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刘兰秋 《中国司法》2005,4(8):99-104
2004年5月28日,日本第159次国会公布了《关于陪审员参加刑事审判的法律》(以下简称《陪审员法》)。该法律对地方法院合议庭的组成作出了修改,确立了陪审员制度①。本文拟对引进陪审员制度的背景及制度的内容进行全面介绍,并评价该制度的积极意义和局限性。一、日本引进陪审员制度的背景在日本刑事诉讼历史上,曾于1923年(大正12年)制定了《陪审法》,并于1928年实施。大正《陪审法》所规定的陪审制度是一种陪审团审判制度,适用范围为相当于死刑、无期徒刑之罪的案件,而且被告人享有拒绝接受陪审的权利。在1929年适用陪审审判的案件有143件,但…  相似文献   

关于我国陪审制有关问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陪审制在审判实践中有诸多不尽人意之处 :适用陪审制审理的案件范围过窄、陪审过程的形式化、陪审员遴选的随意化以及管理的非规范化。改革陪审制的具体思路是 :废止现行立法中对适用陪审制的弹性条款 ,尽快制定陪审条例 ;明确界定适用陪审员审理案件的范围 ;规范陪审员的权利、义务以及陪审员的遴选程序 ;加强对陪审员的管理与培训。  相似文献   

杨馨馨 《法学论坛》2016,(6):140-147
调整陪审员参审职权,实行“法律审”与“事实审”的分离,使我国的陪审制度带有英美法系陪审团的色彩;“法官与陪审员共同对事实做出认定”,又保留了大陆法系参审模式的制度因素,成为两大法系的结合体.在对参审职权调整前后审理范围、职责权限、审判模式进行对比的基础上,分析职权调整后存在“共同认定”与“个人负责”、“自主表达观点”与“无独立事实认定权”、“防止误判救济”与“司法改革方向”等实践困惑.为使参审职权在现有制度框架内运行更加科学、合理,建议在明确“法律审”与“事实审”范围界限的基础上,对“法官与陪审员共同进行事实认定”的内涵进行重新解读,借鉴日本“裁判员法”,提出建立相关事宜告知制度、增加陪审员数量、推行简易陪审、陪审更新等制度改进措施,以期解决陪审职权调整后陪审制度在实践运行中的问题.  相似文献   

把陪审定性为司法民主颇值得检讨。双重基本权利属性即获得陪审团审判是被告人的一项基本权利和参与陪审团审判为社会民众的一项基本权利,才是陪审的根本性质。在陪审过程中法官须对陪审员作陪审指示,这使得陪审过程实际上是一种法治教育过程,陪审的法治教育功能由此产生。此等功能是陪审在今日衰而不败的重要原因。重构我国的人民陪审员制度,最重要的是认识到陪审的双重权利属性和陪审指示的法治教育功能,规定陪审的大众化和个案化而非精英化和任期化,同时引进并规范法官陪审指示制度。  相似文献   

人民陪审制度的价值主要体现在确保司法民主,具有监督、制约功能,保障司法公正.但我国现行人民陪审制度存在作用不大、陪审形式化、陪审员产生方式混乱、缺乏陪审规则等缺陷.应进行如下改革:限制人民陪审制度的适用范围,严格人民陪审员的资格,规范人民陪审员产生的程序,确立陪审规则,等等.  相似文献   

调查发现,人民陪审实践中“陪审虚化”依然严重,制度认同效果低下,基本理念错位,陪审员阅卷、意见表达难的问题未实质改观.造成这一困境的原因具多面性,包括规范设置、司法目的、司法任务、陪审文化和合议结构等因素:单一的制度完善或改革难以突破既有问题.因此,应在司法改革总体目标映射下应重新审视制度目的,强化陪审和诉讼的衔接,推动诉讼制度、陪审制度和社会互动三大主题的一体性、本真性改革.  相似文献   

陪审在我国诉讼制度中还有无存在的价值,是目前学界争议颇多的问题。本文从研讨陪审制度功能入手,阐述了陪审制度在我国诉讼中的地位和现实意义,并在此基础上针对我国现行陪审制度的弊端,就我国陪审制度的的完善提出了如下建议:第一,改革陪审员的选任方法和参审程序。第二,保障陪审员的独立性。第三,确定可以陪审案件的种类和范围,赋予当事人程序选择权。  相似文献   

