呈必然发展的趋势。由此,从经济法的基础理论出发寻求混业经营的合理性,并结合国际金融混业经营情况,探索中国应该借鉴的金融控股公司模式,以及经济法的应然状态。  相似文献   

中国金融分业经营体制的形成反映了特定历史时期管理层对金融安全的关切,也是符合我国金融业实际的理性选择,这一过程与主要市场经济国家金融业发展的起始阶段基本一致.但由于分业经营在效率方面的损失以及由此带来的更高层次上的风险,它必然要为混业经营所取代,但这种取代不是在现在,而是在将来,过程应是渐进的.  相似文献   

刘汝兵 《新东方》2006,(7):46-51
金融业分业或是混业经营问题,在理论上己经被多次探讨,在实际运作中曾几次反复。理论界形象地总结为合久必分、分久必合。我国从1993年开始日益明确实行严格的分业经营规定,即银行不得对企业进行直接投资,银行与信托、证券、保险分离,分别经营。1995年、1999年我国相继通过《商业银行法》、《证券法》,分业经营的模式得到正式确认。这一模式对规范金融机构的经营行为,避免无序竞争等起到了一定促进作用。但随着中国金融业不断融入全球竞争当中,面对着国外集银行、保险、证券于一身的金融寡头的竞争,我国现行分业经营模式下的金融业的生存和…  相似文献   

李棽 《人大建设》2005,(10):34-35
目前,我国的金融业实行分业经营.但是,随着中国加入WTO,金融业与国际惯例接轨是大势所趋:大量的外资金融机构必将进入中国的金融市场,而这些金融机构大多是全能型的.它们必将利用其雄厚的资本、先进的技术、多样化的服务形成竞争优势.这就要求我国的金融业必须走混业经营的道路.  相似文献   

发展全能银行的策略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国金融业分业经营的格局与国际银行业的发展潮流是不相符合的,也不适应我国金融改革及实践的新要求。应分阶段、有重点地发展全能银行。  相似文献   

武凤平  刘建玲 《前沿》2006,(4):94-95
随着入世后金融业对外开放程度的不断加深,我国的金融机构面临的国际竞争更为激烈,要提高我国金融业自身的竞争力,就必须紧跟国际金融业的发展步伐,进行制度创新,将混业经营作为我国金融业的发展方向.通过深化改革,进一步完善和创造混业经营所需要的内外部环境和条件,大力推进我国金融业的混业经营.  相似文献   

彭爽  曲晓华 《前沿》2003,(5):38-39
面对世界经济一体化、资本流动国际化、金融全球化的新局面 ,金融混业经营模式替代分业经营模式已经成为不可逆转的历史潮流。本文通过对国际金融业混业 -分业 -混业经营发展过程的分析 ,以及对我国现行金融模式面临挑战的剖析 ,揭示了我国金融业进行混业经营的必然性  相似文献   

<正>全能银行,即不受金融业务分工的限制,全面经营实业投资、商业信贷、投资银行、保险等各种金融业务,为企业提供长期贷款、有价证券的发行交易、资产管理、财产保险等全面的金融服务。全能银行的发展是金融界混业经营的结果。2016年两会上就已有代表明确提出将现在的银监会、证监会、保监会"三会"合并,从金融监管的角度阐述和表明了今后我国金融业的发展将必然从目前的分业经营走向混业经营。总之,混业经营已经是世界金融业的发展方向,我国应立足于经济发展的现实,有条件地促  相似文献   

刘丽娜 《前沿》2006,(7):48-50
“入世”以后,我国金融业面临巨大冲击。而混业经营方式具有分业经营所不具备的优势,因此,克服障碍,稳步推进混业经营,是我国金融体制改革的必然趋势。  相似文献   

中国加入世贸组织必将对我国经济发展带来新的发展机遇,对金融业必将产生深远的影响。与此同时,中国在成为世贸的组织成员后,金融业的对外开放程度将大为提高。一、“入世“给我国金融业带来的机遇一是有利于商业银行体系的完善。外资银行的进入为国内银行提供参照体系和竞争对象,将促进国内银行加快改革、加强管理,提高金融中介效率。外资银行在技术、金融创新上处于领先地位,可以起到示范、激励和交流的作用,从而推动我国银行业技术改进和金融创新的进程。外资银行先进的管理体制和方式方法对提高我国金融业的经营管理水平具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

China was a latecomer to the preferential trading bandwagon that has swept East Asia in the years since the financial crises. The Chinese government was unwilling to go down the path of negotiating bilateral and minilateral agreements until the terms of its accession to the World Trade Organization were finalized. Since then, it has become one of the most active participants in the negotiation of preferential trading arrangements, currently being engaged in negotiations with more than 20 countries. The paper will address the following questions about China's move to preferential trade: (a) What forces are driving China's approach to the negotiation of preferential trade agreements? (b) To what extent is it possible to untangle economic and political motivations in China's choice of partners for PTA negotiations? And, which economic interests are being pursued most aggressively? (c) How are conflicting domestic interests reconciled in the policy-making process? (d) To what extent will the new PTAs facilitate Chinese-dominated production networks in the regions? (e) What overall impact will the PTAs have on the Chinese economy?  相似文献   

