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政府信用治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一个完善的社会信用体系包括个人信用、企业信用、政府信用等三个方面,其中政府信用是整个社会信用的基石,个人信用与企业信用的好坏取决于政府信用的好坏,因此,加强信用建设,对政府信用概念做出界定,并分析政府信用缺失的理论与现实原因,提出治理对策,至关重要。  相似文献   

信任危机是最深刻的危机,如何提升政府信用水平,重塑政府公信力是政府和学术界面临的共同问题。在对信用与信任两个概念进行严格区分,并对政府信用内涵进行清晰界定之后,根据以往研究成果,文章提出了公务员素质、政府能力、制度环境及信用文化对地方政府信用影响的四个假设,进而构建了地方政府信用影响机理的概念模型。在对我国116个县级行政区域问卷调查的基础上,运用回归分析和路径分析等方法首次定量考察了公务员素质、政府能力、制度环境及信用文化四个变量对作为公共主体的地方政府的信用水平的影响强度、影响路径。结果表明,制度环境对地方政府信用的影响最强,影响路径最为复杂。信用文化、政府能力、公务员素质对政府信用的影响依次减弱,且公务员素质只能通过政府能力间接影响政府信用。因此,在信用政府建设过程中,需要重点优化地方制度环境并加强信用文化建设,同时也要积极提高政府能力和公务员队伍素质。  相似文献   

政府信用是政府公信力的体现,是一个社会文明程度的一大指标。政府信用在于政府恪守职责,以有限的公共权力谋求公众利益的最大化。转型期我国地方政府信用堪忧,以政府政策、政府意识、政府职能、政府行为方面的信用缺失尤为常见。这与政府缺少现代行政意识、相关法制不够健全和封建传统文化的负面影响有着直接关系,此乃当前政府信用缺失的主要原因。  相似文献   

政府作为社会公共事务的管理者 ,决定了政府信用是社会信用的核心 ,政府信用通过政府行为和政府官员等得以表现并影响社会信用。政府信守“规约”是造就社会信用的基础 ,政府坚持行政信用是维护社会信用的保障 ,行政人员特别是领导干部讲信用是建设社会信用的关键。加强政府信用建设 ,一要加强行政委托人的监管力度 ,二要加快依法治国的步伐 ,三要加强信用责任追究制度的建设 ,四要加快干部考评、选拔、任用的民主化、透明化进程。  相似文献   

政府信用的评价标准、现状及对策探析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
政府信用是社会信用的基础。加强政府信用建设,提高政府公信力,既是社会信用建设的关键,又是提高政府行政能力的重要内容,也是建设公共服务型政府、责任政府和法制政府的必然要求。基于此,本文分析了我国政府信用的现状及原因,提出了政府守信的内涵、评价标准、以及建设信用政府的对策措施。  相似文献   

政府信用文明是政治文明的当然内容。政府信用缺失凸显推进我国政治文明建设的重要性。应采取有效措施重构政府信用,促进我国政治文明的进步与发展。  相似文献   

论心理契约在维护政府信用中的功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于法治政府治理路径的不完全性,政府信用缺失仍是政府发展过程中公认的顽疾.心理契约承延了传统契约的民主、平等、合作、诚信题意,融入了情感、需要、期望等个体要素,对政府信用主体有正向激励、增强聚合、稳定心理、自我监督和节约成本功能,故而能够维护、提高政府信用.  相似文献   

陶霞 《学理论》2012,(1):36-37
政府信用是信用的基础和源头,政府信用是社会信用体系建设的关键,因此,政府信用的提高对于提升个人信用和社会信用具有十分重要的意义。要提高政府信用,必须重视政府的信用意识,依照诚信原则,做到依法行政,言出有据、言而有信。同时,要进一步转变政府职能,树立服务意识,规范政府行为。本文旨在对政府信用缺失原因的分析,探析如何改善政府与民众之间的信任关系,提高政府信用水平。  相似文献   

