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Forensic issues in cases of Diogenes syndrome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Diogenes syndrome is a syndrome described in the clinical literature in elderly individuals characterized by social isolation and extreme squalor. A number of typical features are found in the forensic evaluation of these deaths as the cases usually initiate medicolegal investigations due to the circumstances and the lack of recorded medical histories. Examinations of the death scenes are often difficult as victim's houses are in a state of disrepair, with filth and clutter, and pet dogs may resent the intrusion of strangers. Bodies are often filthy, with parasitic infestations, and are often putrefied due to the social isolation of the deceased and the delay in the finding of the corpse. Bodies may be traumatized from postmortem animal depredation by rodents or pets (eg, cats, dogs), and injuries such as bruises and lacerations may be present from falls associated with terminal illnesses or alcoholism. Blood or putrefactive fluids may be spread throughout the house by pets. Treatable medical conditions are often present in advanced stages, and features of hypothermia may be found. Attending police may suspect robbery due to disarray of the house and homicide due to apparent "bleeding" around the body from purging of putrefactive fluids, injuries from falls, or postmortem animal activity and "blood stains" throughout the house from antemortem injuries and/or fluid spread by animals. Finally, the identification of the deceased may be compromised by decay and/or postmortem animal activity. Thus, in addition to having typical clinical manifestations, such individuals appear to form a distinct subset of forensic cases having characteristic death scene and autopsy features and presenting particular difficulties in postmortem evaluations.  相似文献   

External post-mortem examination and first police assessments are often not consistent with subsequent autopsy results. This is all the more surprising the more serious the injuries found at autopsy are. Such discrepancies result especially from an absence of gross external injuries, as demonstrated by four examples. A 42-year-old, externally uninjured male was found at night time in a helpless condition in the street and died in spite of resuscitation. Autopsy showed severe polytrauma with traumatic brain injury and lesions of the thoracic and abdominal organs. A jump from the third floor was identified as the cause. At dawn, a twenty-year-old male was found dead on the grounds of the adjacent house. Because of the blood-covered head the police assumed a traumatic head injury by strike impact. The external examination revealed only abrasions on the forehead and to a minor extent on the back. At autopsy a midfacial fracture, a trauma of the thorax and abdomen and fractures of the spine and pelvis were detected. Afterwards investigations showed that the man, intoxicated by alcohol, had fallen from the flat roof of a multistoried house. A 77-year-old man was found unconscious on his terrace at day time; a cerebral seizure was assumed. He was transferred to emergency care where he died. The corpse was externally inconspicuous. Autopsy revealed serious traumatic injuries of the brain, thorax, abdomen and pelvis, which could be explained by a fall from the balcony. A 47-year-old homeless person without any external injuries was found dead in a barn. An alcohol intoxication was assumed. At autopsy severe injuries of the brain and cervical spine were found which were the result of a fall from a height of 5 m. Conclusion: On the basis of an external post-mortem examination alone gross blunt force trauma cannot be reliably excluded.  相似文献   

The identification of decomposed corpses found in domestic settings is frequently problematic because comparative material for methods such as forensic odontostomatology, comparative X-ray analysis, or DNA analysis, is not available. In the case presented here, a photograph from an old, expired passport could be used to successfully identify a "domestic setting" corpse in a skull-photo superimposition. In an additional DNA analysis, 13 STR-loci could be amplified from tissue samples taken from the corpse. DNA comparison with the presumed brother of the deceased yielded a probability of 97.09% for siblingship. Y-STR-analysis was, therefore, performed. The results showed that all of the systems for the presumed brother and the corpse conformed, with the exception of the DYS390 locus, in which allele 21 was found for the corpse and allele 22 for the brother. Despite the rapid development of other identification procedures, skull-photo superimpositions remain an important means of identification. Last not least this is due to the increasing ubiquity of personal photo documents in the age of digital photography. The validity of the results from a DNA analysis in an identification process depends largely on the authenticity of the samples available for comparison and the degree to which the DNA from the corpse is preserved. In the case presented by the authors, positive identification of the corpse solely on the basis of the DNA analysis would not have been possible. Numerous constellations can be imagined for decomposed corpses found in domestic settings for which skull-photo superimpositions may be the only possible option for identifying the corpse.  相似文献   

