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中国—东盟自由贸易区的建成,给中国—东盟博览会的发展带来了新的机遇,其作为中国与东盟国家政治外交平台、经贸促进平台和区域合作平台的作用将进一步凸现.本文认为应站在战略发展的高度,围绕自由贸易区的发展,锐意创新,着力塑造具有国际影响力的会展品牌,提升中国—东盟博览会服务中国—东盟自由贸易区发展的战略平台作用.  相似文献   

一、世纪盛会及其潜在风险落户于南宁的中国—东盟博览会,是我国与东南亚10国政府领导人达成的、在2010年将建成的中国—东盟自由贸易区的前奏和组成部分,旨在促进本地区经济、贸易、技术、旅游、文化教育等的交流与合作,加快中国—东盟自由贸易区的建设,实现本地区的共同繁荣与发展。2003年10月,我国政府决定将中国—东盟博览会永久落户于广西南宁。这是党中央、国务院高瞻远瞩的英明战略决策;是振兴广西经济、实现跨越式发展,建设南宁国际会展城及商贸旅游名城的重大历史机遇;也是一个千载难逢的历史性的国际盛会。可以预见,随之而来的巨…  相似文献   

中国-东盟博览会的效应分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
中国—东盟博览会产生的背景是 :中国—东盟自由贸易区的建设刚刚起步 ,需要有一个为各成员国开展贸易、投资和经济技术合作提供交流的平台 ,以此增进各方的交流和合作 ,促进自由贸易区的发展。广西独特的区位优势使之成为双向沟通中国与东盟各国人流、物流等的中心枢纽 ,利用广西可以兼顾我国内地和东盟各国两大市场 ,因而南宁市成为令人瞩目的一年一度的博览会长期会址。博览会定址南宁 ,是南宁也是广西新世纪的重大发展机遇。对广西而言 ,中国—东盟博览会的魅力 ,或者说其产生的效应主要体现在如下几方面。一、带动广西经济跨越式发展的…  相似文献   

钟颖 《东南亚纵横》2005,(10):61-64
中国-东盟博览会是中国和东盟10国共同举办的经贸盛会,其永久落户南宁并成功举办首届,产生了积极的国际影响和可观的社会、经济效益,从城建、旅游、文化等多方面促进了南宁以至整个广西经济的发展。随着中国-东盟自由贸易区(CAFTA)形成步伐的加快,以中国-东盟博览会为龙头的会展活动将带动广西会展业的兴旺发  相似文献   

2007年,中国-东盟博览会获得“2007年中国十大最具影响力的国家级品牌展会”称号。第四届中国-东盟博览会举行了26场投资推介活动,共签订国际经济合作项目182个,总投资61.5亿美元,比上届增长5.3%。签约项目规模更大,在182个国际经济合作项目中,超亿美元的项目18个,比上届多4个。经过几年的发展,中国-东盟博览会更加专业、更加务实、更加成熟。作为广西会展业的品牌,  相似文献   

近年来,随着中国-东盟博览会在会展业中的异军突起,它的展示、贸易及信息交流等功能都得到了极大的发挥和提升,而博览会作为企业竞争情报的主要信息源也逐步成为企业获得竞争情报,把握商业机遇的重要平台。众所周知,中国一东盟博览会(以下简称博览会)是一个综合性、国际性的会展,它集商品贸易、投资合作、服务贸易、高层论坛、文化交流于一体,  相似文献   

中国—东盟自由贸易区的建设刚刚起步,需要有一个为各成员国开展贸易、投资和经济技术合作提供交流的平台,以此增进各方的交流与合作,促进自由贸易区的发展。广西独特的区位优势使之成为双向沟通中国与东盟人流、物流等的中心枢纽,利用广西可以兼顾我国内地和东盟各国两大市场。2003年10月8日,温家宝总理在第七次中国—东盟领导人会议上倡议在广西南宁举办中国—东盟博览会,得到东盟各国的认同并达成共识,决定从2004年起每年在南宁举办中国—东盟博览会。2004年11月6日,首届中国—东盟博览会圆满落幕。一、平台效应带来多方共赢中国—东盟博…  相似文献   

中国-东盟博览会会址永久落户广西南宁,广西目前办展的主要方式是在博览会前由各级政府、组织、协会组织团组、人员到东盟各国宣传招商参展。在博览会开办之初这种办法是必要的,可以让东盟各国、乃至亚洲和世界各国政要、商家关注博览会、参与博览会、利用博览会,促进经济全球化和区域一体化的发展,造福人类。但笔者认为从政府的功能、经济的规律、商家的持久积极性等方面来分析,  相似文献   

