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当前,阿富汗正在经历重大变局.阿富汗塔利班(阿塔)成功卷土重来,并且完成临时政府组建.尽管仍有多重挑战,但阿塔执政已不存在根本性威胁.这引发阿富汗地缘政治格局和地区安全形势的深度调整.在地缘政治格局方面,整体呈现"美国西方影响力下降,地区国家影响力上升"这一"东升西降"趋势.美国正在从"局内人"变为"局外人",但仍将发...  相似文献   

胡娟 《东南亚》2009,(3):29-33
2009年3月,美国总统奥巴马宣布了新的“阿富汗和巴基斯坦战略”,该战略有两个显著特点,一个特点是将巴基斯坦因素纳入到新战略框架中,另一特点是大量增兵阿富汗。阿富汗与中国相邻,其国内安全形势对中国西部边境地区的安全有着重要影响。  相似文献   

Pakistan faces many problems. The struggle over the country's Islamic dimension is undecided. Pakistan continues to be a hotbed of Islamic fervor. As evidenced by the frequent interruptions of civilian rule by military regimes the country is not sure which course to follow. Violence has become Pakistan's trademark. The jihadi culture is frightening. Poverty and underdevelopment are wide spread. The educational system is a mess. Integration of the different ethnicities has not been completed. Enmity characterizes the relationship to India, mistrust that to Afghanistan. Its nuclear weapons capability is looked upon with suspicion by Western countries. Fundamental changes will only be possible if Pakistan finds its way to democracy.  相似文献   

赵干城 《亚非纵横》2011,(5):1-6,59,61
2011年是奥巴马政府推行新的南亚战略的关键一年。从美国的观点来看,南亚之所以重要是因为反恐是美国的头号战略目标,但奥巴马政府上台后谋求一系列改变,美国选民也希望看到与小布什政府时期不同的战略,其中显然包括了反恐这一领域。对奥巴马来说,要实现其在上次大选所许的承诺,恐怕阿富汗是绕不过的一关,也是外界可能赖以评判其新战略的关键。在这个重要的时刻,美国军方果然不负当局的希望,于5月1日给华盛顿带来了击毙本·拉登的好消息。该消息的地缘政治效应扩散之际,奥巴马宣布了美军从阿富汗开始撤军,初步勾勒出美国的阿富巴战略。本文拟从此点切入,进而讨论中国和印度这两个本地区大国在维护地区稳定方面开展合作的前景。  相似文献   

巴阿边境地区历史上就是重要的鸦片产地,阿富汗目前是全球最大鸦片生产国和海洛因输出地,巴基斯坦则为阿富汗毒品输出的重要通道。塔利班和"基地"组织在该地区的活动,尤其是阿富汗境内安全局势与该地区的毒品生产和贩运紧密联系。该地区毒品生产和贩运既有地理、气候和经济原因,更有政治和历史文化原因。对该地区毒品生产和贩运进行研究,不仅有助于了解其对世界毒品市场的影响,也有助于研究塔利班和"基地"组织等恐怖极端势力的活动。  相似文献   


Western Muslims have joined jihadi groups in Afghanistan/Pakistan, Somalia and Syria to defend Islam from its perceived enemies. Transnational Islamist networks have played a pivotal role in bringing them to conflict zones by fulfilling three functions: radicalisation through mosques, radical preachers, and the Internet; recruitment which can be conducted either physically or digitally; and identity formation that provides the radicalised recruits with a larger cause to fight for as members of an imagined global community. Transnational Islamist networks are multifunctional entities on the rise.  相似文献   

Harsh V. Pant 《Orbis》2012,56(1):105-117
The risks to global security from a failure in Afghanistan are great. Abandoning the goal of establishing both a functioning Afghan state and a moderate Pakistan places greater pressure on Indian security. Pakistani intelligence would be emboldened to escalate terrorist attacks against India once it is satisfied that the Taliban would provide it strategic depth in Afghanistan. This would surely force retaliation from India.  相似文献   

美国调整南亚反恐战略:观察与预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国在阿富汗的反恐战争至今已逾7年,南亚地区的反恐局势依然十分严峻。奥巴马2009年1月就任新一届美国总统后,宣布了一系列针对阿富汗和巴基斯坦的新政策举措,在地区反恐的框架内与阿富汗、巴基斯坦和印度等国开展积极外交互动,美国针对南亚地区的反恐战略调整初现端倪。新政策包括在决策层面注重阿富汗与巴基嘶坦的整体关联,强调军事和民政努力齐头并进,关切印巴和平进程并试图扩大介入等。这些措施表明奥巴马政府力图摆脱目前的困境,推动反恐战争,但其实际效果、局限性和不确定因素仍值得继续观察。  相似文献   