The finding of a mummified body raises many problems, also because of the limits of the medico‐legal investigations in case of mummification. Psychological autopsy and behavioral analysis have demonstrated a significant impact in case of equivocal death. The mummified corpse of a woman was found sealed in a wardrobe during the death investigation of a 36‐year‐old man, later discovered to be the woman's son. The woman's corpse was well preserved and no external injuries were found. Autopsy could not ascertain the cause of death. The state of the premises and the writings on the walls offered an opportunity to investigate the man's psychological profile and to better understand how the events might have taken place. The role of an accurate investigative analysis of the crime scene is a cornerstone of forensic pathology and the case presented underlies the importance of an interdisciplinary approach in forensic sciences.  相似文献   

A forensic genotyping panel of 11 tetranucleotide STR loci from the domestic cat was characterized and evaluated for genetic individualization of cat tissues. We first examined 49 candidate STR loci and their frequency assessment in domestic cat populations. The STR loci (3-4 base pair repeat motifs), mapped in the cat genome relative to 579 coding loci and 255 STR loci, are well distributed across the 18 feline autosomes. All loci exhibit Mendelian inheritance in a multi-generation pedigree. Eleven loci that were unlinked and were highly heterozygous in cat breeds were selected for a forensic panel. Heterozygosity values obtained for the independent loci, ranged from 0.60-0.82, while the average cat breed heterozygosity obtained for the 11 locus panel was 0.71 (range of 0.57-0.83). A small sample set of outbred domestic cats displayed a heterozygosity of 0.86 for the 11 locus panel. The power of discrimination of the panel is moderate to high in the cat breeds examined, with an average P(m) of 3.7E-06. The panel shows good potential for genetic individualization within outbred domestic cats with a P(m) of 5.31E-08. A multiplex protocol, designed for the co-amplification of the 11 loci and a gender-identifying locus, is species specific and robust, generating a product profile with as little as 0.125 nanograms of genomic DNA.  相似文献   

Assessing injuries in forensic medicine casework, examiners are often confronted with the question of self-infliction versus third parties' influence, respectively, deliberate self-harm versus maltreatment. We report the case of a 40-year-old male who presented with numerous partially healed thermal injuries of different age. These burns were shaped like capital letters and little circles, which were arranged in lines in a regular form. The lesions were found on the whole body with exclusion of face, genitals, hands and feet. Furthermore, four bitemarks at the right shoulder were noted. Investigations revealed that the man had been abused by his 25-year-old wife (presumably a borderline personality disorder patient) for at least 1 year. In addition to another series of abuses, the woman may have inflicted the shaped burns with a hot glue gun as punishment for breaking certain "rules" she had established. When assessing injuries of patients in forensic medicine, several considerations regarding etiology have to be taken into account. In principle, the victim's testimony, the anamnesis, the police investigation results and the findings from the forensic physical examination have to be balanced against each other. The injury pattern in the present case showed contradictory single characteristics both of deliberate self-harm and of maltreatment. After forensic analysis, it was assessed as injuries inflicted by an assistant with the patient's consent.  相似文献   

在法医学尸体勘验过程中,仔细分析研判尸体及现场的各个细节,确定哪些细节是关键"依据",对案件的性质分析和现场重建具有举足轻重的作用。结合案例初步探讨关键细节的抓取思路和方法,以期抛砖引玉,对法医工作有所裨益。  相似文献   

限制性体位窒息是一种特殊类型的窒息,其死亡机理、过程复杂,体表损伤轻微,尸体表现缺乏特异性,鉴定难度大,目前还没有一个客观、准确、公认的鉴定标准,通过文献复习总结有关体位性窒息的研究成果,结合窒息死亡的组织病理改变和鉴定实践,提出限制性体位窒息的检验鉴定要点,在确定有长时间限定在某一影响呼吸的体位,且自己不能解脱;有明显的窒息尸体征象;排除损伤、疾病致死;常见毒物检测阴性;膈肌Fn免疫荧光检测阳性或透射电镜检查证明有膈肌损伤的可以诊断。如果合并有损伤或疾病,还应该有肺SP-A检查阳性或HIF1-α免疫组化染色核阳性表达。某些特定部位的损伤检查有助于分析体位关系。  相似文献   

On the one hand the following case demonstrates the problems of finding a dead body in the bathroom and on the other hand the importance of postmortem x-ray examinations. The corpse of an 65-year-old woman was discovered in her bath tub. At the body's feet there was a hair dryer. Investigations concerning murder were negative, circumstances appeared to be unsuspicious. That was why a postmortem examination was not performed. -4 years later murder had to be considered. After manual strangling the deceased and the hair dryer were layed into the bath tub. The corpse was exhumed and taken to a forensic autopsy. It was found that the hyoid bone and the superior horn of the thyroid cartilage were both fractured on the right. Damages caused by the preparation itself were excluded by using serial roentgenographs. These observations in combination with histological findings and the results of further investigations convincingly supported the suspicion of strangling by hand.  相似文献   

