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现行刑事立法采取了将所有犯罪规定在一部刑法典中的模式,没有在行政法、经济法等法律中直接规定构成要件与法定刑,导致刑法典中出现大量的绝对空白刑法规范与相对空白刑法规范,并且形成了自然犯与法定犯一体化的立法体例。法律保留原则、明确性原则与比例原则是宪法原则;绝对空白刑法规范违反了法律保留原则,相对空白刑法规范不符合明确性原则;自然犯与法定犯一体化的立法体例不符合比例原则。只有改变现行刑事立法模式,在行政法、经济法等法律中直接规定相关犯罪的构成要件与法定刑,在刑法典中仅规定自然犯,才能使刑事立法模式与宪法相协调。  相似文献   

性骚扰的法律探析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
在国外 ,许多国家都通过立法来解决性骚扰问题 ,其中还特别规定了雇主对工作环境中的性骚扰行为负有责任 ;而在我国 ,尽管性骚扰己为人们所关注 ,但法律迄今仍没有对性骚扰作出明确的规定。笔者以为性骚扰会对女性造成多方面的损害 ,我国法律应尽早对其概念和性质进行界定并禁止性骚扰。本文对性骚扰的含义进行了研究 ,认为性骚扰在我国有广义和狭义两个范畴的理解 ,并在此基础上提出了我国防治性骚扰的立法对策。  相似文献   

性骚扰行为是侵犯妇女人身权的行为之一。我国虽有一些原则性规定,但有限的立法并未对性骚扰行为做出准确而又可操作的界定,性骚扰案件面临着许多困惑。当务之急是完善立法,要通过界定性骚扰的概念、完善性骚扰的责任制度、修改劳动法等相关法律,增设性骚扰规制条款等,为防治性骚扰提供有力的法律武器。  相似文献   

性骚扰现象逐渐成为社会关注的一个焦点。目前在我国性骚扰还不是一个严格的法律概念,更没有一部专门针对性骚扰行为的立法,法学界对性骚扰的概念也无统一界定。在国家法律尚不能对性骚扰作出统一立法的前提下,地方性立法机构可以根据本地实际,寻找性骚扰问题在上位法与下位法、国家立法与地方立法之间的结合点,制定出相应的地方性法规。广东省作为中国改革开放的先行地和排头兵,更应该加紧性骚扰防治的地方立法。  相似文献   

美国性骚扰法律制度及其借鉴意义   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
胡田野 《河北法学》2004,22(6):123-125
性骚扰是不受欢迎的带有性色彩的言行,是一种非法的性歧视。依美国判例,性骚扰不必源于性的目的,其内容不必是直接的表示;同时,性骚扰行为者在主观上应当是有过错的,受害者在主观上须为不欢迎骚扰行为。构成可诉的性骚扰行为其损害后果须达到严重的程度。依美国最新判例,同性之间也可以构成性骚扰;雇主对员工中的上级职员的性骚扰行为承担民事责任。美国的性骚扰法律制度对我国的立法具有一定的借鉴意义,如公法上的规定并不排除私法的适用,性骚扰的含义应当包含性别歧视,雇主责任应当在立法上得以确立,立法者应当在道德规范和法律规范中寻找平衡点。  相似文献   

本文认为我国1995年《电力法》中对于电力环保的规定过于原则,不具有可操作性,现行法律对电力环保缺乏系统而深入的规定。文中借鉴美国立法并结合我国实际,提出了电力法律化的思路。  相似文献   

近年来,可持续发展战略已成为国际立法的重要指导思想和原则,也是我国的总体发展战略。然而,我国现行的环境保护法律已不能完全适应当前经济与社会发展、人与自然和谐相处的基本需要,应当尽快建立以可持续发展战略为中心和基本原则的环境保护法律体制,导入认识自然、重视自然、利用自然、人与自然和谐相处的现代思想,改变现行法律“经济优先”的立法倾向,增设“可持续发展”为基本原则的规定,建立和完善相应的环境保护法律制度。  相似文献   

