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The U.S is expected to withdraw all its combat troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2014. In order to ensure its smooth and timely evacuation and to guarantee stability in the country after the U.S. withdrawal, the United States has taken a series of measures, including pressing for the domestic political reconciliation process in Afghanistan, stepping up efforts to train the Afghan national army and police force, and promoting regional economic cooperation as represented by the "new silk road" program. As 2014 approaches, however,  相似文献   

The paper seeks to analyze the rise of state power in the light of spatial economic shifts and examines the historical context of China's rise and challenges facing it. In world history, only countries that were spatial economic hubs have been able to enjoy prosperity over centuries. China is not yet such a country, despite its persistent efforts. Nor is China likely to become an economic hub in the foreseeable future. China is under mounting pressure from new economic demands posed by shifts in the geo-economic status of the U.S.. The fact that the global economy thrives along coastlines also causes problems for China, a country with a long coastline and a vast hinterland, creating rifts between northern and southern China, central and local governments, and different provinces. All these factors might well hinder China's development in the future.  相似文献   

The U.S. financial crisis is a result of its economic disequilibrium. With the dual deficit of finance and trade that resulted in excessive spending over time, financial crisis was triggered by the disequilibrium in the domestic economy when the U.S. economy's relationship with the outside was interrupted.  相似文献   

The possibility that the U.S. is in decline has renewed concerns over the international strategic situation and the global order. The World Bank' s International Comparison Program (ICP) released data in April 2014 that suggested China' s economy could overtake that of the U.S. as soon as the end of this year (based on purchasing power parity or PPP which takes into account the relative costs of goods and services and inflation rates). Their figures showed that the size of China' s economy was 87% of the U.S.' in 2011-that is 15% bigger than previously estimated. China' s economy is thought to have grown roughly 24% since 2011, while the U.S. economy is expected to have grown less than 8% .2 The possibility that the U.S. economy is in decline has worried both the public and scholars, and has sparked a new round of lively debate on the future of the international strategic situation.  相似文献   

Barack Obama's assumption of U.S. presidency proclaims the end of Bushism. There might be solution of the Middle East issue. a major favorite turn in the The Middle East issue is an important source of global threats such as rampant international terrorism, high oil prices and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and touches the most sensitive nerves of the United States. For stabilizing the situation in the Middle East and ensuring U.S. strategic interests in the region, the Obama administration will extricate itself from Iraq as early as possible to shift its main anti-terrorism battlefield to Afghanistan, possibly abandon the goal of overthrowing the current Iranian regime to have direct official engagement with it, and give more attention and make greater efforts to the resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.  相似文献   

Greater East Asia is expected to be the next theatre for world politics. 1 East Asian cooperation is rapidly developing through the channels of ASEAN Plus Three (APT) and East Asia Summit (EAS), both driven by ASEAN. Southeast Asia is a region of diverse states and cultures that brings together all the major powers of the Asian-Pacific in a myriad of strategic interests. It is thus an open arena with the potential for a variety of strategic game-playing, options, and uncertain outcomes.2 In recent years, China's developing relationship with Southeast Asia has undergone a significant shift as the U.S.' distraction elsewhere and neglect of the region have created opportunities for an increased Chinese diplomatic and economic role in Southeast Asia.3 U.S. analysts are concerned about what may lie behind this shift in China-ASEAN relations, how it may affect American interests in the region and how best to react to the changes. Some have expressed concerns that to avoid becoming distanced from the region the U.S. should pay more attention to Southeast Asia, rather than just watching from a distance. This paper attempts to analyze the possible changes of U.S. policy towards Southeast Asia in the current context of East Asian Cooperation and its implications for China.  相似文献   

Gtreat expectations rest upon the U.S. and China, as the biggest economies in the developed and developing worlds, with regard to tackling challenges in the global economy and building a new world order. The governments have enjoyed a solid cooperation within the framework of G20. A rising China looks forward to an improved economic order and more effective responsiveness to other global challenges, and so will begin to participate in global affairs with a positive and constructive attitude and bear responsibilities commensurate with her status. China has benefited from the existing global economic order, and so will try to be a reviser or a reformer rather than a revolutionist in the world economic system. This article will assess Chinese influence on the global economic order and related U.S. factors from a long-term perspective.  相似文献   