目的以真实案例为基础,研究汽车碰撞事故中,不同机动车车型、不同交通方式等因素造成车外人员撞击伤的特征。方法选取上海地区发生的汽车与车外人员碰撞事故案例200例,通过对事故中的人、车等检验对比,分析车外人员撞击伤的特点。结果车外人员撞击伤主要出现在下肢,其次为胸部和头部;行人(含推车人)撞击伤出现频次与骑车人(含自行车或摩托车后座乘员)无明显差异;小轿车和小客车事故中撞击伤多见于下肢,大客车多见于胸部;车外人员被撞击后发生抛甩频率随车速的加大而增高,且通过车体痕迹检验,人体与车辆挡风玻璃发生(二次)撞击伤匹配程度最高。结论分析汽车与车外人员碰撞事故人体撞击伤特点,对于交通伤法医学鉴定及深化交通伤机制研究具有参考价值。  相似文献   

An elliptical incised wound of the breast misinterpreted as a bite injury   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bite injuries upon homicide victims are most often initially identified by the forensic pathologist during the course of the autopsy examination. Following such recognition, the injury or photographs of the traumatized site are then referred to a forensic odontologist for his or her examination, further characterization, and subsequent comparison with any suspect's dentition. However, if the pathologist misidentifies an injury caused by another mechanism as a human bite, this mistake can potentially be perpetuated by the dental consultant, since relatively few dentists regularly examine traumatic injuries other than those arising from bites. To illustrate such an event, a case is presented involving an incised wound of the breast, which was originally identified as an avulsive bite wound. Detailed examination by two odontologic consultants confirmed the wound as having been caused by human teeth, and further, they related the "bite injury" to a specific individual. The bite injury interpretation represented the only scientific evidence implicating the suspect at a subsequent trial for capital murder. Later examination of the tissues and photographs by a forensic pathologist and another dental consultant revealed that the injury was not due to human dentition, but rather resulted from a sharp-edged instrument. These consultants conducted a unique experiment to reduplicate the injury and prove its causation. This information was presented to the jury during the suspect's trial and resulted in his acquittal on all charges.  相似文献   

白英杰  张海东 《证据科学》2011,19(5):625-631
法医学实践中,判断是否为“生前溺死”是法医学尸检及鉴定工作中的一个重点和难点,目前尚无能明确诊断溺死的生物学和法庭化学指标。在溺死案件的诊断中,浮游生物检验是常见的方法。尽管目前还存在一些争议,但国内法医工作者认为,器官组织中浮游生物的存在仍然是判断生前溺死的重要证据之一。本文就国内外有关浮游生物的检验方法、检验标准及...  相似文献   

Whenever foul play is suspected in a death, the forensic pathologist is required to examine the corpse where it is found. In the case described here, the unusual location of the corpse initially led investigators to suspect a crime was involved. A thorough examination of the site and the autopsy results ultimately pointed to a not-violent manner of death, although the advanced state of decomposition made it impossible to determine the exact cause of death. The fact that the victim crawled into a fox's den to die can be interpreted as a primitive reaction in a case of death due to hypothermia. Criminological aspects of the case are also discussed.  相似文献   

Sharp force injuries and drowning are methods exceptionally combined in complex suicides. We report a challenging case of complex suicide by self‐stabbing and drowning that illustrates the difficulty in discriminating between homicide and suicide in such circumstances of death. The corpse of a young man was found submerged in a river, stabbed nine times with two wounds that had penetrated the thorax and had caused lung injuries and a hemopneumothorax. The postmortem and histological examinations were consistent with a death caused by drowning, but the manner of death still remained undetermined. Police investigation finally concluded to a suicide, although no suicide note had been left and the victim had no underlying diagnosed mental disorder. The parameters that may help distinguish suicide from homicide at the autopsy should be interpreted in light of a thorough forensic investigation to determine the exact manner of death in such a case.  相似文献   