The study of Chinese foreign policy has long shown that domestic politics and domestic constraints are sources of foreign policy, albeit generally considered less potent than ideology and interests. Domestic political constraints should also be explored as factors in Chinese regional policies toward East Asia, including regional economic institutions. This paper examines three domestic institutional constraints on regional foreign policy in the area of trade and economics: a fragmented decision-making structure that has difficulty with coordination, a relatively heavy reliance on top level decision-makers at a time when issues of Asian economic policy have relatively low priority for these same decision-makers, and the relatively extreme lack of autonomy for negotiators vis-á-vis top decision-makers in Beijing. These constraints are by any means unique to China. However, at a time when many observers and participants are expecting—indeed, often hoping for—Chinese leadership in the region, the paper posits that these constraints hinder the PRC's ability to fill this role. The key empirical focus is regional trade agreements and regional economic organizations.  相似文献   

目前,加工贸易涉及我国大部分产业,在利用外资、引进技术和科学管理方式方面发挥了重要作用。长期以来,我国加工贸易分散经营的模式给海关监管造成了极大不便,同时也给走私犯罪分子提供了可乘之机。加工贸易走私犯罪数量有逐渐增多趋势,单位案件涉案价值是各种走私犯罪中最大的。受金融危机的影响,加工贸易走私犯罪案件又有新的变化,呈现出了新的特点。为了能更有效地打击犯罪,为社会主义经济建设保驾护航,对加工贸易走私犯罪案件侦查对策的研究也就显得尤为迫切和重要。  相似文献   

两岸农业贸易和投资协作之研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
过去较长时期台湾岛内民心或政治取向与经贸走向“相悖”。“相悖”是现象,“相符”是实质:由于不能依据市场规律、农业产品和要素比较优势差异建立实现双赢的合作机制,台湾中南部农民从与大陆经贸往来中受益不多。鉴于此,大陆应加强两岸农业贸易和投资协作,让利于台湾小农,扭转岛内关于“大陆农产品是造成台湾农业困境根本因素”的错误认识,彻底打破政经相悖的格局。本文提出:在尊重市场规律和借鉴现代发达经济扶持农业惯例的前提下,放开台湾优势农产品进入大陆市场;创造条件帮助台湾小农西进大陆创业,用其农业要素上的比较优势来抵消产品上的比较劣势。  相似文献   

Stephen Thomas  Ji Chen 《当代中国》2011,20(70):467-478
China has established two of the world's newer large sovereign wealth funds (SWFs): the official China Investment Corporation (CIC), and the non-official and less transparent State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) Investment Company (SIC). Both provide alternative investment opportunities for China's exploding foreign exchange reserves, at US$2.4 trillion at the end of 2009, the largest in world history. This paper will address how China has accumulated its huge and growing foreign exchange reserves, and what roles these reserves, until 2007 managed only by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), have played in the establishment and development of China's two new SWFs. We will look specifically at why China's foreign exchange reserves have developed, and how the new SWFs are a part of broader efforts to provide investment alternatives for China's ballooning foreign exchange surpluses, particularly in light of the inflow of ‘hot’ foreign speculative funds. We will then point out some of the difficulties for China's financial officials of SWFs as they try to pursue multiple and sometimes competing goals, set by boards of directors representing different bureaucratic and economic interests, all within the context of a general lack of transparency and a rapidly growing economy. Finally, we will present our conclusions about the future roles of the two SWFs as well as of the policies being developed to decentralize foreign exchange reserve holdings while at the same time not slowing the growth of China's foreign trade surpluses, nor its foreign direct investments, nor its overall economic growth. We will also examine the effects of US-promoted Chinese currency appreciation on the future of China's foreign exchange reserves and its sovereign wealth funds.  相似文献   

What is the Chinese role in international security of the Asia‐Pacific region? Has it become more cooperative or more potentially threatening? This paper addresses these issues through a systemic study of Chinese foreign trade, attitudes, and behaviors thowards Japan, the U.S., and Russia. The study covers the period from 1979 to 1992 and links to the most recent development in 1994.  相似文献   

依据我国的承诺,我国将逐渐取消对外贸权的限制,以登记制代替许可制,这意味着我国现行的外贸代理制赖以存在的基础已经发生根本性变化,建立在自由市场经济基础上的外贸代理制将成为发展方向,依据世贸组织的规则,参照相关国际代理公约,废除外贸代理方面的一些行政规章,完善我国民法关于代理制度的规定,制定有关代理的特别立法,将是我国外贸代理制度改革的主要方法.  相似文献   

从概念外延来看,金融欺诈犯罪包括金融诈骗罪和虚假陈述型金融欺诈犯罪,这种界分肇端于古罗马法中的“诈欺”。从犯罪所侵害法益的属性来看,金融诈骗罪应当属于财产型犯罪;虚假陈述型金融欺诈犯罪应当属于破坏金融交易秩序的犯罪。从立法体系来看,我国金融诈骗罪应当借鉴《日本刑法典》的立法模式,规定在诈骗罪之下;虚假陈述型金融欺诈犯罪应当从《刑法》第三章第四节中分离出来,单独成立一节,名为“破坏金融交易秩序罪”。  相似文献   

正On July 9,the Chinese Government released a document on accelerating the growth of new business forms and models in foreign trade. The document proposed to promote innovations in China's foreign trade sector,in terms of systems,management,service,business forms and models. Meanwhile,policies and pragmatic measures on new business forms and models of foreign trade have been drafted,covering cross-border e-commerce,market purchase,comprehensive foreign trade service companies,offshore trade,and overseas warehouses.  相似文献   

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