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"电子警察"执法在道路交通管理中的广泛应用,有效提高了道路交通管理的效率,缓解了我国警力缺乏的压力,规范了交通秩序,提高了交通通行率。但"电子警察"在执法过程中由于系统本身存在缺陷,法制不健全等原因,导致执法中出现了侵犯公民权利的现象。应当建立完善的"电子警察"系统,制定具体的"电子警察"执法操作标准,以完善"电子警察"执法,保障公民合法权利。  相似文献   

正深圳交警全国率先试点"刷脸"执法【本刊讯】4月23日起正式在全国率先试点"刷脸"执法。通过40套具备人脸识别功能的电子警察,深圳交警将对特殊行业人群闯红灯、非机动车走机动车道和"失驾"交通违法行为开展"刷脸"执法。此次深圳交警试点推出的首批"刷脸"执法设备,在全市共建设40套。其中包括10套路口行人、机动车闯红灯人脸识别电子警察执法设置,10套非机动车走机动车道人脸识别电子警察执法设备,以及20套高清卡口人脸识别电子警察执法设备。  相似文献   

随着电子警察在道路交通管理中的大量应用,许多问题和矛盾也渐渐出现,本文通过对电子警察执法模式的探讨,分析道路交通上电子警察执法的现状,总结电子警察执法中存在的问题,提出完善电子警察执法模式的对策和建议,以改善交通管理非现场执法。  相似文献   

论“电子警察”取证的合法性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程滔  姜薇 《证据科学》2010,18(3):351-358
电子警察是道路交通管理部门用以获取道路交通违法行为信息,获取违法证据的交通技术监控设备。在目前电子警察广泛运用的同时,电子警察记录、固定违法行为证据是否具有合法性.尚没有形成广泛的共识。本文首先分析了电子警察取证的特征、与交通警察取证的区别,以及交通警察取证的本质;其次。论证了电子警察的法律地位,提出电子警察是交通管理部门设置、代表交通管理部门、代替交通警察记录、固定交通违法行为证据的拟制人的观点;最后从电子警察取证的法律依据、取证的形式、取证的种类以及程序方面论述了电子警察取证的合法性。  相似文献   

张克杰 《法制与社会》2010,(31):163-163
电子警察在维护交通秩序,保障交通安全中发挥着不可或缺的作用。但是,电子警察执法的合法性却一直争议不断。本文围绕电子警察执法的合法性存在的问题展开论述,对期对完善电子警察在执法中存在的问题和进一步规范交通管理部门的执法行为有所助益。  相似文献   

<正>杭州海康威视数字技术股份有限公司700万电子警察系统浙江大华技术股份有限公司易"系列卡口电警一体机苏州科达科技股份有限公司微光电警杭州中威电子股份有限公司路口多功能违法自动检测及记录系统深圳市盛视科技有限公司多功能电子警察系统  相似文献   

“电子警察”执法在道路交通管理中的广泛应用,有效提高了道路交通管理的效率,缓解了我国警力缺乏的压力,规范了交通秩序,提高了交通通行率。但“电子警察”在执法过程中由于系统本身存在缺陷,法制不健全等原因,导致执法中出现了侵犯公民权利的现象。应当建立完善的“电子警察”系统,制定具体的“电子警察”执法操作标准,以完善“电子警察”执法,保障公民合法权利。  相似文献   

由南京邮电学院南邮信息技术服务中心自行研制开发并申请自主知识产权的新一代“智能化电子警察——无线传输电子警察”,即将在南京正式上岗,并逐步在全省推广。据介绍,新一代“电子警察”将彻底改变过去“电子警察”需人工换取胶卷或通过有限光纤等传输方式带来的烦琐。它通过高科技手段在计算机里安装上系统程序,并通过先进的网络系统连接,  相似文献   

赵历 《中国司法》2012,(6):109-110
一、高速公路“电子警察”执法运行模式 “电子警察”执法模式,是指公安交通管理部门利用拍录、监测等交通技术设备收集视听资料及电子数据,对道路交通违法行为现场取证固定,并于事后告知违法行为人依法接受处罚的一种执法手段,是公安科技发展到一定阶段的产物。“电子警察”不能代替警察的执法工作,  相似文献   

马建红 《方圆》2021,(7):77-77
近日,广东省某地的第三批“电子警察”正在登场,它们将在2021年4月10日起正式上岗,对路面实行24小时执法,抓拍各类交通违法行为。今年两会期间,也有代表委员们的提案和建议,对“电子警察”问题进行关注,很多建议可以说是非常有见地。比如,全国人大代表、重庆索通律师事务所律师韩德云提出了要“防止滥设滥用‘电子警察’,清理不合理的‘电子抓拍’”的建议。  相似文献   

潘荣坤 《政法学刊》2009,26(2):114-118
交通协管员作为一种对交通警察管理公共交通事务的辅助力量,在当前国内现实的车路矛盾、人路矛盾、人车矛盾凸显的情况下,有着积极的作用和意义。在公共管理理论中的治理理论视野下,尤其是在公共治理与多中心治理理论的角度探析交通协管员,把国内交通协管员的实践看作是一种公共治理理论和多中心治理理论的较为典型的实践形式,提出交通协管员发展的多元化发展,综合化发展,法治化发展和组织化发展的方向和趋势。  相似文献   

This paper aims to provide a comparative overview and evaluation of various legal frameworks for electronic communications security in light of the recent developments in the electronic communications sector. The article also includes an insight on European Union and Turkish legal environment for data protection security in electronic communications sector.  相似文献   

