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Basal subarachnoid hemorrhage due to rupture of normal extra- and intracranial arteries, in association with minor trauma to the face and neck and alcohol intoxication, has been well described but often goes unrecognized at autopsy. This results in the incorrect classification of the manner of death as natural. Six cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage due to mild-to-moderate blows to the head or neck are presented. All were men in the age range 28-61 years (mean, 38.8 years). Four had blood alcohol levels of 0.09-0.28 g % at autopsy, and five of six were comatose or dead within 30 min of the initiating trauma. Traumatic ruptures of otherwise normal extra- and intracranial arteries were identified in four cases. The site of rupture was not found in one case, and the final case had rupture of a fibrotic intracranial vertebral artery. Multiple sites of incomplete and complete rupture were found in four cases. Postmortem angiography was used in one case to demonstrate the site of rupture prior to removal of the brain. Postmortem angiography and careful gross and histologic examination of extra- and intracranial cerebral arteries is recommended in all cases of basal subarachnoid hemorrhage where minor trauma to the head or neck has occurred prior to collapse or death, especially if the decedent was intoxicated at the time of the trauma.  相似文献   

Two cases of traumatic rupture of the basilar artery are reported. In the first case, severe basal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) due to a complete transverse tear of the basilar artery was observed in a 53-year-old restrained male driver who was involved in a head-on collision while intoxicated and drowsy. He lost consciousness shortly after the accident and was admitted to hospital in cardiopulmonary arrest. Intensive resuscitative therapies produced cardiac response, but he died 50 minutes after the accident. The ethanol concentration in his blood and urine was 0.35 and 0.55 mg/ml, respectively. In the second case, SAH due to a similar tear of the basilar artery was observed in a 47-year-old man who received several fist blows to the face while intoxicated. He suddenly lost consciousness after the final blow and was admitted to hospital in cardiopulmonary arrest. Intensive resuscitative therapies produced cardiac response, but he died 6 hours after the event. In these cases, the mechanism of the traumatic rupture of the basilar artery is thought to be overstretching due to hyperextension of the head, and intoxication, drowsiness, or both may have interfered with the decedents' ability to protect themselves; thus, the hyperextension of the head may have been rather forceful.  相似文献   

We report a case of subarachnoid hemorrhage at the skull base with possible rupture of a vertebral artery, and we present a new method to investigate rupture of this artery. In this method, the brain stem and cerebrum are divided with ligation of the internal carotid artery and basilar artery, and milk is injected from the original part of the vessel to find the rupture. We show that this method is particularly useful for cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage at the skull base in which there may be rupture of a vertebral artery.  相似文献   

头颈外伤致椎动脉破裂伴颅底蛛网膜下腔出血1例尸检分析易旭夫,刘敏,吴家Subarachnoidhaemorrhageduetoruptureofthevertebralarteryassociatedwithheadtrauma:reportofon...  相似文献   

The vertebral artery was investigated in suicidal hanging for specific forensic, but also general traumatological reasons. The objective was to establish the extent to which the vertebral artery in its relatively protected position is injured at all and if so, in what form. For this purpose, cervical spine preparations with the posterior space of the skull were fixed in formalin and detached in the sagittal plane in 36 unselected cases of suicidal hanging after angiographic visualization of the vertebral artery. Afterwards, both vertebral arteries were visualized, and vascular injuries were compared with injuries of the soft tissues of the neck, of the cervical spine, and of the external types of hanging. The vertebral artery was shown to be injured quite frequently (rupture, intimal tear, sub-intimal hemorrhage), namely in one quarter of all cases, and indeed in more than half taking into account the perivascular bleeding. In this way, frequencies were found which were far in excess of those of the common carotid artery. The different mechanical behavior of these two paired neck arteries in traction are dealt with and the form of injury explained.  相似文献   