一、存在的突出问题 第一,相关立法缺位,导致立案监督工作缺乏法律保障:一是我国现行法律对刑事立案监督权设置的力度不够;二是我国现行法律对刑事立案监督的规定不够全面,内容空泛,结构模糊,使立案监督活动缺乏可操作性;三是违反刑事立案监督规定之行为的法律责任缺失。  相似文献   

性骚扰现象在机关、企业、学校等场所时有发生,因而亟需法律规制。《民法典》第1010条第2款规定了单位防治性骚扰的义务,此义务应属确保单位中个人精神健康的安全保障义务。单位是否存在性骚扰防治上的过失,除了判断单位在预防方面是否依法作为外,还应当在处置环节检视单位是否知道或应当知道性骚扰行为存在,并是否及时采取合理的制止或纠正措施。在法解释层面,单位若未尽防治性骚扰的安全保障义务,应参照适用《民法典》第1198条第2款的规定,由单位对受害人承担补充责任。但补充责任的适用既不利于受害人救济,亦不利于激励单位积极预防。故此,在立法论层面若有明确责任规范之可能,应规定单位与实施性骚扰的行为人承担连带责任,但单位对行为人享有追偿权。此种模式可兼顾受害人救济、单位激励及故意侵权人制裁三方面的立法目的。  相似文献   

我国劳动教养制度自1955年产生以来,在维护社会治安、预防和减少违法犯罪方面发挥了历史性的作用。但随着我国依法治国进程的加快,现行劳教制度积累的问题目益突出,明显不符合我国不断健全的法制要求和改革开放的需要,通过立法改革和完善现行劳动教养制度已成为一项十分紧迫的任务。目前的劳动教养制度法律规范滞后、零散、混乱、范围对象笼统、适用条件不明确,与《立法法》、《行政处罚法》的规定相冲突,程序规定存在严重缺陷。劳动教养立法应以“收容教养法”的名称为宜。劳动教养的性质应定位于现行刑事和行政处罚体系之外的一种独立的准刑事处罚。劳动教养法应坚持行为与处罚法定;行为与责任相适应;一事不再罚原则。劳动教养的决定权应交由人民法院行使。  相似文献   

Most people in the United States believe that sexual harassment should be illegal and that enforcement is necessary. In spite of such widespread support for antiharassment regulations, sexual harassment policy training provokes backlash and has been shown to activate traditional gender stereotypes. Using in‐depth interviews and participant observations of sexual harassment policy training sessions, this study uncovers the micro‐level mechanisms that underlie ambivalence about the enforcement of sexual harassment law. I find that while the different locations of men and women in the status hierarchy lead to different manifestations of resistance, gender stereotypes are used to buttress perceptions that sexual harassment laws threaten norms of interaction and status positions that men and women have an interest in maintaining. The research has implications for understanding the role of law in social change, legal compliance, and the potential/limits of law for reducing inequality.  相似文献   

Research shows that exposure to sexual harassment policy sometimes activates traditional gender stereotypes. This article examines whether the sex of the legal messenger moderates reactions to the enforcement of sexual harassment laws. We employ a 2 × 2 experimental design in which we measure the effect of a sexual harassment policy intervention on male participants’ gender beliefs. The design varies whether the person communicating the policy information is male or female. We find that female policy trainers activate implicit gender stereotypes, but explicit gender egalitarian beliefs. Other than improving men's perceptions of women's considerateness, the policy has little effect on beliefs in the conditions with a male trainer. These results suggest that the effect of law on social change is contingent on characteristics of the legal messengers. Findings contribute to our understanding of gender inequality and legitimacy processes and have practical implications for implementing effective policy.  相似文献   

Using data from a nationwide study of sexual harassment in the United States' federal workplace, this article investigates how legal understanding, opinions about the regulation of sexual harassment, and social status affect whether people define uninvited sexual jokes or remarks as harassment. The results indicate that how people define sexual harassment is directly related to the extent to which they view sexual harassment rules as ambiguous and threatening to workplace norms. Moreover, results show that while women generally define sexual harassment more broadly than men, they actually resist defining sexual jokes or remarks as harassment. Finally, knowledge of the workplace sexual harassment policy moderates the effect of beliefs on definitions of sexual harassment. These findings suggest a complexity in the way people reconcile their knowledge of the law with their personal views about power and social interaction in the workplace.  相似文献   