完善的市场经济首先应是一个信用发达的经济。目前社会信用的缺失已较严重的影响了社会经济生活。本文简述了信用的发展过程、作用和信用缺失的主要表现 ,分析了信用缺失的基本原因 ,提出了重构社会信用的对策 ,即既要用信用道德规范等隐性制度加以约束 ,又要用法律法规等成文制度加以制约。  相似文献   

大学生信用档案是我国社会信用体系的重要组成部分。建立大学生信用档案,有利于推动我国社会信用体系的建设和发展,有利于国家助学贷款工作的顺利实施和可持续发展,是建设人力资源强国、加强和改进大学生思想政治教育和管理工作、促进高校自身发展的需要,对大学生自身成长和就业发展也具有重大意义。总结了大学生诚信缺失的表现,分析了大学生信用档案体系建设的现状及存在的问题,提出了加强大学生信用档案体系建设的对策建议。  相似文献   

遵从与变通:煤矿安全监管中的地方行为分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
改革开放以来,在重特大矿难事故频发的同时,地方瞒报等虚假治理现象也非常突出,成为中国煤矿安全监管面临的一个严峻挑战。引入了一个有关地方政府治理选择的模型,集中分析煤矿安全监管中地方官员基于成本-收益原则与中央与地方之间委托-代理关系基础上的行为选择;通过比较地方政府虚假治理和诚实治理的成本和收益,揭示了影响地方政府治理选择的因素及其作用过程。结论表明,在当前的制度背景下,虚假治理很可能在一定程度上、一定范围内成为地方的普遍选择,为此,需要进一步改革和调整中国煤矿安全监管制度,强化国家制度建设。  相似文献   

Dilger  Robert Jay 《Publius》2002,32(1):65-85
This article reports results of nationwide surveys of stateand local government officials conducted in 2000/2001 concerningtheir perspectives on intergovernmental relationships in surfacetransportation. It then compares the survey results with theresults from a 1987 survey on the same topic that was conductedby the U.S. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations.Although there was some variation among the categories of stateand local government officials surveyed, overall, both stateand local government officials report that they are relativelysatisfied with intergovernmental relationships in surface transportationand that those relationships have generally improved since 1987.  相似文献   

This study constructs a typology of innovation from the winning nominations of local government innovation award programs in the US and China, two countries with histories of subnational policy innovation, to reveal what types of policy initiatives local officials believe will improve governance in each country. I argue that improving governance is important as it serves as a main source of modern political legitimacy, regardless of regime type. To analyze if ideas of good governance differ by regime type, I classify local government innovation into six thematic areas, and then examine how each of these are expected to improve governance and thus contribute to political legitimacy. In China, I find that the predominant local innovations are in the area of governance and management, which demonstrate that government officials believe that reforming the democratic governance process will solve governance problems and enhance political legitimacy. In the United States, however, economic, social, cultural, and environmental areas occupied a larger proportion of government innovation, illustrating that local officials pay more attention to enhancing political legitimacy through improving the performance and quality of government services. This analysis shows that ideas of good governance, as revealed by local government innovation awards, differ across these two regime types. Although government officials in both regimes desire improved governance as a way to enhance political legitimacy, what that means in each country differs.  相似文献   

Judicial decisions are one element in the erosion of local government budgetary discretion. For example, litigation concerning constitutional rights forces local government officials to allocate resources toward the rights-based population. While rights-based allocation decisions may narrow the budgetary discretion of public officials, some managers may, paradoxically, be "better-off"—defined as the ability to protect and defend their budgets — when discretion is reduced. This thesis is tested through a case study of jail overcrowding litigation in a county government.  相似文献   

This article explores the attitudes of officials in the upper echelons in Chinese provincial and local government toward the origins of administrative reform. The authors examine the somewhat dichotomous argument that reform imitates the West or is indigenous and contend that both influences are present. Data drawn from a survey of party cadres and government officials show that cultural factors (time in government, overall knowledge of administrative reforms, together with familiarity with the move from a planned system of government to a market economy) and structural variables (upper echelon and familiarity with business management techniques) are correlated with learning from the West. Cadres and officials who spend more time managing outward and those who are familiar with performance assessment do not learn from the West. The theoretical and research implications of these findings—that learning from the West is an important influence on the adoption of administrative reforms in China—are discussed.  相似文献   