The case is presented of a 19-year-old man who was assaulted and died shortly afterward from a large traumatic basal subarachnoid hemorrhage (TBSAH) that arose from rupture of the left vertebral artery, proximal to the point at which the artery penetrated the dura. The literature regarding TBSAH and vertebral artery rupture is reviewed, and a number of points are highlighted: patients with TBSAH may remain conscious for a period of hours after injury, subcutaneous or muscular bruising may be contralateral to the ruptured vessel, fractures of the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae and significant pathology of the vertebral artery are not typically associated with TBSAH, and rupture of the vertebral artery may be intracranial, junctional, or extracranial.  相似文献   

A case is reported where a 20-year-old alcohol-intoxicated man was admitted to the hospital after a minor head injury. Initially there was no neurologic disturbances or complaints but after a few hours he became comatose, and he died 4 days later without regaining consciousness. The autopsy revealed no lesions of the upper cervical spine or the vertebral arteries, but the basilar artery was occluded in its entire length. No traumatic lesions could be seen by naked eye examination of the artery, and there was no accompanying subarachnoid haemorrhage. A thorough microscopic examination, however, using step-sectioning technique revealed a significant incomplete arterial rupture with an occluding luminal thrombosis superimposed, consisting predominantly of aggregated platelets. Only the very thin adventitia separated the vascular lumen from the subarachnoid space preventing the more well known fatal complication to a minor head injury: A subarachnoid haemorrhage. To the best of our knowledge, fatal thrombosis of the basilar artery due to a minor head injury has not previously been reported. The pathogenetic mechanism seems to be identical to that underlying fatal subarachnoid haemorrhage following a similar trauma apart from the resulting arterial rupture being incomplete instead of complete.  相似文献   

The case of an 47-year-old man is reported, who was injured in a fight while under the influence of alcohol. The culprit knocked him down and stamped several times on the left side of his head. The victim became unconscious. At the hospital, subarachnoid hemorrhage and massive ventricular bleeding was diagnosed via CT. Despite the implantation of a ventricular shunt, there was repeated massive cerebral pressure and arterial bleeding. Brain death occurred after 8 days. The main finding at autopsy was nearly complete disruption of the left inferior posterior cerebellar artery as the source of the lethal bleeding. The histological examination showed some additional, incomplete ruptures of this vessel and of the left intracranial vertebral artery. This is a typical result of "minor head injuries" sustained in fights: arterial rupture (ipsilateral) as a result of overstretching. Fracture of the left zygomatic arch and maxilla; no skull fracture; no primary traumatic brain damage. The extracranial carotid arteries were intact. When the vertebral arteries were examined (in the undamaged cervical spine), there was a surprising finding: distant dissection of the right vertebral artery between C1 and C2, which perhaps occurred as a result of compression (contralateral to the impact) of this region.  相似文献   

Fourteen cases of traumatic basal subarachnoid hemorrhages, examined in the years 1980-1988, were presented. Bleeding was connected with the fracture of the transverse process of the atlas in eleven cases and with atlanto-occipital dislocation in three. The source of hemorrhage--vertebral artery rupture--was determined only four times. In nine cases (63%) atlases showed various developmental malformations (posterior ponticle and foramen arcuale, epitransverse process, incomplete ossification of the transverse process). The results were related to the literature of the subject. Special attention was paid to the mechanism of the rupture of the vertebral arteries in which developmental disorders and pathological conditions may play an important role.  相似文献   

When a normally natural mechanism of death is induced by physical injury or intense emotional stress, it is appropriate to rule the manner of death as something other than natural. When the case-specific circumstances are such that the death occurs as a result of the criminal activity of another person, it is acceptable to rule such deaths as homicides. Presented herein is a case of homicidal cerebral artery aneurysm rupture occuring in an intoxicated, 46-year-old man who was punched in the face by another individual. The details of the case are presented, followed by a discussion of the controversies that exist when dealing with such cases. Guidelines for investigating similar deaths are presented, with emphasis on the timing of the trauma in relation to onset of symptoms due to aneurysm rupture.  相似文献   

A dissecting intramural haematoma of the coronary artery is an infrequent cause of sudden and unexpected death. Most cases are women and in a significant number of these women, the haematoma occurred at term to 80 days postpartum. Because the intimal rupture and communication with the lumen were not found in most of the cases, the site of rupture has been considered to be a vasa vasorum. The authors report on a case of one woman who was at a later postpartum period (106 days). The microscopic finding of the dissected coronary artery revealed two intimal tears in a section. The case showed that the dissecting intramural haematoma of the coronary artery is caused not only by the rupture of the vasa vasorum but also by the rupture of the intima.  相似文献   