2009年3月,奥巴马政府推出“阿巴新战略”,试图通过“阿巴并重”、“军民共进”、“打谈结合”等多重手段力推阿富汗安全形势好转。但新战略实施一年多来,不仅阿富汗局势未见明显好转,巴基斯坦安全形势亦日益恶化。南亚整体呈现暴恐势力“全球化”与“本土化”相互交织乱象,加之地区国家地缘政治博弈激化,南亚近期仍将面临巨大反恐压力。  相似文献   

This article examines, compares, and contrasts the ways in which “global jihadis” have trained for terrorism in Western Europe. Before the invasion of Afghanistan, the terrorists received training in Al Qaeda paramilitary camps. After invasion, they had to find alternative training methods and arenas. It is widely assumed that the Internet has taken over the role of the Afghan camps. The current survey suggests that the Internet's role as a “virtual training camp” might be overstated. Although the Net has become an important tool for terrorists on many levels, they maintain an urge to obtain real-life, military-style training in jihadi combat zones. Despite difficulties and risks, many of today's terrorists attend terrorist training facilities in Pakistan or other places. The main characteristic of training practices after the invasion of Afghanistan seems to be that, from an organizational perspective, the push for training and preparation comes from “below” rather than from “above.”  相似文献   

Diplomatic correspondence between Washington and the American Embassy in Islamabad published by the National Security Archive shows that during the last 35 years of the twentieth century American diplomacy toward Pakistan faced a mutually de-escalating relationship. Pakistan wanted American economic and military assistance as well as support in its conflicts with India. The United States was ready to aid Pakistan, but only so far as Islamabad respected American demands. These focused on containing Soviet influence in the region and, more recently, fighting al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The United States also asked Pakistan to refrain from manufacturing nuclear weapons. To enforce this policy, successive American administrations showered Pakistan with sanctions. These sanctions were lifted again and again, because they undercut American diplomatic influence with the Pakistani government. Washington did not intend to support Pakistan in its conflicts with India. Pakistan let down the United States by not using its leverage over the Taliban to capture Osama Bin Laden. Mistrust resulting from this roller coaster relationship should have warned American diplomats not to take Pakistan's support in the war in Afghanistan against al-Qaeda and the Taliban for granted.  相似文献   

张晓东 《东南亚》2009,(3):23-28
巴基斯坦和伊朗分别是南亚和西亚地区有着重要影响的国家。从巴基斯坦独立至20世纪结束,巴伊两国保持一种较为紧密的战略合作关系。尽管两国关系发展并非一帆风顺,也存在不少有争议的问题,但是,大部分时段内,共同的战略利益使得巴基斯坦与伊朗都致力于弥合他们之间的分歧,并努力加固联系彼此之间关系的纽带。考察巴基斯坦与伊朗两国关系的历史发展可以看出,保持一种密切的战略合作关系符合这两国的国家利益。  相似文献   

奥巴马在阿富汗战争问题上继承了布什的失误,将不具有连续性的恐怖主义和具有连续性的战争混为一谈,采取增兵阿富汗的方针,战争造成的死伤人数激增,美国已有半数以上的人反对这场战争。奥巴马又将战争扩大到巴基斯坦,遭到塔利班的疯狂报复,恐怖主义袭击遍及巴基斯坦各大城市,巴基斯坦形势恶化。在阿富汗启动和平进程,解决美国和北约撤军问题,成立联合政府,恢复阿富汗的和平与稳定,在巴基斯坦实现停战,是值得探索的出路。  相似文献   

陈利君 《亚非纵横》2012,(2):44-51,60,62
2011年,尽管南亚的热度不及中东北非、南海等问题,但仍然引起了世界的广泛关注。在这一年里,南亚主要国家政局基本保持稳定,经济保持快速发展的势头,大国外交、地区外交活跃,但通货膨胀严重、社会发展滞后。反恐不仅未给南亚带来和平与稳定的社会环境,反而给巴基斯坦和阿富汗的社会安全局势增添了许多问题。2012年在全球经济前景不明朗的大背景下,南亚经济快速发展的势头可能会受到影响。  相似文献   

试析巴基斯坦参与阿富汗重建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自美国发动阿富汗战争以来,阿国内局势一直动荡不安,这给巴基斯坦的经济、政治、外交战略及安全局势都造成了严重影响。为尽快恢复阿富汗的和平与稳定,巴通过提供经济援助、增强战略互信以及加强反恐合作等方式积极参与阿富汗重建,并取得一定成效。同时,巴积极参与阿富汗重建对巴自身以及巴阿、巴美及巴印关系都产生了影响。此外,由于巴国内经济形势恶化、安全局势欠佳等因素,巴积极参与阿富汗重建也面临诸多困难和挑战。  相似文献   

