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张效琴 《学理论》2009,(9):110-111
近一段时间以来,出现了几起由于公安机关监管不力或由于公安民警的刑讯逼供引起三名犯罪嫌疑人先后死亡的案例。每一起案件的发生,都引起了社会各界的高度关注,公安机关在行使权力,特别是针对犯罪嫌疑人时,应如何对待他们,应如何保障他们的人身权利不受非法的侵害成为关注的焦点。每一个公民,包括犯罪嫌疑人,都享有人身权,享有人身自由权和身体健康权,任何人、任何机关不得非法侵害,这也是我国宪法所规定的。保护每一个人所享有的各种权利,更是每一国家机关包括公安机关在内的重要职责。  相似文献   

私有财产权在公民享有的所有权利中占有重要地位,它是实现生命权、自由权等权利的物质基础。保护私有财产权是中外各国宪法的一项基本内容。本文拟从宪法对私有财产权保障的三重结构对我国宪法与外国宪法作一比较分析,以推动我国宪法对公民私有财产权保护的进一步完善。  相似文献   

农民权利就是农民基于其农民身份而享有的权利。与私法的消极维护相比,公法的功能在于积极的保护。宪法的静态规制功能是赋予农民权利以平等保护的前提,行政法的动态调整功能是给予农民权利以倾斜性保护的条件;农民权利的享有和行使是对宪法合理性的证成,其享有和行使的程度是行政法价值的体现。  相似文献   

许志 《理论导刊》2004,(10):42-45
迁徙自由是近代民主宪政条件下公民一项重要的宪法权利,自近代宪法确认公民的这一权利以来,逐步得到世界大多数国家的认同。由于种种原因,我国现行宪法并没有规定这一权利,并且在现实中,这一权利还受到户籍等制度的极大限制。在市场经济蓬勃发展的今天,在宪法中恢复公民的这一基本权利,不仅是一种必然要求,而且具有可行性。  相似文献   

不得强迫自证其罪特权探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不得强迫自证其罪特权是一切崇尚法治的国家所必须坚持的刑事司法准则,也是法治国家公民所享有的重要的宪法权利.自美国宪法正式规定不得强迫自证其罪特权以来,在世界范围内犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的诉讼地位及诉讼能力已经有了实质性的提高.正在进行法治国家建设的中国同样有必要确立这一特权规则.为此应当废除中国刑事诉讼法中犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的如实供述义务,建立和完善与不得强迫自证其罪特权有关的配套规则,同时在宪法上将这一特权正式确立为公民的宪法权利.  相似文献   

现代公民就是培养依据宪法和法律规定,享有权利、履行义务,积极主动参与社会公共生活的责权主体.它代表了社会公共生活中的权利和义务身份,使每一个人做有尊严的公共生活主体.然而由于历史的惯性和现实的制约,培育现代公民进而构建公民社会尚是我国亟待解决的问题.培育现代公民应该从树立公民意识、拓展公共传媒领域、培育企业公民和NGO发展及学校公民教育等方面入手.  相似文献   

陈多旺 《学理论》2014,(20):96-98
农民权利系农民基于城乡二元制度所定位之农民身份而享有。农民的身份性也为今天给予农民权利以公法保护提供了客观基础。公法具有不可消解的内部张力,这是推动公法发展的内在动力,也是公法之所以能够为农民权利提供与社会发展相适应的法律保护的原动力。宪法的静态规制功能是赋予农民权利以平等保护的前提,行政法的动态调整功能是给予农民权利以倾斜性保护的条件;农民权利的享有和行使是宪法的价值追求,其享有和行使的程度是行政法价值的体现。  相似文献   

史彤彪 《团结》2006,(4):40-41
农民权益,是指农村居民作为国家公民依法享有的各种权利和应得的利益。农民权益包括政治权利、经济权益和社会权益。目前,我国已形成以宪法为核心,以农业法、土地承包法和村民委员会组织法为重要组成部分的保障农民权益的法律体系。《宪法》。作为中华人民共和国公民,农民享有《中华人民共和国宪法》规定的公民所享有的所有权利。《中华人民共和国农业法》。《农业法》第九章专设《农民权益保护》一章内容来保障农民在农业生产中的权益尤其是经济权益,该章主要内容有:(1)农民有权拒绝没有法律、法规依据的收费,有权拒绝没有法律、法规、规章…  相似文献   

略论我国公务员的检举权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公务员拥有三种法律身份,即普通公民法律身份、公务员法律身份、公务人法律身份,因此就有三种检举权的可能.一名公务员作为公务员法律身份、公务人法律身份,他不享有检举权,而作为公民法律身份则享有此权利,且这一权利受到三重法律身份义务的限制.  相似文献   

殷素梅 《学理论》2009,(6):23-24
本文以公民基本权利的分析入手,论及“文化”已成为公民权利和义务讨论的新维度,已成为等级划爱和身份认同的新维度。文章指出,公民文化权利的确立不仅应强调政府对公民依法享有的诸多文化权利的有,保障,还应诉求公民在参与文化、消费文化、创造文化和保存文化等各方面的责任和义务。由此,教育的责无宴贷、文化观念的转变、文化政策的引导成为从公民文化权利的确立到文化公民身份认同的关键环节。  相似文献   