Many Chinese scholars have described China as the world's second biggest power after the U.S.. This is based on two facts. First, China overtook Japan in total economic output measured by GDP in 2010 to become the world's second biggest economy. Some scholars argue that China still lags behind the U.S. in comprehensive national power and in this sense it is also ranked second) The other is that Sino-U.S. relations are frequently described as the rise and fall of big powers, especially when referring to the Asia-Pacific region. It is the latest example of how relations between a rising power and one struggling to maintain its status have been so complex in the long history of international relations. While many people talk about the possibility that China will overtake the U.S. in the future, others talk about a G2.2 If we look closely at global trends and changes to China' s international environment, if we examine what exactly we mean by power status, we will have a much deeper understanding of China' s current power status from which we can build a solid foundation for this country' s foreign strategy and diplomacy.  相似文献   

The war in Afghanistan has been a heavy burden to the United States.Over the past 10 years,the U.S.has spent nearly US$400 billion in Afghanistan,that's an average daily cost of US$100 million.More than 1,800 U.S.soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan and about 15,000 wounded.U.S.large-scale military operations in Afghanistan have achieved little,while their future withdrawal is inevitable. After the U.S.accelerated its withdrawal process from Afghanistan,Pakistan began to play an increasingly important role in bringing stability to Afghanistan and assisting in its reconstruction.Moreover,Pakistan's Afghanistan policy has had a direct impact on Afghan settlements,another important factor which has impacted Pakistan-Afghanistan relations.  相似文献   

With China now the world's second-largest economy,the status and role of China's think tanks have become an increasing concem.On the whole,the international status of China' s think tanks is not commensurate with the country' s current international status.The University of Pennsylvania' s The Global Go To Think Tanks Report published in 2014 said that as of August 2013,China had 426 think tanks,second only to the U.S.with 1,828.But of the top 100 non-U.S.think tanks in the world only 5 are Chinese,and in the 150 most influential global think tanks,only 6 are from China—with the rest mostly from Europe.China' s think tanks lack professionalism and influence.1 This is why China has been pushing to improve its think tanks internationally.In April 2013,President Xi Jinping proposed building a "new think tank with Chinese characteristics".  相似文献   

Power is not a matter of simple strength, but a complicated social relationship. The investigation of the current status and development of U.S. power must be put into a specific world political relationship. At present, the economic base of American power's first face (that of winning conflict) is fading slowly compared to that of the emerging powers. American power's second face (that of limiting alternatives) is currently facing challenges, and the Obama administration is attempting to stabilize or even expand power in this area. Finally, for a long period of time, The third face of power (that of shaping normality) will continue to be dominated by the U.S. and European countries.  相似文献   

The Iraq war is the biggest experimental site of Bushism and the success or failure of the war there has a direct bearing on the spread of Bushism as a strategic model. Hence it is necessary to make a systematic assessment of America's situation in Iraq. The current situation shows that the United has got into an unprecedented strategic haziness. In the security field, U.S. forces have dispatched large number of troops to carry out suppression and won frequent victories,but they are suffering stronger resistances. In the realm of political reconstruction, the democratic process in Iraq is now under in accordance with the prescribed order, but religious contradictions are on the rise, and political structures become more fragile. Over economic reconstruction, the United States has kept increasing input and at the same time appealed to the international community for more assistance. Even though Iraq is faced with difficulties in the reconstruction. Therefore, there is a widening disagreement in America over "whether the U.S. is winning or losing the war in Iraq. "① Based on the major views of experts and scholars from both China and overseas,the author thinks that the following three criteria are important for judging whether the United States has succeeded or failed in pursuing its strategy in Iraq: the feasibility of strategic objectives, balance of objectives and means and adaptability of strategic means. Judged by the above-mentioned criteria, the United States is now landing in a strategic predicament in Iraq.  相似文献   

After the global financial crisis broke out in 2008, major industrial economies became concerned about delndustrlahzation . The important roles that the industrial sector plays in creating jobs and ensuring intemational competitiveness began to be recognized again. The U.S. launched its policy of "re-industrialization" and Brazil published a plan to develop its industrial sector between 2011 and 2014. China's industrial sector has rapidly developed. "Deindustrialization" sparked widespread concern because it is connected with the global distribution of technological capability and the future global economic order. It is noteworthy that the U.S., Brazil and some other major economies partly blamed China for the problems that "deindustrialization" has caused and this has had an increasing effect on China' s relations with these countries. It reflects China' s problem as a new manufacturing power. In this article, the author analyzes those political and economic factors associated with "deindustrialization" and makes some suggestions for the Sino-Brazilian strategic partnership. In this way, the author explores some ideas on establishing a new type of big power relations.  相似文献   