因鉴定体制特点,公安法医除参与尸体有关的现场勘查工作外,还需进行尸体检验工作。在此过程中,可能面对很多风险,受伤和中毒等事件时有发生。然而,国内公安法医对新冠肺炎等传染病流行期间死亡的尸体如何甄别进行尸体检验鉴定,对现场勘查及尸体检验工作的防护只有少量规定,且内容不够详尽。本文对法医在现场勘查中遇到的尸体及尸体检验中实验室建设、职业现状、风险评估及防范措施等进行了论述。最后,建议出台相关的制度规定等具体约束规范措施,以保障公安法医现场勘查及尸体检验工作的顺利进行,以解除基层鉴定机构和鉴定人的后顾之忧。  相似文献   

We developed a simple method for animal species identification of humans, dogs and cats, using a multiplex single-base primer extension reaction in the cytochrome b gene. Using this method, three points of a single nucleotide in the cytochrome b gene were examined in these species using primers of different lengths. Our method was found to be able to successfully identify humans (26 samples), dogs (21 samples) and cats (9 samples), and no differences were found among the samples from each animal species in this study. The amount of template DNA required was over 0.01 ng for humans and dogs, and over 0.1 ng for cats. The present method was able to identify animal species from hair shaft (2 cm) and forensic casework samples (blood stains and hair shafts), and is thus a useful tool for animal species (human, dog and cat) identification in forensic science.  相似文献   

Sexual violence is a global problem that particularly affects women and children. A retrospective analysis of 390 clinical-forensic examinations and 120 autopsies regarding injuries of the female genitalia in cases of sexual violence was performed. In the majority of cases no injuries of the female genitalia were found. Autopsy cases showed significantly more (and more serious) injuries of the genitalia than clinical forensic examinations (43 % vs. 25 %; p = 0.0004). Predominantly found were injuries of the external anogenital area, mostly tears or soft tissue lesions. In the current literature, data regarding the rate of injuries in victims of sexual violence vary strongly and their comparability is limited. Regarding the reconstruction of an offence, a forensic examination with an appropriate documentation of the injuries is evidently crucial.  相似文献   

There are several similarities found in blunt trauma injuries to humans sustained as a result of vertical deceleration (falling) and those sustained as a result of deceleration in a horizontal plane (automobile accidents). However, examination of the patterns of traumatic skeletal injuries can distinguish those injuries associated with falling from heights from those associated with automobile accidents. While there is considerable variation within each type of blunt trauma injury dependent on the angle at which one falls or is struck, there are several characteristic skeletal features associated with each type of trauma. In this study we review both the current literature and human skeletal remains from the University of New Mexico's Documented Collection known to have been subjected to blunt trauma. This collection is used to characterize and differentiate the pattern of skeletal injuries to various parts of the body for each type of trauma. These assessments are applied to investigate the traumatic skeletal lesions observed in a forensic case where the manner of death is unknown. Analyses suggest two possible scenarios that would explain the death of the individual investigated, with death most likely related to a vehicular-pedestrian accident.  相似文献   

159例家庭暴力损伤的法医学鉴定分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 探讨家庭暴力损伤的特点及其有关的法医学鉴定问题。方法 对 1 998年 4月~ 1 999年 1 2月间来诊的 1 59例家庭暴力损伤鉴定案件进行回顾研究。结果 家庭暴力的受害者绝大多数为妇女(占 93 1 % ) ,主要发生在配偶间 ( 85 5% ) ,其次为虐老 ( 7 5% )和虐儿 ( 5% )。家庭暴力一般发生在家中 ,以晚上为发生高峰。致伤方式以拳脚为主 ,其次为随手可得的钝器或锐器。损伤多为软组织损伤 ;有4 0 %的受害人投诉前未去医院就诊 ;损伤程度多为轻微伤 ,达轻伤标准占 1 0 %。结论 家庭暴力损伤具有隐藏性和复杂性 ,准确及时地进行法医学鉴定可为受害人主张权利提供有力的证据和帮助 ,对揭露家庭犯罪有着重要意义  相似文献   

Given the potential significance of mutilation of the external genitalia in medicolegal fatalities, a review of the literature was undertaken to identify subcategories. Such mutilations may have been sustained sometime before death, around the time of death, or after death. The most common type of ante mortem genital mutilations involves cultural practices such as male circumcision. Less common male mutilations such as subincisions are tribally based. Female genital mutilation is found particularly in African, Middle Eastern, or Asian populations. Self‐inflicted genital injuries are most common in males and may be related to attempts at suicide, or to self‐harming practices. The latter have a strong association with psychiatric illnesses. Postmortem injuries may arise from animal predation or deliberate mutilation of a corpse. The latter may be associated with ante mortem genital injuries in sadistic homicides. The range of possible causes of genital mutilations in forensic cases necessitates extremely careful evaluation.  相似文献   

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