The advancement of information and communications technology often results in early adoption, followed by concern over a digital divide, followed by mass adoption and then, inevitably, abuse and misuse of that platform. The most recent of these technologies is social networking services. The early adopters used Friendster and MySpace, and the masses now use Facebook and Twitter. The abuse of people on these platforms was called Cyberbullying in the case of the first two in the 2000s, and Internet trolling in the case of the second two in the 2010s. This paper reviews the legislation enacted in the UK parliament between 1981 and 2012 to deal with these offences, called ‘flame trolling’, for those based on transgress humour, or electronic message faults more generally. The paper presents a framework that includes a ‘Trolling Magnitude Scale’ based on established trolling culture, in order to link the legislative offences to the severities of those faults, as well as to the ability of specific Internet users to tolerate them or otherwise. The paper concludes that by using this framework law enforcement agencies such as the police can apply the laws more fairly and proportionally to protect free speech and at the same time be tough on the causes of electronic message faults in the form of Internet abuse and data misuse.  相似文献   

From 1995 on all new vehicles sold in Germany must be fitted with an electronic immobiliser. This measure was part of a comprehensive police plan which, adopted in 1994, reacted to the unprecedented increase in vehicle theft after German re-unification and the breakdown of the former USSR. Whilst international research has already shown that electronic immobilisation is an effective tool to reduce vehicle thefts, comparable studies for Germany have not existed. Based on the situational crime prevention approach, this study indicates that the substantial vehicle theft reductions recorded over the last 15 years in Germany can be explained in particular by the introduction of electronic immobilisers as a ‘target hardening’ mechanism. It will be shown that immobilisers not only effectively obstruct opportunistic vehicle thieves, but also increase the efforts of professional vehicle trafficking groups. Since an external impact evaluation has never been planned for this measure, the study followed a mixed methods approach in using available police data as well as complementary interviews with key experts.  相似文献   

The victim, a 63-year-old prosperous businessman from Labasa, of the Northern Island (Vanua Levu) of Fiji Islands, was found completely decapitated in the early hours of morning in 2004. Initial police investigation did not reveal any history of any medical or family calamity. Further inquiry by the police revealed that on the previous day the deceased had visited all his friends and relatives, and his behavior was not out of the ordinary. The police suspected it to be a case of homicide. On visit to the scene, a completely decapitated body was found in a van on a downhill road. Tire marks were found on the road. A nylon rope was used for ligature strangulation. At autopsy, the decapitation wound of the head and the torso articulated well. The face was congested, and there was tongue bite. Wound margins were clear-cut, with well-demarcated abrasion and multiple imprints of the nylon rope on the neck. The upper one third of the larynx was attached to the head. No other injuries were found on the body. From the findings, it was obvious that asphyxiation was involved in the death before decapitation.  相似文献   

罗枫 《犯罪研究》2008,(4):17-24
孙子曰:“兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。”。和平时期,国家安危,公安系于一半。维护稳定、惩治犯罪、控制治安,如同用兵打仗,必须斗智斗勇。当前,上海社会治安总体保持稳定,但治安形势仍然较为严峻,影响社会和谐稳定的因素还大量存在。而公安民警占人口总量的比例已高于全国平均水平,警力增长空间有限。上海公安工作要实现可持续发展,就必须走内涵式、集约化的发展道路,即更加注重警力使用的成本和效益,更加注重公安谋略的研究和运用,更加注重提高广大民警尤其是各级领导干部的战略战术水平,在科学用警、高效用警、出奇制胜、以智取胜上动脑筋、下功夫,切实提高民警的谋略水平和应变能力。本文借鉴“孙子兵法”的基本原理,就如何运用谋略加强新形势下的社会治安管理作了一些理论探索,供大家参考。  相似文献   

This article offers a critical examination of the court judgements in a recent Belgian case against Yahoo!. It examines the challenges related to the establishment of jurisdiction for Internet-based services and the role that procedures of mutual legal assistance should play. Belgian law obliges providers of “electronic communications services/electronic communications networks” to cooperate with Belgian law-enforcement authorities and to handle over communication and personal data. Although the terms are derived from the EU Electronic Communications Regulatory Framework, a much broader interpretation to them was finally given by the Belgian Supreme Court. Seemingly this implies that, from now on, a US-based company such as Yahoo! is, at least under Belgian law, under a legal obligation to directly comply with an order issued by Belgian law-enforcement authorities.  相似文献   

张勇刚 《政法学刊》2008,25(5):111-112
实现了计算机辅助交警绘制道路交通事故现场图,以此提高事故现场信息收集及以现场图记录内容的效率和精度。具有基本图形绘制,人体、道路、车辆、痕迹和道路交通设施绘制,标注和文档管理等四大功能。实践表明,该系统在交警部门实际交通事故勘查中具有一定的实用推广价值。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,道路交通管理领域也迎来了自动化执法时代。闯红灯、超速等各类交通技术监控系统的引入将传统街道执法空间改造成一个"全景敞视"规训平台,大幅提升了交通违章查处效率。然而,作为被规训一方的行政相对人并未真正享受到"科技+行政"的发展红利,其根源在于信息技术赋权不均衡导致交通执法"便行不便民",使得"电子警察"饱受诟病。面对非现场执法这一新生事物,司法裁判应跳出传统现场执法的固有逻辑,运用行政过程论对非现场执法行为进行全流程、动态审查,对非现场执法的不同行为阶段采取不同的司法审查方法和审查强度,兼顾行政执法方式革新与行政相对人权益保障的需求,实现工具理性和价值理性的有效融合。  相似文献   

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