Some Thoughts on "Harmonious Globalization"   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This article argues that "Harmonious Globalization" offers a platform for harmonizing the positive and negative aspects of the current U.S.-led economic globalization that reflects the objective laws of human development. The article attempts to chart the path ahead for the world economy in the context of economic globalization, pervasive poverty/inequality, the resultant worldwide political awakening, the degradation of global ecosystems, and the current turmoil in financial institutions. The global challenge ahead will be three-fold: to bring the excluded 1/3 of the world's population into the open trade system; to encourage emerging markets like China and India to carry on with open policies and to persuade the developed Western nations to adhere to an open trade system and resist the temptations of trade protectionism. Free market access should be offered to those marginalized countries, the so-called "failed or failing states" that have been excluded from and angered by the globalization process. The growth in prosperity of these nations will open up a vast potential market for the world.  相似文献   

India's economy scored remarkable advancement in recent years. The average annual growth rate reached 8%, peaking at 9% in 2007-2008. At this speed, the economic gross of India will surpass that of Japan by 2032, making India the third largest economy just after the United States and China. Meanwhile, India has been building up its military strength. It has an army of 1,300,000 men, the third largest in the world. It not only has deterrent nuclear weapons and a large number of advanced missiles, but also a team of aircraft carriers. Its national defense budget has grown by 30% since 2000. In 2007 this budget reached US$28 billion, an 11% increase from the previous year. The rapid growth of economic and military strengths lays a solid foundation for India's quick rise. However, its genuine rise also has to be backed up by a strong soft power.  相似文献   

The main cause of Bush‘s success in the election and being re-elected President is that the Republicans and its conservatist ideology prevails in America. U.S. presidential election is contention between the candidates in personal capacity, morality, experience, wealth and family as well as contention between the two parties. In 2004 election, Bush is not advantageous to Kerry in personal factors, but in the party itself. The Republicans have obvious advantages to the Democratic Party. The major source of the advantages come from conservatist ideology.……  相似文献   

China is playing a crucial role in the Obama administration's attempt to build a "multi-partner world" based on cooperation and shared responsibilities. In light of the profound geo-economic transformations of 2008-2009, the United States has little choice but to strive for partnership, especially with the country that is Washington's major creditor. Obama's foreign policy approach, however, goes beyond a mere pragmatic adaptation to the new realities and constitutes a unique window of opportunity for the establishment of an unprecedented level of U.S.-China cooperation. From a European perspective, the positive evolution in U.S.-China cooperation has been welcomed as a key contribution to the resolution of the global problems confronting the planet. The European Union has nevertheless reacted with apprehension to the suggestions by American commentators for the creation of a U.S.-China "G-2". That issue was discussed at the EU-China Summit underlines the seriousness of the proposal and serves, in itself, as a significant indicator of the great transformation of intemational relations characterizing the years 2008-2009.  相似文献   

The ongoing U. S. -Iraq war is the focus of various governments, peoples and media of the world. Analyses can be made from different angles. I want to discuss the influence of the U. S. -Iraq war on current and future world system and international system. The U. S. -Iraq war is not a war in a traditional sense, but the first comprehensive war in the new century, involving military, political, e  相似文献   

The "Silk Road" is a general term used to geographically describe ancient Chinese exchanges between Asia, Europe and Africa in the areas of politics, economics and culture. Starting on land and developing on sea, the "Silk Road" is a vehicle of historic importance for the dissemination of culture. The ancient maritime Silk Road was developed under political and economic backgrounds and was the result of cooperative efforts from ancestors of both the East and West. China's proposal to build a 21st Century Maritime Silk Road is aimed at exploring the unique values and concepts of the ancient road, enriching it with new meaning for the present era and actively developing economic partnerships with countries situated along the route. Specifically, the proposal seeks to further integrate current cooperation in order to achieve positive effects.  相似文献   

As a consequence of rapid advancement of science and technology and economic globalization proceeding in depth in recent years, significant changes are taking place in the structure of the world economy. Most salient of all is the surge of emerging economies. The "BRIC"--Brazil, Russia, India and China--are experiencing rapid economic development and integrating themselves with the global economic system at an accelerating pace. This will not only have a powerful impact in the fields of economy, trade, finance, science and technology and culture across the world, but also significantly transfot-m the global balance of national economies. In his article carried in a recent issue of the U.S. Newsweek, Fareed Zakaria, Editor-in-Chief of the magazine's overseas edition, describes the three great power shifts over the past six centuries: The first one was the rise of the Western World around the 15m century; the second one, which took place in the closing years of the 19th century, was the rise of the United States; and the third is the current shift characterized by the rise of emerging powers other than the United States, which will usher in a "post-U.S. era".  相似文献   

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