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行政行为的判断包含着道德标准,公共行政道德人格有两个基本价值取向:权力行使公平公正;勤政为民,廉洁自律.行政道德人格的塑造应通过道德教育,促进道德意识生成,形成基本的道德判断,并通过内省、克己、力行等方法不断完善和成就行政道德人格.服务型政府的公共行政中应建立起道德化的制度体系,以保障权力在运行中接受行政道德的规范和约束.  相似文献   

张康之的《寻找公共行政的伦理视角》一书发表后引起了强烈反响,有学者认为它是一部行政伦理学和行政学著作,还有学者认为它是一部哲学著作。该书的基本特性是反思性、开创性、可读性和乌托邦性等。其主要贡献为:它为历史上曾经出现过的行政实践模式及理论给出了确切的历史地位,并提出了未来公共行政的模式;深刻地揭示了现代公共行政的“思想模型”中的各种缺陷;提出了“在公共行政领域拒绝权利”的主张;建构了公共行政的道德框架,为公共行政理论的发展寻找到了一个新的坐标。该书引起的争论问题主要是:如何超越官僚制;如何实现社会秩序的供给;“在公共行政领域中拒绝权利”值得商榷;道德能否制度化等。该书存在的问题主要有:存在反复重叠之处;行政权力道德化的提法有些偏颇;谈及制度道德化时显得有些底气不足;对传统伦理与现代伦理的区别没有具体论述等。  相似文献   

卢达元 《行政论坛》2005,2(2):49-51
公共行政道德在公共行政活动中占有非常重要的位置,对公共行政人员的行为起着重要的作用。在我国当前的公共行政实践中,存在着相当一部分的公共行政道德失范问题,急待解决。因此,如何对公共行政道德进行建构是当前一个较为紧迫的任务,需要社会成员共同努力。加强公共行政道德建设包括制度建设和行政人员个体建设两个方面,这两个方面是相辅相成、紧密联系、缺一不可的。  相似文献   

论公共行政的道德责任   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
公共行政的道德责任问题是一个全新的课题,长期以来,人们仅仅看到了公共行政的政治职能、经济职能和社会管理职能,但没有从理论上认识到公共行政的道德职能问题,而是把道德的问题归结为社会成员个体的精神文明建设的范畴中去.实际上,公共行政的道德责任是公共行政的基本内容,而且是公共行政其他职能得以充分实现的前提.公共行政道德责任的基本内容是维护和提供交换正义,公共行政对这一目标的追求将会促进公共行政全面的道德化.  相似文献   

本文从现代民主政治的责任政府理念和行政道德化的必要性的视角出发,进行理论上的分析,同时又以国外行政道德建设中追究行政道德责任的实践加以论证,阐释了公共行政中追究政府及其行政人员的道德责任的合理性和必要性,最后提出了构建行政道德责任追究机制的建议,以促进我国行政道德建设。  相似文献   

人是公共行政过程中最关键的要素.自从公共行政创立以来,"公共行政中的人是什么"一直是公共行政所要回答的首要问题.本文综述了公共行政发展不同阶段对人性的不同假设,并提出了"公共人"的人性设计,认为可以通过实现制度的道德化和道德的制度化最终实现"公共人".  相似文献   

人是公共行政过程中最关键的要素。自从公共行政创立以来,"公共行政中的人是什么"一直是公共行政所要回答的首要问题。本文综述了公共行政发展不同阶段对人性的不同假设,并提出了"公共人"的人性设计,认为可以通过实现制度的道德化和道德的制度化最终实现"公共人"。  相似文献   

纪霞 《行政论坛》2006,(6):41-42
公共伦理道德建设是社会主义先进文化建设的重要内容。新时期,公共伦理道德的失范主要表现为:“权力寻租”行为;公款公贿行为;贪污受贿行为;买官卖官行为;官商勾结行为。针对此,公共伦理道德的建设应包括公共伦理道德化的制度建设、公共行政人员的伦理道德化建设和加强公职人员公共管理公开化。  相似文献   

