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梵语诗学庄严论是印度古典文论的重要组成部分。它的产生与丰富发达的印度古代语言学有关。庄严论经历了漫长的发展历程,它的外延和内涵也不断地产生变化。梵语诗学中的"庄严"与现代意义上的文学修辞存在很多差异。  相似文献   

梵语诗学味论经历了漫长的发展过程。随着时代的发展,具有客观含义的味逐渐演变为主观色彩浓厚的味,最初带有审美意味的文学味论不断地宗教化,进而在中世纪演变为彻底的宗教美学即虔诚味论。虔诚味论的出现给梵语诗学的晚期发展与中世纪印度方言文论的萌芽和发展施加了双面影响,它也对近现代印度宗教文学的发展产生了不可忽略的影响。泰戈尔的宗教诗歌集《吉檀迦利》便是一例。  相似文献   

近年来,随着世界范围内宗教问题的日益突出和我国俄罗斯学界研究视野的拓宽,原来在我国曾是一片学术荒漠的俄罗斯东正教问题研究日益引起学者的关注,并在短短的时间内取得了一些可喜的成果.除了翻译引介尼科利的《俄国教会史》和布尔加科夫的《东正教》等著作外,中国学者本身对东正教问题的研究也取得了相当的进展:乐峰先生所著《东正教史》不仅介绍了东正……  相似文献   

印度文学理论经历了萌芽期、古典梵语诗学、印度中世纪文论、印度近现代文论和当代文论(印度独立以来)等几个发展阶段。印度文学理论的发展具有自己的特色,它既受到宗教、语言、文学等传统文化的渗透和影响,也受到近现代西方文化的影响。  相似文献   

梵语诗学是世界古代三大文艺理论体系之一,它有许多独特的诗学概念与范畴,由此产生许多既富有普遍意义、也具有独特东方文化魅力的诗学命题。本文选择几个非常重要的诗学命题进行剖析。这些诗学命题包括对文学本质或功能的认识、对诗歌灵魂的认识、对审美情感机制的剖析以及对文学作品或诗歌成因的探析。本文借助比较诗学研究方法,探究印度古典诗学命题的普遍价值和现代意义。  相似文献   

作为世界诗学的重要组成部分,以梵语诗学为代表的印度古典诗学话语谱系具有非常鲜明的民族特性。印度古典诗学的民族特色归纳为以下几点:依神演绎、依经立论、形式至上、情味中心、科际渗透。本文拟对这些基本特色进行较为详细的分析,以资中国文论发展借鉴。  相似文献   

当代俄罗斯汉学界恢复了对我国经典儒家典籍的译介与儒学本体研究,进一步对新儒学典籍与儒家思想的现代性问题展开翻译与考察,同时注重对中国学界儒学研究新成果的探讨。郭店楚墓竹简出土整理后,俄罗斯汉学家郭静云、卢基扬诺夫和布拉日金娜运用实证主义研究方法,重点阐释儒家思想核心概念的内涵与彼此之间的关系,并在此基础上疏理整个儒家思想体系的发展脉络,从而揭示了郭店出土的儒家简文在儒学史以及中国思想史上的重要地位。这些研究拓宽了当代俄罗斯儒学研究的领域,为中俄文化交流提供了新方向。  相似文献   

60年来中国学界对土耳其作了一些研究,其成果主要集中在改革开放30年以来这段时期。从改革开放初期重新评价资产阶级革命的历史地位,到总结土耳其现代化进程的历史经验,进而到研究军人干政、库尔德问题、伊斯兰复兴,以及中土关系等重要问题,中国的土耳其研究取得了不小进步。但整体上仍很薄弱,资料缺乏,译介迟滞,原创性不足。  相似文献   

朵伽比亚尔的《朵伽比亚姆》是古代泰米尔语文论代表作。它涉及文学语言、诗律、修辞、文类、情感、主题等多种要素。它与梵语诗学源头即婆罗多《舞论》存在某些相似之处,但也有一些值得注意的差别。本文拟对此进行简析。  相似文献   

"现代性"问题是近年来学术界众说纷纭的热点话题之一,关于现代性内涵、边界以及理论渊源的考察和讨论,以及这些讨论所产生的分歧表明,要弄清这个概念的来龙去脉,最切实际的方法是返回它被译介、引进到汉语学术体系的历史语境中,在动态的历史现场中考量"现代性"概念的本义及其在译介、使用过程中的意义转换。"十七年"期间,中国学界的对"现代性"概念及其相关问题的翻译、接受和理解,主要源自苏联的文艺理论系统,人民性、革命、社会主义现实主义等构成了这一时期现代性概念的主要内涵,使它呈现出与其他时期迥然不同的特点。  相似文献   

近年来,中国与印度的双边关系倍受世人瞩目,对印度的研究也成为中国学术界关注的主要议题.据不完全统计,20世纪90年代以来,中国国内学者出版的有关印度问题的专著超过20部,发表的文章近千篇,更有许多青年博士、硕士论文的选题也直接以印度问题为研究方向.  相似文献   