在中国与东盟合作不断深化的背景下,广西与东盟的文化交流合作也快速拓展。本文在论述国际文化合作研究价值与意义的基础上,分析了广西与东盟文化交流合作的成效、发展特点及存在的问题。鉴于国际文化交流与合作仍将继续拓展和深化,区域一体化进程中文化、经济互动趋势将日趋明显,故广西应发挥自身的优势,进一步加强与东盟的文化交流合作,服务中国—东盟命运共同体建设。  相似文献   

中国-东盟博览会在南宁举办的条件分析及其启示   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
国务院总理温家宝于2003年10月在第七次中国与东盟领导人会议上提出:"为促进双方商界合作,中方建议从2004年起,每年在广西南宁举办中国-东盟博览会."这无疑有助于深化中国与东盟的经贸关系,促进共同发展,推动中国-东盟自由贸易区的建设.举办中国-东盟博览会,对于南宁市而言,更是具有打造经济新平台,提供开放新契机,塑造城市新现象,实现发展新跨越重要而又深远的战略意义.当然,博览会的举办并不会天然地一夜之间给南宁带来繁荣,对南宁自身条件的优劣要有正确的认识与分析,扬长避短,兴利除弊,并在此基础上制定正确的战略策略,才能从容应对中国-东盟博览会在南宁举办的新机遇、新挑战,将潜在的会展优势转化为现实的经济优势.  相似文献   

Initially the anarchists did not call for terrorism, but by the 1880s, it erupted as the result of harsh socio-economic conditions in Europe and America, regional and national traditions of social warfare and justified regicide, government repression of more peaceful and organized forms of protest and labor activity, the spellbinding examples of the Paris Commune and the assassination of Tsar Alexander II, the invention of dynamite and anarchist incitement to ‘propaganda by the deed’. These ignited chain reactions of social protest, repression and revenge. While the number of assassinated heads of state and government, and of monarchs of major countries was unprecedented, the anarchists, outside of Spain, killed relatively few people. Nonetheless, the anarchists’ desire for dramatic signs of vindication, the authorities’ and the public's fears of a vast anarchist conspiracy and the media's hunger for sensational news combined to create the mirage of a powerful terrorist movement sweeping through nations and across the world.  相似文献   

The upsurge in the use of economic sanctions in the post-Cold War era has prompted much scholarly and policy debate over their effectiveness and humanitarian consequences. Remarkably little attention, however, has been devoted to their criminalizing consequences and legacy for the post-sanctions period. In this article, I develop an analytical framework identifying and categorizing the potential criminalizing effects of sanctions across place (within and around the targeted country) and time (during and after the sanctions period), and apply and evaluate this framework through an in-depth examination of the case of Yugoslavia. For comparative leverage and to assess the applicability of the argument beyond the Yugoslavia case, the analysis is briefly extended to other cases both within and outside the Balkans (Croatia and Iraq). The article suggests that sanctions can unintentionally contribute to the criminalization of the state, economy, and civil society of both the targeted country and its immediate neighbors, fostering a symbiosis between political leaders, organized crime, and transnational smuggling networks. This symbiosis, in turn, can persist beyond the lifting of sanctions, contributing to corruption and crime and undermining the rule of law. The article is one of the first efforts to integrate the study of sanctions and transnational crime, and suggests that the criminalized collateral damage from sanctions and its post-sanctions legacy should be made a more central part of the evaluation of sanctions.  相似文献   

陈顺  陈才 《东北亚论坛》2005,14(5):41-45
吉林市是典型的以重化工业为主的东北老工业基地城市,我国由于计划经济长期的体制性和结构性等深层次矛盾的积累和显现,使其在结构转型进程中困难重重。在东北老工业基地调整与改造过程中,为使其摆脱困境,只有以国有企业改革为突破口,激发国有企业的活力,大力发展民营经济,扭转产业中结构重工业过重、轻工业过轻的不合理状况,才能激活吉林市的地方经济活力,解决众多下岗职工的再就业等一系列问题,突破国有企业产业结构转型的障碍,使国有企业与经济转型并进。  相似文献   

2019年6月6日中国国家主席习近平和俄罗斯总统普京在莫斯科共同签署的《中华人民共和国和俄罗斯联邦关于发展新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系的联合声明》中提到,要推动中俄北极可持续发展合作,在遵循沿岸国家权益基础上扩大北极航道开发利用以及北极地区基础设施、资源开发、旅游、生态环保等领域合作。为深入开展北极合作研究,2019年10月21日,吉林大学北极研究所等主办、《东北亚论坛》编辑部等协办了"北极合作与冰上丝绸之路建设研讨会暨中俄海洋论坛"。本刊选取了其中5位学者的文章,重点阐述中俄北极合作和海洋安全保障、北方海航道的地缘政治基础、国际数字化运输走廊的开发和信息化、投融资体系、东北亚国家战略协调等方面的问题,并提出应对策略,以期为我国参与北极开发、促进中俄北极合作提供理论支撑和决策参考。  相似文献   