Claims to human rights protection made by displaced persons are displaced from the universe of humanity and rendered ineffective by the geopolitical character of modern international human rights law, in favour of the protection of citizens' rights claims. In response, there is increasing interest in leveraging respect for and protection of the rights of displaced persons through extension of the rights enjoyed and supposedly borne by emplaced citizens. However, it is a mistake to assume that humans as citizens bear human rights or that the freedoms that they may be able to extend beyond state boundaries are universalisable. The extension of the right to citizenship functions to displace questions of human rights themselves. The question of the human in rights is in fact always displaced, as long as the human subject is acted upon as if it could possess rights. In paying attention to the critical perspectives with which displaced persons confront the citizen, she or he may come to appreciate the fact that the universality of human rights is served where one does not claim to have rights but, rather, actively engages, without limits, with others in the struggle for rights and their respect.  相似文献   

Although the question of whether constitutional rights matter is of great theoretical and practical importance, little is known about whether constitutional rights impact government behavior. In this article, we test the effectiveness of six political rights. We hypothesize that a difference exists between organizational rights—most notably, the rights to unionize and form political parties—and individual rights. Specifically, we suggest that organizational rights increase de facto rights protection because they create organizations with the incentives and means to protect the underlying right, which renders these rights self‐enforcing. Such organizations are not necessarily present to protect individual rights, which could make individual rights less effective. We test our theory using a variety of statistical methods on a data set of constitutional rights for 186 countries. The results support our theory: Organizational rights are associated with increased de facto rights protection, while individual rights are not.  相似文献   

警察权力观是人们关于警察权力的认知、评价和情感体验,是人们在对警察权力理解的基础上所形成的意向和决策思想,警察权力观如何在很大程度上制约和影响着警察权力在实践中的运用和行使。受制于传统文化理念、行政体制等因素影响,我国传统警察权力观不可避免或多或少地烙上人治、专制、等级等印迹,严重影响和制约了和谐社会的建设。因而,对其予以反思、梳理和革新,建构符合现代法治要求的,具有人权保护、法律至上、自然正义等新型警察权力理念,就显得非常必要和富有现代价值。  相似文献   

Migrant workers claims for greater protection in a globalized world are typically expressed either in the idiom of international human rights or citizenship. Instead of contrasting these two normative frames, the paper explores the extent to which human rights and citizenship discourses intersect when it comes to claims by migrant workers. An analysis of the international human and labour rights instruments that are specifically designed for migrant workers reveals how neither discourse questions the assumption of territorial state sovereignty. Drawing upon sociological and political approaches to human rights claims, I evaluate the Arendtian-inspired critique of international human rights, which is that they ignore the very basis ‘right to have rights’. In doing so, I discuss the different dimensions of citizenship and conclude that international rights can be used by migrant workers to assert right claims that reinforce a conception of citizenship that, although different from national citizenship, has the potential to address their distinctive social location.  相似文献   

Post-9/11, and especially with the dramatic rise of Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the author advocates a collective right to security. Plotting a course through state absolutism and liberalism, one finds communitarianism as a philosophy to support this right to security. The communitarian right to security is based on an interpretation of European human rights law, particularly positive duties of the state, to protect the rights to life of individuals from violations by non-state actors such as suspected terrorists. But for reasons of practical enforcement, limitations to the exercise of the right are also articulated.  相似文献   

This special issue was written to reflect on the current role of human rights in the United Kingdom, seventy years after the United Nations General Assembly voted in favour of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Human rights are explored by the authors in this issue from a wide variety of perspectives. Some authors are critical of the failure of the state to implement human rights principles in practice; others lament how human rights often appear of little relevance to most people’s lives in the UK. The overall message, however, remains consistent: a human rights framework brings many positive elements to our country, ensuring it is a society where individuals, no matter their actions or characteristics, are treated with dignity.  相似文献   

Why do some countries have constitutional environmental rights while others do not? In this paper, I conduct statistical analyses to respond to this inquiry. Through studying the impact of intraregional constitutional design, I aim to understand why states adopt environmental rights. I argue that regional isomorphism—i.e., the tendency among states within a region to converge on certain policies—may explain the trend toward constitutionalization of environmental rights. In this paper I (1) define and provide historical background on environmental rights, (2) describe theories which support regional isomorphism as a means of explaining the adoption of constitutional environmental rights, and (3) conduct statistical tests to determine the validity of the regional isomorphism thesis. I find that the enactment of constitutional environmental rights within a region does not increase the likelihood that another state within the same region will include environmental rights within its constitution.  相似文献   

Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) states that ‘everyone has the right to life’. This right is contained in all human rights treaties that developed from the UDHR, including the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Yet, as we argue, the UK government is failing to protect this right when it comes to certain groups of people under probation supervision. To date, human rights legislation has failed adequately to protect these vulnerable individuals and to hold the state to account. This article explores the greater potential for using human rights legislation to ensure better accountability in this area.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper posits that countries with a constitutional right to social security that can be enforced by courts via judicial review will show patterns of spending on social security that are distinct from countries with other constitutional and judicial arrangements. Governments in countries with enforceable rights will be constrained to spend more on transfer programs to avoid censure from the courts. The hypotheses are tested using data from 22 OECD countries using time–series cross–section analysis. The results show that enforceable rights are associated with higher growth rates in social security spending and lower fluctuation in expenditures on social programs, although the amount of GDP spent on social transfers is unaffected by rights. These results are consistent with the idea that governments' spending habits are constrained by positive rights, but rebut the argument that rights lead to economic distortions.  相似文献   

This article seeks to demonstrate, largely from practitioners’ perspectives, the growing evolution in understanding and implementation of meaningful human rights standards within the policing context. In the early 2000s, human rights were perceived and treated as a rather restrictive framework in UK policing. They are now more readily seen as a set of tools that guide and help the police to balance the views and interests of all parties to the criminal justice process. Human rights values enable police in the UK to better endeavour to do the right thing, ‘without fear or favour’.  相似文献   

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