中国公共政策制定中的政府俘获主要有国有垄断企业有力影响政府的决策、地方支柱企业绑架地方政府的决策、向政府官员提供非法的个人所得三种表现形式。政府俘获产生的原因包括企业与政府形成利益共同体、以GDP增长为核心的政绩考核体系、政府反腐败不力及廉政建设滞后、各社会群体参与不均衡、政府权力缺乏制约,法治不健全等方面。解决这一问题应从以下几方面采取措施:减少政府对市场经济的干预、保障民众的结社权利,培育公民社会、实现政策制定的公开透明和广泛参与,严惩政府官员腐败行为、加强廉政制度建设,建立以科学发展观为指导的政绩考核体系。  相似文献   

江克忠 《公共管理学报》2011,8(3):44-52,125
行政管理支出具有双重属性:过多的支出不利于经济增长,使地方政府在竞争中处于劣势而不利于官员的晋升,同时有违中央政府的宏观政策目标;但能直接提高地方政府官员个人的福利水平。所以,地方政府及官员对行政管理支出存在两难选择。本文利用我国30个省(自治区、直辖市)1998—2006年的面板数据对财政分权与行政管理支出的关系进行实证研究和稳健性检验。主要结论是:在中国特色财政分权的制度环境下,地方政府在财政支出自由裁量权扩大时,总体效应是加大了行政管理支出的规模。同时,行政人员规模与行政管理支出存在显著的正相关关系。地区经济发展水平、资源禀赋、社会结构等因素对行政管理支出也有显著性的影响。在公共财政体制改革的背景下,其他公共财政支出项目(社会保障支出除外)对行政管理支出存在显著的"挤出"效应。  相似文献   

Nonprofit property tax exemption has become a major policy issue as the collapse of the housing market, the Great Recession, and property tax caps have threatened local tax collections. Consequently, many local governments have sought to obtain payments in lieu of taxes (PILOTs) from charities that are formally exempt from property taxes. Using a 2010 survey of local government officials in Indiana, this article examines whether support for PILOT policies is related to officials’ personal involvement with nonprofits, their views on government–nonprofit relationships, the type of position they hold, the level of economic distress in the county, local political conditions, and local nonprofit wealth. The findings support most of these hypotheses but also show that attitudes toward PILOTs appear to be shaped by somewhat different concerns than attitudes toward services in lieu of taxes (SILOTs).  相似文献   

Can state officials increase local officials’ compliance with an important federal civil rights law with subtle interventions? The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) requires voter registration services at certain government agencies, but many counties fail to comply with the act. Working with officials in two states, the authors conducted field experiments to determine whether two methods commonly used by state officials increase compliance with the NVRA. Findings show that although the effects of the methods on output were sizable relative to recent performance, agency performance remained poor overall, with many offices continuing their history of registering no voters. The authors also discovered that gains in performance were largest for the offices that had performed best in the past. These findings suggest that while subtle interventions by state officials can produce increased compliance, stronger tactics may be needed to secure implementation of this federal law by local government agents.  相似文献   

刘佳  吴建南  马亮 《公共管理学报》2012,(2):11-23,122,123
土地财政是当前政府管理中的热点问题,然而学界对于土地财政的动因和引发根源尚未有一致结论。基于晋升锦标赛理论,采用2003—2008年中国257个地级市政府的非平衡面板数据,从地方政府官员晋升竞争角度出发,分析了官员晋升竞争对土地财政的影响。发现,地方政府官员晋升竞争是引发土地财政的根本原因,且这一发现具有较好稳健性,官员任期与土地财政之间存在显著的倒U型关系,官员晋升竞争对土地财政的影响是因条件而异的,行政首长面对晋升竞争时更倾向于土地财政;相较东中部地区,西部地区官员在面对晋升竞争时更倾向于土地财政。由此得出,缓解土地财政问题的关键在于变革官员晋升模式,创新干部考核评价体系,以及延长和稳定官员任期是未来可能的改革路径。本文的发现对进一步理解我国官员治理模式,以及有效缓解土地财政问题具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

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