吴心伯 《国际问题研究》2020,(2):20-32,134,135
特朗普政府谋求从根本上重构中美关系,重置对华政策的前提与目标、框架与内涵、手段与方式,其所采取的一系列举措涉及面广、颠覆性强,严重削弱了中美战略互信,破坏了两国关系的重要基础,扭转了双边关系的发展方向,加剧了两国关系的紧张、摩擦与动荡,使两国走向对抗与冲突的风险显著上升。与此同时,特朗普政府重构中美关系的努力也受到多种因素制约,这使其实现对华政策目标的能力大打折扣。随着政治经济形势发展变化,美国对华政策还将出现新的调整,中美关系的发展仍然具有很大可塑性。对中国来说,以稳健的实力增长为支撑,以合理的利益交换为出发点,以适合时代潮流的对外政策为工具,致力于塑造良性竞争、互利共赢的中美关系,是当下和今后对美政策的基本思路。  相似文献   

苏东剧变结束了二战以来的雅尔塔体制,也结束了冷战秩序。震荡之后,世界在经济和科技的发展带动之下,开启了真正意义的全球化大门,不再有两个阵营之间的固定壁垒,取而代之的是世界上的任何国际行为主体间都有了交流与合作的自由。国际社会体系的这种重大而深刻的变革对世界新秩序的形成造成了极大的冲击,各种力量重新调整彼此之间的关系,探索自身发挥影响所能达到的限度,寄希望于在新的世界秩序中占据有利地位。正是在这样一个格局转变的时刻,国家对于利益的追求方式也在做出新的选择。  相似文献   

This article integrates institutional and rational choice approaches to policy making to explain the emergence of delegative democracy in presidential systems. Delegative democracy, in essence, is a polyarchy which violates the rules and norms that secure the checks on the effective political power of democratically elected presidents at the horizontal level of the relations of the executive, legislature and judiciary. The article argues that delegative democracy is the result of the interaction of two variables: the strength and types of presidents' legislative powers and the configuration of institutional and partisan veto players. Strong, proactive legislative powers and weak veto players permit presidents to establish a delegative democracy; weak, reactive legislative powers and strong veto players hamper the emergence of delegative democracy. This general assumption explains why presidentialism in South Korea and in the Philippines developed in different directions in the 1980s and 1990s. The analysis shows that in case of moderate legislative powers of the president, the number, coherence and ideological distance of partisan veto players becomes particularly important. It suggests that studies of democratic regimes should give special emphasis to the rules regulating the distribution of legislative powers between presidents and parliaments and the configuration of veto players.  相似文献   

Even before 1865, it was an axiom that British foreign policy was designed and pursued to ensure international stability. Stability not only gave security to the British Isles and to its global Empire; it minimized disruptions to trade and commerce - the life-blood of 'Great' Britain. In the century after 1865, the pursuit of international stability remained at the heart of diplomatic initiatives supported by capable armed forces and a strong economy. The grand strategy by which successive British governments endeavoured to achieve these national and imperial ends involved the maintenance of a balance of power - both in Europe and in the wider world where the protection of British interests in the form of prestige, markets, strategic outposts, and lines of communication preoccupied cabinets, the Foreign Office, the service ministries, other departments of state, and, sometimes, public opinion. In one sense, there were a number of individual balances of power - in Western Europe, in the western and eastern Mediterranean, in the Western Hemisphere, in South Asia, and in the Far East and Pacific Ocean. In the British diplomatic parlance of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, these balances were represented as 'questions', like the 'Eastern Question'; and the answers to these questions combined in the minds of those responsible for British foreign policy as representing a global balance of power. In this context, the European balance of power had decided importance because any continental disequilibrium could imperil the security of the home islands, the centre of the Empire, and the well-being of Britain's people and economy.  相似文献   

本文以哈萨克政治中的精英为研究对象,以历史脉络为线索,对哈萨克精英的形成过程、组成方式等进行分析,并探讨哈萨克社会转型与精英变迁之间的关系.在哈萨克汗国成立至今的五百多年间,哈萨克社会经历了两轮根本性的政治和社会转型,即苏维埃时期的社会主义化与独立后的资本主义化.而哈萨克精英则在此转型过程当中经历了三轮演变、两轮危机与...  相似文献   

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