Since the turn of the millennium, scholars and pundits have been musing over the decline of the West. The disappointing US military invasions in Afghanistan and Iraq, together with the subprime mortgage crisis, seem to be evidence of an abrupt end to America's ‘unipolar’ moment. In Europe, the sovereign debt crisis has amplified Europe's long-term structural economic problems and laid bare the fragile institutional foundation on which the Economic and Monetary Union was built. At the same time, the BRICs and other emerging economies have been growing at unprecedented rates. Those same analysts see a ‘decoupling’ in the world economy: the developing economies pulling the world out of recession, while the advanced industrial economies are unable to solve their domestic difficulties. So to them, the events of the past five years signify the beginning of the end of Western influence, eventually leading to a more complete rebalancing of the world economy's current ‘Western’ system of governance. This article argues instead that the West still has a significant edge when it comes to most critical factors that determine long-term economic growth potential, including technology, innovative capacity, research and development, investment climate and education. Furthermore, the transatlantic economy is less vulnerable than the rest of the world to outside economic shocks and might eventually prove more capable of reform than many expect. The current malaise in the transatlantic community might therefore prove once again to be more cyclical than structural. Relying on linear projections, many are ‘crying wolf’ again, too loud and too soon.  相似文献   

Although not unexpected, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was still largely a shock to the West. It was the first time since the Second World War that the Soviets had directly intervened in a country outside the Warsaw Pact. Despite the intervention eventually being seen as Moscow's ‘Vietnam’ the West was initially unsure about what the invasion meant for stability in the region or the future conduct of East–West relations. In response to the crisis the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) proposed that Afghanistan revert to a neutral and non-aligned status in an attempt to create the basis for a viable political settlement, one that would allow the Soviet Union to withdraw troops without losing face. It launched the proposal in early 1980, lobbying other countries to support and champion the idea, culminating in a visit to Moscow by the Foreign Secretary, Lord Carrington, in July 1981. In this early phase of Soviet intervention the British proposals were premature but not without merit. They anticipated the strategy the Soviets would eventually adopt in their attempt to achieve an orderly withdrawal.  相似文献   

After having participated in the civil war and later ruled Afghanistan in the 1990s, the current Taliban have a third life as insurgents against the Afghan government and its foreign supporters. Their aim is to return to power and establish an Islamic system. Pakistani shelter and support, guerrilla warfare, and terrorist tactics allowed the Neo-Taliban to extend their influence, particularly to the south and east of Afghanistan. They used the weakness of the Hamid Karzai regime to set up shadow governments. Since even the coalition forces have abandoned the aim of defeating them, the Taliban are guaranteed survival after foreign combat troops leave Afghanistan at the end of 2014. Due to the different interests of the main stakeholders—the Afghan government, the Taliban, the United States, and Pakistan—it is unlikely that the conflict will end by negotiations any time soon. Thus, the civil war will continue. When the Taliban try to extend their reach beyond rural areas and into non-Pashtun districts, they will meet tough resistance. Therefore, it is likely that the fragmentation of Afghanistan will persist and that the Taliban will not return as rulers of a united Afghanistan.  相似文献   

This article assesses the scope and nature of the current terrorist threat to the United States and suggests a strategy to counter it. Al-Qaeda continues to pose the most serious terrorist threat to the U.S. today. If the September 11, 2001 attacks have taught us anything, it is that al-Qaeda is most dangerous when it has a sanctuary or safe haven from which to plan and plot attacks. Al-Qaeda has acquired such a sanctuary in Pakistan's Federal Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and its North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) and surrounding environs. Accordingly, the highest priority for the new American presidential administration must be to refocus our—and our allies'—attention on Afghanistan and Pakistan, where al-Qaeda began to collapse after 2001, but has now re-grouped. This will entail understanding that al-Qaeda and its local militant jihadi allies cannot be defeated by military means alone. Success will require a dual strategy of systematically destroying and weakening enemy capabilities—that is, continuing to kill and capture al-Qaeda commanders and operatives—along with breaking the cycle of terrorist recruitment among radicalized “bunches of guys” as well as more effectively countering al-Qaeda's effective information operations. The U.S. thus requires a strategy that harnesses the overwhelming kinetic force of the American military as part of a comprehensive vision to transform other, non-kinetic instruments of national power in order to deal more effectively with irregular and unconventional threats. This article first discusses the scope and details of the terrorist threat today and then proposes a counterterrorism strategy for the new presidential administration. It focuses first on creating a micro approach to address the deteriorating situation in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. It then considers the requirements of a broader macro strategy to counter terrorism and insurgency.  相似文献   

Convincing the Pakistani military to focus its attention on the Afghan Taliban and associated groups has so far proved unsuccessful. The Obama administration's reliance on economic incentives and regional peace initiatives, such as a dialogue with India on Kashmir, has failed to deliver tangible results. Instead, India's footprint within Afghanistan has expanded, leaving Pakistani elites ever more anxious. Balancing Indian and Pakistani interests in South Asia remains a top priority for Western governments, and most importantly the US. In the current milieu this will require shifting Western bureaucratic focus from the age old and seemingly intractable Kashmir dispute to maintaining the peace within Afghanistan. This article outlines why this shift should be considered, and how the India--Pakistan trust deficit might be bridged.  相似文献   

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