Traumatic vertebral artery dissection is not often seen by forensic pathologists, and cases investigated are scarce in the forensic literature. We present the case of a 40-year-old woman cyclist who was struck by a car while wearing a helmet, and was neurologically near normal immediately thereafter at Emergency. She presented 48 h later with acute right hemiparesis, decreasing level of consciousness, and unsteadiness. CT revealed massive cerebellar infarction. CT angiography was normal. The patient died in coma 7 days after injury and autopsy revealed bilateral edematous cerebellar infarction and bilateral vertebral artery dissection. Rotational neck injury and mural tear in the wall of the Atlantic parts of both vertebral arteries is suggested as the possible mechanism of the arterial injury. Head and neck injuries are reported as a precipitating cause of vertebral artery injury. The possible influence of trauma may be further underestimated if longer intervals between vessel dissection and ischemia occur. The current case illustrates that "talk-and-die" syndrome may be due to occult vertebral artery dissection, possibly bilateral. In forensic cases of delayed death after mild trauma to the head and neck, the vertebral arteries should be examined for the cause of death.  相似文献   

In 90 forensic autopsies (Craniocerebral injury, gunshot, stabbing, blow, strangulation, etc.), semithin sections of great arteries were prepared from around 770 Epon blocks and checked for vital reactions at the mural and intimal ruptures. In 21 cases in which death had occurred immediately or soon after the trauma, with three exceptions, there was a subsequent electron microscopic investigation. In all six mural ruptures and in five of ten intimal ruptures, thrombocyte aggregates were found at the rupture margins. In five intimal ruptures, the possibility of the occurrence of preparations injuries had to be considered. In five cases, the results of the histological study were negative. The success rate is limited in principle in such a screening test since there are technical difficulties in preparing serial sections on long vessels. Death was rapid and the thrombocytes were observed to adhere to the injured wall sites immediately after the trauma. The "thrombocyte sign" is thus of substantial importance as the earliest local vital reaction. In two control cases (strangulation), thrombocyte aggregates were found at intimal ruptures of the basilar artery, which were regarded as the results of stretching via the vertebral arteries during attacks to the neck. The healing processes of intimal ruptures and traumatic medial necrosis in incomplete ruptures occurring later in life are discussed. Even if a cadaver is a few days old, the histological findings at the level of the thrombocytes can be evaluated.  相似文献   

Three cases of death from splenic artery aneurysm rupture were encountered from 1988 to 1991 at the Philadelphia Medical Examiner's Office. In two cases, cocaine was detected in the blood and was believed to have precipitated the rupture. Toxicologic testing for cocaine should be performed in all cases of splenic artery aneurysm rupture and its presence should be interpreted properly as contributory rather than incidental to death.  相似文献   

We studied the biomechanical behaviour of ring and strip specimens from along the length of 18 vertebral arteries taken from 16 subjects aged 28-90 years, in order to consider some of the factors which may play a role in vertebral artery rupture. The method was chosen to allow a comparison between circumferential distension (ring samples) and longitudinal extension, (strip samples). The samples were extended between the jaws of a tensile testing apparatus until the specimen broke and a number of biomechanical parameters were derived. These were the percentage extension to break, the tensile strength, Young's modulus and the peak load. There were a number of important findings. The vertebral artery was shown to be susceptible to longitudinal stretching with a number of strip samples breaking when extended by as little as 16-20%. The tensile strength and load at peak of the strip specimens were correspondingly lower than for the ring samples. Marked intersubject variations were shown for all these parameters and prominent changes in behaviour occurred along the vertebral artery. This study indicates that the artery may be susceptible to head and neck movements which cause the vessel to stretch, and intersubject variations in behaviour may be one important explanation for the marked differences in outcome which appear to exist in subjects who suffer broadly similar head and neck insults.  相似文献   