This paper describes how peer-to-peer sexual harassment rapidly was transformed from an unremarkable reality of secondary school life into a serious social and legal problem. First, it shows how organizations and professionals served as an entry point for social change and legal mobilization. I argue that schools were quick to address peer sexual harassment because activists framed it as a moral and pedagogical issue that resonated with educators' deeply held professional values. Second, the paper shows how law and organizations developed endogenously. Without any legal mandate, schools created and institutionalized harassment policies. Courts then looked to these organizational practices to determine the content and scope of Title IX. In this way, schools literally "enacted" the law through their practices. This finding goes beyond previous work on endogeneity in that school policies influenced law at the level of doctrine, not simply at the level of meaning, enforcement, or application.  相似文献   

This article analyzes women's legal consciousness in responding to unwanted sexual attention in the workplace. By focusing on a particular social problem, this study is situated in the particular legal domain of sexual harassment laws and in a specific organizational context. Taking the perspective of the intended beneficiaries of sexual harassment policies and procedures—women with complaints about sexual conduct in the workplace—I show that the implementation of grievance procedures creates powerful obstacles to women's efforts to assert those rights. Moreover, the practices implementing the policies can alter the very definition of sexual harassment in that setting. Thus, in enacting grievance procedures, women and supervisors construct a legality in particular workplaces that offers only limited protection for women's rights.  相似文献   

This study challenges the common legal and organizational practice of privileging sexual advance forms of sex-based harassment, while neglecting gender harassment. Survey data came from women working in two male-dominated contexts: the military and the legal profession. Their responses to the Sexual Experiences Questionnaire (SEQ) revealed five typical profiles of harassment: low victimization, gender harassment, gender harassment with unwanted sexual attention, moderate victimization, and high victimization. The vast majority of harassment victims fell into one of the first two groups, which described virtually no unwanted sexual advances. When compared to non-victims, gender-harassed women showed significant decrements in professional and psychological well-being. These findings underscore the seriousness of gender harassment, which merits greater attention by both law and social science.  相似文献   

Forensic clinical psychologists who conduct evaluations and present expert testimony in sexual harassment cases must have some familiarity with the scientific literature about sexual harassment. However, these experts frequently discover that the social science research related to sexual harassment provides little in the way of tools or data that are directly applicable to the evaluation of plaintiffs in sexual harassment litigation. This article addresses that issue and offers suggestions to social science researchers that may improve the utility of sexual harassment research in the litigation of sexual harassment cases.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether—and if so how—a 2002 European Directive on sexual harassment has changed the practice and content of sexual harassment law in France. It finds that the European Directive shaped how French courts address sexual harassment and informed the content of a new sexual harassment law France passed in 2012. Yet, its influence has been mediated by dominant national attitudes about: (1) the nature of sexual harassment, (2) which legal institutions are best suited to address it, and (3) the character of women who claim to have been harassed. This paper further suggests that news reporting on a 2011 arrest of a French politician for sexual assault led to more positive attitudes about sexual harassment victims.  相似文献   

The current article tracks the historical development of the law of workplace sexual harassment. It begins with a discussion of the implementation of the law that serves as the basis for most sexual harassment cases in the federal courts, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The article then discusses the developments that permitted sexual harassment to come within the purview of the antidiscrimination language of Title VII. Then, the major federal legal cases that have defined the contours of sexual harassment law are discussed. Finally, the current procedures to file sexual harassment claims in the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, state agencies, and federal and state court are described.  相似文献   

按照法治政府的要求,政府的一切行政执法活动都必须做到“有法可依,有法必依,执法必严,违法必究”。本文探讨了对政府行政执法的社会监控的概念和特点及其与国家监控的区别,社会监控主体的法律地位和实施社会监控的法律依据,建立、发展和完善社会监控体系和制度的意义等问题。  相似文献   

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