李东 《理论导刊》2003,(11):53-54
行政道德建设历来是公共行政领域所关注的焦点。在当前,这一问题显得尤为重要。行政道德建设的核心是利益问题,正确处理私人利益和公共利益的关系是建立良好的行政伦理与行政道德的关键。加强行政道德建设需从制度安排、加强道德自主性等多个角度入手,进行综合治理。  相似文献   

问责制作为当代中国社会主义政治体制改革的制度创新,是我国迈向责任政府的重要一步.行政问责既是民主政治的一种基本理念,也是公共行政的一种制度安排,蕴含着深刻的政治价值和政治理念.它要求政府必须承担道德、政治、行政以及法律上的多重责任,接受来自内部和外部的监督和控制.问责制在一定程度上填补了现行制度与行政道德之间的空白,对我国因袭多年的官本位思想将产生巨大的冲击,有助于我们重新认识公共行政的道德诉求和责任理念.但是由于行政问责制在我国是一个新生事物,无论是从深度上还是从广度上还存在着较大的空间.尽管目前行政问责制已初有成效,但总体来看,还存在很多问题,需要我们加以研究解决.  相似文献   

The historic claim of the Sami to lands that they have traditionally used and occupied – an issue that has long been dormant – is emerging as a significant public issue in Finland, Sweden and Norway. This article develops a control-consociationalism typology to analyze bow each of the three states responds to Sami claims to their historic rights. Under a control situation, the cultural identity of a minority is almost exclusively determined by the laws, regulations and administrative procedures of the state. Under a consociationalism model, there would be a continuing dialogue between a stale and a minority within an administrative framework that the minority has had a major role in developing. The typology traces more than two centuries of administrative control by the three states and examines how existing institutions deal with the Sami minority. Interviews indicate that most authorities see collective minority rights as a component of human rights and, furthermore, that the Sami constitute an indigenous minority. However, the concept of aboriginal land title divides politicians and administrators; many oppose it or maintain that it is not really necessary. Many Sami rights activists, on the other hand, see it as a fundamental issue – even one of moral justice – that ultimately must be addressed by each state.  相似文献   

Bureaucratic discretion continues to be one of a public administrator's primary powers while at the same time being one of their most controversial. Used in a positive way, bureaucratic discretion can enhance social equity; however, this practice can create administrative legitimacy dilemmas. As such, this paper conceptually discusses the theoretical position of public administrators that contributes to their engagement in legitimacy dilemmas, which is further complicated by the tenets of New Public Service. We argue that if public administrators are engaged in authentic interactions with the public and use their discretion to reflect the interests of the public, then they are engaged in truly democratic governance. We place this argument in the context of achieving social equity and highlight an avoided question in public administration. Finally, recommendations for future research are offered as a means progressing the social equity agenda in public administration.  相似文献   

One of the professed goals of the 1998 Tanzanian Local Government Reform Program, entailing substantial decentralization, was to provide for a democratic administrative set up in local government. Elected local councils were invested with responsibilities for a wide range of policy sectors and services; the local administrative staff, formerly recruited and instructed by central government, would be appointed by and accountable to the local councils. A well‐functioning local politico‐administrative system was considered paramount to improve service delivery and ensure control of decision making by the local community. This article reports on research into the relations between councilors and administrators in two Tanzanian municipalities. Overall, these relations were found to be tense and full of discordance, caused by clashing role perceptions and mutual distrust. The research suggests that the main factor underlying the behavior and attitudes of councilors and administrators is the very system of public administration, which — despite the ambitions expressed in the Local Government Reform Program — remains very centralistic in character. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