社会转型背景下人民陪审员制度改革路径探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
廖永安 《中国法学》2012,(3):147-159
以陪审员与法官"同职同权同责"为基轴设计的我国人民陪审员制度,脱离了传统城乡二元社会正在转型的现实背景,不可避免地将改革导向"精英化",并难以避免各种异化现象发生。人民陪审员制度改革必须与二元转型社会结构相适应,以陪审员与法官分职分权为基础,构造参审制与陪审制结合、平民陪审与专家陪审共存、常识判断与专业判断并行的陪审制度二元结构体系。在以平民陪审践行司法大众化的同时,也可以以专家陪审补足法官职业化不足的缺失,以有效提升司法的品质。  相似文献   

自<关于完善人民陪审员制度的决定>颁布实施以来,各级人民法院陆续选任了一批人民陪审员,这些陪审员构成了我国审判队伍中一道亮丽的风景线.但长期以来,对于人民陪审员却缺乏科学的考评和监督,因此,法院建立人民陪审员的考核机制,采取年终考核与日常考核相结合,对人民陪审员的思想品德、审判纪律、陪审实绩等情况进行考核势在必行.各级人民法院还应建立陪审员业绩档案,以此作为年终表彰奖励和是否继续提请任命的重要依据,方能使人民陪审员制度建设取得更好的社会效果.  相似文献   

遥野 《特区法坛》2005,(2):15-19
第一,人民陪审制度单独立法问题。人民陪审制度在我国已实行了几十年,但至今尚无一部关于陪审制度的专门法律,体现陪审价值的立法和相关操作程序十分欠缺,导致司法实践中出现一系列问题,如陪审员产生的程序不规范,权利义务无保障,陪审员只陪不审等,从而严重影响了陪审的质量和社会效果。因此,其一,宪法恢复陪审制度。我国1954年宪法第75条确定了人民陪审员制度,1982年宪法又没有规定人民陪审员制度。宪法是国家的根本大法,我国的一切法律制度都源于宪法的规定,  相似文献   

法律英语汉译时应兼顾其语言转换和文化转换,但在具体转换时应采用不同的方法:从译文的可读性要求出发,应发挥译者的创造性和能动性,法律英语汉译中应在语言转换中使用归化方法;从法律英语汉译的目的、功能等角度出发,应在文化转换中使用异化方法,而异化的最终目的是为了实现真正的归化,从而对接受外国法律文化和丰富本土法律文化均不无裨益。  相似文献   

翻译单位与译者的主体性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学翻译过程是一个涉及多种选择的复杂过程,贯穿于翻译全过程的选择集中体现在翻译单位的确立上。本文评介了翻译学界对“翻译单位”命题的研究,肯定了Rado提出的“逻辑素”观点的重要意义,并提出翻译单位的研究和确立体现了译者的主体性,这对于翻译批评和翻译实践都将有重要意义。  相似文献   


The present paper—taking the example of the English translation of the Hungarian Civil Code of 2013—aims to give an overview on the legal and terminology-related challenges and pitfalls that might occur during the process of translating a civil code with civil law traditions into the language of the common law world. An attempt is made to categorise terminology-related conceptual problems and elaborate how the different types of translation methods (functional equivalence, paraphrasing and neologism) could be applied; moreover, how a kind of legal-linguistic checks-and-balances can be achieved through the well-dosed combination, having also the ratio of similarities to differences (SD-ratio or SD-relationship) of legal concepts behind the respective terms in mind. Legal translators must act beyond the role of a simple translator: they must be comparatists, being aware of the legal origin of the relevant concepts and using the methods of comparative private law and translation studies at the same time, since both law and language are system-bound and are heavily influenced by the cultural and social environment. The authors strive to identify the significance of those problems (and possible solutions) from the perspective of how language-related aspects can perform some fine-tuning on the comparative methodology and findings, whether they are barriers only or provide also an opportunity to verify or refute prima facie comparative results. Comparative law—no doubt—supports legal translation, but their relationship is reciprocal: legal-linguistic subjects and problems emerging in the course of legal translation supply valuable feedback and further sources of inspiration.