From the earliest stages of reading and writing in the Japanese archipelago, the methodology of kanbun kundoku (vernacular reading of literary Sinitic) has been an important means of engagement with Chinese texts. The kanbun kundoku process of glossing and syntactic rearrangement transforms a literary Sinitic source text into a kind of ‘translationese’ that preserves as closely as possible the diction and structure of the original while making it accessible to readers who may have little or no competence in spoken varieties of Chinese. Yet whether this process should be understood as fundamentally a form of translation is a matter of debate among scholars. In this article, I argue that looking at the early modern phenomenon of ōbun kundoku, by which Japanese scholars applied kundoku methodology to European languages (including Latin, Portuguese, Dutch and English), can offer a valuable perspective. These forms of direct translation are an important although comparatively under-studied aspect of Japanese encounters with European texts and they offer an instructive perspective on kanbun kundoku: the longstanding Japanese method of engagement with foreign-language texts that was their inspiration. The theoretical writings of Japan’s early modern scholars of Dutch unmistakably acknowledge a basic commonality between these two forms of kundoku while also clarifying the ways in which the application of kundoku to European languages was distinct from application to literary Sinitic.  相似文献   

  The stellar economic performance of the Asia-Pacific region in the 90s led many scholars to credit Confucianism as the impetus for it provided the cultural background conducive for entrepreneurs of this region to excel. Some even believed that a “Confucian Revival” is at hand and have proposed the 21st century to be the “Confucian Century”. Although the causes of economic growth and success are complex and likely to vary from one country to another, the significance of culture has been emphasized. Hicks and Redding (1983) commented, “as there are well over a hundred developing countries, the almost perfect correlation between Chinese heritage and economic success could hardly be due to chance.” Another study by Gordon Redding (1990) on the spirit of Chinese capitalism suggested a strong link between Confucian values and modern overseas Chinese business enterprises. However, when the same region triggered a global economic crisis a few years ago, fingers were also pointed at Confucianism, naming it as the culprit behind the downfall of Chinese entrepreneurship. Further, people often loosely refer to Confucianism or Asian Values when analyzing factors relevant to the economy and social matters. They do so without first synthesizing the system of thought upon which they base their claims, thereby weakening their arguments. Moreover, studies on Chinese values are certainly insufficient if not misconstrued by scholars with no Chinese background. How then does Confucianism influence Asian countries? Do Chinese values still exist in modern Chinese societies? Using quantificational tools to support our thesis, this comparative study attempts to investigate whether Confucianism or traditional Chinese values still played an important role in shaping the mind and attitude of modern Chinese in Singapore and China.  相似文献   

汉语文化负载词的翻译历来是翻译界的难题,在翻译方法和策略的选择上一直缺少科学、规范的参考。本文以我国文学作品及现实生活中的翻译实例为例,探讨将彼得·纽马克的交际翻译及语义翻译理论应用于汉语文化负载词翻译的可行性,认为适当地运用交际翻译及语义翻译策略能帮助译者更好地胜任汉语文化负载词的翻译工作。  相似文献   

朝鲜战争结束后,美国极力拉拢中国周边的亚洲国家组建针对中国的包围圈,为了应对这一情况,中国提出了建立“国际和平统一战线”的外交战略,1954年中印、中缅两国总理互访就是落实“国际和平统一战线”政策的重大举措。在互访过程中,中印、中缅共同提出了和平共处五项原则,中国领导人着力消除了印度、缅甸在华人华侨、边界问题、亚洲国家共产党以及中美关系等问题上的疑虑和担心,从而促进了中印、中缅两国关系,巩固了亚洲国家的中立倾向,为亚非会议的召开奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

李谋 《东南亚》2009,(3):67-73
印度文化与东南亚是人们常议的话题,但意见诸多不同。通过对几部东南亚史名著涉及古代东南亚论述的比较与分析,笔者认为:印度文化对古代东南亚影响大,但中国文化对东南亚产生影响要早于印度。主导文化影响大小的是接受方。文化影响是双向的,不均衡的。文化传播方式途径都会左右影响的结果。宗教性文化的影响更易显现。  相似文献   

印度发展模式解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了印度发展模式的源起、特点与问题。文章强调一味地推崇印度发展模式既不客观,也不全面。因为印度模式与东亚模式(包括中国模式)其实各有优势,并且印度模式到目前为止并未有效解决许多长期存在的痼疾。  相似文献   


Most studies looking at India’s external policies continue to “black-box” the actual process of how Indian foreign policy is made. More specifically, most studies generally overlook how India’s complex domestic polity and bureaucratic apparatus shape India’s foreign policy outlook. Unlike works on India’s security policy which have built from and contributed to broader academic debates, studies on India’s foreign policy have failed to directly engage with concepts and theories developed by the sub-discipline of Foreign Policy Analysis (FPA). Why have these concepts and approaches not been consistently applied to the Indian context? There are various reasons for this, ranging from these disciplines’ excessive reliance on Western case studies, or the lack of interest in mainstream International Relations scholarship by South Asianists (in contrast to disciplines such as economics, political theory, and developmental studies, all of which have benefited from the Indian experience). This special issue is a step towards bridging this gap and to encourage a greater dialogue between FPA and the systematic study of Indian foreign policy. Through the careful analysis of specific case studies, the different papers offer a conceptually grounded and empirically innovative reading of India’s foreign policy across time, space, and themes.  相似文献   

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