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重罪案件刑事和解的适用不仅在理论层面观点各异、争议很大,而且在实践层面也因为缺乏操作规范和裁量标准而引发"花钱买刑"、"同罪异罚"的质疑。重罪案件中适用刑事和解不是为了在定罪、量刑上消灭加害人的刑事责任或者减轻、免除处罚,而是定位于作为量刑时从轻考虑的情节。因此,重罪案件刑事和解不是代替国家对犯罪的追诉,更不是对国家适用刑罚权的漠视。重罪案件(包括死刑案件)引入刑事和解,既要充分体现刑事和解所具有的广泛社会价值与法律价值,又要对其范围进行限制性适用,应根据案件的具体情节和侵犯法益综合衡量。这既是罪刑相适应与刑罚个别化的统一,也是一般正义下实现个别正义的需要。  相似文献   

绑架罪是我国刑法中的重罪,但存在法定刑设置虚高的问题。死刑是针对绑架过程中故意杀人或故意伤害致人重伤、死亡规定的,如果将其中的杀人、伤害行为回归为故意杀人罪、故意伤害罪,绑架罪应该是没有死刑的。应取消绑架罪加重处罚情节,根据吸收原则,按一重罪从重处罚。这样不仅能减少一个死刑罪名,而且也不会放纵犯罪分子。将绑架罪最低刑降为3年有期徒刑,同时修改绑架罪犯罪既遂的形态,利于对公民合法权益的保护。  相似文献   

酌定不起诉制度适用的关键就在于对其前提条件犯罪情节轻微的理解和把握 ,对此 ,理论界和实务界都有不同认识。在本文中 ,作者在对刑法中的“情节” ,定罪情节量刑情节等概念进行了考察分析之后 ,认为量刑情节具有决定宣告刑、变更法定刑的功能。因此 ,酌定不起诉条件中规定的“犯罪情节” ,应作量刑情节理解。  相似文献   

我国对网络赌球规制的相关法律规定不健全,使司法实践存在着诸多困境,表现为在惩处普通赌客时力度较轻,缺乏威慑力,而在惩处足球相关从业者、第三方支付商时又缺乏合适的罪名等。对于利用网络进行赌球这一严重危害社会的行为,法律也没有规定从重处罚的量刑情节,对于网络赌博的打击仍然存在不少盲点。需要完善现有立法、创新监管机制,从而杜绝网络赌球的发生。  相似文献   

《刑法》第37条的免刑规定具有较强的政策功能和司法价值。就个案而言,究竟符合什么样的具体情形方可判处免予刑罚处罚,完整理解《刑法》第37条内涵至关重要。"犯罪情节轻微"量定罪行轻重,是免刑适用的一般化标准,同等情况同等对待,追求客观公正;"不需要判处刑罚"测查犯罪人格,是免刑裁量的个别化依据,不同情况不同对待,追求合理差别。犯罪情节轻微的前提下,是否免予刑罚处罚关键在内因,需要法官综合罪前、罪中、罪后三个阶段的情形综合审慎判断。  相似文献   

酌定情节是具体内容和功能都缺乏刑法明确规定的量刑情节,与罪刑法定原则的明确性要求在形式上似乎不相符.但是,由于罪刑法定原则实行成文法主义,而成文法有其固有的抽象性和稳定性弊端,因此,在刑罚裁量时适用酌定情节能够有效地弥补罪刑法定原则的缺陷,有利于实现罪刑法定原则的保护宗旨.  相似文献   

陈荣飞  秦志远 《理论探索》2011,(1):124-127,131
酌定情节作为刑事自由裁量权的核心内容,其法定化的基本法理依据是:绝对理性的幻灭与自由裁量的无可规避性,刑事自由裁量权的权限导向。其法定化的现实依据是基于对我国现阶段司法现状的考察,对我国刑法学界重定罪轻量刑、重法定情节轻酌定情节错误导向的纠正,以及对域外立法成功经验的借鉴。酌定情节在刑事立法上的路径抉择为:刑法总则在规定量刑的基本原则时尽可能详尽地标举出量刑应当考虑的基本因素;以立法的形式标举出现实中较为常见、司法实践和理论总结较为成熟、含义相对确定的酌定情节。  相似文献   

罪刑均衡原则作为我国刑法三大基本原则,理论中对其研究局限于刑罚论的范畴。立法上对于量刑的规定似乎已经完成了罪刑均衡的要求,使得该原则成为“空置原则”。罪刑均衡原则本质是追求罪行、罪过、刑罚三者均衡的价值目标,其既追求立法上的合理性,同时应兼顾司法上的适当性。实现这一目标的前提在于深度挖掘罪刑均衡原则的价值内涵,即人道主义价值、平等价值、人权保障价值。  相似文献   

温庆伟  顾海宁 《学理论》2012,(22):100-101
在基层司法实践中笔者发现在审查起诉及审判量刑情节上存在认识上的偏差,对定罪情节把握都比较准确却往往忽略了量刑情节上的一些细节,自首的认定直接涉及处刑情节,对于自首的认定应当是谨慎而严密的,仅是认定自首也未必是必须采取必减原则。  相似文献   

酌定量刑情节既要遵循罪刑法定原则的逻辑,也有其自身的开放特性。实践中司法认定基于按图索骥的思维,严重限缩了其存在范围,导致大量判决超出国民预期。为充分发挥酌定量刑情节的刑罚调节功能,司法理念上须对其予以正视,实践认定中则宜从微观与宏观层面予以把握。  相似文献   