当前中国的行政体制改革,在推进行政审批制度改革、商事制度改革、政务公开、政府重大决策科学化民主化和法治化、政府工作的第三方评估和社会评价、公正有效地提供公共产品和公共服务、地方政府的权力和责任清单制度改革、公车制度改革、公务员职务与职级并行制度改革、贯彻中央八项规定深入反腐倡廉等十个方面,取得了显著进展。推及未来“,十三五”期间的中国行政体制改革将重点围绕推动简政放权、放管结合、优化服务改革向纵深发展,大力推行“互联网+政务服务”、推进政府信息化建设,推进大部制改革、优化行政层级和行政区划设置,推进事业单位制度改革,加快和加大力度建设“四个政府”,推进政府廉洁履职和反腐败斗争,坚决处理为官不为、克服庸政懒政怠政,推进国家治理体系现代化,提升国家治理能力,加快各项行政制度的更加成熟定型等十个任务展开。  相似文献   

Recent studies of the theory of representative bureaucracy have focused on active representation, whereby administrators in public organizations work to advance the interests of particular groups, achieving policy outcomes that directly address the needs of those groups. The concept of administrative discretion is central to these studies, as an administrator must have the discretion to produce results that reflect the values and beliefs of these groups. While the presence of discretion is often implied in these studies, few have examined it explicitly. Using data from the Farmer's Home Administration, we explore whether administrators who perceive themselves as having more discretion enact policy outcomes that are more representative of minority interests. The results strongly support the conclusion that administrators who perceive themselves as possessing significant discretion and who assume the role of minority representative in their agencies are more likely to enact policy outcomes that favor minority interests.  相似文献   

This Viewpoint essay examines university research administration and the use of software systems that automate university research grants and contract administration, including the automatic sending of emails for reporting and compliance purposes. These systems are described as “robotic bureaucracy.” The rise of regulations and their contribution to administrative burden on university research have led university administrators to increasingly rely on robotic bureaucracy to handle compliance. This article draws on the administrative burden, behavioral public administration, and electronic communications and management literatures, which are increasingly focused on the psychological and cognitive bases of behavior. These literatures suggest that the assumptions behind robotic bureaucracy ignore the extent to which these systems shift the burden of compliance from administrators to researchers.  相似文献   

公共危机突发事件对公共行政管理是一个巨大的挑战,公共危机的管理需要政府行政精神的支撑,因为行政精神是公共行政管理的灵魂和核心。要塑造有强大支撑力的行政精神又必须以社会主义核心价值体系为指导,作为我国社会价值体系中的核心,社会主义核心价值体系以其广泛的适用性和包容性以及强大的整合力和引领力,决定着公共危机管理中的行政精神的价值目标。  相似文献   

小康社会政府职能主要是提供公共产品和公共服务,小康社会阶段,我国行政管理运行环境发生了重大变化,我国政府必须加快建立适应小康社会的行政管理体制,必须加快改变管理方式与管理手段,对全社会实行公共管理.  相似文献   

This article develops a better theoretical understanding of the linkage between the processes and outcomes associated with government‐organized public participation, including its potential to empower citizens in guiding administrative decisions. Special focus is given to those factors that shape the development and maintenance of the citizen–administrator relationship. To this end, the research examines the work of federally mandated citizen review panels and their interactions with state child protection agency administrators. Based on 52 in‐depth interviews conducted with citizens and administrators in three U.S. states, a grounded theory approach is employed to derive a series of testable theoretical propositions. The insights gained are of importance not only to public administration scholars but also to citizens and administrators who engage one another through formally organized channels of participation.  相似文献   

Public debt management is an infrequent focus of public administration studies. Yet without appropriate debt management, administrators have few financial resources for public service provision. Island‐state administrators face an enhanced service provision challenge. The peculiarity of island‐state economies, the unpredictability of exogenous events and the state's endogenous choices increase debt administration's importance. Via its focus on debt management office location and the administrative constraints posed by brain drain, transparency and regionalization, this paper goes beyond typical debt management studies to engage debt administration spaces. The result is a framework for studies of debt administration in Small Island‐States.  相似文献   

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