在民族文学发展过程中,许多国家都出现了自己独特的文学样式。翻译这些为某国或某一文化圈所独具的文学事象时,我们不应牵强地“套用”译文所在国类似的或近似的文学术语,而应另铸新词,从而最大限度地保留原文的异域性和独特性的本色。  相似文献   

中国法律术语外文翻译的精确和统一,是中外法律交流新形势的要求。比较中西相关法律制度的异同,考察国际英文文献对相关概念的使用,本着求同存异、约定俗成的原则,探讨行政诉讼、行政复议、信访,法律、法规、规章,行政行为、行政处罚、行政许可、行政强制、行政裁决,行政主体、行政相对人、行政机关、行政执法人员,行政责任、行政处分、依法治国、依法行政、法治政府等等行政法学关键词的英文翻译,在当前更有重要意义。  相似文献   


The aim of this short essay is to highlight and concisely explore—but not address in depth—some cultural aspects related to legal languages, legal interpretation and legal translation. We would like to consider briefly the following questions: How can elements of legal language, as exemplified by proper names and euphemisms, be connected with cultural (extra-linguistic) factors influencing language units’ formation? How can judicial discourse reflect the culture of a given justice system? How can the legal interpretation affect the degree of legal culture? Are theories of legal interpretation universal or applicable to specific legal cultures? What is the impact of culture on the context of legal translation? How can the cultural background affect the decision to use terms in translation? How does cyberculture impact legal translation?



Certain religious texts are deemed part of legal texts that are characterised by high sensitivity and sacredness. Amongst such religious texts are Islamic legal texts that are replete with Islamic legal terms that designate particular legal concepts peculiar to Islamic legal system and legal culture. However, from the syntactic perspective, Islamic legal texts prove lengthy and condensed, with an extensive use of coordinated, subordinate and relative clauses, which separate the main verb from the subject, and which, of course, carry a heavy load of legal detail. The present paper seeks to examine the syntactic features of Islamic legal texts and the syntactic translation implications involved through studying three Islamic legal Arabic excerpts and their English translations. The paper argues that amongst the syntactic features of Islamic legal texts are nominalisation, participles, modals and complex structures. It also claims that the syntactic translation implications are indeed syntactic features of legal English, which are sentence combining versus sentence break, nominalisation, wh-deletion, passivisation, modals and multiple negations. Moreover, nominalisation, modality and complex structures are features of both Islamic legal texts and legal English, albeit with varying degrees.



With this paper, I suggest a multiperspectivist approach for assessing conceptual legal knowledge with relevance for the translation of legal terms in translation between two or more different legal systems. The basic quest is to present a set of categories and analytical approaches for legal translators to generate (collect) and classify knowledge necessary for their professional conceptual needs. In this paper, I will focus on the translational, juridical, and cognitive basics of such an approach. In order to cope with the broad range of possible translational purposes in different translational situations and choose relevantly between alternative formulations, translators need methods and strategies in order to construct the necessary conceptual knowledge. This presupposes a broad knowledge structured in ways that enable the translator to recognize relevant characteristics of legal systems and relevant differences between different legal systems. Concerning translational theory, the basis is the functional theory of translation as adapted to legal translation, based upon the idea of translation as choice between alternatives and distinguishing between documentary translation, at one end of a scale, and instrumental translation, at the other. This basis and the distinction presuppose relevant knowledge from comparative law. Hence, existing approaches and fundamental tenets concerning comparative law inside and outside of translation are presented. In order for knowledge to be presented in a manageable way with relevance to translators, I work with the approach of concept frames as basic unit of knowledge gathering and categorization. This way of presenting knowledge is embedded more generally in a knowledge communication approach, focusing on knowledge asymmetry. Within this general framework, the multiperspectivist approach combines insights from cultural studies (especially the study of law-as-culture), law as a disciplinary social system, and communicative interaction generating meanings in legal communication, also across national borders.


The process of elaborating EU legislation includes the activity of translation. Drafting and translation cannot be considered separately but are rather two complementary activities whose aim is the quality of legislation. In order to achieve the required quality of legislation, one guiding principle is consistency of terminology. This study examines the particular case of two terms in German that appeared in the EC Treaty: Entscheidung and Beschluss. The inconsistent use of the two terms was the source of interpretative problems, as observed in Case C-370/07 Commission v Council. A comparison of the contested provisions in the EC Treaty and the provisions in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union shows that the terminological inconsistency has been corrected. After the examination of this case, we elaborate on the impact of terminological consistency on interpretation as reflected in requests for preliminary rulings.  相似文献   

法律法规名称英译研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法律法规的名称往往揭示了法律法规所要调整或规范的对象、主要范围或主要内容,故而至关重要,但目前鲜有学者对我国法律法规名称的英译进行探讨。在权威机构颁布的法律法规英译本中,法律法规名称的翻译在术语、语法及句法等方面都存在诸多值得商榷之处。中西方思维、文化及心理上的巨大差异导致了中英文表述上的不同。从翻译目的论的视角观之,法律法规名称的英译需正确选用术语、注重译入语的语法和句法表述习惯,尤其是参照外国法律法规名称的表达方式,方能最终实现我国法律法规英译的目的。  相似文献   

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