Spontaneous subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) in children is uncommon, but is sometimes seen after rupture of aneurysms, and in different disorders. Traumatic SAH is common after serious accidental head injury, but is also reported after child abuse with vigorous shaking. To avoid unnecessary accusations of innocent care givers, it is important not to misinterpret the findings as abusive head trauma in small children with SAH. In the presented case, a nearly two-year-old girl was brought to the hospital after a fall witnessed by her father. The girl was unconscious, with elevated intracranial pressure, SAH and bilateral retinal haemorrhage (RH). She was pronounced dead after 9h. Premortem angiography revealed a dissection of the right vertebral artery, and postmortem examination revealed a traumatic lesion deep in the neck, at the base of the skull. Cerebral edema, in combination with SAH and RH, is highly suggestive of abusive head trauma. However, no external lesions, no skeletal lesions, especially no long bone metaphyseal lesions, or subdural haematomas occurring at the same time as SAH, were found. There was no report of previous child abuse in the family. Based on the radiological and postmortem findings, we believe that an accidental fall caused a blunt force trauma with a subsequent dissection of the right vertebral artery. To our knowledge, accidental tear of one of the vertebral arteries, leading to SAH in a toddler, has previously not been described. Child abuse is an important exclusion diagnosis with serious legal implications.  相似文献   

By means of continuous wave doppler the effect of two choke holds (Carotid sleeper, Nami-juji-jime) on the carotid and vertebral arteries was investigated. For both choke holds, which are characterized by pressure on lateral parts of the neck, we found an obstruction up to a complete stop of flow. The degree of obstruction depended on the direction of force. The vertebral artery can be compressed between the subclavian artery and the foramina transversaria, therefore it was most effective to press on the lower neck. Tensing the neck muscles can reduce the effect of choking.  相似文献   

Death from heroin body packing has been well described in the forensic literature. Most fatalities are due to drug leakage and consequent acute heroin toxicity. Recently, drug traffickers have become more sophisticated in their packaging, and the risk of rupture of drug packets is more remote. Though intestinal obstruction is a recognized risk of body packing, rarely has this resulted in death. We describe four cases of heroin body packing presenting to the Regional Medical Examiner Office in New Jersey. Death in three of these cases was due to intestinal obstruction, with resultant intestinal rupture and peritonitis. Toxicologic evaluation in these three cases was negative for opiates or other drugs of abuse. In one case, death was due to acute heroin toxicity, validated by toxicologic analysis. We briefly discuss the differing drug packaging found in these four cases and the ramifications of packaging as it relates to intestinal obstruction.  相似文献   

Two cases of death caused by the use of choke holds are reported; four different types of choke holds used in combative sports were investigated. In experiments on corpses it was found that even relatively little expenditure of strength can impede the passage of fluid not only through the internal carotid artery but also through the vertebral artery, depending on the respective choke hold. Fractures of the larynx cannot be expected as often as after typical throttling. However, a quick loss in defense capacity was found experimentally, and this always occurred within 15 s. Pulse frequency and blood pressure were recorded. Injuries to the neck are minor and may not be typical.  相似文献   

A 28-year-old male car driver was reported to suddenly loose the control over his vehicle, to hit the right and middle crash barrier, and to be unconscious as the car came to a halt in a position at right angles to the road. The car was hit in its left side by an automobile with high velocity, and the 28-year-old driver died. Examination of the brain revealed a massive isolated basal subarachnoid hemorrhage and a complete tearing of the basilar artery. A macroscopically detectable aneurysm was not found. However, histological examination of the large arteries at the base of the brain showed (i) fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) mostly involving the basilar artery (ii) with a ruptured micro-aneurysm in its upper third part. The observations of the eye witnesses that the driver initially lost control over his car were judged in favour of the accused to be due to that rupture of the micro-aneurysm, while complete transverse tearing of the basilar artery occurred during the car crash due to hyperextension and rotation of his neck. Intracranial FMD is a rare cause in the differential diagnosis of isolated basal subarachnoid hemorrhage. The medico-legal implications of this entity are described in the presented case.  相似文献   

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