安迪  袁野 《学理论》2013,(12):126-127
当今社会越来越看重人道主义对现实生活的影响,国际上仍然有很多国家对我国的死刑制度持有质疑与偏见,因此我们必须从社会发展现状中了解死刑的发展,推断出中国死刑的未来发展方向,从而为应对国际舆论压力做好积极准备。  相似文献   

This paper argues that Rwanda’s decision to abolish the death penalty should be viewed in a wider context rather than as a mere result of top–down pressure from the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). Part I traces the creation of the ICTR and the breakdown of negotiations as a result of the exclusion of the death penalty from the ICTR’s jurisdiction. It then outlines Rwanda’s efforts to prosecute the hundreds of thousands of individuals accused of committing genocide-related crimes and notes the limited and steadily decreasing role the death penalty actually played within Rwanda. Part II discusses Rwanda’s legislation abolishing the death penalty and argues that both international pressure and local historical and political forces influenced the decision. Part III situates Rwanda’s story within a growing paradox of excluding the death penalty from international criminal tribunals for the most serious crimes while national jurisdictions maintain it. It concludes that as in Rwanda, any perceived or potential impact of international criminal law in national jurisdictions must be measured in light of local circumstances.
Audrey BoctorEmail:

中国传统法律文化对犯罪是区别对待的,即把犯罪划分为不可赦免的重罪和可以原宥的轻罪,使得我国古代的刑罚既有重刑的一面,也有温情的一面,成为中华法系独有的特色。  相似文献   

刑罚威慑的功利价值,是指刑罚威慑功能的发挥在实现刑罚目的方面所具有的有用性。这一问 题包含着两个方面的内容:一是刑罚威慑的功利价值的指向问题,即刑罚威慑的功利价值是以刑罚目的的实 现为价值内涵的;二是刑罚威慑的功利价值的外在表现问题,即刑罚威慑的功利价值表现在哪些方面。本文 认为,刑罚威慑在实现刑罚预防犯罪的功利价值方面具有廉价性的特点,它理应受到现代刑事立法和刑事司 法的充分重视。  相似文献   

行政处罚信息公开与隐私权保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政执法信息是否公开在目前的《政府信息公开条例》中没有明确的答案,学术界和实务界也众说纷纭",隐私"一词由于在我国公法领域不包含个人身份基本信息,故个人身份基本信息不属于不予公开的范畴,但是由于其特殊性,应该区分情况进行公开。首先,应对行政处罚信息作区分处理,违法行为信息应该主动公开,个人身份信息应该由利害关系人依申请公开,媒体在特殊情况下可以申请公开行政处罚相对人的身份信息,一般情况下,应有所限制。  相似文献   

This article examines distinctive American political institutions that contribute to explaining the continued use of the death penalty. In the light of wide popular support for capital punishment, strong political leadership is considered to be a principal channel for the abolition of capital punishment. The dilemma of the US death penalty, however, lies in populist features of political structures that greatly limit the political leverage and possibilities available to leaders. The institutional arrangements in the United States allow public support for the death penalty to influence political decision making more directly than it can in the European counterpart. A strong receptiveness of US political leaders to the public also implies that once public opinion changes, political leaders are likely to respond to the public’s new attitude. Unlike most countries, which abolished the death penalty through political initiatives that were counter-majoritarian, the United States may abolish it only after a change in public opinion.
Sangmin BaeEmail:

Although there exists a large and well-documented "race gap" between whites and blacks in their support for the death penalty, we know relatively little about the nature of these differences and how the races respond to various arguments against the penalty. To explore such differences, we embedded an experiment in a national survey in which respondents are randomly assigned to one of several argument conditions. We find that African Americans are more responsive to argument frames that are both racial (i.e., the death penalty is unfair because most of the people who are executed are black) and nonracial (i.e., too many innocent people are being executed) than are whites, who are highly resistant to persuasion and, in the case of the racial argument, actually become more supportive of the death penalty upon learning that it discriminates against blacks. These interracial differences in response to the framing of arguments against the death penalty can be explained, in part, by the degree to which people attribute the causes of black criminality to either dispositional or systemic forces (i.e., the racial biases of the criminal justice system) .  相似文献   

The death penalty is like no other punishment. Its continued existence in many countries of the world creates political tensions within these countries and between governments of retentionist and abolitionist countries. After the Second World War, more and more countries have abolished the death penalty. This article argues that the major determinants of this global trend towards abolition are political, a claim which receives support in a quantitative cross-national analysis from 1950 to 2002. Democracy, democratisation, international political pressure on retentionist countries and peer group effects in relatively abolitionist regions all raise the likelihood of abolition. There is also a partisan effect, as abolition becomes more likely if the chief executive’s party is left wing-oriented. Cultural, social and economic determinants receive only limited support. The global trend towards abolition will go on if democracy continues to spread around the world and abolitionist countries stand by their commitment to press for abolition all over the world.
Eric NeumayerEmail:

司法实践中,行政处罚与刑罚的竞合是不可避免的,关键是如何正确处理两者竞合时的法律适用问题。本文以为,在适用方法上应遵循并合主义,具体适用时又应视不同情况采取不同的办法予以处理,并突出刑事处罚优先的原则。同时,也应注意犯罪移送时的证明要求,以防止法院间的互相推诿。  相似文献   

《治安管理处罚法》在既要扩权又要限权的呼声中出台,从条文上看它基本上达到了警察权的理性扩张这一目标,但在现实生活中要真正实现这一目标,则要面临诸多挑战。这些挑战包括来自落后观念的挑战、法律文本自身的缺陷以及法律规范与社会发展不同步等。  相似文献   

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